Billion dollar baby bargain.txt

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Billion dollar baby bargain.txt Page 72

by Неизвестный

  muscle beneath the soft cotton. She kneaded, she stroked. She craved. Like a drug thickening her blood,

  making her limbs languid, she felt desirable, wanted. And she wanted him.

  His flesh beneath her palms sent a myriad of sensations bursting behind her eyes, only to ratchet up

  higher when he groaned low in her mouth, sending a primeval thrill into every bone. With one swift

  movement he grabbed her bottom, pulling her sharply up against him, against the hard, throbbing

  arousal separated by only two thin layers of clothing.

  Cal’s iron-grip control began to slip. All he could feel were the luscious curves of her butt beneath his

  hands, her hard nipples digging into his chest like two tiny pebbles. Her amazing scent teased his

  nostrils, his senses, coupled with the glorious musky sweetness of warm woman.

  His blood pulsed quick and hard, threatening to demolish the promise he’d made. Yet like a sudden

  match sparking in the pitch black, reality flared. He didn’t want it, didn’t need it, but he couldn’t ignore


  When Cal suddenly broke the kiss, breathing hard, Ava murmured her disappointment. But when she

  leaned in, seeking the warmth of his mouth again, he tilted away then released her, the way barred.

  Rejected, she stepped back.

  His eyes bored into hers, mysterious and unfathomable. Then he dragged a hand across his chin, the

  grating rasp of his five o’clock shadow echoing in the dark, intimate silence. “I’m trying, I’m trying to

  keep my word, but dammit, don’t start what you’re not going to finish.”

  That last word came out husky and hoarse and she opened her mouth to protest, but no words came.

  Instead, with heat flushing her cheeks, she backed away until there was nothing but cold space and air

  between them.

  “I feel…I want…” She paused, her head whirling. It felt like someone had bundled up all her raw

  emotions, magnified them a thousandfold and was now pegging them back at her. And Cal just stood

  there, silent, waiting.

  She took a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. “The truth is, I have a billion hormones racing

  around inside me. Morning sickness, fluid retention—” she picked up a lock of hair and it curled around

  her finger “—even my hair has changed. Yes, I’m attracted to you, but I didn’t expect…” To want you

  this badly? How on earth could she admit that?

  “I see.” Under his slow, excruciating perusal Ava wanted to escape so badly her calves began to tense.

  “So what do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Cal nearly groaned aloud. It’d been so long since he’d believed in honesty, in the goodness of someone

  who didn’t demand something in return. If her agonised whisper hadn’t got him, the look in her eyes did

  —eyes normally so clear and wide, now cloudy with confusion. Cal wasn’t a man who denied himself

  much of anything: if something was offered he went after it. Ava was offering but amazingly, she hadn’t

  convinced herself yet.

  With the ache in his jaw echoing the throb in his groin, he gathered up the files and turned for the door,

  envisioning a long, cold shower.

  “Good night, Ava.”

  “Cal, wait.”

  Her words washed over him, her gentle plea stroking along his sensitive flesh, stopping him dead. He

  tried to force his body to settle but all he wanted to do was reach out and finish what they’d started. His

  skin ached in anticipation, every inch humming in earnest.


  He turned then, to her flushed face, fingers threading uneasily through her hair. She looked so unsure, so

  ready to bolt yet so absurdly beautiful that his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. And suddenly,

  everything became clear.

  “You know what I think?”

  Nervous and still sluggish with passion, Ava could barely get out a whispered, “What?”

  “I want you.”

  She held her breath as he paused, dangling the moment like a tempting prize. “I want you in my bed.

  Under me.” His mouth curved, a sensual sculpture in warm flesh as his voice took on a throbbing,

  hypnotic rumble.

  “Above me,” he drew out every syllable for maximum effect, punctuating with measured, predatory

  steps. “I want to hear you moan, to kiss you…everywhere.”

  “What—” her voice came in low and rough and just a little bit hoarse “—are you doing?”

  “I got fed up waiting for you to ask.”

  With a low moan she met him in the middle and gave herself up to his mouth. She suffered the

  bittersweet torture of his lips feathering over hers, testing then tasting her bottom lip while her breath

  kicked up. It took almost superhuman effort not to plead, to beg him to take her right here, right now.

  Cal could feel her tense beneath his hands but focused on the kiss, tenderly sweeping his mouth over to

  the corners of hers, tracing the edges with his tongue. Even though he knew her body intimately, had

  kissed every inch of it, they’d never shared a kiss like this. Not something so incredibly gentle that still

  succeeded in arousing him from go to whoa in seconds flat.

  His lips trailed away from her mouth, across the curve of her cheek before ending at her ear.

  She gasped, her hot breath skimming across his jaw, making him shudder.

  “Where’s your room?”

  Somehow they made it down the hall, to Ava’s bedroom at the back of the house. No sooner had she

  closed the door behind them than Cal swiftly took control, pushing her up against the wall and mashing

  her breasts against his chest. Her nipples peaked against his shirt, sending hot, urgent need surging

  through his body. He grabbed her face and kissed her again.

  Ava felt the effects of that mind-numbing kiss explode through her veins. All this time she’d been

  denying the sinful indulgence of his lips, his mouth, and for what? His arms pinned her but she felt safe.

  His mouth devoured but she felt wanted. His arousal dug into her stomach, and she felt desirable.

  His mouth eased hers open in a deep growl as if the thought of denying him entry was possible. It

  wasn’t. She wanted his mouth, his tongue, his touch. Caught up in the kiss, she nearly jumped out of her

  skin when he plucked open the buttons of her dress. His hot hands quickly replaced the blast of cold and

  with a groan she angled her head, opening her mouth wider to his invading tongue.

  His instant husky murmur shot white-hot need straight between her legs. She remembered how perfectly

  they fit. No awkwardness, no fumbling. Just pure poetry in motion, two dancers in unison, following the

  steps they knew by heart. Their one night together hadn’t just been a crazy, larger-than-life event she’d

  promoted in her mind as the pinnacle of pleasure. It had been everything and more.

  She ached to touch him, to feel the texture of his skin, the way it heated beneath her fingers, her mouth,

  her tongue. Feverishly, she grabbed his shirt, fumbling with the buttons until he took pity on her and just

  yanked it off.

  At first she gasped as the buttons popped, flying across the room, hitting her dresser with a tiny ping.

  But then he smiled, a wicked, sensuous smile full of knowledge, one for her and her only, and suddenly,

  something deep inside burst.

  It must have registered in her eyes because he tumbled her to the bed, mouths locked in a renewed bout

  of frenzied kisses. Quickly her dress came down, pooling arou
nd her waist and then his mouth was on

  her breast, covering one painfully peaked nipple through the satin fabric of her bra.

  Sensation exploded through her nerve endings, sending her back arching, her breath gasping. It was

  intense, unbearable, and she grabbed him, prepared to shove him away, but he preempted her, pinning

  her hands above her head.

  “You like that?”

  Ava panted, her eyes wide as she stared up into that sensual smile. “Too much.”

  His smile widened. “So if I, for example, did this—” he bent and dragged the bra aside with his teeth

  and she gasped as her nipple sprang free “—then this—” he licked at the tightened bud then blew gently,

  peaking her tender flesh into almost unbearable hardness “—that wouldn’t be good?”

  God, that voice. That deep, slow, seductive voice making her limbs melt, promising hours of wicked joy.

  Ava whimpered, gently rocking her hips, but all that succeeded in doing was settling his hardness more

  comfortably between her legs.

  “You know it’s more than good,” she whispered, tilting her head back as frustration and arousal raced

  through her veins. But avoiding his eyes didn’t ease her throbbing desire. Instead, Cal’s deep, rumbling

  chuckle flooded over her skin, a second before his mouth covered her nipple.

  She bucked, but it was futile. Need roared through her skin, burning, unbearable. Her whole body

  trembled as his lips and tongue worshipped her flesh, his teeth rasping gently, teasing, peaking. Her eyes

  snapped down, only to find him studying her, his mouth claiming her breast as he boldly teased her other

  nipple into hardness with his thumb.

  “Cal, please.” The plea slipped out but she was past caring anymore. “I need you.”


  Hot, desperate desire clawed through Cal, burning his body from the inside out. But still he continued

  his exploration, cupping the new fullness of her breasts before kissing a path between the erotic valley,

  stroking her warm, fragrant flesh before ringing his tongue around the nipple then taking that rock-hard

  bud deep in his mouth.

  He was enjoying seeing her squirm, caught up in the familiar wave of white-hot passion—until he heard

  her gasp, followed by a frustrated groan. And suddenly, need bubbled over, scorching him with its



  He clenched his teeth, desperate for control, as he swiftly reached under her dress and dragged her

  knickers down.

  She managed the buttons of his pants, then his zipper, before he stood and yanked his pants and boxers

  free. Then with a groan he sank back down into Ava’s welcoming body.

  “Hurry.” Her breathy demand echoed in the thick stillness and he needed no further urging.

  With one smooth thrust, he parted her legs and buried himself inside her.

  Their breaths hissed out in simultaneous wonder, the air congealing around them and meshing with the

  scent of warm arousal. Then Cal cupped the warm flesh of her bottom and began to move.

  They spoke in murmurs and sighs, their rhythm at first hesitant, then growing in familiarity. A glorious

  wave swept Ava, her entire body humming and hot. Cal was large and a tight fit, but she accommodated

  him like they were two pieces of the same puzzle. A perfect match.

  He’d trapped her hands above her head in a sensuous prison, their fingers linked in fragile intimacy. And

  when he upped the pace, she threw her head back and gave herself up to him.

  Their ragged breathing punctuated the air, mingling as he dipped down to kiss her briefly once, then

  again. Farther down, between her throbbing legs, she felt the sensuous glide as he filled her, pulled back,

  then thrust again. He’d been gentle at first, as if testing his welcome, and when she finally dragged open

  her eyes and focused on his, they were almost black and seriously intent on pleasuring her.

  She angled her hips upward and on the next thrust he went deeper. She was rewarded with his groan,

  which came from the most private places inside, and she murmured her satisfaction.

  Cal was nearing the edge, too quick. The need for release clawed inside, sending a wave of sweat

  beading across his skin. Their bodies were already shiny-slick with it, and when Ava leaned up to nibble

  gently at his shoulder, he nearly lost it then and there. With a soft command he pushed her back before

  gritting his teeth and picking up the rhythm.

  He sensed just before he felt the buildup of Ava’s climax. All around him her tightly wound muscles

  squeezed and with a groan, he held on to the thin skein of his control, determined to make sure she took

  pleasure first.


  Their heartbeats mingled, pounding insistently for precious seconds. And then it happened. Her eyes

  widened, her breath coming out in tiny, almost amazed gasps, before her warmth flooded him totally,

  completely. He released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and with relief thrust once,


  As Ava gave into the glorious sensations, shudders wracking her body, she felt Cal’s hot breath in her

  ear, his groan as he, too, reached his climax before collapsing, stealing the breath from her body in a

  deliciously crushing embrace.

  She became aware of their breathing, echoing loud and harsh, as she floated back down to earth.

  Unwilling to break the afterglow, she slowly stroked her hands down his body, taking illicit enjoyment

  in the curve of his well-honed shoulders and the erotic dip of his lower back before it flared out into an

  exquisitely beautiful behind.

  “Victor and I have little in common,” he said suddenly in the darkness. “So I relate to him through the

  company. Like boys who play a particular sport just to please their fathers.”

  She pulled back, seeking his eyes in the muted glow of the moon. “It’s your connection. There’s nothing

  wrong with that.”

  Dimly she was aware he’d squeezed his eyes shut, knew a denial hovered on the tip of his tongue. She

  held her breath as the seconds stretched interminably. Would he actually voice something that intensely

  private aloud?

  His phone trilled, breaking the moment. With a sigh, he gently disengaged himself from her arms.

  Time’s up, the phone continued to mock. Back to the real world. As air rushed in to cool her skin, to

  pebble her nipples, she shivered.

  The bed dipped and his feet landed with a soft thump on the carpeted floor and she suddenly realized

  how she must look—dress bunched at her waist, breasts bare. With a flush she sat up and shoved her

  hands through her sleeves, barely managing the buttons with stiff, fumbling fingers.

  Cal hung up. “I have to go back to Sydney.”

  “Tonight?” She cringed at the awful, naked neediness in her voice and ducked her gaze to focus on the

  last button. Only when it was done did she finally glance up.

  They stared at each other, teetering on that finely balanced tightrope as the seconds ticked by. And with

  those awkward seconds came the inevitable regret and doubt.

  Why didn’t he say something?

  “Okay, you have to go. I understand,” she managed as calmly as she could. Yet the clouds of worry that

  had been temporarily blown away by their lovemaking began to gather in ominous shadows once again.

  “Ava, I’m—” He paused, sighed, then started again. “Look, what we—”

  “Don’t. Don’t say anything.”
Spying her knickers on the floor she quickly snatched them up, cheeks

  burning. So help me, if you apologise…“We had sex. It’s no big deal.” She forced her voice to sound

  casual, but her fluttery insides told the real truth.


  She nearly crumbled then, but pride forced her to remain calm. “It has to be. Look, Cal, let me make this

  easy. What we did doesn’t have to mean anything. We were just two people enjoying sex.”

  Frustration tinged the edges of his expression, his dark eyes rife with something she couldn’t quite

  fathom. Still he remained silent, just studied her in a way that felt too intense, too intimate, too…

  everything after what they’d just done.

  “You have to go,” she reminded him.

  In uncomfortable expectancy she padded her way over to the en suite. Would he stop her? To her relief,

  he let her go.

  As Ava stepped into the shower and the jets of hot water streamed across her skin, a thousand

  conflicting thoughts battled for attention in her brain. What on earth had she done? One night of

  forbidden passion was forgivable, even understandable given the pressures in her life, but twice? And

  with a man she knew better than to get emotionally entangled with.

  She couldn’t change him anymore than she could stop herself from wanting him. Their lovemaking and

  Cal’s phone call proved that. And it wasn’t her place, her right to try and change him. Women who

  believed they could were just kidding themselves. Love meant accepting the other person’s faults as well

  as their qualities, not being unhappy with—

  The bottle of shampoo dropped from her stiff fingers as realization hit her like a wrecking ball—solid,

  inevitable and twice as devastating.

  No. Nooooo…

  She loved him. How the hell had that happened?

  Amazingly, Ava’s burden became heavier, not lighter, under the weight of distance. His absence forced

  her to rethink everything.

  Doubt and uncertainty rolled around in her head for days, only easing off when Cal’s interior design

  team arrived to discuss Jindalee’s makeover.

  All too soon it was Thursday night and the luxurious car service was depositing her at Cal’s apartment.


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