Trophy Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Trophy Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 3

by Lexi Archer

  “You’re not the only one with a crazy fantasy, you know,” I said.

  Katrina grinned at me. “Oh really? And what kind of crazy fantasy did you have to share with the class?”

  I took a deep breath. This was it. There was nothing for it but to tell her exactly what it was that had me so turned on. There was nothing for it but to let it all out and hope that she reacted as well as I was hoping she’d react given her past that I was suddenly learning about.

  “I’ve always had a fantasy about watching my wife, or girlfriend, I guess it doesn’t really matter as long as I’m in a committed relationship.”

  Katrina opened her mouth and I held up a hand to stop her before she could say anything. I didn’t want her to launch into another thing about me watching her playing with some toys or something like that because of a misunderstanding. Even if that misunderstanding had led to one hell of a revelation. And besides, the idea of her with another girl was almost as hot as the idea of watching her with another guy.

  Almost, but not quite as hot.

  “That’s not it at all, baby,” I said. “I’m not into the idea of watching you play with toys or something like that. I’m talking about watching you fucking another guy. That’s what turns me on. I asked my ex to do it and she was not into it. She said I was less of a man. Really put me through the wringer and made me feel like less of a man because of it.”

  I chuckled as I thought back on some of those conversations. “Y’know it’s really ironic. I know guys who would love to be with a girl who humiliated them like that, but that’s never what I was into. I always liked the idea of watching my wife taking pleasure from another man. I was never all about the idea of her humiliating me over the fact that she took pleasure from another man.”

  Katrina stared at me with an unreadable expression. Her eyes darted back and forth between my own, as though she was looking for something. A sign that this was all some big joke? A sign that this was a lie? I wasn’t sure what it was, but then she smiled and leaned in and kissed me.

  “Are you totally sure that’s what you want? You get turned on by the idea of watching me sliding down the cock of some hot young stud?”

  I took in a deep shuddering breath. It was one thing to fantasize about that sort of thing. It was another thing entirely to hear her talking about it in such brazen terms. My ex never would’ve gone that far talking about my fantasy.

  I suppose that was just one more indication that I’d found the right girl this time around. She wasn’t running screaming into the hills. She was just looking at me as though hthis was another adventure that we could get up to together, and from the way a smile was spreading on her face she liked the idea of going on that adventure.

  “You have no idea how turned on I get thinking about that,” I said. “I want to watch this so bad. I’ve needed this for years, and it’s something I never thought I’d get to see. Sort of like seeing two girls together. It’s one of those things that’s the holy grail of sexual fantasies, but I’ve always come up empty.”

  Katrina leaned forward and gave me one hell of a kiss. She even climbed on top of me and started grinding against me which provided a welcome distraction from all the heat coursing through me already. Then my cock started to get hard again, something that was a testament to just how turned on I got thinking about her fulfilling this fantasy, and I knew we were going to be in very real danger of having another fucking session without actually nailing down whether any of this was something we actually wanted to try.

  I pulled away from the kiss. Reluctantly, but somehow I managed to do it. It took an insane amount of self control to pull it off, but I did it.

  “I need this baby,” I said. “I don’t know if you’re totally okay with it, but this is something that I need. I should’ve told you about it earlier. Before we got married. Before you were locked in by wedding vows, but it’s something that I have to have in our relationship.”

  Katrina grinned down at me. “Well it’s a good fucking thing this is something you need, because I was already starting to wonder how I was going to do this whole good faithful monogamous wife thing before we even said our vows. Talk about a get out of jail free card!”

  My head spun and I was so fucking turned on. It was like I’d hit the jackpot. Beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and it turns out she was more of a minx in the sack than I’d ever hoped for or imagined. I’d really found the perfect girl this time around, and I was going to do whatever I could to keep her.

  “So how soon do you want to start doing this?” she said.

  I blinked. I’d never really thought of that. How soon did I want to start doing this indeed?

  “Well I figured we could wait until the end of the honeymoon or something. You’ll probably want some time to get used to this, right?”

  Katrina bit her lip. God I loved it when she bit her lip. It was so fucking sexy. It also usually meant she was about to do something that was going to surprise me and turn me on in equal measure. My cock twitched as I imagined some of the things she might be on the verge of getting up to.

  “Actually I was thinking that if you’re really that into this then there’s no time like the present to try it out, right?”

  I blinked. I suddenly felt a bit of panic. It was weird. I’d been thinking about this happening for so long and now that it was actually on the verge of happening I wasn’t sure what to do about it. I’d spent so long being shamed by my first wife about it that some of that shame had been internalized and it was coming back to bite me in the ass now. I hated that she could reach out from beyond the dried ink on our divorce papers and make me feel like shit about something I was about to do with my new and improved wife who seemed up for so much more.

  “I don’t know…”

  I hated that I said it even as I said it. Why was I doing that? Katrina was into this. I had the green light for fulfilling my ultimate fantasy. So why the fuck was I holding back now that I had that green light?

  Thankfully Katrina was having none of it. She leaned down and gave me a kiss.

  “Why don’t you know? You’re the one who said this is something you’ve always wanted, right?”

  “Well yeah.”

  “So why would you wait to do something that you’ve been dreaming about for so long?” she asked. “Why not jump in and do it now? Enjoy yourself? After all, we’re on our honeymoon. Seems like there’s no better time to enjoy a little adventure than while we’re off at an island paradise having fun.”

  That part of me that had been scarred by my first wife roared one final time. Told me that this was wrong. That she was a whore for wanting to do that because my first wife always said that I wanted her to be a whore. It told me that I was a sick pervert, and then I smashed down on that voice.

  I wasn’t with her anymore. What I wanted wasn’t wrong if both of us were into it. And that was that. It was time for me to live my own life and forget about the past. At least the parts of the past that made me feel guilty about the present.

  I grinned up at Katrina. “You’re right. Let’s do this.”

  She smiled right back at me as she started churning her hips and rubbing her pussy against my cock. Oh yeah, that was the right fucking answer all right, and I couldn’t wait to see what was in store for us through the rest of the vacation!

  4: By the Pool


  I leaned back in the pool and allowed myself a moment of enjoyment. The water running all over my body at just the right temperature. A frozen drink by my side on the expensive looking float I’d commandeered. Everything about this moment was perfect.

  I took a moment to readjust my bikini as well. The thing was white, what better color for the blushing bride to wear on her honeymoon even if I had absolutely no right to wear white on my wedding day when I’d walked down the aisle. I blushed as I thought of some of the things I’d done over the years that would probably make the minister’s toes curl if he heard about them.

  It would certai
nly make his cock hard. That was for sure!

  I was so relieved that everything was okay with Harry. That he didn’t seem to care that I’d had a bit of a past. If anything it seemed to turn him on that I’d been so wild and crazy in my younger days, and that was one hell of a relief! I’d been so worried that he’d be pissed off when he discovered the truth, and now that the truth was out and he was more turned on than anything else it made me so fucking happy.

  It also made me fucking happy to know that I could be out on the prowl for the first time since I’d gotten together with Harry. Talk about a relief. I’d felt an itch, an urgency between my legs. I knew what it was. It was that desire to go out and have a new experience. It was the part of me that always wanted to try something different. The part of me that I knew had caused more than its fair share of trouble with past relationships.

  I’d never been able to stay with a guy for too long because I knew that eventually I was going to get bored. Eventually I was going to try and find something new. Something different. Not necessarily something better, mind you, but that didn’t change the fact that I inevitably went out looking for a new guy and that inevitably seemed to piss off whatever poor son-of-a-bitch I was dating.

  It was something I’d always known about myself. It was something that always frustrated me. It was something I’d worried about as we got ready for the wedding day and something that I knew was going to be one hell of a problem when Harry and I walked down the aisle.

  I suppose he wasn’t the only one who was hiding secrets when he got married. How lucky that his secret was also something that coincided so nicely with my secret! I really was worried about how I was going to keep it under control. I’d never been able to go more than a few months without seeking out some new wild and fun experience, let alone trying to last for the rest of my life.

  Now it turned out I didn’t have to do anything of the sort. Talk about a lucky break!

  I paused for a moment in my adjusting and looked across the pool to where Harry was sitting in a lounge chair with a book in his hands and a pair of huge sunglasses on. He was trying his best to look like he wasn’t out there staring at me, but bless his heart. The guy looked pretty dorky with that book even if he was in pretty damn good shape. Especially for a guy his age, even if “his age” was only about a decade and a half older than mine. It’s not like he was an old man or anything.

  Though I knew a few girls I’d gone to college with who’d probably think he was an old man. He wasn’t nearly as old as some of the creepers that my friends who’d gone on to careers in professional cheerleading had to put up with. The poor girls.

  I glanced around the rest of the pool. People were splashing, lounging, and generally having a good time. It seemed a little silly to have a pool like this in sight of the beach. I could see and hear waves crashing down around the sand down below, but then again I suppose it was nice to get the look and feel and sounds of the beach while at the same time being able to enjoy the comfort of a climate controlled environment here in the pool.

  I turned my gaze to the rest of the pool. There were plenty of guys out here who looked like they’d be up for a good time. A few muscled studs who were looking really damn good if I did say so myself. I smiled thinking about the sort of fun I’d like to have with those guys. There were a couple of dudes who looked like your classic frat types at one end of the pool who kept looking my way in particular.

  They must be down here on their parents’ money, because there wasn’t a chance in hell two guys like that could afford to stay at a place like this unless they were relying on a bit of help from the old trust fund. That was something I hadn’t even known existed until I met Harry, though I’d quickly learned all about the world of the super rich.

  Especially how they acted towards people who hadn’t always been super rich. Though in my experience the ones who wanted to fuck me tended to be plenty polite. Otherwise how were they going to have a chance of getting in my pants?

  I lowered my sunglasses and fixed those guys with a stare that I hoped communicated to them that they were more than welcome to come over here for a good time. They looked at each other as though they were having trouble believing their luck, then they started splashing in my direction. I smiled, but it wasn’t for them.

  I glanced over to Harry. He was concentrating so hard on that book that I knew he had to be staring directly at me under those sunglasses. He held the book in a white knuckled grip and I was pretty sure that some cheesy thriller he bought at the airport, honestly who still read paper books anyways, wasn’t going to be so interesting that he’d hold it that tightly.

  No, he was well aware of what was going on over here. He was enjoying the show and trying so hard to not look like he was even looking at the show that he was about to tear that poor book in half.

  Then the two gentlemen, both of them sporting deep tans that made me wonder if there wasn’t some mixed heritage in there somewhere, were on me. I would’ve fanned myself if the notion wasn’t so ridiculous. These guys were fucking hot. And they were staring at me with a hunger that they didn’t bother to conceal.

  No, these were two guys who saw something they wanted and they were going to take it. I just hoped it would be as much fun for Harry as this was undoubtedly going to be for me. Admittedly I was a little rusty when it came to the seduction game, but that was okay. I was sure it was like riding a bike. It was going to come back to me quickly enough.

  “So what brings you boys out here to the island?” I asked.

  They looked at each other and grinned. “Well we’re out here enjoying some vacation time. Off for the summer and all that,” one of them said. He had striking brown eyes and I wanted to know what it would feel like to have him looking up from between my legs while his tongue was buried in my pussy. Yeah, that would’ve been really nice.

  “Yup. Out here to have some fun and see where life takes us,” the other one, he had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, said. I found myself wondering what it would be like to stare up at that hair waving back and forth as he plowed in and out of me and my tits bounced up and down. Maybe while the first one was right next to me running his hands all over my body. Or maybe with the two of them on either side of me doing what comes natural to hot young college guys who have a pretty girl in between them.

  And through it all Harry would be there watching them defiling me in every way possible. Talk about intense. I never knew that married life could be like this. I never knew that it could be so freeing to have a ring on my finger that I thought was the end of all the sexual adventures I was ever going to have.

  Now it turns out it was just the beginning of our adventure.

  “So what brings you out here?” the one with brown eyes asked.

  “My my, aren’t we being forward?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well you haven’t even bothered to ask me my name, but you’ve been pretty busy staring at my tits this entire time. A girl might think you weren’t interested in anything but how I look in my bikini,” I said.

  I enjoyed the flustered look on his face. Yeah, he’d been trying to be sneaky, but if he thought he was going to sneak a peek at my tits without me noticing then he had another thing coming. Guys have been trying to do that for far too long for me to not notice it when they were sneaking a peek.

  “I wasn’t, I mean…”

  I shrugged and giggled. I don’t know why I was worried about being out of practice or something. It’s not like it mattered anyways. I looked killer in my bikini, and ultimately that’s all the guys cared about. Next to that critical first step everything else was gravy.

  “It’s okay boys,” I said. “I’m so used to guys trying to sneak a look at my tits. Do you guys want to look closer?”

  I glanced over to Harry again. He’d given up all pretense of trying to look like he was reading a book. He was staring openly, though he at least still had his sunglasses on. It wouldn’t do for him to look like he was staring over he
re too much.

  After all, we weren’t supposed to know each other. I wasn’t wearing my wedding ring, but I was starting to wonder if maybe I shouldn’t just give up on that pretense. Seducing these guys when they thought I was single was one thing, but seducing them when they knew I was spoken for?

  That suddenly seemed pretty hot.

  I played it up for them. I leaned forward and pressed my arms together. It was a classic move that I’d perfected. It caused my tits to press together and move up. Not that I needed much help for them to look fan-fucking-tastic thank you very much. I was well aware of just how hot I was and just what effect I had on men.

  It was a weapon, and right now I was turning my weapons-grade tits on these guys. It used to be pretty fucking hot just enjoying the newness of seducing a new set of guys, but I had to admit that it felt even hotter now that I knew Harry was watching us. It was like the idea of knowing my husband was out there watching me acting like a complete and total slut was adding to the hotness.

  If I’d known this was such a turn on for me then I would’ve done this a long time ago. Getting this turned on while I was getting a little variety? Sign me up!

  “So what are your names boys?” I asked.

  The blonde grinned. “I’m Todd.”

  “And I’m Caleb,” the one with the brown eyes replied.

  “Nice to meet the two of you boys,” I said. I looked them up and down and I was so fucking obvious that there was no way they could miss the way I was checking them out. Both of them glanced at each other and grinned. Yeah, they knew what was in the offing here. They’d just hit the jackpot.

  Assuming they were into two guys at once. Most guys usually were, in my experience, as long as they knew there’d be a girl in between them.

  These guys were so easy to play. I decided that a little more fun was in order. I reached up to the straps holding my top in place and “adjusted” it while they were zeroed in on my tits. That had the added effect of causing my tits to pop out for the briefest of moments.


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