The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution

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The Accidental Species: Misunderstandings of Human Evolution Page 27

by Henry Gee

  New Caledonian crow, 128, 130, 136, 191n14

  Ngeneo, Bernard, 87

  nuclear DNA. See under DNA

  nucleus (cellular), 44, 46, 91

  okapi, 80

  Old English, 59–60, 65

  Oldowan (stone tool culture), 86

  Olduvai Gorge, 86, 107

  “ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny,” 36

  Opabinia, 66

  orang pendek, 80

  Oreopithecus, 123

  Origin of Species. See under Darwin, Charles

  Orrorin tugenensis, 94, 96

  Orwell, George: Animal Farm, 156

  “out-of-Africa” model, 91–93

  Oviraptor, 53

  oviraptorosaurs, 53

  Palaeospondylus, 71

  Paranthropus (genus), 141

  Paranthropus boisei, 86, 133

  Paranthropus robustus, 83, 86

  parasitism, 47–50, 65–66

  Paraves (“near-birds”), 52–53

  pattern recognition, 97–98

  Peking Man. See Sinanthropus

  penguins, 51

  penis: spines of, 55

  personality, animal; 164–65

  Philip II of Macedon, 148–49

  phorusrhacids, 52

  pidgin, 147–48

  “Piltdown committee,” 82–85, 87, 92–93, 184n24

  Piltdown Man, 82, 84–85, 92, 122

  Pinker, Steven: The Language Instinct, 149

  Pithecanthropus, 81–82, 84

  “planning depth,” 107–8, 129–30, 133

  plants: association with mycorrhizae, 45–46; colonization of land by, 45

  Pongidae, 175n25

  “primate archaeology,” 128

  primates, ix, 17

  progress, 12–13, 17

  proteobacteria, 44

  punctuated equilibrium, 39

  ratites, 51

  retroviruses, 49

  reverse transcriptase, 49–50

  RNA (ribonucleic acid), 49–50

  running. See locomotion, human

  Sacculina, 47–48, 50

  Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 95–96

  saola (Vu Quang ox, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis), 79–80

  sasquatch, 80

  satellite viruses, 49

  scansoriopterygids, 54

  Schiaparelli, 99–100

  science: definition of, xiii

  self-nonself recognition, 166

  sentience, 109–10, 157–67

  Sepkoski, J. John “Jack,” 68, 71

  sexual selection, 116–19; and bipedality, 117–18, 120–21; maladaptive features of, 121

  Shaffer, Peter; Amadeus, 153

  Shipman, Pat: The Animal Connection, 110; The Wisdom of Bones, 131

  Shubin, Neil H., 188n6

  sickle-cell anemia, 24–25, 27; inheritance of, 25; relationship with malaria, 25

  Signor-Lipps Effect; 181n30

  Sinanthropus, 84

  SINEs (short interspersed elements), 50

  Sinornithosaurus, 53

  Sinosauropteryx, x, 54

  skylarks, 151

  Smith-Woodward, Arthur, 85, 184n27

  social facilitation of eating, 191n3

  Spearman, Charles, 144

  Spencer, Herbert, 38

  Stanley, Henry Morton, 80

  Sterkfontein, 83, 87

  Stringer, Chris, 77, 92

  stromatolites, 44, 127–29

  Sundanthropus florianus. See Homo floresiensis

  Swartkrans, 83

  symbiosis. See endosymbiosis

  “tangled bank” metaphor. See under Darwin, Charles

  Taung, 82, 83

  technology, 107–8, 124–28, 132; antiquity of, 127, 139; definition of, 124–27, 129. See also “planning depth,” toolmaking

  teenagers, 159

  tetrapods, limb loss in, 55

  “theory of mind,” 157–58, 161

  therianthropes, 110–11

  theropods, 52

  Tiktaalik, x

  Tolkien, J. R. R., 6, 153

  toolmaking: antiquity of, 87, 113, 139; in animals, 9, 107–8, 113, 127–29, 136; in Homo floresiensis, 9; in Homo erectus, 89; in Homo habilis, 86, 89, 107, 139

  transformation. See under evolution.

  tuatara, 8

  Turkana, Lake, 87, 89–90

  2001: A Space Odyssey, 139

  Typhloesus wellsi, 68

  Ukhaa Tolgod, 64

  Usher’s syndrome, 1–2

  vaccination, 26

  variation: genetic, 33; as hedge against developmental error, 27; heritable, 22–23, 27; human, 74; maintenance of, 23; relationship with genes, 24

  Velociraptor, 52–54

  virophages, 49

  viruses, 48–50

  vision, 162–63

  von Baer, Karl Ernst, 36

  Walker, Alan: The Wisdom of Bones, 131

  walking. See locomotion, human

  Welles, Orson, 99

  Wells, H. G.: The War Of The Worlds, 99, 145

  western scrub jay, 158, 163–64

  Wilde, Oscar, 154

  Wilson, Allan C., 91

  Wood, Bernard, 87

  writing, 155

  Xiaotingia, 54

  yeti, 80

  Young, John Zachary, 110; The Life of Vertebrates, 37–38

  Zallinger, Rudolph F.: The Age Of Reptiles, 100; The March Of Progress, 100

  Zhoukoudian, 84

  Zinjanthropus boisei. See Paranthropus boisei




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