In Too Deep (The Lovers Duet)

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In Too Deep (The Lovers Duet) Page 13

by Chardou, Selene

  “If no one has any questions then this meeting is finished. Trey, Ronan, Hardy, Linx—I need you fellas to stay behind. We need to iron out some shit the other guys don’t have nothin’ to do with.” Dizzy banged the gavel and everyone left except for the men asked to remain in the chapel.

  This was the scary part for Linx because he didn’t know what Dizzy would ask from him since he wasn’t a full time member. He held the same status as Jaden Cox and Kasper Gillian. They basically paid their father to not be involved. If something major ever went down at the clubhouse, they had plausible deniability. They were members of a Motorcycle Club but had no dealings with the day to day operations nor were they sure what kind of business the Saints were involved in.

  Linx would be willing to pay the dues. He had plenty of liquid wealth thanks to his brother—who also happened to be his attorney—and he had generous amounts of stock in Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Target and Starbucks. He was not hurting financially and the amount of money he paid Cassidy was a pittance in comparison to how much he was worth.

  He stared at Dizzy with an acute expectation while trying to keep calm, cool and collective but the daggers his brother-in-law shot at him was enough to make him think everything wasn’t as copacetic as he would have liked the situation to be at this point.

  “Lennon, you did good. I didn’t have much expectations from you—bein’ a rock star and all. I mean, just look at my other two sons. Kaelan—aka Jaden—is buried neck deep in pussy and can’t make a simple fookin’ decision on whether he should be with the mother of his child or some drug-addicted whore. Her havin’ money don’t mean shite. She’s no better than the skanks crawlin’ ‘round this club when the old ladies aren’t here to kick their sorry asses to the curb.

  “Kaz is…well, he got lucky. He’s got a good woman he treated like shit and she’s decided to take him back and make her an honest woman. That’s a good thing because I don’t particularly care for illegitimate grandchildren. God knows I’ve made some mistakes in my life…got kids all over the place by different women. I was never a decent human being or an ordinary fookin’ criminal. Just some piece of shit who came to the new country and got lucky, tis all. I count my blessings and this man right here…of all my kids, he’s the only one I could say without a doubt who would take a bullet for me.”

  Ronan opened his mouth to protest but Dizzy held his hand up. “Don’t you start, son. I love ya, you know that, but you ain’t Trey and his mam is the only woman I have ever truly been in love with. I wanted to marry her before yer mam came over but she was havin’ none of it. We both did wrong, cheatin’ on our spouses to get our son…but what’s done is done. Antoinette has moved on with her life and I’ve moved on with mine.”

  “Dad, I know you were shit father but you did what you had to do to survive, to keep food in our fuckin’ bellies, to build this club up to what it is now. I’m not complaining about that.” Ronan rested his palms on the table. “I want to thank you for respectin’ my wishes and lettin’ me leave Birch Tree. I want to go to L.A. with my uncle and we will clean up the club in Glendale. It has always been an honor to call you my father.”

  “Ya never disappointed me son. You fell in love with a fookin’ Fed and she wouldn’t leave your side for a minute. She’s a good woman. Do I wish she was Irish? I’d be lyin’ if I said no but that’s not the point. I can’t live my kid’s lives and you have to do what is best for you, you got that?”

  Ronan nodded before his eyes wandered across the table to Hardy.

  “I’m up for this, brother. London is dead as far as I’m concerned. I got no kids and no old lady…no one permanent anyway. I need a change and comin’ to the States is the best way I know how to do it. We’ll clean up Glendale and we’ll turn it into a club that rivals the fuckin’ mother charter. Ronan is fearless and he’s got a bit of a temper, yeah, but he also thinks on his feet and he’s the kind of VP I need behind me. He’s not a ‘yes’ man and I can’t stand that shit. He’ll be great and under us, that club will never be tits up again, you’ve got my word, brother.”

  “I know.” Dizzy turned to Trey. “We good here? You been lookin’ at Linx like you want to kill ‘em but just know he would do anything for your sister. I’ve tested his loyalty and he manned up. He became a member of a criminal organization to save you, Trey. He’s a rock star for fook’s sake—he didn’t have to do shit and then I would have known he was a fookin’ cunt hidin’ behind your sister’s skirt.

  “Stop glarin’ at him like he’s the enemy because he has gone the distance and done whatever was asked of him to protect Trista. He’s not only a good man but he’s also family and a fellow club member. I know you’re pissed Trista decided to go to the WKs that night but it was her choice and no one had to talk her into anything. Goddamn it if she doesn’t remind me of your mother and how stubborn she was when we were together.

  “A triple bypass puts life into perspective and I gotta say…I’m truly humbled you accepted the offer, Trey, and I am especially proud you allowed Cillian to keep his VP status. So, what happens now? You’re gonna settle in, properly mourn your old lady and then find a new one when the time is right. There’s no rush but I want ya to allow yourself to live more. We all make mistakes, even you.”

  Linx cleared his throat. “Will I have to pay a due to keep away from club activities? The less I know, the better.”

  Dizzy shook his head. “Your club duties have been fulfilled. No dues and no one from the Club will call on you again unless some major shit goes down. I’m sendin’ two of my best men with ya to keep your mind at ease. They will be watchin’ you and Trista, making sure you two settle back into your old lives. That sound good to you?”

  Linx closed his eyes and nodded his head in relief. “Yes, thank you.”

  “Now get outta here and give your wife a proper ‘welcome home’ gift. You all need to be up by five in the morning to make your eight o’clock flight back to L.A.”

  He smiled as the Prez’s expression was a thinly veiled smile bordering on a chuckle.

  “Well, you know me. I do my best to follow the orders I’ve been given.” Linx stood and left the room, closing the double doors behind him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I TRIED TO concentrate on reading but nothing held my attention. Instead, I finally gave up and listened to the demo for Winter Regret’s newest album, Delusions of Lost Love. I was absolutely obsessed with every track but my favorite, “Dying Love” sampled T.I.’s “Dead and Gone” and it was a perfect collaboration of hip-hop and hard rockin’ music that had been really hard to pull off but Talia did it brilliantly.

  I had to finally admit that Kris was just as much of a guitar genius as Jaden and Will had nothing on the beautiful bass work my hubby was capable of with just the right stroke of his pick. My cousin had done it. Winter’s Regret was officially just as talented as Scarlet Fever. Their new album, Nothing Lasts Forever, was a great album but it was obvious Jaden had written or co-written a lot of the album because it was maudlin and stirring but it didn’t exactly have me jumping up and down. It was the perfect album to commit suicide to if one was of that inclination.

  Delusions of Lost Love was haunting yet but I felt exhilarated after listening to it. Perhaps because it was all about survival and digging one’s self out of a hole, no matter how deep. More than anything, it was about triumph over one’s own personal demons, and I loved the message, even if it wasn’t appropriate for younger teens.

  Introspect Records was concerned about the loss of this “certainly lucrative demographic” and therefore, there would be a clean and an explicit version released. Unlike some artists who would just blank out the inappropriate language, Talia pulled a Bruno Mars and rewrote whole lines to make them youth friendly. The band had two of these tracks to finish recording before both albums would be released less than a week later.

  I was seriously into “Hurt Me Good” when the weight of the bed shifting had me turning over and looking Linx in the e
yes. His cornflower blues sparkled and he smiled at me.

  “What’s up?” I turned off my iPod Touch and set it on the dresser.

  “Listening to our demo again?” He pursed his lips and tried to give me a disapproving look I wasn’t buying for a minute.

  “Fuck off. It’s a good album and plus…there has to be some benefits to being married to a musician.” I unzipped his sweatshirt with the Saints symbol on the back, and discarded it from his body.

  “You mean besides the money, the fame and the fab houses?”

  I sat directly behind him on my hunches and slid my arms around his neck before I kissed his jaw. My breasts were pressed against his back and the sensation they produced was delicious.

  “You know none of that means anything to me. Is it nice? Of course it is but…I didn’t marry you to cash in on what you’ve earned and worked so hard to achieve. That’s not my style, you know that.”

  He turned towards me and easily had me on my back before I knew what had happened. “I know, babe. It’s club business and I can’t tell you what was discussed but…we’re free and clear. Ronan, Naomi and Hardy are coming back with us tomorrow. It has something to do with the Glendale charter but I told them it would be okay for them to stay with us for a couple of weeks.”

  “I don’t think that will be an issue.” I slipped his wife-beater off before I kissed his chest and licked his nipples. “It just means no sex in the kitchen…or the dining room…or the sitting room. And we should have the pool and Jacuzzi cleaned.”

  “For a week—two at the most.” He took my hand and pressed it against his ample erection before I unzipped his jeans and reached inside until my hand gripped the thick, veined flesh and began to stroke it ever so softly. “Fuck, I missed you so much. Why the hell did I leave you here alone?”

  “I don’t know exactly. Club business, remember?” I smiled and undid the button of his jeans. “You brought my brother back in one piece—I thank you for that because there was no guarantee you or I would have been able to find him.”

  “Oh, shit.” He drew in a breath as my thumb pressed against the head of his cock. “I forgot to tell you I got a call from Talia. There is a bidding war going on in Vegas. We’ve been offered a two year residence. Planet Hollywood and Caesar’s Palace both want us. Nothing is decided yet but we agreed to talk about it as a band once I get back.”

  “Sounds like an offer you should consider. I’ve always loved Las Vegas and they have some great suburbs that are perfect for children.” I licked his belly as his taut stomach muscles quivered in delight before I kissed further down his body until my tongue teased the tip of his cock.

  His pre-cum tasted like salty-sweet heaven and it didn’t take much coaxing before his dick was planted firmly inside my mouth and I loved the way he felt between my parted lips. My tongue teased the underside and pressed hard against bulging veins as I took more and more inside until I could feel him in my throat, past my tonsils and there was nothing more satisfying than deep-throating the man I loved.

  Not even an attempted physical violation against me sexually could take away the overwhelming love and sexual chemistry we had for one another.

  I slowly eased up until the tip of him was inside my hungry mouth once again and all I could feel was him shaking all over, wanting to come yet holding out. I deep-throated him again and pulled his cock all the way out of my mouth, caressing his saliva coated dick with right hand until he stopped me and pulled my body close to his.

  “Fuck, I forgot what the hell I was missin’. I wanted you so badly and we weren’t even separated that long. I wanted your mouth, your delicious breasts, your soft skin and this,” he murmured as he teased my mound with a wandering hand yet his fingers did not enter me. The friction between his palm and my clit ring alone was enough to cause me to spasm and soak him with my juices.

  “You miss me too?” He licked the palm of his hand and he knew how much that turned me on before he exposed my breasts and began to tongue one greedily, gently pulling at the piercing as I tensed up.

  “Yes, I fuckin’ missed your cock inside me, filling me and making me yours.” I moaned out loud and pushed his mouth closer to the breast he suckled on. “But I also missed your smile and the way you look at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of yours that are so different yet so like mine. I missed our inconsequential chatter and the discussions we get into like who’s the best guitarist of all time or whether we should just pack and leave the city for good.

  “I missed your heartbeat and the warmth of your skin; the smell of your morning breath when you wake me up with a dick inside me and breathe gently on my face. I missed everything about you and all I could do was get away and risk my stupid fuckin’ life because I thought if you were…murdered in Belfast…I didn’t have a life to lead. Not anymore.”

  Linx kissed my breasts while his fingers played havoc with my nipple piercings. “Don’t say that, baby. You are the sweetest piece of ass a dumb motherfucker like me has ever had but you’re too good for me, baby, and if your life ended because I died, I’d fuckin’ drag my ass from hell just to knock some sense into you. Any man would be lucky to have you, even if I have busted your anal cherry. You’re still as sweet as a peach and the fact that you allow me to put my hands all over you…a piece of shit like me…that says a lot.”

  He paused and looked me in the eyes. “You could see past all this shit. The ink and the masochistic self-loathing. Before you entered my life, I didn’t know whether I truly hated myself or just had low self-esteem. I can deal with bitches like my ex because she may look like an angel but she comes from the school of hard knocks. She’s not truly special, she only looks that way.

  “But you, Trista…my God, you are a diamond in the rough. You’re not perfect and never will be but you’re fuckin’ perfect to me, baby. You’re the only woman who has ever made me feel like stir-fried shit because I will never be able to measure up to you…ever. There’s a word for women like you: regal. Even though I have soiled you in every way there is to defile you, your skin is like Teflon. No matter what I do to you, nothing sticks and you’re still as fresh and pure as the driven snow.”

  I smiled before I kissed his mouth and his tongue swirled with mine sensually. I wanted to shut him up because he acted like I was a goddess, and the second coming of Aphrodite I certainly wasn’t. However it was nice to be to be worshipped and adored by a man so much, he would take a bullet for you.

  That wasn’t all of it though because I adored him just as much as he adored me. Our kiss ended and I kissed his neck. “I’m not too good for you and I never will be. I chose you and don’t you ever fuckin’ forget it. If I wanted another man, I would let you know but you’re the only one I want by my side. I don’t care if you cover your whole body in ink and you pierced your cock, I would still fuck you each and every night, when ever and however you wanted it.”

  I took off my top and slid out of my maxi skirt and panties before I resumed the position on my hands and knees with my ass in the air. “Fuck me, baby.”

  Linx stripped out of his clothes in record timing and I watched him with amusement on my face.

  “I’ll fuck you on my terms but first, let me make you feel good. I want you to be so worked up, you can’t stand it and will have to beg me to slide my cock inside of you.”

  I really felt like pleading with him now but I relaxed a bit though every muscle in my body was tense with the need for release.

  He kissed my shoulder blades before he worked his way down the center of my back with his tongue. I shivered, not because I was cold but due to his warm, intoxicating tongue. He kissed my lower back and spread my ass cheeks apart before he teased my anus with his tongue and at that moment, I could have spontaneously combusted. His tongue worked down my perineum until the tip lapped at the opening of my sex and I wanted him to plunge his tongue inside of me. Instead he licked the juices as they began to seep out of me and then his mouth hit the bulls eye when he slowly took my clit into hi
s mouth and sucked hard.

  It was a highly pleasurable experience but with the clit piercing, it turned into something more, deeper and animalistic. I could barely hold any weight on my arms as they shook with all the pleasure he gave me freely and selflessly. He spread the outer lips and began to work his tongue all the way inside of me until he plunged into the heated opening and I convulsed underneath the magic tip of him darting in and out of me.

  My hips worked on their own, moving him as deep as he could go as he slapped my ass hard enough to sting yet not leave bruises on my flesh.

  The moment Linx’s fingers took over and slid inside of me, working in and out as he caressed the spongy tissue of my G-spot, I gasped out loud and had to bite my lips to stifle a scream as his tongue licked hard against my clit and then the feeling came and I knew the orgasm would be powerful.

  I collapsed under the weight of my arms as he held me by the waist and eased me down as he continued to devour the sensitive nub and his fingers continued to caress my G-spot. I was done for, exhausted and yet not sated enough. I didn’t want his fingers inside of me, I wanted his cock but he would make me beg for it.


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