Mistress Agnes

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Mistress Agnes Page 43

by Kirsten Bij't Vuur

  And he did not look embarrassed at all, nor did he show any signs of planning to release Agnes' fiancée. Dennis didn't look uncomfortable either.

  All four men had told Agnes he had kept a certain distance, afraid to make friends because he had already lost so many of them, but that certainly didn't show now. This was Dennis holding not a mere comrade but a beloved friend, and Dennis seemed the most stable part of the embrace. He was smaller than the lieutenant but had that one's head on his shoulder, and he was stroking the man's short hair and shoulders. Dennis had learned a lot about expressing love in his time at the manor, and Harley relished receiving it.

  After a full minute, Harley lifted his face towards Dennis' and said huskily, 'I wanted to do that from the very moment I saw you at the hunter's place. I've dreamed of you all the time, Dennis, losing you was such a blow. You'd saved me from the French and I failed you, just gave up on you. You cannot believe how happy it makes me to see you thrive. Look at you, man, you truly have become a man! I thought you were perfect then, but you've even grown physically, you're broader, stronger yet. And the pain has left your face, it used to be there for us all to see, day and night.'

  And he hugged Dennis all over again, this time more actively, tightly, and it was Dennis' turn to rest his head on his friend's chest.

  'It still frightens me to see all of you here, Harley, I'm sorry. I'm truly glad to see you, but I feel such shame to have deserted you.'


  Jones now stepped forward, and Harley let go of Dennis to give his friend a

  chance to embrace him. It was touching to see how Dennis instinctively spared his friend's affected arm, they were still so close despite having been separated for a year. They embraced in silence, too, but Jones did not seek comfort from Dennis. Agnes guessed he did not have as bad a conscience, he was wiser and knew that what happened hadn't been their fault.

  'You would have died if you hadn't fled. Really. Seeing you as you were meant to be I recognize how far gone you were then, Dennis. It's like day and night. Even though we never did get sent to Africa, you needed something we couldn't have given you no matter how much we loved you, and you would have found some other way out.'

  That sounded very grim, and he held Dennis at arm's length again, shook his head in disbelief and crushed him against his own body, blatantly disregarding his own crooked arm.

  'I'm old enough to be your father, Dennis, but I always felt safe with you instead of the other way around. I'm glad you have finally found a place where you are safe, and someone who makes you happy. No matter how hard the road towards that feeling. I wonder if you would have found it without suffering first.'

  That was very sweet of him, suggesting Agnes' vile treatment of Dennis had been necessary somehow, to enable Dennis to accept her love after having known only hardship and loss. Agnes knew better, had she treated Dennis well from the first he would have worshipped her and clung to her until they addressed his past. But Jones meant well, and Dennis didn't seem to mind, he was starting to relax a little, Agnes could so understand his fear.

  Alexander also got his turn to renew his bond to Dennis, clearly showing his feelings of guilt. Despite being rather overcome with fear as well as feelings Dennis noticed, and it made him suspicious and restless.

  'What's up, Xander? Having second thoughts about protecting a deserter?'

  He was not joking, Dennis still did not feel safe at all, had Agnes done right to let these guys into their house?


  Alexander had lost all composure at such a suggestion, Dennis' voice having betrayed his fear clearly. Poor man, he already felt so terribly guilty.

  'I mean, Dennis. Dammit man, I've been in agony for a whole year, thinking I had murdered you. I'd kill myself before I'd betray you!'

  Seeing his very real distress Dennis softened a lot.

  'I'm sorry, Xander, I'm a bit edgy. I've had my feelings shaken a lot the last

  few days. Please don't berate yourself, Xander, I have no idea why you should feel guilty because I did something bad. Really!'

  His nerves had overcome the sturdy lieutenant, and he sank to a chair and covered his face with his hands. Dennis didn't understand, as Agnes had predicted, how could he know Alexander felt guilty for letting Dennis get away on his watch? He hadn't known he was being watched!

  Dennis did not hesitate to sit on the chair beside him and take his hand.

  'Xander, will you please talk? I thought we agreed it was better this way?

  You never did anything to me, did you?'

  A choked voice said, 'I did. It was my turn to watch you, and I let you get away. I thought you died because of me!'

  'Xander, have you any idea how ridiculous that sounds?'

  Somehow, his friend's condition had given Dennis new courage, and he spoke firmly, almost a little arrogantly.

  'I didn't know you were watching me, but if you had been there when I fled I would have noticed and chosen some other time. Or I would have deceived you. There was no way you could have stopped me, you know.'

  Fortunately, Dennis then softened up a lot and continued, 'I'm sorry to have caused you such pain, my friend, and I hope you don't hold it against me. I never realized you loved me so much, I thought you all merely tolerated me out of pity. I was not myself then, I was very sick in my mind, and I blamed myself for it, for being weak and cowardly. Thank you for caring for me, I wish I had known then, it would have been such a comfort.'

  Now Alexander was able to hug Dennis with positive feelings, after which Fisher greeted the man he had looked up to with love and admiration. Then they really talked.

  They did not tire of digging up memories, discussing the army as it was now, there were so many subjects one evening was not enough.

  'Are you really considering writing a novel on army life, Mrs Beauchamp?'

  Harley asked.

  'I am. And I am also considering writing it for a broader audience, without the naughty scenes I mean. Probably under a male alias, to make it more eligible for a large print.'

  'Great!' was Harley's comment. 'I mean, if you really do that, we can come more often to help you research the subject. Now I've met the real Dennis, I find I do not want to let go of him. But I do not want to endanger his future either, we need an excuse to meet him, and you cannot write a book based on

  his experiences, he's dead, he cannot tell you what the life of a private was like in the Napoleonic wars. You need references of live soldiers to base your story upon. Can you handle that, Dennis? Do you want to stay connected to us?'

  'I do,' Dennis replied, 'I'm over the worst of my fear, and I find myself enjoying your company a lot. I like living on the moors but it's rather quiet socially. If we can meet safely, I'd like to do so. If Agnes agrees, of course, it's her house.'

  Of course Agnes agreed, she liked these men and would gladly pick their minds for facts about the lives of soldiers. But by now it was getting late, and though they had both already written their statements on the events of two days ago, Agnes wanted Harley to check them against Mr Winfield's account.

  They wanted to downplay Dennis' role in the chain of events, but of course the reports shouldn't differ too much. That took another half hour, and then the clock struck midnight.

  Guy came in with a knock on the door, and offered to lead the gentlemen to their sleeping quarters, which they accepted gratefully.

  Chapter 28

  When they were gone, Patrick entered and said, 'We've invited your cousin to stay in our room tonight, mistress, and he really wanted to, but he said you had to approve since it's your house and you have other guests.'

  'I have no problem with it, you're in totally different parts of the house, just be careful with Henry's driver, though I suppose he knows his own man best.

  But I don't need to tell you to be secretive, you all know the risk to a captain of the army. So I guess you had a good time together?'

  'We did indeed. I always liked your cous
in, mistress, but I think I'm a bit in love with him now. He was so shy and so sweet, we just couldn't resist him.

  We drew him out slowly, carefully, undressing him, letting him undress us. I truly believe he had never been touched before, and he's our age!'

  'I want to hear all of it, Patrick,' Agnes told him, 'do sit down and tell us. If you don't mind, that is.'

  Well, Patrick certainly didn't object to that.

  'We didn't take him to the library at all, but straight to the attic. I had to swallow hard a few times, quite a few memories assailed me, but Guy had gone up before to remove the chain and he was calm and steady. Besides, Henry was very nervous and that made me forget my own anxiety, he needed both of us to support him.

  The attic was dark, of course, but our eyes soon got used to the darkness. By then we all had our top half undressed, and we stroked him and kissed him.

  He is a bit roly-poly to be sure, he loves good food of course, but a nice little layer of soft flesh never hurt anyone. In fact it encouraged us to nuzzle him and pet him, and he relished our touch, almost too shy to reciprocate.

  We took our time to let him get used to touching us, and how he stroked our skin and tasted our nipples and probed our muscles. He loved the feel of those as much as we loved his soft pale flesh, though there was plenty of muscle underneath it.'

  Patrick loved telling this, it was as if he was doing it again just relating his story.

  'Then Guy started on his trousers, and he got all shy on us once again, and I just had to kiss him, though he found that intimidating at first. But mistress, I think he kind of fancies me, for he let me do it and when he got the hang of it he sort of took over and kissed me good.

  Clothes started flying after that, Henry was all over me but he was still a bit shy of Guy, but of course Guy understood and drew him out even more. And he gave Henry a taste of what was to come, and having his dick held and licked just the tiniest bit made your cousin very curious. Well, after Guy caught him when he buckled, that is.

  'Guy guided him to the bed, where we continued to stroke and kiss and lick, and he showed Henry how to please a man by using me to practise on. He didn't need much practice, though, and soon the three of us were very pleasantly engaged with each other. Of course he was rather excitable, and Guy let him have a breather now and then, until he thought Henry was ready for the next step. And he truly is one of us, for he did not show the slightest sign of fear or reluctance when Guy offered himself. Henry merely asked me to show him what to do and I did.

  He watched me for a few moments, then wanted to try, and when he'd done that for a few minutes he didn't lose control at all, but wanted some of that himself. I did him while Guy checked Henry to see if he still liked it, and from the way they kissed I guessed he did like it, so I gave him more until I was going all out.

  Then we had a very merry time together, no more talk but plenty of action until we were all sated and ready to take a breather. We sat together, stroking a little and kissing a little, and he told us he'd been aching for me for as long as we had known each other. But he never dared ask, he thought he was sick in his mind to lust for a man. I felt so sorry for him, he could have had this years ago if he had just said something or shown something. But he controlled himself totally, I noticed he was friendly to me, but I just thought him nice.

  We took a little time to educate him on the dangers of flirting openly, and how to find partners in the city, but I'm afraid he is a bit stuck on me for now.

  He knows what Guy and I have together, and he was disappointed at first, but he was becoming less awed by him and I truly think he realizes by now how admirable Guy is. Guy proposed to share the bed tonight and invited him to come again if you didn't mind. I think he's a little smitten, too, we generally do have the same taste in men, except Guy is a little rougher with them.

  Henry did like that once he got used to it.

  So we plan to give him a good time, and a little more advice tonight, he has to leave tomorrow but we both hope he'll come back soon. With your permission, I'd like to return to him and tell him you're fine with his staying, Guy will be done with your guests by now. I hope you had a good night. Oh, Dennis, Dick asked whether you'd drop by quietly, he's still in pain and he cannot sleep very well, and he was very nervous about the interview with the lieutenant tomorrow.'

  Of course Dennis couldn't refuse his poor friend anything, and after they wished Patrick a very good night Agnes offered, 'Why don't we pay Dick a visit together? I think he needs you, but I don't want to be all alone either.'

  And so they went to their bedroom to change into a dressing gown, then snuck downstairs to the servants' part of the house and quietly entered the new couple's bedroom. Pixie growled in warning but very softly, and they heard Dick speak to her calmly, then address them.

  'Dennis, is that you? Thank goodness, I can't sleep at all.'

  His voice betrayed pain and anxiety both, and they carefully approached the bed on his side. Maria seemed asleep, she did not move or make a noise as far as they could see in the dark.

  'Have you taken your painkiller, Dick?' Dennis asked with some concern.

  'I did, but it doesn't seem to do anything, there's a constant throbbing keeping me awake. And then I start thinking about the interview and I get anxious.'

  'When I was in the infirmary after I came back from France, Dick, I was bunked next to a man who had broken his arm badly. He was in pain, too, and the doctors put his arm on an extra pillow to lift it up. He said it helped. Do you want to try that? And you are allowed two doses of painkiller, shall I get the other one? If you fall asleep you'll probably sleep until morning.'

  'Yes, please, Dick. I didn't want to ask Maria, she needs to sleep, and I didn't dare take it just like that, but I wanted to.'

  As Dennis moved off in the dark quietly to where he knew to find the painkillers, Agnes sat beside Dick on the bed and stroked him gently, she felt so sorry for him. He had been so brave and now he was suffering for it.

  'Mistress, is that you?'

  He sounded surprised, touched her hand briefly then added, 'I cannot see you, but you don't smell like Dennis, and your hand is smaller and softer. I'm sorry for being such a bother, mistress, but it really hurts a lot.'

  And it shouldn't, Agnes couldn't believe he was still in so much pain, Dick was not a man to make a fuss, if he complained it had to be really bad. She'd take him back to the doctor tomorrow, this was not right. He did feel a bit warm, but it was still warm in the room, still she did not dare say he wasn't fevered.

  'Don't worry, dear Dick, you're not a bother to us. You deserve all the attention you get, and I feel really sorry for you for being in such pain. We will take very good care of you Dick, whatever happens, you will not be left to fend for yourself. And don't worry about the lieutenant, he will help you to make your statement perfect, he helped us tonight and he will help you, too.'

  Dick's good hand clutched hers, and she invited him to lay his head on her lap, which he did with a sigh. His face so close to her pussy reminded her of the countless times he had given her exquisite pleasure, but he was in no condition to please anyone right now. Poor Dick.

  'I feel much better already, mistress, I know Maria is just asleep, but it's so lonely when you're in the dark all by yourself. But I will stop worrying over the lieutenant, you know best. Thank you for being so nice to me.'

  Then Dennis came back and he helped Dick up to take the powder. He had also found a thick blanket that he folded up and laid in the bed for Dick to rest his hand on. After a few more minutes a sleepy voice commented, 'I think it does help, Dennis, the throbbing seems to grow less. And since I'm very tired, I think I can sleep soon.'

  Dick removed his head from Agnes' lap and merely snuggled against her, was he afraid Dennis would rebuke him for making free with his fiancée? Agnes couldn't believe that, they were such good friends and besides, Dennis wouldn't dream of claiming Agnes, she was her own person and he respected that.

bsp; 'You're not doing that for me, are you?' Dennis asked his friend in surprise,

  'you may lie on the mistress' lap as long as you both like, you know that, don't you, Dick?'

  'I do, Dennis, but if I fall asleep you can leave. Then if I'm on the mistress'

  lap I'll wake up again.'

  True, dear Dick was right. And he was also right about falling asleep, after five minutes his breathing slowed and he seemed asleep. Had he just been aching for a little company? Agnes knew Dennis had felt the same way when he still suffered from nightmares; even with a loved one sleeping beside you, lying awake in the middle of the night was very lonesome.

  'He's fast asleep now, Agnes, we can go to our own room. Let us hope he will sleep through the night, poor fellow. I want to see the doctor again tomorrow, Agnes, he's not improving at all.'

  'I was thinking just the same, my love, we'll go right after your friends leave.'

  It was difficult to go back to pretending to have just met, the next morning at breakfast. Last night had been such a joyful reunion of old friends, it had been so heartening for Dennis to find out his former comrades had always loved him as a friend, not merely borne with him because they felt sorry for him.

  They seemed to see the humour in the situation, though, and greeted him with perfect civility, and the reason of their duplicity, Captain Avery, was also a model of good manners.

  Knowing what he had been doing all evening and probably most of the night, Dennis allowed himself to check him for signs of stiffness for a mere minute, after which he reminded himself he was a gentleman and the host, and he merely enjoyed the sight of Agnes' cousin looking truly happy.

  Dennis didn't really know him, they had chatted a little yesterday but that had mostly been about Dennis and Agnes, but the difference with yesterday was still striking. Somehow admitting to his true nature, and having been given love for the first time if his life, had made a profound change in the captain.

  A certain melancholy in his bearing was gone.


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