Boxed Set:The Billionaire's Game (BWWM Romance)

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Boxed Set:The Billionaire's Game (BWWM Romance) Page 6

by Tara Raine

  After sitting in bed and ringing her hands for over twenty minutes Tanya figured it was time to get dressed and face the music. When she finally found Brent, he was looking out one of the back windows of the house, the one that had the best view of the lawn and the small lake in the middle of the property. At first Tanya said nothing, opting instead to stand by Brent. Butterflies fluttered within her stomach. Tanya tried to take his hand in hers. He pulled away from her though and wouldn't let her hold his hand in her own. She tried again and again but each time he pulled away. He refused to look at her. She tried to slip her arms around him from behind but he shook her off. Tanya wasn't sure what to do. Usually when they got in a fight it was easy to console him afterward, but obviously this situation called for more.

  “Brent, baby,” Tanya begged. “Please. I'm so sorry. I never meant for things to happen like they did. You have been working so much. I get lonely. You have barely been here these past few months and then Connor was here and it was ...easier. I know . . . I know it's no excuse. I'm not trying to make excuses I just want you to know why.”

  After finishing her confession Tanya turned to survey Brent's face to gauge his reaction, but it was devoid of any emotion. It was like Brent wasn't even there; like he was a million miles away thinking of something so far removed from anything that had happened in the past hour. Tanya had a feeling he was ignoring her because he didn't want to deal with it right now or didn't know how to. She didn't know why she expected anything different because shutting down was one Brent's defense mechanisms. It was the one that Tanya had had always found the most annoying in the past. You couldn't talk out problems with a wall. She was still afraid of what he might say if he became animated and decided to let her know what was going on inside. After waiting a few more minutes to see if Brent would speak to her at all, or even acknowledge her presence, Tanya turned and left. Brent didn't stop her. He obviously wasn't ready to talk to her yet. She couldn't blame him though. Tanya didn't feel bad about fucking Connor, but she did feel about not discussing it with Brent first. She just hoped she hadn't done any permanent damage.

  As Tanya was walking away she heard footsteps approaching from the other side of Brent. Connor must have been waiting around the corner. Tanya decided that was a good idea, so after she turned the corner and made it a ways down the hall, she crept quietly back towards the corner. Tanya leaned up against the wall and cocked her ear up in the air, waiting to hear what the two brothers would say. She wondered briefly if it was a good idea. Would she have enough time to get away after they were finished? Tanya didn't want to add fuel to the fire. Before she could make up her mind on whether or not to bail, or if she could even handle hearing what had going on in Brent's mind, they started talking.

  “So what the fuck do you have to say for yourself this time, big brother?” Brent commanded.

  Connor was silent for a moment, and Tanya imagined him standing there debating on how to handle the situation. She hoped he had come up with something before approaching Brent.

  “You know how it can be brother,” Connor said. “When two people are left alone together isolated. If there is any attraction, it's hard not to act on it. Although it was emotional on some level, neither of us have any deep feelings for each other. A man would have to be blind not to be attracted to Tanya and stupid to not see she wasn't getting the attention she deserved.”

  “You talk like you are some kind of philosopher. You don't know shit about marriage or love for that matter,” Brent said. “You talk down to me like you're some kind of big shot. You don’t know the pressures I face or about responsibility.”

  “See even now you aren't listening,” Connor insisted. “You never listen. That's why you left your girl unfulfilled for so long that she felt the need to turn to me.”

  “Oh my God, just shut the fuck up,” Brent said. “You are trying to explain to me how this is all my fault. I'm not some eighteen year old girl to be dazzled by your dumb fucking biker clothing line and devil-may-care attitude. I know you. I know exactly why you did what you did. It's not like this is the first time.”

  “Brother,” Connor said quietly. “It's not like that other time.”

  “I'm not willing to share another one again!” Brent yelled.

  Tanya couldn't believe her ears. Share another one again? What did that even mean? So Brent and Connor had been down this path before. Tanya walked out from behind the corner. She had to stop the conversation before things were said that both of them might regret later, even though she was curious about what they were talking about.

  “Please, both of you,” Tanya said. “I'm sorry that this is causing friction, but I don't want this to tear you guys apart.”

  “Oh really,” Brent said. “Because you didn't seem so sorry about it when Connor was eating your pussy and you were bucking your crotch into his face.”

  Tanya was silent for a moment before answering.

  “Maybe so, but if you are being honest with yourself you will admit that I have been trying to let you know for months now that I have been unhappy. And what was that you just said about both of you sharing a woman before?”

  “This isn't the first time this has happened,” Connor said. “And just like the last time both myself and the woman involved tried to talk some sense into Brent, to tell him that it didn't mean anything and that it wasn't a big deal. But just like last time he doesn't want to listen. He just can't get away from the traditional relationship binary.”

  “And you are just so 'New Age' with all of your constant blather and bullshit,” Brent inserted. “Maybe that's what is really going on, you just running your mouth forever in an attempt to make people think that you are smart, but in all reality you've just gotten so used to everyone you come in contact with worshiping the ground that you walk on that you can't even handle a little critique, even when the criticism is as rudimentary as don't fuck the women I am with!”

  “You're the one who’s the blowhard!” Connor roared. “And look at how much you love to play the victim. Oh yes, poor, poor, Brent, always the one who is being wronged, no matter what is going on. Even now you aren't listening to your girl. You would rather fight with me. Doesn't it ever strike you that maybe it would be better to figure out life instead of how you just keep letting it run you over and then playing the martyr card?”

  Connor turned and briskly walked away. Brent stood sputtering a retort that he couldn't quite get out as he watched Connor leave.

  “That fucking asshole,” Brent said to himself. “I'm so sick of his fucking bullshit.”

  Brent turned to storm away the other direction and nearly ran into Tanya. It was as if he had forgotten she was even standing there. He walked around her without saying anything and without looking at her.

  Tanya turned to look out the window that surveyed the property. Connor was right in some ways. Brent didn't seem to absorb anything she said to him. She had never realized how self-centered he could be. Tanya couldn't really focus on that though. She had just learned something that she never would have guessed, that the brothers had shared a woman before. So this wasn't the first time. Tanya wanted to know more of the details, to know if it had been a brief thing or if the love triangle had existed for some time before things fell apart. Tanya knew that she would have to wait for the answers she might never receive though. Now just wasn't the time. Connor was running hot, she'd never heard him raise his voice like that in the short time she'd known him, not even half of that. She didn't know what to do or how to fix this, so she headed up to her room to lie in bed. Much to her surprise, before she knew it she was asleep.

  Chapter Eight: The Release

  When Tanya woke up she headed straight for the bathroom and turned on the shower. Was it over? It was hard to figure out a way that they would be able to go on as a couple now that the unthinkable had happened and Brent had walked in on their impromptu sexual romp. But why had she felt the need to press their luck? It made it more exciting, she admitted to herself; th
e excitement that Brent could come home only to catch her and Connor together turned them both on. Tanya had taboo thoughts of Brent watching them.

  Tanya, feeling that the water was finally warm enough, stepped into the shower. She started to scrub her skin trying to keep back her tears in vain. She didn't want to lose Brent. Tanya wasn't ready for that yet. She wondered how people she knew would react if they found out. How do you think? Tanya questioned herself.

  Out of nowhere, she felt large hands lay upon on her shoulders. They drew her body close against theirs. Her tears dried up. She was happy that the water would camouflage their tracks. She didn't want Brent to see her that way. Tanya knew his form from anywhere. She sagged against him as he began to stroke her hair.

  “It's all right,” Brent said. “Everything is going to be all right. OK?”

  Tanya couldn't manage any words. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down for a kiss. Brent's lips were soft and supple, pressing against hers just right so that she knew everything had been forgiven. She didn't understand his change of heart. Maybe sleeping on it? Tanya didn't really care. He had forgiven her! After their long kiss broke she spoke.

  “Oh, thank you baby,” Tanya half sobbed. “Thank you so much for understanding. It means so much to me that you aren't just casting me out. I hope things don't have to change much between us. I know that they might be different, but at the same time I know that maybe they can't be the same. I'm sorry I'm ramblin', I just....” Brent put his fingers on her lips.

  “I know, honey,” Brent said softly. “I know I haven't been the most attentive husband. I thought about it and I know we haven't had much of a sex life lately. That lead me to realize that if there is anyone to be mad at it is myself. I'm reason you felt the need to stray.”

  Tanya kissed his neck and stroked his sides as he spoke. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

  “Maybe things won't be the same between us, honey and I don't know the future, but I know that I love you. And maybe we've both made some mistakes. I have no idea. Maybe this whole thing is my fault. But at the same time, you know what? I wonder if there is even any fault to place. I wonder if this is just something that happens and then we either embrace it or move on from it. I want you to be happy even if that means opening us up.” Brent leaned down to kiss the top of her head after he finished.

  “That means a lot to me baby, hearing you say those words. Wait opening us up, what does that mean?” Tanya asked.

  “I mean I’m okay with losing the boundaries. You two obviously help make each other feel good and I just want you to feel good is all,” Brent said. “I love you, and you love me. And that's all that matters.”

  “But what about the past?” Tanya inquired. “What about the history where you two have done this before and it didn't work? What about that?”

  “I can't believe I'm talking about this. It didn't work because of her, not because either Connor or I screwed up,” Brent informed her. “We were a love triangle, and that requires equal balance. She had loved both of us without showing too much favoritism. Instead she kept trying to play us off one another and looked outside of the triangle for other lovers. She just couldn't be happy with what she had.”

  Tanya looked down at their feet, thinking about what Brent just told her. She came to the conclusion that that girl must have been a fucking idiot. She also now understood Brent's response yesterday.

  “Thank you for telling me, baby. I understand why you reacted the way you did yesterday,” she said. “I don't know how I would handle it if the situation had been reversed. You have a right to be upset that I went behind your back before discuss crossing any lines. It was dishonest of me.”

  “Let's not think about it anymore today,” Brent said. He cradled her hands in his and held them as the shower's warm spray streamed between them. When Tanya looked back up, he kissed her forehead and pulled her back in close.

  “I want you to know that I'm all right with it,” Brent said. “And there's more, but I'm not sure I can I admit it to you. It...that...that it turns me on.”

  “It turns you on?” Tanya asked wanting to know exactly what he meant. Knowing exactly what she hoped he meant.

  “Yes,” Brent answered. “I don't know why it does, but I think it's normal. I love Connor. Even though my big brother can be a real dipshit, I still care for him. I know I sounded really angry yesterday, and that's because I was. I was very angry earlier. But now that I've had time to cool off, I know that we have the opportunity to move forward, the three of us. Because that's really who is involved in what happened. All of us.” His arms kept a tight grip around her, preventing her eyes from seeing his face. Tanya could swear he almost sounded shy.

  “You're right, Brent,” Tanya said as she buried her face into his chest. “I'm so glad you are here with me right now. I was so scared, but now I feel better. Thank you so much for being you.”

  Brent loosened his arms. Stepping slightly back from one another they kissed, their lips pressed tight against each other until she greedily bit his bottom lip. Tanya giggled when he pulled away.

  “You little tiger,” Brent said with a side smile. It was one of those things that he sometimes called her and Tanya liked it. He usually would throw it out whenever they were about to have rough, mind-blowing sex. The first time he called her little tiger was the first time they fucked after she went to cover a party being thrown at his house. The sex they'd ended up being so good, aggressive, and so amazing that the next morning Brent's back was striped with marks from her long nails. Some of the wounds were deep enough to scar, leaving him look like he had been mauled by a large cat of some kind.

  “You always call me that when I'm about to get my brains fucked out,” Tanya said. “You know how much I love tigers. I can't believe of all the things to call me, that's what my pet name is. You had no idea when you gave it to me.” Suddenly Tanya remembered another shower scene. The one right before they left Texas for Arizona. Mm...I wish we could do that again.

  “I didn't give it to you; you earned it,” Brent joked. “To this day I have people ask me what kind of animal mauled my back.”

  Tanya got her wish as Brent's hand squeezed her right ass cheek forcefully. Then he slid a finger around the inner curve of her butt cheek in order to ease a few fingers inside her pussy. Tanya was so turned on, so wet, that Brent knew she'd was down to fuck however he wanted to. This was the kind of sex they both liked best, the wild and free kind.

  Something however was different, and Tanya could feel it. Brent was keeping something back from her, hiding something. She didn't know what it was but she knew there was a good chance she would be finding out soon enough as Brent flipped her around. They stood spooning in the shower. Tanya placed her palms against the tile as he eased his flushed cock into her wet pussy entrance. It felt good and reassuring to feel him stretching her with delicious patience. Tanya moaned and rocked back into him, reaching around to massage his balls. Brent loved it whenever Tanya squeezed and tugged his balls, not hard, but just enough to be fun.

  “Oh, fuck yeah, baby,” Brent moaned out loud. “You know how much I love it when you give my balls a little squeeze, but that's enough. I want you to play with your clit. Yeah, just like that tiger.”

  Tanya used the hand Brent placed over her mound to rub her clit as Brent used one of his own to egg on the motion. He started to build a rhythm as he pumped his big dick in and out of her. Her pussy clenched tightly around as if wanting him to stay inside.

  “You know what?” Brent said. “I've got something special for you. Do you know want to know what it is?”

  “You make me feel so good,” was all Tanya knew to say because she wasn't sure what he meant and her mind was occupied with sensations of pleasure.

  “You are going to love what I've got for you in the other room,” Brent whispered in her ear as he increased the pressure on her hand. It flipped a switch somewhere and Tanya came with a loud moan.

  Brent d
idn't give her a chance to recover from the aftershocks. He pulled her arms up behind her and held them out so that she was fully mounted on his cock, back arched. She had to enclose her legs around his waist and it spread her further open. With Tanya still impaled, Brent walked carefully out of the shower, through the bathroom door, and into the other room. Even though the position they managed to hold together was strange, Tanya found it extremely erotic. It made her feel vulnerable. It was a major turn on that he was taking charge and forcing her to be submissive.

  Chapter Nine: The Game

  Tanya couldn't continue her thoughts as she saw what he had for her in the other room. She blinked hard a few times to see if she was hallucinating. When she realized what was going on Tanya couldn't believe it. Yet there Connor sat, clad in his underwear. He looked pleased as a smile broke out on his face.

  Brent walked Tanya over to Connor and, with a small pop of his hips forward and upward, he threw Tanya off balance enough that she fell forward and caught herself with each hand on the side of Connor's thighs. Connor smiled down at her.

  “Oh my God,” Tanya said. “This is so fucking hot. God damn, I'm a lucky girl to get the attention of both of you. Thank you, baby.”

  “We're the lucky ones,” Connor said. “And I'm sorry it's time for me to come clean. I didn't tell you about my little plan from the start. Although I might own what Brent would refer to as a dumbass clothing company, I'm not a fool. I knew that you feeling unfulfilled and I took advantage because I knew you were right for a threesome as soon as a met you. I saw the opportunity and I took it.” She was a little shocked at his open confession, but she also like what she heard. Tanya felt more wanted than ever and she was a little afraid she wouldn't be able to satisfy both brothers sexually at once.


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