The Intruder

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The Intruder Page 2

by Joannie Kay

  Jason left and Jacob went back to the bedroom, only to find his patient half out of bed. "Sweetheart, do you want a spanking?" he asked, reaching her side in less than two seconds flat.

  "No!" she denied. "I want to go to the bathroom, and I do not want help!" she pouted.

  "You heard Jase. You are too weak to attempt this on your own."

  "No I'm not!" she argued.

  He shook his head and let her stand up on her own. She took one step and the room started spinning and she would have fallen if he hadn't been prepared and caught her. He carried her to the bathroom, sat her down, and said, "I'll give you your privacy, but, sweetheart, if you even try to stand up before calling me to help you, I am going to give you a spanking."

  "I'm not a child!" she informed him.

  "Good. I'll expect you to act like an adult and obey me then." He stepped out of the room and waited for her to call him, but he didn't have any confidence that she would.

  Keri's head was spinning and ached abominably. Her legs felt like rubber, and she was so tired she wanted to cry. She didn't know whether or not to believe that Jacob was a policeman, or that Jason was a doctor. They could both be lying and just trying to get her well so they could kidnap her. She really did need to call for help, but she couldn't even get up off the toilet without help! The tears started again, and that make her mad. She said a few choice words, and then called out, "I can't get up by myself."

  Jacob was back in a heartbeat, mindful of her modesty, and he lifted her and carried her back to bed. "I'll get you a washcloth to wash your hands, baby," he promised, and then did just that. "I'm going to get you some water to sip on, and then you'd better go to sleep. Your body needs some rest. I'll wake you later for some broth and orange juice."

  Keri didn't argue. She was too tired for that. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Jacob checked on her a few minutes later and nodded. At least she wasn't afraid of him any longer. Jason returned, and Jacob had to admit he outdid himself. He had all the necessary items for Keri, but he also brought the things he thought his brother would need. Best of all was a book he'd been wanting to read, and a book of cryptograms to solve. He'd been addicted to those since they were kids. He liked to play against the clock these days. There was also a fried chicken dinner for him to eat later, vanilla ice cream, and a package of Fig Newtons, and his favorite drink... a gallon of milk. Jason brought him some personal items, too, so he could brush his teeth and shave and shower.

  "You did great, Jason. Thanks."

  "What is this case you're on? Is Keri involved or in danger?" he asked directly.

  "She just made the mistake of moving in here... next to a killer," Jacob told his brother. "And we need to tell Jenna not to even think of moving into an apartment until we check it out first. This place is not safe, and I'm going to insist Keri move elsewhere the very minute she is well enough to do it."

  "Jenna is too independent to ask her older brothers to look at an apartment first," Jason predicted. "What's wrong with these apartments? They're brand new and look great."

  "The attic is open from one end of the building to the other. Anyone could get into any apartment in this building from up there. That's what I did when my suspect came home when I was searching his apartment. I went up through the opening in his closet, and made my way next door, and let myself down. I came out of the closet, never dreaming Keri was home. She works all day..." he explained. "I had to keep her from screaming, and when I touched her I realized she was burning up. I couldn't just say, 'Sorry, honey, wrong apartment,' and walk out the door."

  "No, you did the right thing to call me, Bro. What can we do about this guy next door?" he asked.

  "Nothing, Bro. I'll keep Keri safe, and move her out when she's well enough to leave."

  They said goodbye and Jacob put away the groceries before going to check on his patient. When he reached the bedroom he shook his head and said, "Sweetheart, you need your bottom spanked."

  "I do not!" Keri defended herself. "I am an adult and I can do as I please!" she argued.

  "I am an adult, too, and I can do as I please, and what I please right now is to take a naughty little brat over my knee and spank her for not listening to what the Doctor told her to do and obeying him."

  Keri's green eyes widened when he slowly crossed the room towards the bed she was half in and half out of. She moved as quickly as possible to get back in bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin for protection.

  Chapter Two

  Kari was ill and weak and frightened, and the big man approaching her looked fully capable of carrying out his threat to spank her! "Please don't!" she whispered as she pulled the blankets up even more, as if they would protect her from what he intended. Her green eyes filled with tears again as she looked at him.

  Jacob Tobias wasn't used to having a pretty woman look at him with absolute terror in her eyes, but that is exactly the way Kari Morgan was looking at him, and it stopped him in his tracks. "Sweetheart, I know I frightened you earlier, and I am sorry as can be about that. For the last time now, I have no intention of harming you. I am not a thief. I am not a rapist. I am a police officer, like my brother told you, and he is a doctor. You are seriously ill, and this close," he held his thumb and forefinger a scant inch apart, "to a stay in the hospital with an IV hooked up to you so you get liquids and meds to take that temperature down. You are new in town and you don't have anyone here to help you. I won't leave you to fend for yourself; Ma didn't raise me that way, and if you were my little sister, I would want someone to help you. That is all I am trying to do, Kari." He saw her relax just a bit and then said, "However, I am not a nurse or a doctor like Jase... I'm a cop, and I don't have a lot of patience. It really pisses me off when I'm trying to help someone and they won't listen to me. Jase said you are to stay in that bed and rest and drink liquids, and that, sweetheart, is exactly what you are going to do. I ought to set your butt on fire right now, but I'm a nice guy and I owe you a reprieve for scaring you half to death when I came out of your closet earlier... so you're going to get lucky this one time. Try getting out of bed again, and I promise you a spanking you'll remember for the rest of your natural life. Got it?" he asked.

  Kari swallowed hard, but nodded. He meant it! He really would spank her if she defied him again! She'd never been spanked in her entire life... except for that one time... and she refused to think about that!

  Jacob took out his cell phone and asked in a firm tone, "What is your Dad's telephone number, Kari?"

  "Oh, don't call him, please! He'll worry!" Her green eyes were wide. "You don't know him, Jacob! This would be enough to make him insist I move home, and I don't want to do that!"

  "You're twenty-two years old; he can't make you move home," Jake said, surprised by her reaction.

  "You don't know my Dad," she tried to smile, but it was too much effort. Her head was pounding and she felt awful.

  "You need to rest," Jake said firmly, the tears in her eyes telling him she was close to her breaking point. "Close your eyes, Kari, and go to sleep. Remember, you keep your little butt in this bed unless you want a spanking." His voice was soft, but firm.

  "I don't," she whispered, and then she found it impossible to keep her eyes open. Whatever the doctor gave her was taking effect and she had to sleep.

  Jacob left the door to her bedroom open and went into the living room. He turned on her laptop, and within a short time he had her cell phone records and her Dad's telephone number. Without any qualms whatsoever he called the man. "Mr. Keith Morgan?" he asked, and once he had confirmation, he continued, his tone professional as possible. "This is Lieutenant Jacob Tobias with the Oak Tree Police Department... No sir, Kari hasn't been in an accident, but I thought it best to let you know that she is ill and I am caring for her. I found her running a high temperature, and when she told me she didn't have family here, or a doctor, I called my brother, Jason Tobias, who is a Doctor at Oak Tree Memorial Hospital. He came and treated her, and said she w
ill be fine in a day or two. She's on bed rest, antibiotics, and Tylenol for the temperature... and lots of liquids, Jase said." Keith Morgan had a lot of questions and Jake answered openly and honestly, doing his best to calm the man and let him know he didn't need to drive all night to get here. "I'll have Kari call you as soon as she wakes up, sir, and I give you my promise that I won't leave her alone until she is well enough to take care of herself. My Ma would have my hide if I did something like that," he added with a grin, knowing it was the absolute truth. "Jase is going to come back and check on her later," he assured the man that his daughter was being cared for. Keith thanked him for calling, and reminded him to have Kari call when she woke up. Jake promised he would, and then hung up, feeling just a bit guilty. Calling Kari's Dad was the right thing to do, but Jake would bet everything he owned that the man was already packing a bag and planning to make the long eight hour drive to get here as quickly as possible. It was what he would do if he received a call like that from a man he didn't know claiming to care for his loved one! Kari was not going to be happy with him.

  Jacob went and checked on his patient and was relieved to find her sleeping soundly. He knew he didn't have any right to spank her, but if she tried to get out of that bed before Jase said it was okay to do so, he would keep his promise... Just like he would if it was his kid sister Jenna. He'd learned a long time ago that a spanking worked better than pleading and arguing. The trouble was that he hadn't meant anyone yet who he cared enough to take over his knee and spank them to insist they work together to make a relationship work. But, in this situation with Kari, it seemed the natural way to settle her down. She'd probably never want to see him again once she was well.

  Jake's biggest problem right now was Quincy Darles. His investigation was on hold for now. He had expected to follow the man tonight, but it was out of the question now that he had little Kari to take care of. Jacob couldn't help smiling at the frustration Darles would feel when 'James' didn't show up at the appointed meeting place tonight. In fact, it was kind of funny to know that he was right next door to Quincy Darles apartment... Which brought up another question... Why on earth was Darles living here when he could afford to live anywhere he pleased? It didn't make sense. Yes, these apartments were brand new, and very nice... but... they weren't luxurious, and Darles made a lot of money. It just didn't fit, and Jake was puzzled. Did Darles think that living in a normal neighborhood would protect him? Make him look less suspicious than living in an expensive condo or house? Why would he settle for a one bedroom apartment, even if the apartment was new and clean and very nice? It wasn't typical behavior for a man like Quincy Darles, and it made Jake all the more suspicious of the man. It also put Kari at risk. If someone came looking for Darles and got the wrong apartment, Kari could be hurt or killed for no reason at all. Jake was going to move her out of here as soon as humanly possible... even if he had to take her to his place... or to Ma's. That might be even safer. His Ma wouldn't let anything happen to the little redhead when he was on a case.

  Jake heard movement in the other room and got to his feet and went to check on Kari again. She was awake and looking around her as if she didn't know where she was. He got the thermometer and approached the bed. "Let's take your temperature again, sweetheart. It's time for some Tylenol, and I want to see how you're doing."

  Kari looked up at him and was shocked to realize that her dream was so real. The big man was still in her apartment! But, now she didn't fear him so much. He hadn't hurt her, other than swatting her bottom so the other tall man could give her a shot. He read the thermometer and shook his head. "It's come down a little, but not nearly enough, sweetheart. You must feel like hell right now. Does your head still hurt?" he wanted to know. She simply nodded, and then closed her eyes. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" he kept talking to her. She thought about it, and then nodded. She didn't know if she could even get out of bed because she felt so weak. She didn't have to. Jacob picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, and made her blush when he matter-of-factly pulled her nightgown up in back before sitting her on the toilet seat! He left the bathroom then, giving her a bit of privacy, but not until he warned her not to try and stand up by herself. As if she could! Her legs were like rubber. Her body hurt all over and all she wanted to do was lie down and go back to sleep.

  Jake got the Tylenol and a glass of orange juice for Kari, and put them on her bedside table before going into the bathroom to carry her back to bed. As he did the other time, he wet a washcloth and brought it to her to wash her hands. Then he gave her the Tylenol, and she took them without fussing. She tried to hand the juice back to him, but he shook his head. "You need liquids, sweetheart. Jase said so. Try to drink all of this juice, and then I'll let you sleep," he promised. Kari was too sick to argue, and she obeyed even though it took a lot of effort to drink the orange juice. "Good girl," Jake said in approval, and then he made her comfortable as possible and let her go back to sleep.

  Kari wasn't any worse, but her temperature hadn't come down nearly enough yet, and Jake was worried about her. If she wasn't a lot better soon, he would have to put her in the tub and give her a bath with ice cold water to bring the temp down. He remembered his Ma saying that would help once when Jenna was a little girl... and it did. Maybe he should just do that right now...? No, he would wait an hour, and if the Tylenol didn't help enough, he would put Kari in the bath tub. He could well imagine she wouldn't like that, but she wasn't in the best position to make decisions for herself. He was acting as a nurse, and he would remain impersonal and regard her in the same way he would his little sister, he promised himself.

  An hour later, Kari's temperature was still high. Jake went into the bathroom and started filling the bathtub with cold water. In the hospital they would pack her in ice, from what Jase told him, but Kari only had one tray of ice cubes in the freezer, so the cold water was next best. Jacob made sure he had a towel to wrap her in when he was done bathing her. He also found one of those things women use to pull up their hair so it won't get wet, and took it with him into the bedroom.

  "What are you doing?" Kari didn't like the look in Jacob's dark eyes. He was up to something and she was sure she wasn't going to like it.

  "Sweetheart, your temperature isn't coming down like it should. I'm going to try something else to keep you from having to go to the hospital. Remember, I am your nurse right now, and I'm not going to take advantage of you in any way. I'm going to give you a bath to lower your temperature." He waited for her reaction and it wasn't long in coming.

  "No you are not!" Kari immediately protested and she pulled the blankets up to her chin and glared at him. "You just go home and leave me alone!" she ordered. There was no way she would permit him to see her all naked! No way on earth! It was too humiliating to contemplate! "Get out now!"

  "I can't do that, sweetheart. You are much sicker than you realize, and I wouldn't leave my worst enemy alone in your condition. Ma would strip the hide off me," he said. "Please don't fight me, Kari. I'm only doing what needs to be done." He tried reasoning with her, but could tell by her body language that he wasn't getting anywhere with her.

  "No! I won't have it!" she protested, but it didn't do her a bit of good. Jacob was a very strong man, and he easily pulled the blankets off of her. Kari slapped him in the face as hard as possible when he leaned down to pick her up. She was as weak as a kitten, but she managed to hit him hard enough that he cursed and grabbed his nose to see if it was broken or bleeding, and then he leveled those dark brown eyes on her and she swallowed hard. She'd crossed a line! She, who had never struck another human being in her entire life, had dared to hit the biggest man she'd ever met! Was she completely insane?

  "That was uncalled for, little girl. I am trying to help you, not hurt you." In the next instant, he flipped her over on the bed, pulled up her gown to bare her derriere, and he gave her a dozen quick spanks, making her bottom burn, and bringing her to tears of shame and remorse for her actions.

"I'm sorry!" she bawled. "I don't know why I'm acting so horrid!"

  "Because you're sick and you're half delirious because of your fever," Jake answered, feeling like an ass for spanking her while she was so ill. Without another word, he carried her into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet lid. He pulled her long red tresses up and wound the hair thingy around her hair a few times. "There, now your hair won't get wet," he muttered in satisfaction.

  Kari gasped when he unceremoniously pulled her nightgown over her head and dropped it on the floor. In the next second, he picked her up and carefully sat her in the tub. She gasped again, "This water is freezing cold!" she tried to get up, but he held her down.

  "The water needs to be cold, sweetheart. You're just burning up. Now try to tolerate this. I won't keep you here long, I promise. This is necessary to keep you out of the hospital." He picked up the wash cloth he'd tossed in the water earlier, and ran it over her back and shoulders. She was shivering, and he felt bad for her. "This will help, sweetheart. I promise." She had her arms folded over her breasts, trying to hide herself, "Sweetheart, pretend I'm a male nurse, assigned to take care of you. My intentions are pure, and I need to bathe your front, too," he cajoled, and gently pulled her arms down so he could run the wash cloth over her burning skin.

  Jake tried real hard not to notice how perfect her breasts were, but damn! Kari Morgan was a lovely woman! He'd have to be blind to miss that. She certainly didn't have need of a bra... Her breasts were firm and the nipples were puckered from the cold water and stood erect. He tried to keep his eyes averted, but it was hard to do as he cooled all of her skin. Finally, he decided she'd had enough for now, and he carefully lifted her wet body from the tub and stood her on the bathmat as he wrapped a soft white towel around her slender body,

  Kari's legs were so weak it was all she could do to stand there and when she thought she was going to fall she reached out and steadied herself on Jake. He looked at her and smiled, and she felt weak all over. But was it from her illness, or just because he was so close and so very handsome? The man had spanked her, but given the fact she'd slapped him so hard, she felt lucky that he'd flipped her over and spanked instead retaliating and slapping her in the face. With his large hands, he would have injured her. Better a burning bottom, she decided. She'd earned that spanking for being so impossible. Her feelings were all a jumble, and she didn't know whether to cry or laugh or just melt against Jake. He solved the problem by carrying her back to her bed and sitting her down, careful to keep the wet towel from soaking her sheets.


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