Tangling with the CEO: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss)

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Tangling with the CEO: A Half Moon Bay Novel (Entangled Bliss) Page 14

by Annie Seaton

  “Oh, yum. I forgot to have breakfast.” She grinned up at him. “Too busy playing with shoe boxes.”

  Her sense of humor filled him with anticipation. He’d finally convinced Mike to leave the staff in his hands for the time being. Once he looked at the renovation proposal and the profit margins, he would be able to make his own decisions about personnel changes to suit the store.

  Reaching into the basket, Ana passed him three picnic plates before lifting out some sealed containers. “Potato salad, green salad, quiche, and oh, I wonder who this is for? A peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”

  Ana handed the sandwich to his niece and Blake grinned.

  Maddy giggled. “No, that’s for Uncle Blake.”

  Ana shook her head and passed over the sandwich with a laugh. “Had me fooled.”

  Blake leaned back against the rock and the warmth seeped though his T-shirt as he munched on his sandwich. “I’ve got lots more surprises for the rest of the day, girls.”

  Maddy tugged at Blake’s leg. “Are we still going to the lighthouse?”

  “We sure are,” Blake promised. “But before that we are going”—he paused for dramatic effect—“to see some…”

  He trailed off and tickled Maddy’s bare toes.

  “Some what?” Maddy squealed and jumped up.

  “Some seals!”

  Blake turned to Ana as Maddy scampered back down to the tide pools. “And then if you’re both good we are going to stop at Duarte’s Tavern in town for some olallieberry pie.

  Ana laughed and looked up at him. “Oh, that’s gross.”

  “What? You don’t like olallieberries? And you call yourself a local?”

  “Too tart for me.” She made a face.

  Blake shook his head. “I can see I am going to have to do some work on you once I become a local.”

  “Become a local?” The expression on her face was hard to read. “You think you’re going to be a local just because you’re going to work here? I’ve got news for you, buddy. You either have to be born here or live here for twenty-five-plus years before you can call yourself a local.”

  “I was,” he said with a grin.

  “Was what?”

  “Born here.”


  “At the Pescadero State Hospital.” He kept his face serious. Ana looked back at him for a moment and then lightly punched him on the top of his arm. He caught her hand in his and she held his gaze as she curled her fingers playfully through his.

  “The Pescadero State Hospital only existed in the Terminator movies and it was only for the criminally insane. I know my movies, buddy.”

  “Okay, I failed that one.” He let go of her hand and brushed a wayward strand of hair back from her face, pleased to see the flush that colored her cheeks. “But Ana?”


  “What would you say to me becoming more of a local than just running the store?”


  He spoke slowly and kept his attention totally focused on her reaction. This day with her had firmed his resolve to spend more time with her.

  “I plan on becoming a local. I’ve bought the Bennett place. I’m moving to Nebbiton.”

  He didn’t want her to read too much into it after their day together.

  “It’ll save the commute and it’s a great investment, too.”


  When he’d dropped the bombshell that he’d bought the Bennett house, Ana’s thoughts had been in turmoil and the gloss of the day rubbed off a little. Up until then she’d managed to put all thoughts of work out of her mind. They were just two friends and a little girl having a fun day out together.

  Blake put the picnic basket and blanket back in the car after they finished lunch and they strolled along the bridge traversing the Pescadero Marsh and crossed to the other side of the next bluff. Resting on the rocks in the early afternoon sunshine was a large herd of seals, and Maddy’s delight made the steep walk worthwhile.

  As the path became a little rough, Blake held his hand out to Ana. She tried to ignore the shot of warmth that traveled up her arm at his touch.

  “Thanks.” She dropped his hand as soon as she could and walked on ahead until she got back to the car. They drove to Pigeon Point Lighthouse for a quick visit, where Maddy insisted on photos to show to her brothers. Blake lifted her up high in front of the lighthouse and Ana held the camera until the little girl stopped squealing.

  “Smile, Maddy,” she called, taking longer than necessary to capture the shot.

  No man should be so good-looking. Standing in front of the high white tower, he looked so strong and sexy. His plain white T-shirt hugged his broad chest and his faded jeans clung snugly to his muscular thighs. His face was relaxed and every time he smiled, those sexy crinkles around his eyes deepened. He looked less and less like a CEO as the day went on. By the time Maddy insisted on taking one of Blake and Ana, Ana was well and truly flustered, and she stood stiffly in the circle of Blake’s arm, pasting a smile on her face. His hand rested low on her back and, as they stood waiting for Maddy to take the photograph, the light pressure of his fingers sent a delicious shiver down Ana’s spine. As she trembled, Blake’s fingers began a slow caress on her lower back and by the time Maddy yelled “smile,” he had moved his hand around her and pulled her close against him.

  “Have to make sure we’re both in the frame for Maddy’s photo.” His warm breath whispered close to her ear.

  “Another one,” Maddy yelled as she stepped closer to them.

  After Maddy had taken the photo and walked back to them, Blake kept his arm loosely around Ana’s shoulder and she had relaxed against him.

  The trip back was quiet as Maddy nodded off to sleep and the green vegetable farms of artichokes, peas, and strawberries flashed past.

  “How about a rain check on the olallieberry pie?” Blake spoke quietly.

  “Sounds like a plan.” Ana glanced at her watch. “I need to get home. I’d like to take Mutt for a walk before the sun goes down.”

  “I’ve got to get Maddy home before dark, too. And I’ve got an appointment in town tonight.”

  An appointment or a date?

  Ana wondered which it was, but Blake didn’t say any more.

  Rich. Good-looking. A great house—make that two great houses. She was sure the women would be falling over his doorstep to hook up with him.

  Maddy was still asleep in the back when they reached Cliff Cottage and Ana quickly exited the car.

  “Don’t get out. She walked around to the driver’s side and he slid his window down, reached out, and took her hand. Ana looked down at his strong fingers wrapped around hers.

  She squeezed his fingers lightly despite wanting to pull back as confusion filled her. “Thanks for a fun day.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” Blake lifted her hand and brushed it against his lips.

  The question surprised her. “Why?”

  “I’d like to drive back down and see you. I’ve started to read the proposal and I have some questions for you.”

  “Oh. What sort of questions?” Excitement rippled through her at the thought of him wanting to see her again so soon.

  “I’d rather leave it till tomorrow when we can have a proper talk.”

  “I’ll call you. I’m not quite sure what my plans are yet.”

  “Okay. I’ll be down at the bay anyway. Jack has invited me down to Monterey to look at a property he’s thinking of buying, so I’ll look forward to your call.” He dropped her hand and then turned to her again. “Watch that Mutt dog of yours while I back out.”

  Ana bent down and picked up Sooky before whistling for Mutt.

  “And Ana? Thanks for your company. Maddy was really excited you came along with us.” After a final wave from him, the window slid up and he backed slowly down the drive.

  Ana stood with her hands on her hips, watching until he turned the car onto the highway and they disappeared from sight. She walked slowly inside.
r />   Maddy was really excited. What about Blake?

  It had been such a great day. Not one cross word spoken, and she’d enjoyed his teasing. She’d seen yet another side to Blake today and wondered if that was the real Blake that had been buried under the CEO exterior. Even if she wasn’t working at the store, he’d be close by, and living in such a small community, she’d be sure to run into him often.

  It was going to be hard to remember he was the new boss at Home and Hardware.

  As it turned out, the next day didn’t go as planned. A frantic call from Joe’s cousin, Maria, sent Ana hurrying into town to help with the shingling of their roof. Her elderly husband, Aldo, had started the job while Maria was at church, and she had come home to a fallen ladder, a husband stuck up on the roof, and a great gaping hole above her kitchen.

  Ana packed the work truck, slipped on her dungarees, tool belt, and work boots, and drove the short distance into Nebbiton.

  Maria was waiting for her outside and folded her in a grandmotherly hug.

  “Thank you, Ana. Look at the silly old fool. I told him to call and get you to do it.”

  With her hands on her hips, Ana called up to Aldo. “Having a bit of trouble up there?”

  A frown and a grunt was all she got in return.

  “Let the silly old man sit up on the roof for a while. Come in for some biscotti and lemonade.” Maria bustled ahead of her toward the front porch, but Ana shook her head.

  “No, I’ll get up there and help before he hurts himself. It shouldn’t take too long.” Ana picked up the ladder and wedged it firmly against the edge of the garden before joining Aldo up on the roof. The morning fog was heavy, so Ana took extra care as she slid over the slippery shingles toward the elderly man.

  She grinned. Below them, the gaping hole opened to the kitchen, and she could see Maria at the stove as the tempting aroma of minestrone came wafting up.

  “Morning, young Ana.” Aldo’s voice was gruff.

  “What seems to be the problem?” Ana looked across the tops of the houses toward the hardware store on Main Street. At least if she needed any gear to help Aldo she could go and get it. No, she corrected herself. She would have to go and buy it. Her work was no longer a part of the store, and that was going to take some getting used to. She gazed at the big sign on the roof that said “Hickey’s Hardware.” How long would it be before that came down and the generic, bland Home and Hardware sign went up? she wondered.

  “I’ve loosened all the old glue but I can’t lift the shingles around the edge of the hole.” Ana looked down at Aldo’s old gnarled, arthritic fingers, not surprised he couldn’t get a firm grip on the material.

  “No matter, I’m here now with my tools. We’ll get it done in no time.”

  Aldo insisted on climbing up and down the ladder to get the replacement shingles two at a time and Ana bit her lip in worry each time he disappeared over the edge of the roof. It took four hours to glue the new material in place. Maria insisted they come down for lunch, and that had added another hour to the day.

  The final shingle was placed and she wiped the last bit of excess glue with a rag. She turned to follow Aldo across the roof as Blake’s car slowed to a stop and parked behind her truck.

  Her heart gave a funny little flip when he stepped out and leaned against the hood of the Mercedes. She sat on the peak of the roof and waited as Aldo climbed down the ladder.

  Blake grinned up at her. “Are you coming down too?”

  Here she was, sitting on a roof in her old work clothes, and all it took was the sound of Blake’s voice to make her heart beat faster. She seriously needed to get over this…and him.

  And then she remembered how much he hated heights.

  “No, I’ll be up here for another couple of hours at least,” she said with a grin. “If you are in a rush, you’ll have to come up here to talk.”

  To his credit, Blake walked over to the house and gripped each side of the long wooden ladder. He stood there for a moment before he looked up and saw her grinning down at him.

  “Just teasing. I’m coming down now,” she said.

  She could see the grin on his face and she closed her eyes to block out the sight of his smiling face. He put his hand out to help her down the last few rungs. Ana was acutely aware of her butt at his eye level as she climbed down the ladder and ignored the jolt that ran up her arm as he took her hand to help her down. It was bad enough that her legs turned to jelly when he pulled up—now her arms were all tingly from where he’d touched her. She jumped down onto the concrete path, her work boots making a resounding thud as she landed.

  “Still don’t like heights?”

  “I can take the elevator most days, so I cope,” he said with a smile. She held his gaze for a moment too long before she remembered Aldo.

  “Aldo, this is Blake Buchanan. He’s the new manager of Joe’s store.”

  The two men shook hands before Aldo disappeared inside to wash the glue off his hands.

  “Well…,” Blake said.

  Ana stared at him. He was dressed in his faded jeans teamed with a black T-shirt today, and it highlighted his dark hair. Sunglasses covered his eyes and his lips were turned up slightly, but he didn’t seem as happy as he’d been yesterday.

  “Well, what?” She stood with her hands on her hips. “Is something wrong?”

  “Is this how you usually spend your weekends?”

  “More often than not. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “You work too hard.” He finally lifted his sunglasses and she returned his look with the same intent that was in his.

  “I don’t class it as work. I like to help my friends.”

  “So it’s not a paying job?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  “Truce?” Blake held his hands up in front of him. “Honestly. I was just interested.”

  Ana relaxed her stance and slid her hands from her hips as he went back to his car and opened a rear door. Turning away, she unclipped her tool belt and slipped it off, before walking to the truck and shoving the belt through the open window onto the front seat. She took a deep breath and composed herself before turning back to him. She gasped in surprise and raised her fingers to her lips as Blake handed her a posy of violets wrapped in mauve tissue paper. She raised them to her face and inhaled the sweet fragrance.

  “I saw these as I drove out of Monterey and I thought of you. A peace offering?”

  Warmth surged through Ana and she kept her eyes down, for fear he’d see the hunger in her gaze. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful.” She placed them carefully on the front seat of the truck. “I just have to say good-bye to Maria and Aldo and then I’m done.”

  “Can I follow you back to your place?”


  Ana’s stomach grumbled as Maria pressed a pot of soup and a loaf of freshly baked bread into her hands. “Thank you so much.”

  The old wrinkled face beamed at her. “You are a good girl.”

  Ana hugged Maria. The women in the community had banded together when her mother passed away and had looked after her. It was like having a huge family of old aunts—and uncles—and she was always glad to help them out. She glanced up to see Blake watching them with a kind smile. Hope filled her and she held her breath.

  He is beginning to understand. Please.

  She followed Blake’s car along the coast road until they both turned up her driveway. Anticipation and doubt about talking to him warred for supremacy in her mind.

  After today, she probably wouldn’t see much of him.

  And it won’t bother me one bit.


  He would be immersed in running the store, and no matter what they decided, once she and Sienna signed the contract with the Bennetts, she would be busy with the next house.

  Blake was waiting for her on the driveway as she pulled up, and he walked over and opened her car door.

  “Thank you.”

  He didn�
�t speak. Mutt ran over to greet them both, and Sooky nudged Blake’s leg as they walked along the porch together and he gave her a quick pat.

  “Come in.” Ana unlocked the door and gestured for Blake to follow her inside. He stepped in past her and she pushed the door shut. Before she could speak, Blake moved in close and put his hands on the door behind either side of her head. Her heartbeat quickened with anticipation as he held her gaze.

  He lowered his head slowly and his mouth touched hers lightly. She hadn’t known her body could feel so alive until his soft and coaxing lips claimed hers and she clung to his shoulders and kissed him right back. His T-shirt was bunched in her fists and heat spread from her fingertips. It coursed through her, and the slow, steady flame grew until she felt she would burn from the heat filling her entire body.

  All her thinking, and worrying, and doubt disappeared for a moment as their lips met and clung.

  And then the doubts crept back in and common sense damped the heat.

  What was she doing, for goodness’ sake? Blake was her boss, and he was about to fire her if things panned out the way she expected.

  Ana stiffened and pulled back, and Blake loosened his grip. Running her hands through her hair, she looked up at him, surprised to see his cheeks flushed and his eyes hazy. She was sure she looked the same.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you again since last weekend,” he said softly. “It’s all I can think about.”

  “Why?” Ana swallowed and lifted her head to meet his intent gaze. He grinned at her and she clasped her hands to her chest.

  “Because I can’t get you out of my mind.” He shook his head. “I’m supposed to be concentrating on this move—horrendous as it is—and all I can think about is you.”

  “Horrendous? Which move? The store or the house you bought?” Ana dropped her arms as the warmth dissipated as quickly as it had filled her. “You didn’t have to do either, you know. Things could have stayed the way they were.”

  Blake crossed the room and stood at the large window overlooking the ocean. “Change can be good, Ana.”

  She followed him over and stood next to the antique rocking chair, which she had positioned to take in the view.


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