Man to Woman

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Man to Woman Page 12

by Jane Futa

  When Devina had finished her dare she turned to me. “Danny. Truth or Dare?” My heart pounded like a loud drum inside my chest. After the humiliation I’d gone through at the fraternity, I wasn’t brave enough to pick dare.

  “Truth,” I said. The girls pouted in disappointment, but Devina respected my answer.

  “Are you gay?”

  “What?” I asked, somewhat hurt by the assumption.

  “Let me rephrase. Have you ever thought about doing anything sexual with any of the guys on campus? Especially with any of the West Alpha guys?”

  My mind instantly shot back to Tom’s come dripping down my throat. I couldn’t decide if I was being trapped somehow. I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I’d already done something gay with one of them, but not for the sole reason of pleasure even if it was pleasurable.

  “Remember, Danny. You have to answer truthfully,” she said with a giggle. Despite her laughter, her eyes pierced straight through me. I felt like if I lied she’d be able to detect it and I didn’t want to lose her respect, assuming I had it in the first place.

  “Actually,” I started, “I sort of did something for pledge week….”

  “Elaborate,” said the redhead next to me.

  “I’m not gay. I thought it was a hazing tactic. One of the guys from West Alpha made me,” I gulped as I prepared to admit my secret, “suck his cock.”

  Every gaze in the room widened and was followed by laughter. “Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!” cried Devina. I blushed from embarrassment, but in a way I felt proud of myself.

  “So who was it?” asked Beth.

  “I think his name is Tom?”

  “Oh my god! Devina,” continued Beth, “isn’t that your ex?”

  “Shut up,” groaned Devina. “See, I knew he wasn’t interested in me.” The girls seemed to be laughing more at Tom than me and I couldn’t help but laugh with them, albeit nervously. The girls continued taking turns of Truth or Dare. Some of the questions and dares were mild and some were risky. One girl had to run down the street topless without getting caught by campus police or a faculty member. She got lucky because it was just dark enough to hide her from a distance.

  Finally, the game turned back to me. It was Beth’s turn and she eyed me curiously. “Truth or Dare,” she said. Not wanting to seem weak, I picked Dare. Devina leaned over to Beth and cupped her hands around her ear while she whispered something.

  “I dare you,” said Beth after receiving the suggestion from Devina, “to try on a pair of Devina’s panties!”

  Chapter 4

  The girls applauded the dare and looked at me with excitement. The suggestion aroused me for some reason and I agreed to it, thinking it was harmless fun. A lot of the girls did strange things for their Dares. Certainly it wouldn’t change their view of me.

  Devina quickly ran upstairs to her bedroom. I heard it open somewhere on the end of the house. A few minutes later she was jogging down the steps with a wide smile on her face. She carried a pair of bright pink, lace panties.

  “You’ll look good in these,” she said with a wink. The way her eyelashes fluttered down made my heart race. She stretched out her arm and handed the panties to me. I stood up and took them from her, glancing around the room to make sure this was some kind of setup.

  “Where is your bathroom?” I asked. She pointed me toward a door underneath one side of the stairs. I walked toward it slowly, peeking over my shoulder occasionally to look at the girls. They all waited anxiously in their seats. A few of them whispered to each other.

  I entered the bathroom which was more of a powder room. Everything was pink. There were pink towels, pink soap, and pink bathmats and picture frames. It was baby pink, unlike the hot pink panties that were punched in my hand. I smelled them for any hint of Devina’s pussy scent, but they were unfortunately clean. All I caught in a whiff was the aroma of detergent and fabric softener.

  I took my shirt off and looked at my slender frame. I didn’t have even one ounce of muscle. No wonder they want to see me wear panties. All the jocks think I’m girly, why wouldn’t they? I considered storming out of there in a rage, but my curiosity held me in place. Besides that, the girls had been genuinely friendly otherwise. It was almost as if they didn’t see my girlishness as a problem. It was like they enjoyed that I was different. Even if it was the last thing I wanted, if it earned me some acceptance than I wasn’t going to shy away from my natural physique.

  I set the panties on the curved, white sink. I unfastened my khakis and dropped them to the floor with my briefs. I kicked off my sneakers and tugged my socks over my feet. I looked at my naked reflection. My cock was semi-hard and as small as I had remembered. I had a new fear building inside my chest and squeezing it tightly. I was worried they’d laugh at how small my dick was. Despite the concern, my cock hardened at the thought. I wrapped my hand around my shaft and tugged. The pleasure was so intense I let go quickly before I came all over their clean sink.

  I exhaled. “Shit,” I whispered to myself. “Why does this turn me on?” I grabbed the panties from the sink and stepped inside of them. The soft, lacy fabric felt foreign against my skin. As I slid them up my thighs, I felt like I was dressing a queen. The cut and design seemed made for someone as special as royalty. I couldn’t believe girl clothes were so decorative and lush.

  As the hot pink panties wrapped around my hips and cock, I felt like they were being cradled by a soft hammock. I loved the way the straps clung to my hips. I loved how soft and dainty the material felt against my skin. When I looked in the mirror, I surprised myself.

  “I look hot!” I said. I quickly covered my mouth, ashamed that I had spoken so loudly. I blushed and took a few deep breaths before exiting the powder room. When I finally found the nerve, I turned the door handle and stepped out, meeting the gazes of every woman in the living room.

  Their eyes lit up like it was Christmas. They all stood at once and smiled. A few of them licked their lips hungrily like I was some delicious dessert and they’d been on a diet. I walked toward them slowly, feeling my feet overlap each other in nervousness.

  “You look too perfect!” cried Devina. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement. They all rushed toward me and surrounded me. I felt too many hands on me to count as they explored my half naked body. A few fingers glided against my cock and I bit my lower lip to keep from coming in Devina’s panties.

  “We have to play dress up!” cried the first blonde.

  “And give him a makeover!” followed Beth. Devina and Beth grabbed my hands and led me upstairs followed by the rest of the girls. This was hardly the group I’d thought about finding acceptance from, but here they were giving it to me. If I had to dress like a girl to fit in, who was I to deny them?

  We reached Devina’s room and clothes started flying all over the place. “This one!” cried a girl.

  “No, this dress!” yelled another.

  “Not that. Try this skirt!”

  “Hold it!” cried Devina, slightly irritated that her closet had been torn apart. “I have the perfect little outfit.” She went into her closet and walked out with a small plaid skirt and a white button up top. “Isn’t the schoolgirl look the most fitting?”

  The rest of the girls gasped and clapped in agreement. Beth took the shirt and slid it up my arms, buttoning it along my chest and tying it into a knot in the middle. Devina held out the skirt for me to step into and she slid it up over my ass. She tightened the waist and pulled the zipper up. The girls took a step back and viewed their new creation.

  “You wouldn’t ever be able to tell there was a cock under there,” said the redhead.

  “Now for some heels,” said Devina. She returned to her closet and pulled out a pair of white stockings and black heels. One of the girls wrapped my arm around her shoulders so I could balance on one leg while Devina rolled a stocking up the other. Once both my legs were covered, she slid the heels onto my feet and laughed. “He looks perfect!”

  Before I c
ould see my reflection, I was bombarded with makeup brushes, wands, and lipsticks. Four or five girls were covering my face at once. I couldn’t keep track of what brush was for what purpose or what colors were being thrown on my face.

  Several minutes later, they stepped back again and nodded. “Total feminization,” said Beth.

  “Huge transformation,” said one of the blondes.

  Devina walked over to a full length mirror and held her hands out like Vanna White. I awkwardly stepped over in my heels until I could see the work that they’d done. It took me a moment to realize I was staring at my reflection because I didn’t look anything like myself.

  “Oh fuck,” I cried when I put it together.

  “I know, right?” asked Devina.

  “I’m fucking hot!”

  “Yeah you are. You were meant to be one of us all along,” she teased. I blushed, but I couldn’t deny it. I had hips I never realized were there. When I turned to the side, my ass was bubbly, lifting the skirt slightly.

  “What do you mean ‘one of you’?” I asked her.

  “I have a proposition for you,” she said. “Forget those lame fraternities. I’d like you to join Kappa Vixa with a special role.”

  I raised my eyebrow, amazed at how sassy I looked with an arched brow underneath the heavy makeup. “What kind of role?”

  Beth stepped forward with her hands clasped against her chest. She quickly blurted out, “We want you to be our sorority sissy!”

  Devina rolled her eyes at Beth’s impatience and exhaled. “Thank you, Beth. Way to build the suspense.”

  “Anyway,” Devina said, turning to me. “What do you say? How would you like to be Kappa Vixa’s new sissy slave?”

  It took me a few minutes to process their request. I looked myself over in the mirror and then looked around the room at the eager girls. For the first time, I felt good about my body and I was being offered acceptance into a social group.

  “Yes,” I said finally. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 5

  The next day I dressed myself in the schoolgirl uniform Devina had given me. I was nervous to walk across campus in it, but I didn’t want to be caught as a guy on their doorstep when they had specifically asked for a sissy. I styled my hair as feminine as I could and I put on light makeup since I had no real idea of what I was doing with it. As I got ready, I frequently checked the door to make sure my roommate wasn’t going to walk in. I had put a sock on it for privacy, but he didn’t seem to take me getting laid seriously.

  When I was fully dressed and made up, I cautiously left my door room and made my way to the sorority house. I wished I had a car so less people would stare at me. I felt nearly every gaze on me as I trekked through the campus grounds. No one was laughing, but I still couldn’t imagine they were staring because I was a hot girl. I was finally convinced when I heard a group of guys whistle toward me. I looked back and recognized a few of them from the fraternity West Alpha. I chuckled to myself and felt a sense of pride for the first time.

  I finally arrived at Kappa Vixa’s door, ready to work. They wanted a sissy slave and they had specific requirements for me. I was their new maid service. I was to do laundry, dishes, and general cleaning. The catch was that I had to wear the sexy schoolgirl outfit the entire time. I wasn’t sure how good I’d be at cleaning in stockings and heels, but I was willing to try.

  Beth opened the door after I knocked and smiled. “Welcome, sissy,” she teased. “I have a load of laundry that needs to be done. Start there and ask Devina for your next task.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I told her with a smile on my face. She leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I was caught off guard, but I didn’t push her away. Her tongue slid into my mouth and swirled around mine. She ran her hand from my neck down to my skirt, brushing it gently over my cock. She pulled back, slapped my ass, and said, “Get to work.”

  I nodded and stepped in. Beth directed me to her room and I saw laundry scattered everywhere. She didn’t even put them in a hamper for me. I entered and started collecting clothes in my arms, throwing them in a nearby basket. Each time I bent over, I felt my ass come in contact with the cool air of the house. The skirt I was wearing was way too short, and I knew I couldn’t hide much underneath it.

  I turned around with the basket in my hands and saw five of the house girls standing in the doorway watching me. They licked their lips and shot me hungry gazes. Were they watching me bend over?

  “Nice ass, sissy,” said one of them. I blushed and walked toward the crowded doorway. As I pushed my way through the girls, I felt several of their hands grope my body. One set of hands grabbed my ass. Another set ran over my chest. One pair stroked my legs and one hand brushed against my cock again. Doing laundry is going to be tough if they keep giving me an erection.

  I finally made it down to the basement of the house where the washer and dryer was. I loaded the clothes into the washer and filled the detergent. When I turned around I jumped and squealed. Devina was standing at the basement stares, her coal black eyes piercing through me.

  “I have a tough project for you,” she said in a tone different than the days before. It was sultry and deep and it made my cock grow harder. She held out a toothbrush and a bucket of soapy water. “I need you to get on your hands and knees and clean the floorboards in my room. If you do a good job, you’ll be rewarded.” She said the words in a breathy voice, as if she was struggling to keep her clothes on. I nodded and grabbed the tools from her. I headed up to her room and quickly got to work.

  Shortly after I started scrubbing, I noticed Devina had entered. She sat on her bed, towering over me, and watched me crawl around her floor on my hands and knees. She released long exhales and leaned back on her hands, pressing her breasts out. She slowly spread her legs and ran a hand between them.

  I could feel her gaze on my ass as my skirt lifted up to my hips. My cock was growing hard and she could no doubt see my balls tucked neatly inside her pink panties. I scrubbed the floor furiously, trying to release the tension that was building between my legs. I wasn’t sure what my reward would be, but I didn’t know how much more of the teasing I could take. However, I knew the last thing I could do was come before I’d been given permission so I kept scrubbing.

  “You can stop now,” exhaled Devina once I’d reached the last corner of her room. She was panting while sitting on the edge of her bed, her legs still spread apart. I sat in a corner behind her, so I hadn’t yet seen that she had removed her shorts and panties. She had been fingering herself while I cleaned her room.

  “Did I do a good job, miss?” I asked her.

  “You did a very good job,” she panted. “I have a reward for you. Crawl over here.” I did as I was told. I crawled on my hands and knees to where she sat, noticing her bare pussy for the first time. I looked toward the door and noticed she’d left it open, completely at ease with her other roommates seeing her spread wide.

  “Thank you, miss,” I told her, grateful for the chance to see her pussy.

  “That’s not your reward,” she said with a laugh. “This is.” She reached out for my head and pulled it in between her thighs. I stuck out my tongue and slide it along her wet slit, tasting every drop of moisture she had worked up. I drank like I’d been walking the desert and finally found a puddle of water. I lapped hungrily at her pussy, enjoying the sound of her moaning over and over.

  Devina arched her back, letting her long black hair drop behind her. Her curves were exemplified by her position and she tugged her tank top down with the cups of her bra to release her breasts. I stared at her hard nipples, eager to run my tongue around them. She reached for my hands and brought them to her tits while I teased her clit with my tongue.

  “Yes! Just like that,” she said, running a hand through my blond hair. “You really know your way around a pussy. Must be because you should’ve been a girl all along.”

  Her dirty talk, as humiliating as it was, made my cock harden to an unbearable stiffness. I had t
o clench my eyes shut to keep control over it. I knew I couldn’t come. This time was all about Devina. I pinched her nipples between my fingers and slid my tongue inside her hole. I sucked on her mound until I drew the orgasm out of her. Her body shook violently against me and the pain building in my erection only intensified.

  When she came down, she pulled my face from her groin and leaned down to kiss it. She licked her wetness from my lips and tongue. Devina pulled back and told me, “That’s a good little sissy slut.”

  I purred in response and she took my hand. She lifted me up to my feet, dressed herself, and then led me down to the living room. She called to her roommates to join her for a little fun with the new slut. I couldn’t help but smile at my new title and the pleasure I was able to bring them.

  One by one, the girls bounced down the stairs while Devina and I waited on one of the sofas. A few of the girls carried toys with them and I wondered what they’d be used for. Each one had a smile on her face as they formed a circle around the room.

  I finally caught a glimpse of some of the toys the girls were holding. Beth slapped a blue dildo against her palm as she eyed me daringly. One of the blondes held a pair of handcuffs. The redhead had a purple dildo that looked much longer than the one Beth held. My mouth fell open. Are those for me?

  “Our new little sissy has finished her chores. Now it’s time to have a little playtime,” said Devina to the girls. The circle closed in around us, eyes trailing every visible inch of skin on my body. They reached their arms out and I felt hands roam my body again. I couldn’t keep track of whose hands belonged to whom. I could only arch my head back, close my eyes, and let myself become enraptured by the feeling of being caressed by a full house of sexy women.

  A pair of lips touched my neck and nibbled on my skin. A hand slid into my shirt and squeezed my chest. Two hands that felt like they belonged to two different people squeezed my ass and split my cheeks apart. A hand brushed over my cock underneath my skirt and I felt a pair of lips kiss the section of my panties that covered my balls.


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