Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4)

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Wreaking Havyk (The Hounds of Zeus MC Book 4) Page 11

by Faith Gibson

  “I promise I’ll never stop looking until he’s found.” Hayden didn’t promise to bring the child back to her alive. He couldn’t, because the boy had been taken by some evil people. Hayden had no doubt once Juan Carlos found out his son was missing, he’d be just as diligent in finding the child. If Juan got to Mateo first, Hayden would do the job he’d been hired for, then Mateo could be reunited with Sadie.

  Hayden helped Sadie to Theo’s car after Nora found her a pair of flip-flops. He insisted she lie down in the back seat. He told her it was so she would be comfortable, but it was so she wouldn’t be seen. Theo promised to keep her safe before sliding into the driver’s seat.

  Nora patted Hayden on the chest. “We’ll protect her with our lives. You focus on finding the boy.”

  Hayden thanked his nephew’s mate, then stood in the driveway watching the car until it was out of sight.

  Spyder, Jericho, and Devon were waiting for him on the porch. “Let’s get busy.” Hayden strode past them into the house. Once they were seated, Hayden turned to Devon. “How good of a hacker is Samson?”

  “Not Lucy level of good.” When Hayden’s eyebrows rose, Devon shrugged. “What? Rory talks. She’s proud of all her grandkids, but Lucy holds a special place in her heart. It might be because she wasn’t raised in the family like the rest of us.”

  “Okay, so not as good as Lucy, but can he get into the CCTV footage close to the Alvarez compound? Hack into Alvarez’s phone? Things like that?”

  “I’m not sure. What are you thinking?”

  “First, I want to see if there are any visible signs of who was in the area at the time of the attack. Two or three vehicles traveling together. There were several gunmen, and I doubt they all rode in one vehicle. If we can find the cars, we can see who owns them. See who took Mateo. I also want to know if Antonia has her own bank accounts. Were any large withdrawals made? If it were Alvarez, I’d say he paid in cash, but if his sister is the one who ordered the hits, she probably wouldn’t have that kind of money lying around.”

  Jericho unsnapped then snapped the black cuff on his wrist. “You think Antonia would take out her brother’s men? Why?”

  “Sadie said the woman hates her and Mateo. What better way to eliminate them than hire someone to come in while Juan Carlos was away?”

  “But she was shot,” Jericho said.

  “But not fatally, which would make it appear she was another victim.”

  “What about Alvarez?” Spyder asked.

  Hayden narrowed his eyes. “You mean the hit?”

  “Yes. We still have to take him out.”

  “I’m aware.” Hayden’s patience was thread-thin and ready to snap. He admired Jude. Knew he was a good male and a better mercenary, but Ryker trusted Hayden’s judgment, or he wouldn’t have offered him the job. “I haven’t forgotten, and I’d appreciate it if you stop reminding me. That shit’s getting old. I know what the fucking job is, but I won’t let a small child remain out there with motherfuckers like the ones who associate with Alvarez. With Juan Carlos out of town, we can’t get to him anyway, but I have a proposal for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You take over the hit on Alvarez. Focus on taking him down while I search for the child.”

  “Fuck.” Spyder reached back and rubbed at his neck. He stared at Hayden who glared back. “No. We do this together. I’m sorry I keep reminding you, but I get it now.”

  “Get what?” Hayden wasn’t ready to accept his apology.

  “Mercedes – Sadie. You think she’s your mate. I’ve seen this enough times to know how this is going to go down, so I’ll back off. It’s going to take all of us to get to Alvarez.”

  “I don’t think… She’s not…” Hayden was lying. He did think that, but it didn’t matter. “Sadie’s married. And even if we take out her husband, she’s got a family waiting on her. A mom and brother who’ve been waiting eight years for a reunion, or at the least, some closure. They have a grandchild and nephew they’re going to want to get to know. I plan to make that happen. I’m going to give Sadie her life back. Do I feel a connection? Yes. But I won’t sacrifice her happiness for mine. Devon, get Samson on the phone. Find out if he’s willing to help. If not, I need to call Lucy.”

  “He’s willing. He took a laptop from Alvarez’s office while Spyder, Storm, and I were voicing the females. He also has a phone Storm took from Antonia. I’ll go call and see if he’s found anything.” Devon left the room to make the call, and Hayden stood, walking over to the front window and looking out at the various plants growing in the brutal Texas heat. He could picture Rhiannon out there talking to them, drawing from their energy.

  Jericho came and stood beside him. “Lindy is a nurse over at the hospital. I can call and see if she’s on duty. If she is, I’ll have her check on Antonia.” Lindy was one of Laurel’s granddaughters. Hayden had lost count of how many great nieces and nephews he had, most still living in the surrounding area.

  “No. I don’t want anyone who isn’t a Hound involved. If Antonia had something to do with the attack, she’s just as evil as her brother. I don’t want Lindy on the other female’s radar.”

  “Samson is already digging into Alvarez.” Devon waved his phone as he walked back into the room. “He hasn’t found much on the computer, but right now he’s focused on the phone we took from Antonia. So far, there’s nothing suspicious like emails or texts regarding the hit, but she did keep Alvarez’s schedule on it. The trip he’s on was to meet with someone named Benning in California.”

  “She would have used a burner phone. One her brother didn’t know about. Devon, did you ask Samson about checking cameras?”

  “I did, but he doesn’t have the necessary equipment. I was going to suggest calling Lucy.”

  “I’ll do that now. Spyder, can you forward that video to my phone? I want Lucy to take a look at it.”

  “On it.” Spyder returned to the table and tapped a few keys. Hayden’s phone pinged. He then forwarded the video to his niece before stepping outside to call her.

  “Hey, Hay,” Lucy answered.

  “You sound like Major,” he joked.

  “That kid. If my child turns out to be half as special, I’ll be lucky.”

  “Something you want to tell me?” Hayden would love to have another niece or nephew to dote on back home. He had countless in Texas, but with him not living there, he wasn’t as close to them as he was Maveryck’s twins and Lucy.

  “Not yet. Doesn’t mean we aren’t trying. Now, I know you didn’t call to talk about kids. I got your video. What am I looking at here?”

  “Actually, it is about a child. That time-progression picture I asked you for? That was the boy’s mother. I’m on a job, and the marks are the woman and her drug lord husband. Turns out, the woman is an innocent. We found out the male flew out of town, so we went in to see about getting the female out of the house. When we arrived, what you’re seeing on the video had just happened. Sadie was outside by the pool, and someone had knocked her out. The men who hit the house left all the females alive, but they got away with the son. I have a Hound down here doing some digging, but he doesn’t have the skills or equipment you and Henry do.”

  “What do you need from us?”

  “I’m sending you the address of the house. See if you can find any vehicles in the area around the time of the hit that look suspicious. At least two coming and going in the same area.”

  “Got it. Do I need to wipe the security feed at the house?”

  “Samson said he took care of that, but if you could hack into the feed and double check, I’d appreciate it. Also, if you would, see if you can get feed from the back of the house. Someone took off with the boy.”

  “I’m on it. I can’t imagine what the mother is going through.” Lucy sniffled, and it reminded Hayden what a good heart his niece had. She didn’t know Sadie, but she felt for the woman.

  “She’s shaken, that’s for sure. She was forced into a marriage with
the mark at a young age. She’s lived as a prisoner in his home for eight years. I’m going to do my best to find the boy and reunite them.”

  “And I’ll do everything I can to help you. Let me get busy.”

  “Thanks, Lucy.” Hayden disconnected and pocketed his phone, then sank down into one of the cushioned patio chairs on Devon’s back deck. He closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind, but Sadie’s face was front and center. Hayden knew he’d been given this particular job for a reason. He’d been put in Sadie’s path, and he thanked Zeus for it. If Spyder had taken the job without backup, the male might have taken out Sadie and Juan Carlos without first figuring out that Sadie was innocent.

  You’re being a little harsh.

  Am I? He’s being a dick.

  He’s being thorough.

  Who’s fucking side are you on? You’re the one demanding Sadie is ours.

  She is, but I’m also realistic where Spyder is concerned.

  Don’t get your hopes up about Sadie.

  One of us has to.

  Hayden would let his Gryphon do the hoping, because he couldn’t do it. Yes, he wanted a mate. A family. But he couldn’t count on it being Sadie. The female had too much going on in her life to go from being married to a drug lord to falling in love with the male who was going to take out her husband. She had a child to think about. Hayden would find Mateo, reunite him with his mother, and whatever happened afterward, he would accept. Just because all his siblings except Kyllian had found their mate early in life didn’t mean Hayden would. And according to Kyllian, he didn’t want a mate. He was happy with his current lifestyle.

  The back door opened, but Hayden didn’t have to look to know it was Spyder. The male took the chair next to Hayden and stretched his legs out, crossing his ankles. “Did you get in touch with Lucy?”

  “Yes. She’s going to do the things Samson doesn’t have the ability or resources to.”

  “Good. She’s something else.”

  “She really is.” Hayden ran a hand down his face and opened his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” Spyder threaded his fingers together and set them on his flat stomach. “I know you’re capable, and I’m being a dick.” Hayden wanted to agree, but he kept quiet. When he didn’t respond, Spyder turned and looked at him. “Nothing to say?”

  Hayden sighed. “I accept your apology.”

  Spyder smirked. “Not going to argue about me being a dick?”

  “What’s there to argue about?” Hayden grinned at the male, glad they were back on even footing. “Let’s talk business. Alvarez is in California, so even if he left straightaway to come back home, he won’t be allowed in his house because it’s a crime scene. And when he does come back, the police are going to question him.”

  “True, but his child is missing. I think the need to find his kid is going to overrule any trepidation he has about talking to cops.”

  “So you think he’ll come back right away?” Hayden stood and walked over to the railing. He turned and leaned against it, crossing his arms over his chest. He hadn’t given much thought to Alvarez beyond what the man meant to Sadie. Or didn’t mean to her. Finding out the man had forced her into marriage had pissed Hayden off. Now he wanted to take his claws to the drug lord and give Sadie her life back, if that were possible.

  “Probably. It would look suspicious if he didn’t. I doubt there was anything in the house pointing to the fact that he’s a drug lord. If the police had something on him, they’d have arrested him the minute he set foot in New Laredo.”

  “If we can get to him as soon as he returns, the police might believe his death is related to the hit on his home.”

  “Maybe, but the cops are also going to be keeping a closer watch on him, and Alvarez is going to be more guarded than before. Right now, as far as he knows, both his wife and child were taken by the same person or group of people.”

  “Fuck. The attack made our job harder, didn’t it?” Hayden rubbed his chin.

  “Probably, but not impossible. Like you said, when we take him out – because we will – the cops will think the two hits are related. It would be aces if we could find those responsible, take the guns they used to kill the guards at the house, and use one of them to take Alvarez out. That would link the two attacks. But that would mean prolonging the hit.”

  “It would, but if we find those responsible, we also find Mateo. Yes, I want to finish the job, but I really want to find the boy. I keep thinking about Major and Marshall. What if it were one of them who’d been taken? They’re so little. Mateo’s only a year older than the twins, and he has to be scared out of his mind. If…” Hayden closed his eyes and prayed to Zeus the boy wasn’t being harmed.

  “He’s alive. We have to believe that.”

  “You’re right, because I won’t accept the alternative. But I’m telling you now, if something does happen to the boy? I’ll burn the world down until every one of the fuckers who took him are nothing but ash.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Sadie’s head hurt. The shot Theo had given her earlier worked for a bit, but now she was in pain again from crying. She couldn’t stop the tears. Didn’t a body eventually run out of them? Her baby was out there. Taken by men who had killed all the guards, and he had to be frightened.

  “The scan looks clear. You have a concussion, but with a bit of rest, it will go away. Let’s get you back to the house so you can lie down.” Theo held out a hand to help her stand, but Sadie sat mutely.


  A sob broke from her chest, and she covered her face with her hands. Sadie didn’t want to rest. She wanted to tear the city apart until she found Mateo. She wanted to call her mom and her brother. Wanted them to know she was alive. Wanted to tell them all about her precious little boy.

  Nora sat next to Sadie and wrapped a strong yet gentle arm around her. “I can’t imagine what you’re going through. If anyone had taken Jericho or one of his sisters when they were little, I’d have lost my mind. The only good thing about this is you have our family on your side. They won’t stop until your son is found.”

  Sadie rested against the other woman, soaking up the comfort. Wait. Jericho? Sadie leaned away from the woman, squinting. “Jericho can’t be your son, unless you had him when you were ten.”

  “I’m older than I appear. Good genes run in our family. But yes, Jericho is mine. Now come on. Let’s get back to the house so Hayden can see you’re okay.”

  “He said someone sent him to find me. Do you know who?” Sadie stood from the seat she’d been waiting in and allowed Nora to guide her to the back door. Theo had explained he had parked in the back where no one would see them. With someone after Juan, they couldn’t be too cautious.

  “I don’t. All I know is things have gone sideways, but Hayden and the family are good at what they do. He’ll figure all this out.”

  When they reached the back door, Theo told the women to wait. He took a look around outside and unlocked the car, then motioned for them to hurry. Sadie climbed into the back seat and once again stretched out so she couldn’t be seen. Her mind wouldn’t still. Who had sent Hayden to find her? Had it been her mother? Had she somehow found out what happened to Sadie all those years ago? No, that couldn’t be right. If Hayden was sent to rescue Sadie, he would have gotten Mateo too. Wouldn’t he? No, he said Mateo had already been taken by the time he showed up. Someone killed the guards but left the women alive. But Antonia was a guard too, so why hadn’t she been killed?

  The one called Spyder had asked about Antonia. Was she responsible? She hated Sadie, but why would she have been shot if she were in on the attack? Thinking was making her head throb, but Sadie couldn’t turn her brain off. She needed to talk to the cops. Find out what they were doing to find her son. Since Juan was out of town, shouldn’t she be at home in case a ransom call came in? Not that she had access to her husband’s money, but she could stall until Juan got back.

  Sadie sat up, ignoring the dizziness.
“I need to go to the police. What if whoever took Mateo did it for ransom? Someone needs to be at home in case they call.”

  “Please lie back down, Sadie. Let’s get you back to the house, and then you and Hayden can discuss going to the police.”

  “But why does he get to decide what I do? I don’t know him. I don’t know you either. For all I know, you all could…” Sadie didn’t finish her statement. A glance passed between Theo and Nora, but neither one said anything. What if they were in on whatever happened? Yes, they were being nice, but did that mean they were good people?

  “Sadie, I promise you we are on your side. You don’t know us, that’s true, but you can trust us. Hayden gets a say because he was the one sent to find you. In our family, we search and rescue victims. Reunite them with family or get them out of bad situations. I promise you can trust him. Trust us. Now, please, lie back down.” Nora’s voice was kind, and when she spoke, Sadie’s head felt funny. The same as it had when Spyder had questioned her. The concussion must be worse than they thought.

  Sadie did as Nora requested and lay down across the seat. A sense of peace washed over her. She still worried about Mateo, but she no longer doubted Hayden and his family. Sadie wasn’t sure why. Just because Nora told her to trust them didn’t mean the woman was telling the truth, but something inside Sadie shifted from doubt to trust. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to believe Hayden was good and that he was going to find Mateo.

  “We’re here,” Nora said quietly.

  Sadie sat up gingerly. Her door opened, and Hayden was there. He held out a hand, and she placed her smaller one in his calloused grip. The big man was gentle with her, putting a strong arm around her waist as he walked her to the door. His hold wasn’t possessive the way Juan’s was whenever he held her the same way. No, this was a caring gesture, and it made Sadie want to cry. Again.

  “Theo said you can have more pain relievers. Do you want to lie down in the bedroom? Or do you want to sit in the living room. It will be quieter in the bedroom.”


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