Slick 2

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Slick 2 Page 12

by Brenda Hampton

  I snatched my phone from my purse. The first person I called was Jonathan. Just like the last time, he acted as if he wasn’t concerned.

  “Who are you going to go beat up this time?” he said. “You may have pissed someone else off. I do not think Lesa or Dana is responsible.”

  If I were face-to-face with him, I would have slapped the shit out of him again. “You are so stupid, Jonathan. I don’t know why you think the women you date are saints, and who else would keep doing stuff like this? I don’t have any enemies, other than the tricks you’ve been with. If you care about them, you’d better do what you can to shut this mess down. Somebody is going to get hurt. If I had walked up on them, I would’ve used my gun to settle this, once and for all.”

  “Then you’d be in jail. I’m not saying that I don’t care, but why are you calling me? They both said they didn’t trash your apartment. Until I have some hard evidence, I don’t know which way to turn.”

  “Are you working on getting some hard evidence? Of course not. You just believe everything they tell you. I bet you don’t even believe my apartment was damaged. You probably think I’m making this up about my car, too, don’t you? If so, I’ll be happy to take pictures and show it to you.”

  “I never said I didn’t believe you. What I’m saying is call the police. Report it, take pictures, and have some hard evidence. That’s the only advice I can give a woman who found it necessary to tell my fiancée I couldn’t get hard because she doesn’t excite me. That was wrong on so many different levels, Sylvia, and I don’t have much else to say.”

  I tightened my fist, wanting to punch something. Crissy was right. Jonathan had changed and it wasn’t for the better.

  “To hell with your fiancée. I’m sure she didn’t tell you that she was the one who confronted me, did she? She said some things to me that got underneath my skin, but I’m not going there with you today. I have bigger fish to fry. Lesa is the least of my worries.”

  There was silence, and then he took our conversation in another direction. “We need to stop this, and there is no reason for us not to talk to each other as if we have some sense. How is your assault case coming along? Let me know if you need some assistance with it.”

  He was right. No matter how bad things were, this was unnecessary. “I think it’s going along okay. Crissy introduced me to someone who can help me. I’m waiting to hear back from him. He went to court for me today.”

  “Okay. I hope it works out. I want you to know that I’m always rooting for you, regardless. I’m just in a place where I want to stay committed to the woman I’m with, without any distractions. With us, I felt like we kept repeating some of the same mistakes that we’d made in the past.”

  “I felt the same way too, but I was hoping for things to take a turn for the better. I’m not going to keep you. I need to call the police, but in the meantime, watch your back. Somebody doesn’t like you, me, or both of us. If you discover who that may be, please let me know.”

  “You do the same. I handle so many court cases, and I’m starting to wonder if I have gained an enemy who’s been watching me. I don’t mean to scare you, but these things happen all the time.”

  “Trust me, I know they do. I’ll let you know how the case goes, and thanks for the offer. If my attorney doesn’t come through for me, I’ll be searching for other alternatives.”

  Jonathan told me to keep in touch. After our call, I felt a little better. I calmed down and called the police. Within ten minutes, a police officer arrived to make a report. I inquired about possible cameras in the garage, but he claimed that there were none. I didn’t believe him.

  I returned home, seeing that I had missed a call from Mr. Clayton. He said that he had good news, and the good news was that I didn’t have to face jail time. I was given probation for one year and was fined $5,000. The bail money could be used to cover my fine, but I didn’t feel good because it was Crissy’s money. Her money also paid for my attorney’s fees. Somehow, I had to make this up to her. I called to share the good news with her.

  “That’s awesome,” she said enthusiastically. “And I have some more good news for you. It’s about Lesa. I’m on my way over there so I can tell you a little something I found out about her.”

  Even though I wanted to know, it was already late. If Crissy stopped by, I knew we would be up all night chitchatting. “Just tell me over the phone. I am so tired. I need to get some rest.”

  “Okay. I’ll hold on to my information until morning. Let’s meet at Forest Park so we can go walk away some of these pounds, too. Until then, I’ll just say that you shouldn’t be surprised. Jonathan really knows how to pick them.”

  I wanted to know what was up, but Crissy refused to tell me over the phone. We agreed to meet early in the morning. I couldn’t wait to see what the private investigator had discovered.

  Crissy was already at the park when I arrived. Her hair was swept into a ponytail like mine, and we both had on sweat suits. She hurried to give me a hug, and then she passed an envelope to me as we started to jog.

  “Don’t open that yet. Not until I tell you what the investigator told me. First of all, he didn’t catch her in action doing anything to your car yesterday, so you may want to keep an eye on Miss Dana. Second of all, Lesa’s been seeing another man. The investigator says that it didn’t appear to be a new relationship, because the two seemed real comfortable and chummy with each other. He took pictures of them going out to dinner, and of them having sex in the back of his car. The guy she’s seeing is a young model who works with her. His name is Lance Bush, and he also works as a manager at some fancy store at the mall. His apartment is near yours, and he doesn’t have a lot of money. Other than being nice looking, I don’t know why Lesa is interested in him. I saw his dick in those pictures. Trust me when I say it’s nothing to brag about.”

  The whole time Crissy spoke, my eyes grew wider and wider. Jonathan was going to be devastated when he found this out. Yet again, he managed to fall for a woman who was up to no good with a younger man.

  “I don’t know what to say. Is this guy after her money? Or should I say after Jonathan’s money? Lesa doesn’t have much, does she?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean by much, but she makes a decent living. Jonathan has way more money than she does, but the chick isn’t broke. I guess you’re wondering if she could be after his money, huh?”

  “Yes. When Dana was doing her little thing on the side, she was giving Jonathan’s money to her lover. He was broke as hell, and he found a fool like Dana who was willing to take care of him. I just hope this isn’t the case again.”

  “I can’t answer that right now. I don’t know if Lesa has a motive, but the private investigator said that she went to Jonathan’s house on a few occasions and left with some clothes. He also said that she spent the night with him last night. I take it that they’ve possibly made up. I told the PI to keep following her.”

  “I’m still speechless. And I’m glad you’re the one with all this evidence, not me. Are you going to tell him about her?”

  Crissy stopped jogging. She placed her hands on her knees, while taking several deep breaths. “Hell, no, I’m not telling him. You are. You need to tell him what’s going on with this bitch and tell him soon.”

  I stopped jogging too. “Absolutely not. I’m not telling him a darn thing. I was the one who broke the news to him the last time. You already know that turned out to be one big mess.”

  “It did, but he was very appreciative of you for telling him the truth, wasn’t he?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it, yes, he was. And he’ll be very appreciative of you for telling him what’s up too. I’m not getting involved anymore. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not my business.”

  We started to walk instead of jog. “No matter what you say,” Crissy said, “Jonathan will always be your business. I’m not going to say a word to him, but I have a feeling that, eventually, you will.”

  I disagreed. I
didn’t want no part of this. We started to jog slowly again, and that’s when I told Crissy about the guy I’d met at the movies.

  “Don’t rush into anything,” she said. “Put complete closure to your situation with Jonathan. Then move on.”

  “I have put closure to it. He did too.”

  Crissy doubted me. I did a little too, but I kept my fingers crossed, hoping to leave well enough alone and stay away from chaos that would soon erupt.



  A weekend vacation was what we needed. I invited Lesa to join me on a quick getaway to Vegas, and when I showed her the tickets I had already purchased, she couldn’t say no.

  “Jonathan, you really shouldn’t have bought these,” she said while standing in her tiny office, which was cluttered with colorful fabrics and papers stacked high on her desk. “I . . . I told you that I needed some space, didn’t I?”

  “You did, but it’s been so difficult being without you. I thought we could just get away from our surroundings and figure out a way to get back to the way things used to be between us. Don’t you miss that?”

  Lesa sighed then placed her hand on her hip. “I do, but what good is Vegas going to do us? I don’t think you understand how serious—”

  “I do understand, and I can’t stress enough how sorry I am. But if we want to continue this relationship, we have to be willing to put certain things behind us and start somewhere. I can’t think of a better place than Vegas. There’s fun, entertainment, and the weather is beautiful right now. Besides that, you will be in the presence of one sexy man who loves you dearly.”

  A smile washed across her face, making me feel real good. She walked around her desk to stand closer to me. “You fucked up, Jonathan, and I’m not sure if going to Vegas will change anything, but I guess it won’t hurt, so when are we leaving again?”

  “Soon. Like tomorrow. Get out of here, go home and pack, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Lesa seemed a little hesitant, but she nodded and told me she would be ready. I was hyped about her agreeing to go with me, but when I leaned in to kiss her, she halted my actions by placing her hand against my chest.

  “Not now,” she said. “Don’t rush me back into this.”

  “I’m trying not to, but I can’t help myself. Besides, a little kiss won’t hurt, will it?”

  “A little kiss tends to lead to other things. I’m not prepared to go there just yet.”

  “Well, sleep on it. I intend to make your trip to Vegas so worth it, and making love to you is second on my agenda. Preparing you to become my wife is first.”

  Lesa smiled again, but she refused to give me a kiss. She escorted me to the door then clenched her hand together with mine.

  “I don’t know what the future holds for us, and I would be lying if I said I don’t love you anymore. I do. That’s why I’m willing to make this move with you. Don’t be late picking me up, and drive safely.”

  The kiss I awaited had finally arrived. We indulged ourselves for several long minutes, and I pulled away when my dick started to stiffen. I immediately left, feeling like I was floating on clouds. I couldn’t wait to be with her again, and, when morning came, I was thirty minutes early picking her up.

  We rode to the airport and were in Vegas in no time. I opted to stay in a penthouse suite for the next three days, and the second we entered the room, our luggage hit the floor, and our bodies hit the bed. We made love for what seemed like day in and day out. It felt amazing to be inside of her without thinking of anyone else. I wasn’t worried about the lies anymore, wasn’t concerned about any interruptions, and I didn’t concern myself about not being able to stay hard. My mind was in the right place. She seemed delighted about that too, and as I tackled her pussy in a doggie-style position, she expressed how happy she was to have me back.

  “See,” she said. “I knew you’d get it together. Welcome hoooome. This pussy is so glad that you’re home and the doors are open again.”

  “Stay open. Never close, and thanks for inviting me in again.”

  We laughed, kissed, and continued to fuck our way throughout the entire suite. By midnight, I was exhausted. Lesa had worn me out. We sat on the balcony, chilling in a lounge chair while embracing one another. The bright lights lit up the sky, and from where we were the scenery was amazing. The warm breeze stirring was more than soothing. I felt at peace, and I could tell that she did too.

  “If I could,” I said, squeezing her tight, “I would marry you tomorrow.”

  She rubbed my chest then looked up at me with a smile. “Is that why you wanted to come here? So that we could get married?”

  “Not really, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t on my mind.”

  “To be honest with you, if we hadn’t been through what we just went through, I would marry you in a heartbeat, but I need more time, Jonathan. Just a little more time to make sure you’re committed to me and only me.”

  “I am committed to you and only you, but I do understand that I have to work hard at getting your trust back. Saying it isn’t going to be enough.”

  “It’s not, but who knows? Maybe we’ll come back here in a few more months and decide to tie the knot then. Or maybe we’ll have the big ol’ wedding that we originally talked about, and start making plans to go that route. I’ll let you know what I decide. Until then, let’s just enjoy the moment.”

  Lesa planted a soft kiss on my lips that got things heated again. She straddled my lap, and with a tight grip on her ass, I guided her up and down on my dick. Her wet pussy glazed my shaft, and it didn’t take long for me to fill her with my fluids.

  The weekend went off without incident. We had a fabulous time together, but on the plane ride home, I asked Lesa if she was ready to move back in with me. She said no. Her reply stunned me. I tried to understand why we couldn’t work on our relationship while still living together.

  “I want to give you your space,” she said. “And I need mine. Just for a little while, Jonathan. If everything works out fine, then I’ll move back in. Now is too soon.”

  “In the meantime, where are you going to live? I hate to see you living by yourself, and you do still have a lot of your belongings at my place.”

  “I do, and I plan on leaving them there, in hopes that I’ll be coming back soon. Until then, I rented a one-bedroom apartment. I’ll tell you where it is, and if you’d like to see it, just let me know. You can see it this week, when you’re not too busy at work. It’s not anything to brag about, and it’s only temporary.”

  I really didn’t like this, but I went with the flow. It’s what I had to do, until she completely trusted me again.

  Like always, work was busy. The case for Taye was underway. I spent most of my morning in the courtroom, trying to plead his case to the judge. The witnesses hadn’t come forward yet, so I asked for more time. She gave me one more week. I hoped like hell that I had some solid evidence against the officers to present to her.

  After court, I headed to the office. It was a little after lunch, and as soon as I got on the elevator, I ran into Sylvia. She looked spectacular in a crisscross mustard-colored dress that showed her healthy cleavage. Her curves were nothing to play with, and her brown skin glowed. Her sweet perfume lit up the entire elevator. Her smile was like a breath of fresh air, considering what I had been through in court today.

  “You . . . you look worn out,” she said, holding the elevator open for me.

  I yawned then held up my cup of coffee. “I am. Haven’t gotten much sleep, and I’ve been in court all morning. Gotta go back again at three, so you already know it’s going to be another long night for me.”

  “This is what you love, Jonathan, so stop griping. Enjoy your evening and good seeing you.”

  I held the door as she exited the elevator. Couldn’t help it that I took a glimpse of her heart-shaped ass that jiggled underneath her dress. Looked to me as if she wasn’t wearing any panties. She knew I was looking, but to wash away my th
oughts, I made a sharp turn down another hallway then went into my office. Unfortunately for me, Crissy was there waiting for me.

  “I need to get your signature on these papers today. You’ve had them on your desk since last week. I don’t know what is taking you so long to sign them.”

  “I haven’t signed them because I haven’t had a chance to look them over. Tell me what they are real quick, and I might sign them.”

  “Can’t you read?”

  I placed my briefcase on my desk, along with my coffee cup. I folded my arms across my chest, shooting her a look that could kill. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you need to get your shit together or get the hell out of my office. I don’t have time for your attitude today. I won’t have time for it tomorrow either or the next day after that.”

  “Well, how about on Wednesday or Thursday, or when you’re done trying to break Sylvia’s heart or the heart of every other woman you can? I need these papers signed, Jonathan. It would be nice if you would focus on the important things around here instead of your personal life.”

  I pointed to the door. “Out. Get out and to hell with those papers. They won’t get my signature today. You’ll be lucky if I sign them by Friday.”

  “You are such—”

  “Out!” I shouted loud enough to rattle her. She stormed out of my office, calling me something underneath her breath. All I did was shake my head. I hurried to read over some notes for my next case, and within the next couple of hours, I was back in court. Stayed there until almost seven. I was beat. No words could express how happy I was to pull in my driveway and let the garage down.

  Slightly on the hungry side, I stopped at the fridge to grab a leftover piece of chicken from KFC that I purchased the night before. I missed Lesa’s dinners, as well as her presence. She couldn’t get back here fast enough. The chicken was cold, but I heated it up in the microwave for a few minutes then grabbed a cold beer. I put the chicken into my mouth and bit down on it.


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