Mistress Agnes

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Mistress Agnes Page 20

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  'I'm so glad you'll have a baby, Dennis, I thought the mistress sounded as if she wanted one, sometimes when we talked a bit. Do you think that if Maria and I have a child of our own, they could play together?'

  'Sure Dick, why not?'

  'Well, your baby will be the mistress or the master once, and my baby will be a servant. Can they play together?'

  'I think so, Dick, why not? You know I grew up on the streets, don't you?

  Maybe your child will become a doctor, with Maria so smart and your having learned to read so quickly, who knows?'

  'I'm fine again, Dennis, thank you for talking to me. I needed it, I was worried. But now the mistress needs you, she's getting tired, I can see it. She needs your arm to support her.'

  And he was right, Agnes did look a bit tired, it wasn't far and she was in great shape generally, but a week without food and even worse, with not enough fluids, had taken a toll that three square meals couldn't correct.

  'I can support you, love, lean on me. My head is fine. But should you collapse, Dick has his intended's permission to carry you, so you need not spend the wedding on the moors.'

  'He planned for emergencies? And asked his lovely wife for permission? That is so sweet! How did I ever earn such kindness?'

  'He also told me he was grateful for the talk, but to go back to give you my arm since you needed it. And you do.'

  Fortunately it wasn't far to the church, and the whole village was gathered there to witness the wedding of Maria Woods to the local dimwit. But those who had come to gawk soon had to revise their disdainful attitude towards both bride and groom, for the first was clearly not merely marrying to gain an establishment and the possibility of children, and the latter was much better looking and much....brighter than they remembered him from years ago.

  Of course Maria wore a stunning gown of white silk and a dream of a veil of a beautiful transparent fabric none of them had ever seen, her father was a tailor after all and everyone knew Maria was his favourite. He had never bemoaned her being a spinster, she was good company and a superb worker.

  But Dick Parsons, why was he supposed to be a dimwit? He didn't look like one, surely. He was very tall, and very strong, people often confused the slow, deliberate way of moving of a truly strong man with slow wits, when it was mainly an ingrained fear of hurting those smaller than himself.

  Dick wore a very fashionable suit of dark woollen cloth and he wore it

  extremely well. He was obviously nervous and quite a bit shy as well, who wouldn't be when he was going to be married to Maria Woods, most men were a bit taken aback by her sharp wit and expected her to be ruling the household. And besides, they all knew what was said of him, being dimwitted was the least nasty of the rumours, they ranged from his father having kept him chained to a huge oaken chest, to Dick having had regular fits of sudden anger in which only a whip could calm him down. Those were obviously not true, this was just a normal guy getting married to a rather pretty woman with padding in exactly the right places. They would have a delightful night of it, first a party at the manor, and everyone knew what was going on there, and then afterwards their first bedding. If they hadn't sampled each other already at the outcrop. There was no reason why Maria wouldn't stick to the tradition.

  Though Dick was still nervous because of the all the interest people were showing, people he didn't even know, Agnes didn't care at all that the gossip about Dick would stop immediately once she passed the onlookers. She was used to being stared at by the locals, though they always treated her with respect to her face, and so they should, for most of them were her tenants, leasing their farms from her estate. But this time the gossip wasn't about her supposed affairs with her beautiful servants, nor about her handsome young lover, who was supporting his lady elegantly. No, they had heard much better news, Mrs Beauchamp was reputed to be with child!

  And this after having been married for ten years without giving her noble husband an heir. She hadn't been with this young gentleman for more than a few months and she was with child?Everyone had always assumed Mrs Beauchamp was sleeping with her servants, why else would she employ two such ravishing men, so much alike they could be brothers? Maybe they were brothers, maybe even twins, for they were obviously very close. But if she had been sleeping with all those men she would have gotten with child sooner, wouldn't she? So maybe they had let themselves be carried away by thrilling rumours?

  Never mind, it had been great fun to imagine the lady pleasing two men at once, and a little talk never hurt anyone, but now they'd have to imagine her with a new, young husband, and a beautiful child on her arm instead.

  When all the guests were seated the whole church was filled to the brim, for Maria's father had many relatives and clients and her mother was a respected member of their community. Of course Dick's parents were there, but most

  seats were taken by Maria's contacts.

  Maria and Dick greeted his parents, both bride and groom a bit reticent since it had become very clear that a lot of Dick's problems had in fact been caused by his overprotective mother and his harsh father. They merely shook hands, and Mrs Parsons took a good look at her tall son in his beautiful suit, and his very pretty bride in her valuable dress. She couldn't believe her son was making such a match, even if the bride was near her thirties. Dick was marrying into a well-to-do, locally influential family, and the smart looking woman seemed to actually cherish him, she looked at him with infatuation!

  When the reticent cook had taken Dick away to the manor house a few miles into the moors to become a servant, about half a year ago, Dick's mother had cried for days, for fear her son would be mistreated or sent back in disgrace after losing it and wrecking something. But he never came back and he was obviously happy now, though Mrs Parsons couldn't imagine anyone but herself could truly love her Dick, she must be mistaken to see love in the woman. She should feel happy to see him end up much better than she'd ever dared hope for, but she didn't, she felt excluded, and how were those two going to cope with the children that were undoubtedly going to come of it?

  Didn't the woman realize Dick's children would be as dimwitted as himself?

  Meanwhile, Maria was truly happy to be standing at the altar with her father.

  Her dress was ravishing, her man was standing next to his best man groomed and dressed to within an inch of his life, he was happy and more handsome than most men in their village, and much sweeter. And tonight they would be together, to make love as often as they liked, however they liked. She couldn't wait, though the party would most likely be great fun as well.

  And to think Mrs Beauchamp was with child, Maria couldn't believe her ears when she heard. But it would be great to have a baby together, for despite Dick having spilled his seed every time they fucked until that very day, Maria was convinced she was already with child. So quickly, she couldn't believe it, as if her body wanted to make up for all the years she had lost.

  She didn't know when to tell Dick, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. Get married first, he was so nervous, poor darling.

  Her smile was answered with a shy one, fortunately they didn't have to wait long, before she knew it the minister had finished his sermon on marriage, and they spoke their vows. Dick didn't hesitate once, and his shyness was gone. Let them call him dimwitted now!

  Maria was proud of him, Dick could see it clearly, as he spoke his vow flawlessly. She smiled at him again, and they kissed in front of everybody.

  Then all the visitors came to congratulate them, Maria had warned him it would take a long time because she had such a large family and her dad's friends and customers would all come to see his last daughter married.

  John and Beatrice and Maria's parents were first, of course, they were really nice to Dick, and he was glad, for he feared his own parents wouldn't be. He was afraid his mother would make a fuss about his getting married, for of course she knew there would be children. And besides, she would be suspicious of anyone marrying him, he was no good, why would a wom
an want him? She had always made it clear he would not be able to marry and have a family, and now he would find out how willing she was to accept that she had been wrong. Not that it mattered, Maria's mum and dad were pretty nice, and her sisters and their husbands, too, he didn't need his folks anymore.

  Indeed his father looked almost insulted to have his dumb son marry a pretty woman from a good family but he didn't say anything, he merely congratulated Maria, then shook hands with Dick. Dick actually felt a small stab of anger at his father's attitude, why couldn't he just be glad his very own son would finally be happy?

  So much had changed. Dick suddenly realized his father was actually rather small and getting on quite a bit, he guessed he could break him in half by now, hard work and good food had made him very strong, and because so many people liked him he knew he was worth being treated kindly. If his father would try to whip him now he would find himself hanging from a clothes peg by the collar of his best coat, before he realized what had happened. And Dennis, Guy, Patrick, and even the mistress would laugh.

  Maria too, of course, but she was his wife, she would stand by him through everything.

  'He's not even aware of what he's doing, Roger!' his mother hissed to his father. 'Why do we have to accept this?'

  'He's nearly thirty, Adele, and he makes his own money. There is nothing we can do to stop him. At least he'll be her problem after this, we will not have to spend our old age taking care of a forty-year-old simpleton.'

  If he hung his father, and mother, on a peg now, no-one would laugh, they'd call him aggressive and have him locked up on his wedding day. Better merely imagine doing it, see them wriggle before his mind's eye only.

  Maria looked at him with a serious expression, there was a question in her

  eyes, she probably wanted to know whether he wanted her to come to his defence. Her sweetness took away his anger instantly, within half an hour they would be dancing together to the music of a hired orchestra, in the garden of the manor house. Who cared about his nasty, dumb parents? Maria had come to know him so much better, even in the few months they had been together, she always let him finish his thoughts and asked him more questions to know what he was thinking. His parents had lived with him for years but they'd never know him, because they didn't want to know who he really was.

  They had an idea who Dick Parsons was and they'd force him to be that person until the day they died. Better shake hands and take leave.

  'By the time I'm forty, father, mother, you can come visit Maria and me and meet our children. I hope we'll be able to have about four, but I'll settle for two. We're both nearly thirty after all. Until then, please don't worry about us, we will manage quite well with our friends and Maria's parents. They like me, and they actually want their daughter to marry me.

  Bye now, father, mother. Have a good trip back home.'

  And as they stared at him, mouths open, Dick kissed his wife full on the mouth, and she giggled and returned his kiss with relish. When he looked up once more, his parents had fled.

  'I'm so very sorry that happened, Dick,' Maria said, standing on her toes to ruffle his hair.

  'I'm not,' he replied brusquely, 'had they been nice we'd have had to invite them over on Sundays, or worse, visit, and listen to them nagging me all day.

  I just realized I could break my father in two, I'm glad I won't be tempted to actually do it.'

  'This was much better, Dick, they were stunned to hear you talk English. And when you mentioned children your mother nearly fainted. You really love children, don't you?'

  'I can't wait to have them, Maria, I hope you don't mind if I wish for a baby every time I see a star fall in the sky.'

  'You're so sweet, Dick, I've come to love you so much. I can't believe your parents never noticed you didn't speak much because you were busy thinking about what they said or asked. Will you believe me that your children will fare much better because they will have all the time they need to think before they speak?'

  'I will, Maria, thank you so much for loving me. I guess we need to shake more hands now?'

  And that was true, next were Maria's sisters, their husbands and children, and other family and friends. They were all very nice, but Dick wondered why his friends weren't there, and the mistress, and as soon as he had a moment to spare he looked around.

  Dennis was standing in line right behind Maria's family and connections and before the village people. The mistress was with him, looking pretty well, and Patrick and Guy were behind her.

  When it was their turn, the mistress kissed both him and Maria heartily, and Dennis kissed Maria and gave Dick a bear hug. Well, actually, Dick resembled the bear more, for he lifted Dennis easily and squeezed him in his arms until Dennis laughed and said, 'You're even stronger than I thought, big man! If you let me down I'll give you my present.'

  Of course Dick was curious what kind of present Dennis would give him, they had never discussed that, and though Maria had gotten a lot of gifts from everyone, they were all very practical things, like tablecloths and cutlery and pots and pans. Would Dennis give him an axe or a saw? And where had he gotten it? He hadn't had a present with him on their way over.

  When Dennis roughed his hair, Dick remembered to put him down, and Dennis rummaged in a basket that was standing at Guy's feet and took something out that fit inside his two hands. He got up in such a way that Dick couldn't see what it was until Dennis handed him the cutest little puppy Dick had ever seen.

  It was tiny, with very short white hair and several red and black patches scattered over its body. The face was white except for a black spot over one eye, the tiny ears were folded over and it had the sweetest shiny brown eyes.

  The tiny nose was black of course, and it was already busy taking in Dick's scent.

  Dick was speechless.

  He had not expected Dennis to give him a puppy, he hadn't even told Maria he dearly wanted a small dog of his own, nor had he asked the mistress consent to keep one at the manor.

  'Here, take her, Dick, it's all right. I've talked to Maria before I got her, and asked the mistress, and the farmer I got her from says she'll not be harmed by a hound, she's a terrier, she'll most likely boss the life out of those brutes. He did say you have to teach her not to chase the chickens and the cats, they're real hunters for small things.

  Give her a good smooching, and I'll hold on to her until you're done shaking


  Dick had accepted the puppy automatically as Dennis held it out to him, but he still couldn't comprehend what it meant. But when the tiny creature settled in his huge hands and licked his fingers, he suddenly felt like crying again.

  He had wanted a little dog for so long!

  But this was his wedding, and he was not going to cry before the whole village, so he merely swallowed hugely, then looked in those brown eyes and fell deeply in love. Holding the puppy to his chest with one hand, his other stroked the soft head and ears, and the pert little thing nipped his finger playfully. Looking at Maria to share the moment he could easily see she didn't mind at all, she looked as smitten as Dick must look himself.

  'What will you name her, love?' she asked, and, 'may I pet her, too?'

  'Of course,' he replied, 'we're married now, so everything that is mine, is yours. But be careful, I think she needs to be taught not to bite people as well as chickens and cats. You knew Dennis was going to give me a little dog! I never suspected a thing! She is so cute. I'll have to think of a name, can't do that very well right now.'

  No way that Dick was going to hand this little creature back to Dennis to shake hands with the whole village, they only needed one hand, the other could hang on to the tiny thing easily. Dick thanked Dennis profusely for giving him the dearest wish of his youth, on the very day that Maria fulfilled that of his adulthood. Now there was only a baby of the two of them together to dream of.

  And no-one said anything when Dick shook hands with all the other guests while holding a tiny puppy in his free hand. Th
ey merely appreciated the picture of a diminutive puppy watching them cheekily from the protection of the groom's enormous hand.

  Well, people would always say a man was trying to compensate whenever a small fellow owned a large dog, and Dick Parsons was certainly large enough not to need to boost his confidence that way.

  By the time everyone had congratulated the happy couple, the puppy was asleep in Dick's hand and that is where it stayed on their way back to the manor, Maria of course holding the other hand. Nearly the entire village was invited to the party, and it was a merry bunch of people heading for the large house in the middle of the moors. There were several big fires lighted when they arrived, and a long table was laden with dainties and drinks, so all the guests could help themselves.

  Mrs Woods and two of her daughters helped with the serving, wearing large aprons over their best dresses, and soon everyone was sitting at some table or on a bench, relishing the superb dishes Mrs Beauchamp celebrated her newly married servant, his wife and their guests with.

  After a hearty meal the dancing started, Dick and Maria leading of course, the puppy asleep in her basket for now. Agnes had energy for two slow dances, after which she sat down with whomever wanted to talk to the mistress of the house, minding Dick's little dog while he danced. It would soon find a place in the household, but for now it was better to keep an eye on it for such a small creature might easily be trampled in a crowd.

  A surprising number of her tenants came by for a chat, eager to express their admiration for the way she celebrated Dick's wedding and to congratulate her on her own happy condition. Of course they also wanted to know whether she was getting married herself and what the rank of her lover was, and many other things, but they stayed polite and left happy with her replies, though those were invariably vague.

  Mrs Woods and her daughters had discarded their aprons and were dancing, the matronly missus with her own husband, but the daughters traded partners happily, as did everybody else, even Guy and Patrick never lacked partners, though they might have loved to dance with each other, be it only once.


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