Mistress Agnes

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Mistress Agnes Page 35

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  Will you allow me to take charge of the prisoners? And will you mail us a written testimony of your actions? You presence will not be required at the hearing, though Mr Winfield's personal testimony would be very much appreciated, as the leader of the expedition, you see.'

  He did know, now Dennis knew for certain. And he seemed to be willing to let Dennis escape justice. Should he lie low in London for awhile? A man could hide there like nowhere else. Well, better get out of this situation first,

  there still was the one brigand who knew him, he was not yet out of the woods.

  'No problem, Lieutenant Harley, I'll gladly write down my account of what happened, as I'm sure will Mr Parker.'

  Dennis nodded in a way he hoped would look dignified.

  'And I'll come to the trial gladly and have my say. You are right that I led the expedition, and I will give you the full tale. The greatest hero is outside, minding the dogs. Mrs Beauchamp's giant servant put one of the brigands out of action unarmed. Without harming him physically, I may add. But he seems very shy, he would not like to be called to testify. With your permission, Lieutenant Harley, I will tell of his brave deed.'

  Harley bowed in acknowledgement, entered the yard before either of them, and addressed the three captives.

  'You stand accused of serious crimes, for which you will be tried under military law, since you are still part of the army. Evidence will be presented by your victims and by eye-witnesses. We will march as soon as your wounds have been seen to.'

  This was the moment, this was when the brigand who had recognized Dennis would try to pull him down as well.

  'That man over there is also a deserter! If I am to hang, he will hang, too! You had your chance, Barks, now you're going down!'

  Schooling his face to look as free of emotion as he could manage, Dennis awaited the pronouncement of his doom.

  To find Lieutenant Harley's reaction the exact opposite of his own.

  Former private Harley started to laugh heartily.

  'If that soft, immaculately groomed gentleman over there is a deserter, I'm a Spanish buccaneer!'

  The squad judged it safe to join their superior in his laughter, since their sergeant obviously thought his words outrageously funny. But the lieutenant wasn't done. He walked towards the indignant deserter and addressed not just him, but everyone present.

  'I knew private Barks intimately, you idiot, and he was a restless, gaunt, hard-bitten soldier. He was the nightmare of the French, he could hit an eye at a hundred yards, with a musket, not a rifle. Private Barks was as stealthy as an owl on the wing. Telling me that the man who saved my life, and that of countless other comrades, would let a middle-aged hunter, a five-foot noblewoman and a shy giant servant do his dirty work for him is an insult to

  his memory. If that man,' and he looked straight at Dennis, pointing a finger to emphasise his words, 'had been private Barks, all three of you would be dead. And you wouldn't have seen it coming. Unless he wanted you to, to make you understand what kind of scum you were before he ended your miserable existence.

  If you desecrate the memory of our comrade again, you will hang with your back freshly striped.'

  Even Dennis thought that was going pretty far, to threaten a doomed man, and he had seen his share of cruelty and harsh justice. He did not try to hide his dismay, Mr Parker would be shocked at both the accusation and the lieutenant's reaction.

  'Get these men ready for a march, if it can be done. I want to see this gentle giant for myself. Subduing a private barehanded is not a mean feat. Mr Parker, I'm very sorry to have raged in front of you, you must think everything you heard about life in the army is actually true. Will you do me the honour of introducing me to your brave servant?'

  Dick would die if confronted with this impressive officer, but there was nothing Dennis could do to prevent it. Harley put an arm around his shoulder familiarly and led him towards the far corner of the yard, where Dick was waiting with the others. He had sat himself down on a log, a fierce black head in his lap.

  As soon as they had left the others behind, even Agnes didn't dare follow them, Harley looked at Dennis and said softly, 'Dammit, Barks, we all thought you were dead! The sarg and five of us thought we'd get you back before you were missed, so we traced you to the moors, and a good two days'

  march in, but the weather was atrocious and there was nothing to eat, just bogs everywhere. The sarg called off the search after three days, and listed you drowned. You look well, man, imagine, Mrs Beauchamp! Are you happy?'

  All the bluster had gone from Harley's face, he looked seriously affected.

  Dennis could not but be honest.

  'I almost did die, Harley. I was lost on the moors for five days, too far gone to care, not just physically. My mind was cracked, I was broken inside. Mrs Beauchamp eventually saved me, but it wasn't easy. Do you all hate me for deserting you?'

  'Oh my God, Barks, or should I say Parker, we hated ourselves for letting you

  get away to die. You did not run to save yourself, you ran like an animal seeking a quiet place to wait for death. We took turns, you know, looking out for you when you were still at the camp, we expected you to do something desperate. May I tell a few of the guys you're happy now?'

  'Harley, I thought you'd hate me, but instead you save my life. How can I not trust you with it? Please be gentle with Dick, he knows.'

  Dennis felt a strong hand touch his chest quickly and gently.

  'You did keep in shape. Good. You understand I had to insult you just now, don't you?'

  'You spoke the absolute truth. Three people acted before I did. I've lost my edge, Harley, I find it hard to take a life nowadays. Even a fish's.'

  'You haven't lost a thing. You disarmed their ambush through clear thinking, you kept moral high, you supervised the action. You acted like an officer, Parker, not a private. Now introduce me to your friend, he's about to drop dead with fear.'

  It was true, both statements.

  'Dick, Lieutenant Harley wants to meet you, you're something of a hero.

  Don't be afraid, Dick, he knows me but he's not going to arrest me.'

  'Your master was my friend, Dick, and I was devastated to lose him to the moors. You cannot imagine how glad I am to see him well. But my men must not know, this is between us.'

  Dick carefully pushed Fury away, and got up to properly greet the lieutenant.

  Dennis grinned to see Harley realize how big Dick was, but the lieutenant didn't show his surprise much and merely shook the enormous hand he was offered.

  'If I call Dennis master he talks brogue at me. Thank you for letting him go, Lieutenant, he has had such a terrible time of it, with nightmares of being killed and killing. He deserves to be happy, and raise his baby.'

  'Is that your true name, Dennis? It sounds right. And you're going to have a baby? With Mrs Beauchamp? Dammit, man, you are a lucky fellow!

  And Dick, I know what you mean with the brogue, he used to do that to me all the time, you know I was from a gentle family and I just couldn't understand it, how could such a fine man come from the worst alleys in town?'

  Dick was smiling by now, Harley knew how to put him at ease.

  'I'll act very jovially for the audience over there, but I want to ask you a big favour, Dick. Will you keep an eye on Dennis? Make sure he takes care of

  himself, and keep him out of trouble? We, his friends, failed him, and the army failed him, and we were very sorry about that. Will you do better than us, will you help him to be happy?'

  Dear Dick, he was so serious, and so cute. He took Harley in a bear hug and promised solemnly, 'I will, Lieutenant, I promise I will do whatever I can to keep him safe and happy. Thank you so much for letting us keep him.'

  'Don't worry, either of you. Private Barks is officially dead of exposure in the moors. No-one will be looking for you ever again. Just be careful around the camp and the town, there are plenty of folk still around who remember private Barks. I wish I could hug you, but it's j
ust too dangerous. A handshake will have to do. Fare well, Dennis! My first name is Jonathan.

  Strange how we never knew.'

  'Fare well, Jonathan. Thank you for my life, and what you told me. It's very heartening that you don't hate me for what I did. I do think you're right, when I ran away I did expect to die. It makes me feel less guilty, somehow. I'm glad you made lieutenant, you deserved it. Good luck!'

  Harley quickly shook hands with the stunned Guy and John, then turned on his heels and went straight to Agnes. He shook her hand, too, then turned his back on the lot of them and talked to his sergeant. That was it, his past was now officially a closed chapter.

  Agnes did not loiter, she gestured to Dennis that she wanted him in the carriage, and Guy climbed the box without waiting for an order. They all got in and John drove off, Dennis almost giddy with relief at having escaped capture but also at knowing his former comrades remembered him with respect, and not with anger and contempt.

  Chapter 23

  As soon as the carriage was moving she was in his arms, clutched to his chest.

  'Oh my love, I died a thousand deaths when he led you to Dick. I thought he was going to cross-examine poor Dick to get the truth of it, until they hugged.

  Only then did I feel a tiny spark of hope you might yet live to see your child grow up.'

  She cried quietly, and he settled her in his arms, not only to soothe her, but to support himself, since he wasn't in a better way at all, shaking like a leaf in reaction to his fear. After about five minutes of silence, Agnes said, 'Though he didn't show it, I knew he knew you, I guess I saw it in you. I was waiting for him to caution you as he had those brigands.'

  Dennis still couldn't believe how mild Harley had been towards him.

  'He didn't even blame me, Agnes. Told me they reproached themselves for not being careful enough protecting me, for letting me get away to find a quiet place to die. He told me they'd searched for me as if they searched for a lost friend, not a cowardly deserter.

  Agnes, he was right. I did get away to die, I had nothing to live for. I've come such a long way. You know I felt perfectly safe with you and Dick, when we turned the ambush around on those brigands? I knew you'd take out your man, and when Dick went for the other I expected he'd need my help, but I wasn't worried for him.'

  'It wasn't my idea to go for him, Dennis,' Dick observed, 'I was planning to let you take them out. But then the dog escaped and since that was my fault I had to save her.'

  Dennis wondered how much Dick truly understood of what had happened.

  Had he realized how close Dennis had been to being caught?

  'Well, Dick,' Agnes said, very familiarly, she seemed to sense he needed that,

  'now you know you can subdue a man without hurting him too badly. I'm amazed you didn't break your hand on that club, you must be truly strong.

  Does it hurt very much?'

  'It does hurt a bit, yes.'

  'Is that what is bothering you, Dick, or is there something else? You seem a bit off colour.'

  Now Dennis could see it, too, he had been too self-involved to notice Dick wasn't feeling well.

  'It's not the hand, mistress, though it does hurt. I just feel a bit left out. I've had a terrible shock, I was so afraid they'd take Dennis and hang him. And all because he wanted to help those poor farmers. You hug and kiss and comfort each other, but I've no right to be in here, I'm in your way. That makes me feel bad, and unwanted.'

  'So you knew how dangerous the situation was?'

  Dennis got up and sat down beside Dick, he was right, they had been excluding him in their reaction to their fear.

  'When that officer came towards me I thought I'd faint. But then I thought that would look suspicious, so I tried to be calm. And when he turned out to be nice, I still feared something going wrong. And I still do. They know where you live, Dennis, what if they decide to come and get you anyway? I don't want you to leave, but I'm afraid you'll be killed if you stay.'

  That thought had crossed Dennis' mind, but he had decided he was not going to let fear rule his life.

  'Harley was a good comrade, Dick, even a friend. You heard him say I had nothing to fear. Shall we just believe him and live our lives and be happy?

  I'm sorry we shut you out just now, we didn't mean to. You were very brave, Dick, and we're both proud of you. I was thinking, shall we call the black hound Fury? She sure attacked like one.'

  'I like it, my love,' Agnes said.

  Dick nodded. 'She's great. That's why I went for that man, I was afraid he'd break her skull.'

  Agnes moved to his other side, a tight fit on the carriage seat, but he did need some intimacy. Her hand stroked Dick's full cheek, and Dick relished her touch with his eyes half closed. Another moment and he would be purring. It was very hot to look at, and Dennis hoped they'd kiss.

  As if Agnes could read his mind, her small hand took a firm hold on the thick neck, and she pulled Dick down to kiss him intimately. Dick's initial shyness evaporated, and he returned that kiss with energy, he might be slow, but he was a very good lover.

  Before Dennis felt a need to participate, a large hand started to explore his trousers, finding an entrance over his stomach, and continuing its activity inside. A little sound of excitement escaped his lips, and got him Dick's attention and one of those warm, wet kisses as well as a firm stroking of his shaft and testicles. Embracing new ways of making love, and new potential lovers, was something Dick did pretty quickly.

  Making love in a carriage was not very practical, but it was a good way to vent some of the energy their fear had created and it did pass the time nicely.

  Dick was really very tall, and he had some trouble fitting himself on the floor, which was his intent. He managed, though, and Dennis expected him to dive under Agnes' skirts to get a nice taste of his mistress' pussy, but he didn't. The large hand nimbly loosened Dennis' buttoned trousers, and before Dennis could protest his tackle being exposed in a small space occupied by a large black hound who had taken a full bite out of a man's leg just hours ago, he was reduced to gasps by a warm mouth enveloping his cock almost to its full length.

  This was so good, all Dennis' fear and care left him instantly as he leaned back and forgot all about Fury sitting there, yellow eyes and teeth and all.

  Agnes took him in her arms and kissed him once in a while, but as far as Dennis could tell she mainly watched. Or did she have a hand in his shirt?

  She had, and he had a hand under her skirts, but he barely felt what he was doing with his loins on fire.

  Fortunately, Dick let him have a little breather or he would have come within minutes, the nimble tongue now exploring his testicles and an exquisite spot right behind them.

  Now he felt Agnes' softness under his hands, but he wished she'd sit on top of him, so he could suck her soft flesh and let her moan with desire. With two hands free it should be possible, even in this cramped space, Agnes wasn't that large and very slight.

  Before Dick put the heat on again, Dennis had succeeded in lifting Agnes right on top of him, it was quite a search to find an opening in her full skirts, but she did help him. That was even better, now he was truly in heaven, his love on his face, and exquisite tricks unleashed on him by Dick. He executed them to perfection, after having felt them only once himself. When he felt a high approaching rapidly, he warned Dick it was coming, and at the same time he felt Agnes have a shuddering climax.

  'May I please ride you again, Dick?' Agnes asked pleadingly. 'I remember

  that so vividly.'

  Dennis felt very fuzzy after his climax, and he was content to sit in a corner of the carriage and watch the next scene unfold, playing a little with himself in brave disregard of Fury, who was bored with the long ride and was dozing on the floor with her large brindle mate.

  Dick sat down next to Dennis, very satisfied how things had developed, and Dennis thought he'd help him get rid of his trousers. His help was gladly accepted, and as soon as Dick's impressive coc
k was freed, Agnes sat right on top of it and sighed in bliss.

  Dennis merely felt quite content, safe and sated, though watching his gorgeous lady ride a prime specimen of masculinity did cause his lust to rise once more. Just see them go, Dick was so strong, he literally threw Agnes into the air, and each time she landed on his stomach she gave a little cry of delight. And up she went, again and again, until she shuddered again, but didn't want to stop at all, she could sit on a horse all day, she could ride this cock until Dick came himself, her own muscles were used to this movement.

  When Dick got caught up in his own lust and speeded up, Agnes started to giggle, she really loved this! But it was going rather fast, and Dennis didn't want her to fall off, so he offered her a hand to support her. She took it gratefully, Dennis could imagine it was more difficult to keep her balance on Dick's stomach than on a horse, he was much slimmer.

  Before Dick came she had another climax, and when he arched, then slowed down and stopped, breathing hard, she hugged him tightly and kissed him lovingly.

  'That was fabulous, Dick. I hope Maria will not be angry or hurt over this.'

  He smiled his sweetest smile, most people would call him plain, but there was such goodness in him Dennis thought everybody must just love him at first sight. Still, the whole drama buying a cottage had become proved differently. Incredible, that is what Dennis thought.

  'She won't, mistress. She'll understand. Frankly, I have a sneaking suspicion she will become very open about making love, and not just with Dennis. She may want to try out Guy, or you, mistress. I hope she will, for I'd like to stay at the manor a little longer.'

  'You're welcome to stay as long as you both want to, Dick, and not just because I like to ride you every so often. I like both of you as companions, and I think we can do her some good as well. Charles has told me he'd like to move back to the city. If he finds a place to stay in London, Maria can have


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