see also Kgotla
Bantu 263, 280
Bantu Areas 281, 314
Bantu World 99, 100, 111, 147
Baralong 28
Baring, Sir Evelyn
Bangwato boycott 188
and British Observers 208
Harragin Inquiry 95–6, 98, 107–8, 109–110, 112, 124
Jacqueline’s registration 179
Mau Mau uprising 250–51, 264, 309
objection to installation of Seretse 66–9, 71–2, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 58, 59
Seretse’s banishment 134–42, 150, 155
Seretse’s concern for 194
Seretse’s marriage 18–19, 42
Seretse’s permanent banishment 175–6, 181, 182–3, 187–8, 210, 211, 212, 214
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 161, 164, 172
Tshekedi ruptures reconciliation 201, 202
Basarwa 28
Basutoland 37
direct rule 142
Independence 312, 318
transfer to South Africa 35, 281, 282
see also Lesotho
Batawana 28, 243
Batho, Gordon 234, 268
delegation’s return 235–6, 237
Kgotla to nominate new Chief 244–5, 260
Rasebolai as Native Authority 267
Bathoen II, Kgosi of the Bangwaketse 242–3, 316
Seretse’s and Tshekedi’s joint statement 182
Seretse’s marriage 44, 49, 96, 103
Seretse’s renunciation of kingship 295–6
South Africa 34, 222
Batlokwa 28
Baxter, Herbert 120–21, 226, 227
Bechuanaland 3, 27–9
British army veterans 7–8
British management 33, 36–7
colour bar 306–7
Independence 309, 312–15, 316, 317–24
Legislative Council 306
mineral development 275, 277, 295, 297
national elections 312, 313–14
transfer to South Africa 33–6, 281, 282
see also Botswana
Bechuanaland Democratic Party (BDP) 307, 308, 313, 314
Bechuanaland Independence Party 313
Bechuanaland People’s Party (BPP) 307, 309, 313
Beetham, Colonel 204, 217, 223, 244, 260
Benn, Melissa 303, 308
Benn, Tony 229, 252, 266, 303, 308, 315
Seretse’s permanent banishment 218–19, 278, 287
Benson, Mary 206, 207, 253, 305
Bevan, Aneurin 12, 175, 196
Beyers, General 68, 72
Birmingham Post 232
Bonham Carter, Violet 148
Botswana 316, 317–25
see also Bechuanaland
Botswana Democratic Party 326, 327
Bourke-White, Margaret 33, 82, 89–91, 92–3, 118–20, 292
of administration 140–41, 148, 174–5, 176, 182, 184, 188, 267
of Kgotla 135–9
Boyd Orr, Lord 252
Bradshaw, Alan 85–6, 141, 142
Bradshaw, Doris 85, 116, 135, 137, 141–2
Braine, Bernard 308
British Council of Churches 152, 221
British Eugenics Society 20
British Guiana 152–3, 196, 265
British South Africa Company 33–5
Brockway, Fenner
1955 Labour Party conference 272
Bangwato delegation 224, 231
complaint about flogging of women 269
Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama 251–2, 254–5
creation of non-racial state 308
mining concessions 276
Movement for Colonial Freedom 264, 265, 277
negotiations over Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 278
Seretse’s exile 133, 134, 144, 155, 156
Seretse’s permanent banishment 196, 219
Brook, Norman 177
Buchanan, Douglas 9, 18, 38, 67, 206
Harragin Inquiry 95, 96, 98, 99
Buchanan, John 18, 19, 20, 23, 25
Buganda 258–9, 270–71
Bulawayo Chronicle 291, 292
Bullock, H. L. 208, 209, 361n
Burger, Die 91, 146–7
Burnham, Forbes 10, 196
Bushmen 28
Byers, Frank 252
Cabral, Amilcar 329
Campaign Committee 240–41, 251, 252
Canterbury, Archbishop of 152, 221, 250, 258
Cape Times 81, 146, 151
Cato, Milton 10
Central Africa Committee 264
Ceylon 145
Chamberlain, Joseph 35
Chiepe, Monametsi 104, 205, 242
Child to Child Foundation 326
Chipstead 216, 254
Chitepo, Herbert 4
Christian Action 232
Churchill, Winston
Kgotla on delegation’s return 240
Seretse’s exile 133–4, 148–9, 175, 210
Seretse’s permanent banishment 214
South Africa 281
Cidraas, Reverend J. 237, 238
civil disobedience see boycotts
Clark, W. A. W.
Bangwato delegation 226, 227
Harragin Inquiry 95
Kgotla boycott 135, 136, 138
Khama baby 170
Khamas in exile 197, 198
removing Khamas from Bechuanaland 112, 116, 175, 179–80, 182, 184, 185
Seretse’s permanent banishment 211, 214, 216
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 163, 164
transfer of authority to Rasebolai 261
and Tshekedi 212
Tshekedi’s death 305
Clarke, Edna Grace 21
Collins, Canon John 232, 249, 252
Colonial Office (CO) 74
African independence 250, 316
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 263
Gold Coast 256
Seretse and Ruth’s marriage 21, 24, 25
Seretse’s banishment 144–5, 214
Tshekedi’s return proposal 213
White Paper 113
Commonwealth Relations Office (CRO) 74, 271–2
Bangwato delegation 226, 233
complaint about flogging of women 269
Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama 252–3
Harragin Report 109–10, 113
Kabaka of Buganda 270–71
Kgotla on delegation’s return 239, 240
Khamas in London 192–3
Naledi’s return to Bechuanaland 285
Rasebolai 243
and Ruth 299–300
Seretse and Ruth’s marriage 25, 26, 54
Seretse’s exile 120–23, 131–2
Seretse’s permanent banishment 213–14
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 279, 283–5
transfer of authority to Rasebolai 261
transfer of HCTs to South Africa 281–2
Congress Against Imperialism 264
Constantine, Learie
Council for the Defence of Seretse Khama 252
discrimination against 6–7
Fighting Committee 143, 144, 150, 151
Gold Coast 211–12
Kabaka of Buganda 258–9
Ruth 84
Tshekedi’s deposition 39
Council for the Defence of Seretse
Khama and the Protectorates
251–3, 254, 264
Council for Overseas Indians 143
Council of Women 302, 326
Council on African Affairs (US) 153
Coupland, Sir Reginald 5, 9, 18, 21, 25
Creech Jones, Arthur 22, 74–6, 109, 150, 265
Cripps, Lady Isobel 149–50
Cripps, Peggy 150, 256–8
Cripps, Sir Stafford 256
Cromer, Lord 19
Crosse, Matthew 227
Crossman, Richard 156
Cry, the Beloved Country (book) (Pa
ton) 36, 81, 232
Cry, the Beloved Country (film) 256
Cummings, A. J. 252
Cyprus 265
Daily Express 52, 135, 137, 172–3, 220, 224
Daily Herald 301
Daily Mail 49, 52, 79, 298
Daily Mirror 52–3, 98
Daily Telegraph 135, 152, 220, 300
Davies, Clem 229, 278, 284
Devlin Commission 309–10
diabetes 315, 316
diamonds 323
Douglas-Home, Alec see Home, Lord
Driberg, Tom 156
Du Bois, W. E. B. 12, 145, 153, 329
Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) 77, 91–2
Ebony 199
Economist, The 206
Eden, Anthony 272–3, 283, 310
Edinburgh, University of 5
Edward, Prince of Wales 92
Egeland, Leif 133, 147–8, 156–7
representations to British Government 65–6, 75, 153–5
Elizabeth II 267, 316
Ellenberger, Vivien
Harragin Inquiry 96, 98, 102–3
Jacqueline’s registration 179
Kgotla on Seretse’s marriage 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50
Emery, Eleanor 271–2, 299, 300
Empire Windrush 22
eugenics movement 20
European Advisory Council 304
Evans, Admiral 38, 39
Evening Standard 255–6
Fabian Colonial Bureau 12, 74, 265
Fairlie, Michael 37–8, 162, 168–9, 272
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 10, 212, 213, 253, 263, 265, 271, 280
Federation of South African Women 301
First, Ruth 5
Foot, Sir Hugh 214
Foot, Michael 156
Forsyth, Douglas 65, 68, 71, 97, 154–5
Fort Hare Native University 4, 5, 10
Foster, John 213, 224–5, 230, 238–9, 266–7
Fraenkel, Percy
Bangwato boycott 175, 188
Bangwato delegation 223, 227, 238, 239
coronation of Elizabeth II 267
exclusion orders 179, 185
Harragin Inquiry 95, 103, 108–9
Kgotla to nominate new Chief 245, 260
Seretse’s exile 117, 125, 131
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 158, 160, 165, 291
Francistown 28
Fraser, Sir Ian 219–20
Freedman, Dr Mendi 163–4
Freedom Charter (ANC) 280–81, 282
Freud, Clement 195–6, 199, 290
Fry, Christopher 252
Gaberones (Gaborone) 158, 159, 180, 185, 312–13
Gaitskell, Hugh 257
The Gambia 311
Gandhi, Mahatma 141
Garner, Joe 271, 283–4
Garvey, Amy 11, 12
Garvey, Marcus 329
Gemmell, Dr 163
George VI 35
Germond, Jean 203, 204, 234
Gerricke, A. A. 136
Ghana 307, 309, 310, 311
see also Gold Coast
Gibson and Weldon 193
Gold Coast 8, 152, 256, 265
Independence 288, 309
self-government 211–12, 226, 250
see also Ghana
Gordon Walker, Patrick
appointment as Commonwealth Secretary 124
delegation on Tshekedi’s return 207, 361n
Harragin Inquiry 97, 112–13, 155–6
replaced as Commonwealth Secretary 210
Seretse’s exile 125–6, 131, 132–4, 139, 140, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151
Seretse’s marriage 73–4
Seretse’s permanent banishment 175–7, 219
South African representations 153–5, 156
visits Bechuanaland 203–6, 222
White Paper 156
Griffiths, James 150, 193, 261, 272, 277, 284
Grimond, Jo 252
Guinness, Alec 252
Haile, Reverend A. J. 23, 24, 96, 98, 162
Hailsham, Lord (Quintin Hogg) 133, 155, 261
Harragin, Sir Walter 42, 43
at Inquiry 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 104–5
Harragin Inquiry 94–106, 222
report 107–14, 131, 132, 155–6
Harris, Reader 156
Hatch, John 290, 296, 304, 306, 325
visits Bechuanaland 269–70, 272, 273, 281
Head, Bessie 321
High Commission Territories (HCTs) 37, 281–3, 314–15
see also Basutoland; Bechuanaland; Swaziland
Hinden, Rita 265
Hogg, Quintin see Hailsham, Lord
Home, Lord 271, 272–3
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 279–80, 283, 284, 285, 299–300
South Africa 282, 283
Tshekedi’s death 305
Huddleston, Trevor 249–50, 280
Hudson, R. S. 95
Huggins, Sir Godfrey
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland 263
and Gordon Walker 124
Harragin Inquiry report 107–8
Khamas leaving Bechuanaland 112, 180–81
Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland 59
Seretse’s marriage 68–70, 71, 77
hut tax 32
Ikitseng, Manyaphiri 45, 48, 169, 174, 175, 188, 218
India 12, 145
Ink Spots 15
Inner Temple 9, 10–11
Ismay, Lord 211, 212–13, 214, 215–17, 220
Jagan, Cheddi 196
Jamaica 145, 153, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 225
James, C. L. R. 11
Jameson Raid 35
John, Augustus 252
Joint Advisory Council (JAC) 304, 305, 310
Joseph, Helen 301
Jowitt, Earl 220
Kabaka of Buganda 258–9, 264, 270–71
Kahn, Sam 153
Kaunda, Kenneth 4, 70–71, 325, 327, 328
Keith, John 20–21, 25, 54, 58, 120, 123
Kenya 33, 212, 265, 266, 280
Independence 311
Mau Mau uprising 8, 250–51, 264, 309
Kenya Committee 264–5
Kenyatta, Jomo 11, 13, 21, 251, 309, 311
Kgamane, Keaboka
delegation to Britain 223, 225, 227, 228–9
Gordon Walker’s visit 203, 204–5
Kgotla on delegation’s return 235, 236, 239, 241
as Senior Tribal Representative 142
Seretse’s marriage 48
Seretse’s permanent banishment 217
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 294
Kgamane, Rasebolai
as Native Authority 211, 243, 245, 260, 261–2, 267, 268, 269, 273
Seretse’s marriage 48
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 286–7, 289, 291, 292, 293–4, 295, 296, 297–8
Tribal Council 304
Kgari, Kgosi of the Bakwena 44, 49–50, 86
Kgosi, Grant 51, 210
Kgosi 28, 261
Kgotla 29, 40
delegation’s return 235–42
floggings 269
Gordon Walker’s visit 203–6
Rasebolai 268
Seretse’s exile 116, 117, 135–9, 140–41
Seretse’s first Letsema 105–6
Seretse’s marriage 40–42, 43–51, 65, 66, 99, 104, 232
Seretse’s permanent banishment 217–18
Seretse’s renunciation 287–8
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 292, 293–7
to choose new Chief 244–5, 260–62
Tshekedi’s return 207, 208
Khama III 29–30, 35, 39, 45, 201, 323
prohibition 86, 306–7
South Africa 34, 222
Zionist Church 268
Khama, Anthony 303, 318
Khama, Baboni 57–8
Khama, Ella 304, 305
Khama, Ian see Khama, Seretse Khama Ian
Khama, Jacqueline Tebogo
arrival in Bechuanaland 300 birth 170–71
dhood in England 191, 193, 194, 196, 221, 254, 255, 286
independence celebrations 318
leaving Bechuanaland 180, 185, 186
registration of birth 178–9
Khama, Milly 57–8
Khama, Mmakgama 57–8
Khama, Naledi 58
Bangwato delegation 224, 225
education 57
homesickness 216
leaving Bechuanaland 179, 185, 186
nursing 194, 197, 199, 253
return to Bechuanaland 285
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 291
Khama, Oratile 58, 78, 186, 188, 291
nominated as acting Kgosi 242, 243
Khama, Ruth
childhood 54–5
in wartime 55–7
courtship and marriage 14–21
with Seretse in London 42–3
alone in London 52–4
journey to Bechuanaland 58–61
arrival in Bechuanaland 78–86, 87–92
pregnancy 92–3, 112
Harragin Inquiry 100
stays in Bechuanaland 115–18
Seretse’s exile 126
Churchill’s intervention 134
Kgotla boycott 137, 139, 141
Seretse’s return to Bechuanaland 159–60, 161, 162–8, 172–3
Jacqueline’s birth 169–71
in Lobatse 172–3
decision to exile 175–7
leaving Bechuanaland 178, 179–82, 185–8
exile in London 191–200
permanent banishment 211–21
Bangwato delegation 224–5, 232
and John Collins 232
on Oratile 242
in Addiscombe 254, 255–6
1955 Labour Party conference 272
visit by Lilian Ngoyi 273
negotiations over return 266, 274, 277–8, 284, 285–6
return to Bechuanaland 290, 298–301, 302–3
twins’ birth 303
Kenya’s Independence celebrations 311
national elections 313
Independence celebrations 318, 320
as First Lady 326
Seretse’s death 327
after Seretse’s death 327–8
death 329
Khama, Seretse
birth 29
succession as Kgosi 30–31
education 3–5
victory parade 7–8
at Balliol 5–6, 8–9, 259
at Inner Temple 10–11, 13
courtship and marriage 14–21, 53, 57
South Africa 36
with Ruth in London 42–3
Kgotla on marriage 40–42, 43–51
objections to installation as Kgosi 65–77
Ruth’s arrival in Bechuanaland
78–86, 87–92
Harragin Inquiry 94–5, 98–9, 100–106, 107
leaves for London 115–18
CRO meetings 120–23, 124–7, 131–2
exile in London 143, 144, 153, 156
return to Bechuanaland 158–61, 162, 165–9, 172, 173–4
Jacqueline’s birth 169–71
decision to exile 175–7
Jacqueline’s registration 178–9
leaving Bechuanaland 178, 179–88
with Ruth in London 191–200, 253, 254
Colour Bar Page 46