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Mistress Agnes

Page 19

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Mrs Woods nodded and asked, 'And has your cook, who according to Maria is the best she has ever had the pleasure to taste the work of, offered you anything as humble and bland as porridge or a clear broth?'

  Thinking for a moment, Agnes shook her head.

  'I suppose he never did. When I didn't feel like eating he spoiled me with his special dishes.'

  'Which were rich in cream and butter?'

  'Yes, we all seem to be skinny here, so Cook is usually free with rich ingredients.'

  Mrs Woods nodded and said soothingly, 'In that case, Mrs Beauchamp, I think your life is not in danger, but you do look very emaciated and a bit grey. You need to eat something you can keep down, right now. Do I have your permission to instruct your cook?'

  'Yes, Mrs Woods, I'd rather not die if I can help it, but will you tell me what you think is wrong with me? I have never felt so sick and so miserable in my life, I'm getting weaker by the day.'

  'Mrs Beauchamp, you have not been eating, you have been throwing up food but also fluids, you are weak with lack of nutrition but also with dehydration.

  And the reason is probably that you are with child. I know you have no children from your marriage, and you live in a household with just men, so you don't know how miserable the first months of carrying a child can be, no-one ever complained to you. These men obviously have never been in company with a pregnant woman before, or they might have known.

  But to me it is very clear, and even Maria would have known had she seen you this week. Her sisters all had morning sickness as bad as you have it.

  Now try to calm down and find a comfortable seat outside in the sun with Mr Parker, and I'll bring you something to eat and drink that you will probably be able to keep down straight away. And if not, Mrs Eldridge in the village makes a tea that will certainly help, she's the local midwife, and I advise you to have her over as soon as possible to check your baby.'

  Agnes and Dennis just couldn't believe their ears, but Guy was smiling again already, and Mrs Woods had a soothing hand on Dick's shoulder.

  'Your mistress is not in danger, Dick, you can calm down and help Maria with the decorations. Tell her I will be a bit longer, this is important for the mistress must eat. She's going to have a baby.'

  Dick looked his puzzlement, and Agnes decided to ask his question for him.

  'I told Dick I couldn't have any children, Mrs Woods, for I was married ten years and never conceived. Then the last three years I have not abstained despite being unmarried, but no child ever resulted. Though I want to believe you, Mrs Woods, how can I be with child?'

  Looking at Dick, and at Agnes after that, Mrs Woods nodded and said, 'Still it happens, Mrs Beauchamp, in our very village a woman conceived after ten years of barrenness, and though one can never be certain I'd swear she was only with her husband all this time. Sometimes the body just takes a very long time to make it happen.

  I suppose you won't have to worry for yourselves, Dick, Maria's family is very rich in children, and my other daughters were with child within months of their wedding. Though I suppose they did frequent the outcrop during their engagements.'

  Dennis was still stunned and Agnes worried for him, he looked unwell, and the doctor had warned against physical exertions, but also against emotional strain.

  'Dennis, are you all right, my love? Please says something. Mrs Woods says I'm all right, love, did you hear that?

  He has a severe concussion, Mrs Woods, he was hit over the head with a club so hard I was afraid he'd never wake up. The very thought of losing another loved one paralysed me, and Dennis must have felt a shock like that just now.

  He truly thought I was dying.'

  She stroked his hair, and his face, and kissed him gently on his lips, and slowly Dennis came back to life and hid his face in his hands.

  'I'll help them get outside, Mrs Woods, you go to the kitchen and tell Cook what Mrs Beauchamp needs.'

  Guy had recovered completely and took Dennis' arm on his shoulder, Agnes taking his other arm to support herself, though she felt a lot better now just for knowing she wasn't desperately ill. In the sunshine Dennis got a little life back in him, though he still seemed affected and more than a little incredulous. But when Mrs Woods came towards them with a teapot spreading the heartening scent of fresh mint, a few cups, and a steaming bowl, all on a tray, he showed a kind of desperate hope. He didn't believe it, Agnes realized, he still feared losing her, though Agnes herself had recognized the truth of Mrs Woods' words immediately. It was the greasiness and the texture of Cook's creations that revolted her, the stickiness, the heavy seasoning, she had always loved his cooking but suddenly it turned her off food instantly. Holding the bowl of porridge she actually felt hungry, it looked awful but it smelled delicious, light, and wholesome, and her stomach rumbled.

  'Take it easy now, Mrs Beauchamp, or you'll be sick after all. I can see you want to devour that, but take your time, please. Give your stomach time to adjust or it will reject this as well, and then it'll be gruel for you for another six months, or dry white bread.'

  That seemed to finally snap Dennis out of his hopeless state, so far he had been sitting as close to Agnes as he could, clinging to her as if afraid to lose her. He was still suffering from trauma and Agnes hadn't even noticed. This needed attention, for bearing children wasn't without risk, and riding a horse could always end in a deadly crash. Besides, one of them would die first anyway and she was a good bit older than him.

  'Remember telling me that exact same thing when you had just rescued me?'

  he said, almost dreamily. He seemed as lost in the past as he had been just after the knock on his head, better nudge him before he betrayed his desertion to Mrs Woods.

  'I do, love, and I will keep my own counsel, and Mrs Woods', for I want my stomach to get over this, not make it worse. I'm hungry now, Dennis, can you believe I will be fine, now? Can we look forward to the wedding? Though I suppose I won't be having any cake.'

  'Maybe on our own wedding, Agnes. If you are carrying my child I will have to marry you, it's the right thing to do, and you'll have an heir, I won't have to own anything.'

  That made Agnes incredibly happy to hear, even before the porridge had cooled enough to relieve her now raging hunger.

  'Congratulations, ma'am,' Mrs Woods said calmly, it was not the most romantic proposal ever but the penetrating lady had probably deduced already that the matter had been talked over repeatedly before this, 'you'll be a lovely bride. My husband has always admired your beautiful dresses, professionally you see, he's a tailor.'

  Agnes must have thanked her for her kind wishes and compliments, for Maria's mother beamed at her, but Agnes was more and more distracted by the smell wafting up from the bowl in her lap. She decided to risk burning her mouth and take her first bite, such a difference with the last week when the very thought of food revolted her. And it was as good as she imagined, frankly it tasted very bland, but somehow her body approved of that and made its opinion very clear.

  'Does it need some salt or sugar?' Mrs Woods asked, 'your cook wanted to add both, but I told him it needed to be as inoffensive as possible and he said he supposed I knew best, with three daughters married and eight grandchildren.'

  'It's fine just as it is, Mrs Woods, thank you so much. I think I'm not exaggerating if I say you've saved my life.'

  'Dr Gilbert would have found out, wouldn't he, Agnes?'

  Good, Dennis was back in this world, he had given her as bad a scare as she him, going totally unresponsive from fear of losing her.

  'He probably would have, but somehow I prefer to have a midwife over, he was not particularly sympathetic and I don't feel as controlled as I usually do.

  If he said something blunt, I might cry.'

  'That is also quite common, ma'am,' Mrs Woods said, 'it may go away once your body recovers from its emaciated state, but it may also stay. I've had both happen to me, of course I never had much staff, so I guess you may suffer less fatigue. If you allow
yourself to rest a lot. I suppose you need to eat as much as you can the coming days, I've asked your cook to prepare a clear broth with plenty of vegetables and at the most a tiny bit of very lean beef or chicken, he is probably busy making it right now. Well, I'm back to work, do you want me to send Mrs Eldridge over when I get back to the village?'

  'Please, Mrs Woods, that would be very kind of you. I'd feel better knowing

  how far along I am, and what to expect.'

  'I do warn you, the whole neighbourhood will know about your condition once Mrs Eldridge has been here, but I suppose that cannot be helped. Maria has seen all three of her sisters with child, and most of her friends have children, please don't hesitate to ask her if you feel something that frightens or upsets you. It will be such a comfort for you to have a woman in your household. And since she will be working with her father in the village she can relay messages no problem, if she doesn't know the answer or a solution.'

  'Thank you so much, Mrs Woods,' Agnes replied between bites. 'I think I'm going to take a long nap to make the most of this excellent porridge, then I may recover quite a bit of strength for tomorrow. Are you coming, Dennis?

  I'd like to be together for a while.'

  'Of course, my love, do you want me to carry you up the stairs?'

  'You shouldn't, love, it's been just over four weeks, you're not to do any heavy lifting yet. I need you in good shape as soon as possible.'

  And while they went upstairs to their bedroom, Dennis observed, 'I'm so happy for Dick that he is marrying into such a nice family. Of course I should make an observation on becoming a family ourselves, my love, but I just cannot. I'm still totally stunned by the news, and more than a little distraught at the possibility of losing you. It just never occurred to me. You're so strong, and ageless. You cannot ever grow old and feeble, let alone get sick, I need you too much. Having a child is so dangerous, Agnes, I can live with getting a baby, I guess, but what if something happens to you?'

  'Then you'll let Guy handle the business until our child is old enough to learn.

  And Patrick will support you until you've chosen which of the three remaining local spinsters you'll have. Or have Milly choose you a gentle lady.'

  That was just too funny, Agnes felt so much better with a full stomach and knowing what was the matter with her, but Dennis looked totally outraged.

  'I can never love anyone else but you!'

  'Sure you can. I thought I could never love again when I lost Frederick, but now I think I may love you even more, and I've loved Patrick and Guy in between. They were so wise to keep that tiny distance between us, or I would have clung to them as you now cling to me.

  As I clung to Frederick.

  There truly is life after the death of a loved one, Dennis, but I pray you don't have to find that out, I plan to just spend a lazy seven or eight more months

  being pregnant, then deliver a beautiful girl or boy with your eyes, and live happily ever after.'

  Dennis didn't believe one word she said, but at least he agreed to get married and save all of her little group from want in case something bad did happen to her. They would have to address his fear of being left alone, it was clearly much more deep-seated than Agnes had realized, but not today, nor tomorrow.

  Tomorrow, they would celebrate.

  Chapter 14

  The next morning Agnes felt much better, she must have been rather dehydrated to feel so miserable and weak yesterday. Dennis was still fast asleep, his dear face younger than ever. Patrick had shaved him yesterday to prepare for the wedding, his jaw was so smooth to look at, she just couldn't help stroking it lovingly.

  That didn't even wake him, he merely smiled sweetly and snuggled against her. Or did it? She could clearly feel his dick against her thigh now, so either he had an erection in his sleep, or he was pretending to be asleep, or merely half awake.

  It was time to get up anyway, for the wedding, and after a week of involuntary abstinence Agnes was certainly feeling rather heated, so she decided to indulge herself a little, Dennis wouldn't mind waking up to some caresses.

  Stroking his back, only a bit diminished in musculature with his six weeks'

  involuntary inactivity, she was very happy and relieved to find her own urges back to normal, being with child had not caused her to lose her lust, it had been hunger and dehydration.

  From his back to his thigh she stroked him, then towards his erection, her hand relishing the feel of her beloved. Remembering how upset he had been with the very thought of losing her she suppressed a feeling of worry of her own. How could she have missed his extreme dependence on her?

  Frankly, she hadn't. She knew he clung to her, she just didn't see a problem in it until it caused him to fall apart when something seemed wrong with her, this went way too far. In seven months they would have a child depending on them, as well as a staff, he really needed to learn to take on his responsibilities as master of a large household, not just for them, but mostly for himself. Of course he'd been programmed to be totally dependent on others, the army had beaten every shred of self-esteem out of him, and after he had managed to escape that, Agnes herself had continued where it left off and broken him altogether.

  And now it would be her task to return a measure of self-reliance to him, so he'd be able to lead the household instead of her if she became ill or weak with her pregnancy. And go on if something worse were to happen.

  By now Dennis was stirring, his hands exploring her body eagerly, still partly asleep, in that magnificent dreamlike state where reality was still miles away, but the senses seemed primed for loving. His hands were on her face, her neck, her breasts. Slowly they moved lower down, Agnes' heat flaring up in anticipation of his touch on her pussy. But as he stroked her belly, still firm with riding muscles, his progress halted and he was suddenly wide awake.

  'I'm going to be a father!' he exclaimed, 'that is just incredible!'

  'You'll be the best father a child ever had, my love. But first I hope you'll be the best lover a woman has ever had.'

  She didn't even try to control herself and went for his dick with her hand, grabbing it firmly, rubbing herself against him. It was very funny to see him gasp in ardour and smile with delight at the same time, he was obviously very happy to find his beloved back to her usual behaviour.

  'Oh, Agnes, my love, I'm so relieved you're better. And that is so good, I love you so much.'

  He did love her, that was certain, and now she would show him that love was totally mutual. They kissed with heat, and when that kiss was finished, Agnes turned her face towards his groin and took his dick in her mouth with relish, such a relief to be able to enjoy lovemaking again. Licking and sucking all his sensitive places she soon had him gasping again, and to prevent himself from coming too early he wriggled towards her pussy, letting some of his heat flow away by transferring it to his beloved, with great success.

  When he got too much aroused he removed his dick from her mouth carefully and sat between her legs to give her several thrilling highs before he turned back to let her have his dick once more. Enjoying each other's taste and feel they continued where they left off, until they both had a shuddering climax.

  Lying in each other's arms afterwards was the best moment of all, everything was back to normal, the fear forgotten, pregnancy and baby a concern for the future, not the present. But they did need to get up, there was a wedding to celebrate today. Even before they had washed and dressed, Patrick knocked on their door, they had agreed to let him help with dressing, it was a wedding after all, they needed to look their best.

  When they came down the stairs, finery arranged to perfection, everything

  was in order for the wedding, the house was decorated, the food was ready or prepared as far as it could, there was a beautiful cake and plenty to drink. The rest wore their best, too, including John but excepting Cook and Charles, who were staying at the manor to prepare for the guests and receive the orchestra.

  They would walk to chu
rch as they did every Sunday, and Dick was walking along looking calm on the outside, but Dennis could see he was about to burst with nerves. He knew his vows perfectly, they had practised the exact words until Dick said he dreamed about them, and Dick carried two lovely rings of real gold in a tiny leather box in his pocket. John would be the witness, since Beatrice and himself had made the match.

  Dennis let go of his beloved for a few moments to take Dick's large hand in his own.

  'Everything will be fine, Dick, your parents will be there but they will keep quiet, and if they don't Mrs Woods will shut them up with a look. Maria's sisters all love you and their children even more.

  And look at you in your handsome suit, you're a real catch, Dick! You know how to dance with your lady, and I'm sure the mistress will want to dance with you, and I cannot wait to dance with Maria and hear her praise you sky-high. Now stay calm and enjoy the day!'

  Dick smiled sweetly, a little less nervous but not entirely sure everything would work out well for him. Poor chap, he'd been let down so often before he came to live at the manor. Bending down towards Dennis, Dick whispered, 'Is the mistress all right? If she is gets too tired I'll carry her home for you, Maria said she didn't mind. She knows you cannot lift things until your head is back to normal.'

  'The mistress is fine, Dick, she was weak with hunger because creamy and greasy food disgusted her and she didn't know that. She thought she couldn't eat anything. But your mother-in-law's advice helped tremendously, she ate really well yesterday and today, and she said she felt almost back to normal, despite being with child. Except she did take an extra kerchief for the ceremony, I think she expects to cry a lot.'

  Dennis suddenly realized Dick might misinterpret that, but fortunately he seemed to know about crying for other reasons than sadness or anger.

  'Is she happy to see me marry?'

  'Very much so, Dick, and Maria is so perfect for you, you will both be so happy. Come to think of it, I may spill a few tears, too. I'm expecting a baby, too, after all.'


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