Slick 2

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Slick 2 Page 5

by Brenda Hampton



  I could feel everything slipping away. I didn’t have any solid evidence that Jonathan had been cheating on me, but boy did I feel it. Everything about him was different. His walk, his talk, his clothes, his attitude . . . everything! Many of those things were a sign that the man I loved was losing interest in me. He was pretending. Pretending that this thing between us could magically work out, when he knew darn well that opening the door for Sylvia again would destroy us.

  At this point, though, I wasn’t sure what to do. I had a lot to lose, and I refused to hand Jonathan over to Sylvia on a silver platter. My intentions were to fight for my man, but I would only fight if he came clean about what was really going on. Some way or somehow, I needed to force the truth out of him. I wanted to hear straight from the horse’s mouth what exactly he’d been doing with Sylvia. I wanted to know how he truly felt about her, and I needed to know for sure if marriage was something he really wanted.

  Day in and out, I contemplated what to do. I had to know where his head was, so I came up with a plan that would put him on the spot, and hopefully, get him to reveal everything to me.

  Jonathan was at work, but I called to see if he would meet me for lunch. I didn’t tell him where I would be, but I gave him an address, telling him where to go. I knew that he was due in court at two o’clock, so I had to make this quick. I stood close by the door, looking out and waiting for him to arrive. Minutes later, I saw him park his car; then he got out. A smile came across my face. I couldn’t ignore how handsome and well put together my man was. His tailored suits always looked spectacular on him, and I don’t think there was ever a time when his hair wasn’t trimmed and his shoes didn’t shine. I was one lucky woman. He seemed to be the man of my dreams. I hoped and prayed that what I assumed wasn’t true; and if it was, I didn’t know what I would do.

  The second I opened the door for him, his masculine cologne hit me. I could have fucked him right then and there, but with all of the sales associates lurking around, that wouldn’t have been a good idea.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” I said, greeting him. “Thanks for coming. I wanted you to give me your opinion on three dresses I have in mind for our wedding day. I know you’re not supposed to see what I’ll be wearing, but these dresses are similar to what I really want. Do you think you can help me?”

  Jonathan looked around at the bridal shop then smiled at one of the associates who stood nearby, waiting to assist me.

  “I, uh, don’t mind helping out, but I didn’t know that we set an official date yet,” he said.

  “We haven’t, but I think we should do so soon. I’m excited about spending the rest of my life with you, and you will have yourself a beautiful, loving, and dedicated wife real soon.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” He looked at his watch then reached for my hand. “Come on and show me the dresses. I don’t have much time, but if my opinion matters, I don’t mind offering it.”

  I escorted Jonathan to a sitting area that was surrounded by mirrors. While he took a seat on one of the leather couches, I went into the spacious dressing room with the associate, who helped me ease into the first dress I had chosen. It had a plunging neckline that revealed a sliver of my cleavage. Pearls were tightened at the waist, and the satin material hugged my tiny curves. The dress was more than beautiful. If this marriage thing actually worked out, I would surely find something similar to this one.

  “Oh my God,” the associate said with a wide smile on her face. “You look amazing. He is going to be so pleased with this, and you are going to be a stunning bride.”

  Of course that’s what she would say. I did look good, though, so I took her word for it. She opened the door for me to walk out, but unfortunately for me, Jonathan was no longer on the couch. He stood close to the counter with his cell phone up to his ear. Another associate tapped his shoulder, and when she pointed in my direction, he turned around. His eyes grew wide and his conversation came to a halt. I saw him take a swallow and then he cleared his throat.

  “I will be there as soon as I can,” he rushed to say. “Don’t say anything until I get there. I don’t want you to blow this.”

  Jonathan eased the phone into his pocket and continued to stare at me. I held out my hands then shrugged my shoulders.

  “Well, what do you think? Do you like this one?”

  With his hands in his pockets, he strutted my way. The other women looked on with jealousy in their eyes. He appeared to be all the man any woman could hope for. I so wished that our little world was perfect. Deep down, I knew that it wasn’t. Damn Sylvia. Her timing was off.

  “I’m almost speechless,” he said with a serious look on his face. “I don’t like it, baby, I love it. That is the dress you need to wear. I don’t want to see you in anything else on our special day but that dress. You are killing it.”

  His words made me smile. “Are you sure? You haven’t seen the other ones. They are just as beautiful.”

  “No. I don’t care about the other ones, and I really don’t want to see them. I love that one. It’s you all the way. Turn around.”

  I turned to display my backside. I heard Jonathan take a deep breath then release it. “With all of these women standing around, I can’t express how I really feel about the dress. Remind me to tell you later, but, for now, you need to get it bagged up and be done with your search.”

  This certainly didn’t sound like a man who had been cheating on me. Maybe I had been barking up the wrong tree. Had I been wrong about him and Sylvia? Was he still deeply in love with me, and was marriage still on the table? It surely seemed like it was. If he was putting on a front, he was a damn good actor.

  I rushed into the dressing room then came back with two other dresses to show him. He thoroughly observed the dresses but didn’t change his mind.

  “The one you have on is my final choice. I haven’t seen you in the other ones, but I can already tell that they won’t look as good on you as that one does.”

  “Okay. If you say so, I believe you. Thanks for your opinion, and just so you know, the one you chose just happens to be the most expensive one. You’re not going to be upset with me for spending this kind of money on a wedding dress, are you?”

  “No. I don’t care how much the dress costs, and you can show up at our wedding naked for all I care. All I care about is you being my wife. That’s all that matters.”

  My eyes welled with tears. I felt like an idiot for not trusting Jonathan. Whatever was going on, I guessed it didn’t have much to do with Sylvia. I felt relieved. He told me to meet him outside, and after I took off the dress, I told the sales associate that I would be back later.

  “Are you going to purchase it today?” She grabbed my arm as I started to walk away. “If not, I’ll be happy to put it aside for you.”

  I frowned and snatched my arm away from her. “I haven’t made my final decision yet, but I appreciate your help. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, but I really think you should buy this dress today. He wants you to have it, and if you don’t put it on hold, I’m afraid that someone else will get it.”

  I hated pushy salespeople, and it upset me that she was about to ruin my day. “For the last time, Miss Pushy, I said I would be back later. Whether that means today, tomorrow, next month, or next year, I will be back. Thank you again, and have a great day.”

  The bushy-browed bimbo stood with her eyes bugged and her hand on her chest, as if I had offended her. I rolled my eyes at her then walked away. Once I was outside, I saw Jonathan leaning against his car. He was back on his cell phone, but he asked the caller to hold.

  “Listen, baby, I need to get back to the office and pick up some things before I go to court. I’ll see you at home tonight, and I will do my best not to be too late. Thanks for inviting me to come here. I love you, and I want you to give me a date for our wedding real soon.”

  “I love you too,” was all I could say.

  I gave him
a kiss then told him that we would finish our discussion later. Jonathan sped off, and I couldn’t help but to think how foolish I had been. I was now convinced that he hadn’t been cheating on me. Shame on me for thinking such a thing. My insecurities had gotten the best of me. I had to admit that Sylvia was a beautiful woman, so the competition was steep. Nonetheless, Jonathan was in love with me. He proved that time and time again. I was so glad that I hadn’t accused him of anything, and how stupid would that have been. The way I saw it, I was so damn lucky to have him.



  I was looking forward to lunch with Jonathan on Thursday, but when I went to his office, his secretary told me he was out for the day. He could have called to tell me that. I was a little disappointed that he hadn’t.

  Instead, I went to lunch by myself. I decided to grab a bite at Friday’s, and as soon as I walked through the door, I got the shock of my life. Dana was sitting at the bar, next to a white man. He was very attractive and quickly put me in the mindset of Daniel Craig. I was hoping that she wouldn’t see me, but with the bar being close by the door, that was near impossible. She narrowed her eyes and her mouth dropped open. She whispered something to the man next to her; he turned around to look at me. He nodded and a fake smile followed. Dana patted his back, and with a skinny-leg pantsuit on, she tucked her purse underneath her arm then headed my way. From a distance, I saw the huge diamond ring on her finger glistening. She looked as if she was made of money, and her caramel skin was polished with tanning lotion. Her sandy brown hair was full of loose curls that hung several inches past her shoulders. It didn’t appear that she had gained any weight, and as far as I could see, she appeared to be the same ol’ bourgie Dana.

  Pretending as if she was so elated to see me, she approached me with a wide smile on her face. She air-kissed my cheeks then stepped back to search me up and down.

  “Girrrl, you look fabulous. I didn’t know you were in St. Louis,” she said. “Are you visiting or what?”

  “I’m here for good. Atlanta was only temporary.” My response was flat.

  “Uh, okay. But come this way. I want you to meet someone.”

  For whatever reason, I followed Dana. Being in her presence made me quite uncomfortable, especially since our friendship had ended on a sour note. In the moment, though, I was being just as fake as she was. I could sense that she really wasn’t feeling me, and I definitely wasn’t feeling her. She swung around with the phoniest grin I had ever seen and then introduced me to Jeff Wilcox, her husband.

  “Nice to meet you.” He stood and shook my hand. “I’ve heard so many things about you.”

  It wasn’t the first time I’d heard that statement. It wouldn’t be the last. I guess I was the subject of plenty of people’s conversations.

  “Same here,” I said, waving as if I were in a rush. “Take care. It was good seeing the both of you.”

  I hurried to move away from Dana and her husband. She reached for my arm to stop me.

  “Really, Sylvia? I haven’t seen or talked to you in years. What’s with the attitude? Are you still upset with me? If so, for what? If I recall, you were the one who stole my husband away from me. Not the other way around.”

  I almost lost it. She didn’t just go there, did she? Then again, I expected her to. Drama was her middle name. That’s why I was eager to get away from her.

  “I think I told you this before, but let me remind you of something. If I took your husband, that means he was never yours. What I recall is you cheated on him with a younger man, basically throwing Jonathan into my arms.” I looked at her fine-ass husband. “It is my wish that Dana doesn’t slip up again. If she does, you just never know what kind of woman will be watching and waiting to get her hands on you.”

  Neither of them had much else to say, but Jeff had a smirk on his face that implied my comment pleased him. Dana shook her head, appearing disgusted with me. Before she opened her mouth to say one word, I turned and headed toward the door to leave. I could hear her heels clacking against the hardwood floors. She followed me out of the restaurant, and that’s when I swung around, coming face to face with her again.

  “Look, Dana. I don’t have no beef with you, okay? Things have changed, and it is my hope that we’ve moved on from a situation that left many of us hurt. It seems that you’re happy with who you’re with, and, just like with Jonathan, I’m sure your new husband is providing you with all of the money you can spend and credit cards you need.”

  Catching me off guard, Dana lifted her hand, delivering a weak smack. It was enough to jerk my head to the side; there was no question I was in disbelief.

  “How dare you stand there and insult me, after betraying our friendship as you did? Bitch, you need to be bowing down to me and asking for forgiveness. Instead, you’re treating me as if I was the one who backstabbed you. As if I was the one who lied to you and fucked your husband over and over and over again. Don’t you have any remorse? Are you seriously that foolish where you think your actions were justified? Wake the hell up, Sylvia. The next time you see me, treat me as if you have some gotdamn respect.”

  I was in a different place right now, one that wouldn’t allow me to slap this heifer back and beat her ass for putting her hands on me. Instead, I got her where it hurt, before walking away.

  “Respect? Please. And don’t speak about me and Jonathan as if our relationship is a thing of the past. We’re still going strong. So strong that I’ll send you an invitation to the wedding, as soon as it’s in the works. Meanwhile, have a nice life and keep your husband close. He’s gorgeous, and you already know how I am.”

  I turned to walk away. Dana laughed, continuing to lash out at me.

  “Watch your back, trick! His fiancée, Lesa, won’t stand for your games! She’s a force to be reckoned with, and this time, you will pay with your life!”

  I was so upset about what had happened, but Dana’s threats went in one ear, out the other. She was lucky that her weak-ass slap didn’t hurt. Nonetheless, I couldn’t get focused on work back at the office, so I gathered my things to go home. Crissy had been out all week. She told me I could work from home for a few days if I wanted to, so I took advantage of her offer.

  Later that evening, I found myself bored as ever. There was a time when I could call Jonathan to come keep me company. We’d watch movies, play cards, cook, basically have a ball. But I wasn’t sure if inviting him to come over was what I wanted to do. I wanted him to chase me, instead of me always reaching out to him. I didn’t want to come off as desperate. And the last thing I wanted him to know was my desire to have him in my presence at all times. I wanted so badly to be his wife. There was a possibility that it could still happen, so I remained wishful.

  Friday was here before I knew it. I decided to go into the office and play catch-up, since I didn’t get anything done from home. I wondered if Jonathan was at the office too. It was confirmed when I saw his BMW parked in his reserved spot. I hadn’t planned on telling him about Dana; however, when I stopped by his office to say hello, he mentioned the contents of a note that was on his windshield.

  “It’s been on my mind ever since,” he said, standing by the window and looking out. “I don’t know who would do something like that, and I can’t really say if the letter was intended for me.”

  Of course it was. And I had a feeling I knew who was responsible.

  “I’m glad you mentioned the letter, because I have to tell you about an incident between Dana and me. I saw her and the hubby at a restaurant yesterday. At first, she seemed very chummy, but then she started cursing me and rehashing certain things from the past. She followed me outside and slapped me across my face when I refused to listen to her foolishness. As I walked away, she told me to watch my back because Lesa wouldn’t stand for none of this. She also said something like I would pay with my life if I continued to see you.”

  Jonathan appeared stunned by what I’d told him, but like always, he defended her. “I can’t bel
ieve she put her hands on you. That doesn’t sound like something Dana would do, and she, of all people, has no reason to interfere in my life.”

  I cocked my head back. “Are you calling me a liar?”

  “No, I’m not calling you a liar. It just makes no sense that she would be the one who wrote the note. Did you tell her the two of us were involved again?”

  I wanted to lie but decided against it. “Yes, I mentioned something like that to her. She threw everything at me but the kitchen sink. I had to somehow fire back at her with a little truth.”

  It was apparent that Jonathan didn’t like my answer. He eased over to his chair then released a deep sigh. “Damn, Sylvia. I wish you wouldn’t have told her anything. What we do is none of her business. As a matter of fact, it’s nobody’s business. This is how shit travels from one person to the next. It won’t be long before it gets back to Lesa. I don’t want her to know about us; after all, she is the one I want to marry. If you keep running your mouth, you’ll put me in a position where I’ll have some explaining to do. Are you trying to ruin things for me, and have you told anyone else about us? I mean, like Crissy or some of the people who work here? You know how nosy the people around here are, and they’re always looking for some kind of dirt on me.”

  I was taken aback by this conversation. All the hell he cared about was this getting back to Lesa. Fuck Lesa. I was so upset that I didn’t bother to respond. All I did was roll my eyes at Jonathan, and then I walked out. He didn’t come after me, and by the time I got back to my desk, I was fuming. I could barely get anything done, and I continued to escape into a daze every time I attempted to type.


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