Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4)

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Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4) Page 4

by Faith Gibson

  Poppy’s house was the biggest and had a couple spare rooms where he and Spyder would be staying. He loved all his sisters equally, so he didn’t care who they stayed with, but Poppy’s made the most sense logistically. When they pulled down the long driveway leading to the Spanish-style structure, Hayden smiled. It had been a while since he’d been to Texas, and he was looking forward to spending time with his sisters, their kids, and their kids. And there were a lot of them.

  “Damn, this is nice,” Spyder said from the passenger seat.

  “It is. All the girls have a nice spread, but this is my favorite.”

  The circular driveway curved around in front of a courtyard where Poppy stood waiting for them alongside her mate, Daniel. Poppy’s smile was so much like Rory’s, as were most of her other features. With the exception of Ryker and Kyllian taking after Sutton, the rest of the siblings took after their mother with their blonde hair and striking blue eyes.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that was Rory.” Spyder stared out the windshield at Poppy.

  “If they all didn’t have different haircuts, you’d probably get really confused. All six twins are the spitting image of our mom. There are subtle differences you’ll see when they’re all together. The genes are strong, but at least their kids managed to get some of their dads’ genes, so you won’t have twenty clones you’re calling the wrong name.”

  “Thank Zeus for that.”

  Poppy was there with open arms as soon as Hay exited the SUV. “Oh, I’ve missed you,” she breathed against his ear. He could hear the smile in her voice, and his heart warmed. Growing up with four older brothers had been great, but Hayden couldn’t say he would have minded having his sisters around. The six of them were strong, independent females, the same as Rory, but they were softer and tended to dote on Hayden since he was the baby. He had nieces and nephews older than him. Even some of the grandkids were his age, so he truly felt like the baby of the family. He didn’t hate it most of the time.

  “Poppy, Daniel, this is Jude Sterling. Spyder, my oldest sister, Poppy and her mate, Daniel.” Poppy released Hayden and shook hands with Spyder who had already greeted Daniel.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Poppy, and please forgive me if I stare. You look so much like Rory, but I should know that since I’ve already met Holly.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment. Now, come on in. I figured the two of you would be hungry, so I have a late snack prepared.”

  “Snack, my ass.” Daniel pretended to cough into his hand, but his words were clear. Poppy backhanded his chest, but she was grinning.

  After dropping their bags into the rooms they’d be sleeping in, Hayden and Spyder wound their way through the long hallways to the open dining room. All the girls learned their cooking skills from their mom, so by late snack, Poppy meant a big spread of cold fried chicken, shredded smoked pork, and all the side dishes one would imagine being served with both.

  Spyder groaned when he saw all the food. “This looks amazing. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I have tea, sodas, and beer in the fridge.”

  “Tea,” Hayden and Spyder said in unison. They both loved the sugary drink, and unless they made it at home or had it at Rory’s, they didn’t find it up north.

  When they were settled around the table with plates overloaded with food, Poppy talked while the two of them ate. She filled Hayden in on all the latest gossip, which Hayden knew most of since Rory tended to share. Spyder asked questions when appropriate, seeming eager to learn more about the Lazlo clan he had yet to meet. Daniel was quiet for the most part, sitting next to his mate with his arm around her shoulder, his fingers brushing her skin. The two of them had been mates for over sixty years, and they were still as in love as they were in the beginning. Hayden wanted that. Wanted to gush over his own kids and grandkids.

  When their bellies were full, Poppy told them to go relax with Daniel while she cleaned up the leftovers. As with all the girls, they knew about the mercenary business, but none of them were interested in the details. Daniel, who had served in the military with Sutton and was one of his best friends, was eager to hear more. Being Gryphons and never aging past their forties, the two males had both opted out at the same time before their higher ups got suspicious. Daniel, like Sutton, was over one hundred, but he had known Poppy was the one for him from early on. The male had been honorable and kept to himself, never even looking at another female until Poppy was old enough to date. Hayden couldn’t imagine what that would be like. Didn’t want to think about it. He prayed when he found his mate, she would be of legal age and ready for a relationship.

  “Tell me about this job,” Daniel urged when the three males sat in the living room. Hayden loved the wide-open space in the middle of their home. Whereas the kitchen was where everyone usually gathered at his parents’ home, here at his sister’s place, the well-used living area had two large sofas facing each other with several oversized chairs between. There was no coffee table. Instead, smaller end tables were nestled between all the seats.

  Hayden and Spyder took one of the sofas, and Daniel sat across from them. The male had been in law enforcement for several years after retiring from the military, but when he found out about the Lazlos’ mercenary business, he left the police force and opened a private investigation business so there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest. He’d seen too many evil men and women slip through the judicial cracks over the years, and he appreciated the work the Lazlo family did. Daniel was a Hound of Zeus in the Gryphon sense, but he wasn’t part of the MC. Still, he helped any way he could.

  Daniel was aware of the drug lord, but he hadn’t heard the man was moving into the human trafficking arena. Having several grandchildren the same ages of those who were being taken lit a fire inside the male, and he offered his services to Hayden and Spyder in whatever capacity they needed him. They spent another hour visiting with Poppy and Daniel before heading upstairs to get some sleep.

  Chapter Four


  After a big breakfast, Hayden and Spyder left Poppy’s home to meet up with Dominic to deliver the tricked-out Harley. When they pulled into the lot of the Norse Gods MC compound, a large number of bikers were waiting on them. In that moment, Hayden became Havyk, having already adorned his own kutte, showing off the Hounds of Zeus rocker. The Hounds were well-known throughout the country as being one of the largest MCs, and as such, were well-respected. Like the Hounds, the Norse Gods was a club that did good. They were primarily made up of ex-military who wanted to make their little piece of the world a better place and show that not all bikers were gangbangers who passed around women like they were property. It was the main reason Hayden had taken the commission.

  Dominic “Iceman” Rodriguez was a tall, imposing Latino. His patch indicated he was the club’s VP. Havyk held out his hand, and Iceman gripped his forearm, pulling Havyk to his chest, and slapped him on the back.

  “I have to admit I’m a little nervous.” Iceman ran a hand through his dark hair, staring at the closed trailer. “I know from your reputation the bike’s going to be sick, but…” The male swallowed hard, then shook his head. “Let’s see what you did.” Havyk expected the man to be emotional when he saw the photo of his sister on the tank, but for him to have this reaction before laying eyes on the bike was telling. Dominic Rodriguez was still reeling from losing his sibling.

  Spyder opened the doors to the trailer and locked them in place before lowering the ramp. Havyk unhooked the bike and carefully backed it out until it was on solid ground. The other members of the Norse Gods waited while Iceman inspected it, probably giving him time to get his emotions under control. According to Dominic, the club had chipped in to have the motorcycle commissioned for him. The man squatted next to it and reached out his fingers toward the gas tank, but he pulled them back before actually touching it. A sob escaped, and he clamped his hand over his mouth as tears streaked down his ruddy cheeks. Only then did someone else move in,
and Havyk glanced at the patch on the man’s kutte. Kodiak was the president of the club, and his name fit the bear of a man who knelt beside his second-in-command.

  “Fuck, Brother. It’s like looking at her,” Kodiak whispered. He glanced up at Havyk, tears threatening his own eyes. “That’s…” He shook his head. “Talented doesn’t do you justice, Havyk. That right there is beyond anything we ever imagined. Thank you.” Kodiak put his arm around Iceman, and the two of them stared at the image of Sadie Rodriguez.

  Havyk and Spyder stood off to the side while the rest of the club came forward to examine his work. He was always proud of every bike he built, but seeing the emotions from all these rough men gripped at his soul. It was obvious Sadie meant something to all of them.

  A few minutes later, one of the bikers appeared with a bottle of tequila. He handed it to Kodiak, who turned and faced the group. “Family is the most important thing there is, whether that be by blood or by choice. Sadie is Iceman’s blood, but she’s our little sister through him. No matter where she is, Sadie lives on in our hearts, and now on this beautiful tribute. To Sadie.” Kodiak took a swig and passed the bottle to Iceman. He knocked back a hefty swallow, then whispered, “To Sadie.” The bottle was shared between everyone, including Havyk and Spyder. When Spyder handed the near-empty container to Iceman, he finished it off.

  Kodiak slung his beefy arm around his comrade’s shoulders, but spoke to Hayden. “Are you headed straight home, or are you staying a while?”

  “I actually have family here, so we’ll be staying and visiting a couple weeks.”

  “In that case, we’d be honored if you would join us for a ride. We have some prospects who have agreed to loaning you their bikes for a day.”

  Havyk knew what a big deal that was. A male’s bike was as personal as a wife or girlfriend. One didn’t share their ride with just anyone. “It would be our honor to ride with the Norse Gods.”

  “Perfect. I’ll call you in a couple days and set it up.”

  “We look forward to it.” Havyk and Spyder said their goodbyes knowing Dominic needed some time to get his emotions under control after having seen the tribute bike.

  Once they were in the SUV, Spyder sighed heavily. “That right there is why we need to put down Alvarez and all the bastards like him who think taking and selling people is okay. Fucking greedy sons of bitches. And for what? These assholes have more money than they can spend in several lifetimes. It’s not like they’re doing good with it. Don’t get me wrong. I like knowing I can pay my bills and buy nice things as much as the next guy, but I’m not going to make my living off someone else’s back.”

  “You’re preaching to the choir, Brother. It’s why Sutton got into the merc game in the first place. To take out those who think they’re above it all. But people have been greedy since the beginning of time. If everyone was good, Zeus wouldn’t have felt the need for Hounds, and the other gods wouldn’t have created Gargoyles.” Hayden was curious about the Norse Gods’ pres. “What did you think about Kodiak?”

  “You get a vibe from him too?” Spyder tapped his fingers against his thighs. “I thought it was just me.”

  “Nope. My Gryphon was antsy the whole time we were there. I doubt Kodiak’s a Gryphon or else he’d be riding with the Hounds. Could be a Gargoyle and not aware of us.”

  “Or he could be something else altogether. Fuck, man. If there are two types of shifters, who’s to say there aren’t more? I mean, his nickname is Kodiak, and he looks like a fucking bear. Wouldn’t that be something?”

  Hayden laughed. “Yeah, but wouldn’t he live in Alaska? That’s where all the Kodiak bears are.”

  “Maybe he did at one point but had to move around like the rest of us. And I’m impressed you know that little fact.”

  “I actually paid attention in school. Science and art were my favorite subjects.”

  “I can see that. Me and art didn’t get along unless I was looking at it. Hell, I can’t draw a decent stick figure. No, give me literature, and I was a happy little Gryphon. I’d get so lost in books the teachers would have to drag me out of the library.”

  “You don’t consider your rope work art?” Hayden knew Spyder was into the lifestyle, and when he’d joined Spyder and Hawk at the club, Spyder had given a Shibari demo.

  “I guess I never thought of it like that, but I can see where you’d think of it as art. To me, it’s more about giving the person being wrapped up something they need. Being in the ropes is like being held in a warm embrace.”

  “You’ve let someone do that to you?”

  “That’s part of the learning process. At least that’s how I was trained. The Master I learned from said you need to know firsthand what your sub is experiencing. With ropes, it can be a pleasant experience, or you can cut off circulation or manipulate your sub’s body the wrong way. Same as with other types of BDSM, like impact implements. Without having the proper training, a Dom could do a lot of damage.”

  “Impact implements?”

  “Yeah, like floggers, paddles, canes, and whips. There are a lot more examples, but those are four of the most popular from what I’ve seen. Personally, I’m not into that type of play.”

  “You probably think I’m boring since I didn’t find any of it enticing.” Hayden had been excited about seeing the inside of the club, but nothing had turned him on. Even the naked female hanging on the St. Andrews cross being spanked hadn’t got his dick hard. He couldn’t concentrate on the woman’s body for fear she was being harmed. He understood it was something she wanted. Craved even. But Hayden didn’t get it.

  “Vanilla, yes. Boring? Never. Look at what you just gave that male back there. Havyk, you have a gift. One you should be proud of. Who cares if you aren’t into a different sexual lifestyle? I promise when you find your mate, she’s going to match you perfectly. I know the last few dates haven’t gone the way you wanted, but be patient. The right female will come along, and you’re going to rock her world just the way you are.”

  “Thanks. Right now, I’m ready to focus on the job.”


  By the time Juan returned from his trip almost a week later, Mercedes was going stir crazy. She rarely left her suite when he was away. She didn’t trust his men, nor did she want to run into Antonia if she happened not to have gone with Juan. Mateo was always a good child, never complaining. The boy didn’t know any different. Mateo wasn’t holed up in their suite for days on end. He left the room with Ana Marie to go for his tutoring. Mercedes thought he was too young to spend so much time learning, but Juan insisted his education begin early on, and what Juan wanted, Juan got.

  Mercedes always waited until Mateo was out of the suite to take her shower. She spent as much time with her son as possible. She stood in front of the mirror combing the tangles out of her hair and dancing to a tune in her head. She had always loved to dance, and surprisingly, Juan enjoyed it as well. On the few occasions he took her out, the two of them lit up the dance floor together. Those were the few times in recent memory she was truly happy.

  The bedroom door opened, and Mercedes clutched her robe until her husband stood in the doorway. She hated always being on guard, but such was her existence.

  “Hola. Como te fue en tu viaje?” Mercedes couldn’t care less how his trip was, but she pretended to be interested. Mercedes kept her eyes on her husband as she continued detangling her long tresses.

  “Successful.” Juan’s gaze traveled down her body and back up. Anticipating his return, she’d opted for one of the silk robes he preferred over the comfy, thicker ones she wore when it was just her and Mateo. “I have invested in a new business venture. One which requires my presence over the border. While I was away, I secured a second estate. You and Mateo will come with me, and we will be staying there for the next few months.”

  Mercedes kept her face neutral. If she showed too much excitement at the prospect of being back in the States, he would either leave her in Mexico, or he’d punish her. “I’m hap
py for you,” she said as sincerely as possible. “Will Ana Marie be coming with us?”

  “If that is what you wish.”

  “It is. Mateo loves her.” And Mercedes trusted the older woman with her son. She was the only one Mercedes felt comfortable taking over care of the boy.

  “Then I will have her pack her things as well as yours. We leave tomorrow.” Juan closed the distance between them and took the comb from Mercedes, placing it on the counter. He tugged at the tie securing her robe, and the panels fell open, exposing her body to her husband’s hungry eyes.

  “Te extrañe, Pajarito,” he whispered.

  But I didn’t miss you.

  Juan placed one hand on her hip and the other slid into her damp hair, gripping it so he could tilt her head to the side. Leaning in, he ran his nose up the column of her neck, inhaling deeply. The body wash as well as shampoo and conditioner she used were ones he had chosen. All her toiletries were the best money could buy. A far cry from the ones she’d used back home. Her makeup was also expensive brands. This she knew from the fashion magazines her husband allowed her to read. Mercedes had been taken eight years ago, but she worked hard to remember everything about her life before her father handed her over to Juan Carlos. She never wanted to forget the life she had with her mother.

  Her husband nipped her earlobe before releasing her. “I have much to see to today or else I would take you right here.” Juan bent and caught her nipple in his mouth, laving it, then sucking hard. Mercedes’s bud hardened automatically, betraying her heart and mind. She hated her husband. Hated his touch. But her body was in tune with the way Juan played it. He was the only man she’d ever been with, but when she was alone, she dared to imagine someone who would care for her gently. Touch her with tenderness. Ask what she needed instead of taking what he wanted.


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