I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2)

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I Knocked Him Out (Love at First Crime Book 2) Page 7

by Jessica Frances


  He laughs now, like he thinks my request is funny. Thankfully, he does lean away, and I finally take in a deep breath.

  “I think it will be quite amusing to watch how this all plays out between us,” he says calmly, his eyes no longer on me, but on his cufflinks that he is straightening out.

  I bite my tongue on saying what I want to say, which is that there is no way in hell anything will be playing out between us, because there will never, ever be an us.

  Right in this moment, I feel like, if I were on fire, I wouldn’t even ask him to put me out.

  “I see that passion in your eyes,” he murmurs. “It makes me wonder what is going on behind them, what you are thinking. Don’t worry; soon I won’t have to wonder.”

  It might not sound like a threat, but it sure as hell feels like one.

  I watch guardedly as he stands straight, looking down over me one last time, before he saunters over to my still open door where one of his men is standing guard. Then he finally leaves my room.

  I take a few deep, calming breaths, feeling zero Zen from it.

  What the fuck was that?

  I glance down at myself, thankfully finding I’m all covered, yet I still feel dirty.

  How long was he in my room? I know it was locked last night, so how did he get in? Has he watched me before? How did he know Declan never undressed me last night? Was it just because I’m dressed now, or does he have eyes on me somehow?

  Feeling far from calm, I leap off my bed and race to my door, barely stepping out of the way as I throw it open. Then I rush down the hallway, uncaring that I’m barefooted or that I’m still in my pajamas, my hair looking like God knows what. I rush straight to Zander and Ava’s room, raising my hand to knock on the door, when I halt.

  What am I thinking? I can’t go to either of them. They are getting married tomorrow! The last thing they need right now is me getting hysterical over Bowen.

  I turn, rushing down two doorways until I’m in front of Cynthia’s. Then I find myself in the same position, my fist just inches from the doorway when I stop myself.

  What exactly is Cynthia going to do? She’s a computer expert, not someone who can take on Bowen. When my mind slips to Joey, I realize he’s not going to be much help, either.

  Joey and Zander are like my overprotective brothers. If I told him, like Zander, there is no way I could stop him from charging down to Bowen’s room and attacking him. With all of Bowen’s guards, who wouldn’t hesitate to defend him, that would only end in disaster.

  I glance down at my room again, seeing Bowen’s right next door, and then I make my decision.

  I move toward Declan’s door, not hesitating when I knock.

  He answers quickly and seems surprised when he sees me, before looking annoyed.

  If I wasn’t in such a terrified state, I might take a moment to appreciate a shirtless Declan. Instead, I can barely focus on him.

  “What now? It’s too early to be fight—”

  “Bowen broke into my room,” I blurt.

  “What?” He gapes, stumbling backward when I push my way into his room.

  Pacing by his bed, my heart races as the shock of what just happened begins to crash over me. “I woke up to Bowen in my room. He was touching my face.”

  “He what?” Declan bellows, his voice growing louder.

  I glance over to see his entire body is tense.

  While Joey and Zander are like my wildly overprotective brothers, Declan is just wildly overprotective. There is a reason he was willing to come to my college when I had my creepy stalker and needed someone to deal with him.

  “I asked him how he got in, and he said he had his ways. And … He …” I trail off, suddenly feeling cold.

  “What happened, Sasha?” Declan steps closer and stands in front of me, so I halt my pacing, forcing myself to look up at him.

  “He mentioned that you didn’t even get me undressed to get me off. How did he know that?”

  Declan’s eyes widen for a moment, before some sort of growl emanates from him.

  “Fuck! He’s got eyes in your room?” he asks, not that I have any sort of answer to that. “I’ll fucking kill him!”

  Before he can even take a step away, I grip his arm, holding him back, though Declan is easily strong enough to shrug me off.

  “Wait, you can’t. The wedding is tomorrow; we can’t fuck this up. You go after Bowen, and you will either be arrested, beaten up by his guards, or both. Neither works for Zander or Ava.”

  “You expect me to just ignore this? Forget about what he did?” He looks at me like I have grown an extra head.

  “We have no choice.”

  “Go to your parents, then. Get them to kick him out.” He waves his still unattached free hand toward the doorway like I will just be on my way right now to tell them.

  It’s strange that I first thought of Zander and Ava, then Cynthia and Joey, before making my decision to go to Declan. However, the idea of asking my parents for help or even going to them for support never occurred to me. Perhaps it’s because I already know how that discussion will go.

  They will tell me I’m overreacting, that Bowen would have meant nothing nefarious by the encounter, and then they will remind me of how rich he is, and that he would be a good fit for me.

  How sad that I can’t even rely on them when they should always be on my side.

  “They won’t care about this. Bowen is their people. They’ll take his side.”

  Declan looks disbelieving, and that hurts almost as much as the knowledge that my own parents wouldn’t believe my words, either.

  “So, what do you want me to do? Sit on my ass and twiddle my thumbs, doing nothing?” he asks angrily.

  “I want you to tell me I can stay here. There is no way I will feel safe alone in my room, and it’s too hard to explain why I need a room change.”

  Without hesitation, Declan nods. “Of course you can stay here. In fact, I insist being with you at all times. No fucking way that ass-wipe is going to corner you again.”

  I feel a wave of protection float over me, and my shoulders slump as the knowledge that I’m safe finally soaks in.

  “You still look tired,” Declan says, concern the only thing I see in his gaze. This might be the first time I have ever seen that directed at me from him. “How about you get into bed, and I’ll keep an eye out?”

  I glance back at Declan’s bed, seeing his ruffled bedsheets, then glance back at his half-naked state. “My heart is still racing. I doubt I’ll be sleeping again today.” Or ever, if I’m being honest.

  “Just lie down with me, then.”

  I doubt that’s going to help calm my heart.

  Declan clearly reads my hesitation. He grabs my hand and guides me to the bed, almost pushing me to lift my legs up onto it.

  “Dec …” I grumble, but I quiet when he lies down next to me.

  With my back against his front, he wraps an arm around my waist and one under my head so I’m resting on him rather than the pillow. Then he places the blanket just up to our hips.

  “I know things got weird yesterday, and I know we ended on bad terms, but I’m glad you came to me. As soon as this wedding is over, I will sort out ass-wipe. He won’t bother you again.”

  His words help calm me. I like having a plan laid out. I like strategies, even if it is just something simple like what Declan just said. I still like that I know what I need to do.

  Get through this wedding, make sure it runs smoothly, and that Zander, Ava, and Jensen get away safely, and then Declan will deal with Bowen. We will be leaving to go back home in a couple of days, so I won’t have to worry about him for too much longer.

  Since I have a plan and have Declan at my back, as well as watching my back, I feel myself sinking down into the exhaustion I still feel. Quicker than I would have thought possible, I drift off to sleep.


  I impatiently knock on Zander’s door, glancing around the empty hallway
. My eyes immediately turn toward my old room. Old room now since I moved in with Declan.

  After waking up yesterday in Declan’s arms, we seemed to both make a conscious effort to not make it weird. He helped me pack up my things, and then we went down and had lunch with everyone.

  Ava was so hungover that I laughed my ass off at first, but then I felt bad for her every time Jensen squealed right in her ear.

  Cynthia kept giving me winks and nudges all day, which was annoying. At the same time, I guess Declan did get me off the night before. It might not have been fireworks and naked, sweaty bodies, but I still got an orgasm with a man I previously couldn’t stand.

  I then spent the afternoon with Jensen, Joey, and Declan. Cynthia and Vanessa had plans to take a walk around the gardens, and Zander was going to take a helicopter ride with Van while Ava went back to bed. I have no idea what happened to Joey’s girlfriend, but something tells me their relationship will only last as long as it takes for Ava and Zander to say “I do.”

  Then, after dinner, Declan and I watched TV in bed, eating sundaes and generally not talking to each other. I think we know that speaking gives us a higher chance of fighting. I don’t know what his reasons are, but I know I don’t want to fight, which will then make me feel like I need to storm out of his room. Where else would I sleep?

  I didn’t see Bowen all day, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t around here somewhere.

  After another night where Declan and I spooned and I had a great, deep sleep, I took off early to begin getting ready. That actually meant I sat in a chair and got pampered, while a professional did my makeup and attempted to make my afro behave.

  Cynthia and Ava got professional tans done last night. With my obviously dark skin, I did not need to participate in that.

  Our bridesmaid dresses are dark indigo, strapless, and tight from the bodice, past our ass, before finishing a few inches above the knee. Ava obviously wasn’t worried about how we are supposed to eat in this dress, or even sit. Regardless, I love it, and Cynthia and I both look hot. If we wanted to, we could totally wear these treasures to another formal occasion. That was Ava’s reasoning choosing them.

  I went to plenty of weddings growing up. In my opinion, the bridesmaids looked ridiculous in every single one. The dresses were showy, bright, and there is no way you could get away with wearing them again, unless it was for some sort of fancy dress event.

  I still can’t wrap my head around spending so much money on a wedding dress you will only wear once, but at least it’s your day and your choice. A bridesmaid dress shouldn’t be as important or as useless afterward.

  The only thing I’m not sold on are the high heels. I don’t mind a heel. Sometimes, I even wear heels into work, if I’m feeling extra professional that day. But six-inch heels are about three inches too high for my liking.

  Cynthia loves them because she’s so damn short. She thinks it’s amazing to be “so high up” and is having fun spotting the bald spots that she couldn’t see before.

  My dad was not impressed at her shrill cry and the pointing when she first noticed. Although, I do wonder if she did that one a little on purpose since she knows I don’t really like my parents.

  Done up, with only an hour to spare until the wedding starts, I’m now outside Zander’s room, waiting for someone to answer the door. And when it opens, Dec is there.

  “Sash? What’s wrong?” He immediately steps out into the hallway, his eyes roving down the hall like he expects to see Bowen at my heels.

  “Clarissa said you wouldn’t let her put anything over that bruise,” I tell him, something he clearly already knows, but I’m slightly mesmerized by how he looks dressed up in his tux. Is there an audition for James Bond happening here, too? Because I’m pretty sure Declan would be a shoe-in for the part.


  “The makeup artist.” I force myself to look into his eyes before I pass out. Now that would be embarrassing.

  “Oh,” he finally mutters, his tone switching to matter-of-fact. “Dudes don’t wear makeup, Sasha.”

  “Actually, a lot of men do. Actors, for one. And I bet you don’t think Bruce Willis isn’t a dude.” I’m aware of how much he loves those Die Hard films. Joey mentioned to me once that they watch the first three together at least once a year.

  “He wears makeup for work. I’m not working,” he quickly counters.

  “No, you’re the best man at Zander’s wedding, and it is your job today to do what Zander needs. And what he needs is for you to not have an ugly bruise showing up in every photo you’re in. So, suck it up and cover it up.”

  He shakes his head, but then his eyes roam over me, and his hot gaze sends tingles all over.

  I’m used to a lot of things from Declan, mostly either hostility or my ability to become invisible around him. I’m not used to having heated looks from him.

  “Fuck, Sash. You couldn’t let Ava have the spotlight today?” His voice sounds accusatory. Of course I think he’s angry at first, but then his lips twitch before a smile finally breaks out.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You look fucking stunning. I can’t be at a wedding with a hard-on! Fuck!” He still sounds annoyed, but more exasperated now.

  Before I can reply, Zander, Joey, and Van exit the room, pushing us farther into the hallway.

  Before Zander can shut his door, I shove my hand in. “Wait, I need to get in there.”


  “I’m going to steal some of Ava’s makeup for Declan.”

  All three guys glance at Declan, likely waiting for his refusal or complaint, but he remains silent.

  Zander gives me a shrug before leaving us to it. Then Joey makes some sort of comment to Declan, which gains him a punch to the arm.

  Before I drag Declan back inside, I notice Imogen, Artie’s mother, lurking at the end of the hallway. She’s pacing until she notices Zander approaching. Then I watch with bated breath as they say a few words to each other before Imogen bursts into tears and hugs Zander tightly to her. My heart breaks in this moment, and a few stray tears fall down my cheeks and likely ruin my makeup, but I can’t bring myself to tear my eyes away.

  “Fuck,” Declan mutters, his eyes glued to the scene as we then watch Imogen let go of Zander, her gaze taking us all in slowly before she rushes away.

  I take a quick step in her direction before Declan stops me.

  “She needs space,” he says, and I agree.

  It’s been years since Artie died, and this is the first time she’s approached any of us.

  Small steps.

  I nod, taking a couple calming breaths before I enter Zander’s room and head straight for the bathroom. Soon, I’m pulling open drawers and looking through toiletry bags, attempting to find some makeup that will work for Declan.

  Turns out, Ava doesn’t keep much, but I do find some concealer and a shade of foundation that should mostly match Declan’s skin tone.

  “Sit on the bed,” I tell him when he just hovers at the doorway.

  He does what I say, and then I make quick work of covering up his bruise.

  “I still don’t see why I couldn’t have just not shaved,” he grumbles.

  Since we were both there when Ava showed her reaction to seeing him without a beard and how happy that made her, it was never in the cards for him to grow his beard out again.

  “Because you didn’t have enough time to get to a length that wouldn’t have looked ridiculous. And I hate to tell you this, but you with stubble just doesn’t work,” I inform him instead of admitting that I know he’s just a huge softie.

  “Oh really, and why doesn’t it work?” He sounds playful now, and my breath catches at his tone.

  I’m not used to this playfulness from him. Add in what his hands are doing—at first settling over my hips before he slides them up my ribs and places them just under my breasts, stroking his thumbs along the base of them both, which sends my nipples into painful points—and I’m a sh
uddering mess.

  Damn my stupid padded bra! His touch is barely perceptible, yet knowing he’s stroking me in this way, dampness sets in and a tremble rocks my body.

  “Dec …” I moan, dropping the makeup brush to the bed and gripping his shoulders.

  “I just need a taste,” he murmurs, sliding his grip down my dress now, his touch heating my thighs as he begins to push the dress up my legs.

  For some annoying reason, I come to my senses.

  Why couldn’t they appear after I had gotten head?

  “Wait, you can’t.” I hold my hands down over my dress, but this doesn’t stop his ascent.

  “I can,” he rebuts, edging his hands farther up.

  “No, you’ll crease the dress!” I push his hands away, and he finally glances up at me with a dumbstruck stare.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Photos,” is my one word reply, and he actually rolls his eyes at me. “Declan, I can’t have a creased dress in the photos! It’ll be obvious that I—”

  “Sat down at some point? Had to pee? Are human?” he interrupts.

  “Got head from a guy who hated me less than an hour before the ceremony?” I blurt out.

  “I don’t hate you.” Dec wraps his arms around me now, resting his forehead on my belly. Even though I still have on my dress and panties, knowing how close his head is to me is torture.

  “But you do, usually.” I only just resist the urge to rub my fingers through his styled mop of hair. “This trip is messing with us. We’ll be back in Chicago tomorrow, and then things will go back to the way they are meant to be.”

  “I don’t hate you.” Declan’s firm voice rolls over me, making me wonder how long he’s had a sexy voice like that. “I’ve never hated you. We’re just from different worlds.”

  “How exactly is that true? We have the same friends, work at the same place, went to the same school growing up, and live in the same damn city.” I feel my own anger rising, while part of me wonders why I’m even bothering to push this.

  Okay, so during this trip, Declan and I have discovered some sexual chemistry between us. So what? Sexual chemistry isn’t exclusive. Although, it sure as hell is surprising.


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