The Dragon and the Vampire

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The Dragon and the Vampire Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  As soon as Starr stood before him he moved, pulling her into his arms as his lips found hers. His kiss demanding and probing, as his hand held her head close to his. Ronan kissed her for long moments, his hardness pressing against her, as she moaned into his mouth.

  Ronan tore his lips away. “I think we should go inside.”

  Starr only nodded, a glazed look in her eyes, as he led her back through the door and down the stairs towards their apartment. It was as he opened the door he realized that fact–it was their apartment. No longer his alone, and he was pretty darn sure his heart actually swelled at that thought.

  He knew their bonding may not be easy for Starr but he would do whatever it took to make sure it happened. If it took a little time, well, he was okay with that. Not fine about it, not exactly, but he could understand and they would work it out. He knew they would. If Starr felt for him what he was feeling for her, then they would get there.

  He would make damn sure they did.

  Chapter 11

  Ronan lay perfectly still, cradling Starr in his arms, as his mind wandered, thinking of the past few hours they had spent pleasuring each other. Starr wasn’t shy in the bedroom department, but she was, in her words, ‘outta practice.’ He stifled a chuckle as he thought that statement was definitely no longer true.

  Starr was enthusiastic, loving, sensual and downright sexy. However, he still hadn’t spoken to her about a formal bonding. He knew he had to but hadn’t wanted to spoil the moment. He jerked as her voice interrupted his thoughts, looking down to see her smiling up at him.

  “Hey, big guy, what’s up? You’re looking very thoughtful there.”

  Ronan decided now was as good a time as any to start the ball rolling. “Well, I was just thinking of the mate thing. I know you can’t have the ceremony you should, and I’m real sorry ‘bout that. I was wondering if you knew what a Vampire bonding entailed?”

  Starr stretched her body a little, before cuddling into his embrace once more. “Uhm, no not really, not had any Vamps as social acquaintances, ya know. So spill, what do we do?”

  Ronan took a deep breath, hoping he didn’t scare the hell out of her. “Well, afterward we would have a party, but the bonding for a Vampire starts when they, well, when they…”

  “Out with it, Fang!” Starr prodded him in the side as she spoke.

  Ronan grabbed her hand and held it gently in his. “You know I would never do anything to harm you. Don’t you?” he watched as she nodded up, a slight frown now on her face, “Well, I need to feed from you, that’s how a bonding begins, the more I feed, the stronger the bond. I know that probably isn’t what you want to hear. I know you’ve fought off Vamps that have tried to bite you. I don’t want to scare you and if you’re not alright with that just now, that’s okay, we can wait. I’m not going anywhere and I sure as hell am not letting you go either.”

  Starr’s eyes had widened at his words, a flicker of...what...fear, showing. God he hoped she wasn’t scared of him. It would hurt him deeply if she was. His arms tightened slightly, holding her firmly against his body, skin on skin, as both were stark naked. The touch of hers, so soft, warm, supple, against his own, felt so damn good.

  Ronan saw her take a deep breath before answering. “Oh, I see. Well, I guess I better get used to it–I assume you would want to continue to ‘feed’ from me? How does that work, exactly?”

  Ronan felt himself relax a little bit as she hadn’t said a direct no. “First, yes, once a Vampire tastes their mate’s blood, they very rarely take their sustenance from anywhere else. It’s not a lot and wouldn’t harm you in any way. It shouldn’t hurt either, but for the first little while you’ll bruise. This happens for a few reasons–first it confirms that we’re mated, second, it lets every other being know that you have mated. It’s a kind of ‘hands off’ sign, like a wedding ring. I know you probably don’t want to do it right away...”

  Starr’s hand flew quickly to his mouth, her finger shushing him. “I do, want to, that is. I can’t say I’m not a little freaked, but I still want to try. Ronan, if I say stop, do you promise you will?”

  Ronan’s heartbeat sped up, the thought of tasting her making his mouth actually water in anticipation. His own hand moved to cup her face, holding it gently, as he answered. “I promise, now here’s the fun part. The best time to feed is, well, when we’re making love. I think you may just like what it brings with it.”

  Starr’s smile widened, a cheeky look in her violet eyes. “Yeah? Why don’t we get started then, Fang?”

  Ronan moved so that Starr lay on her back, his body now covering hers, with his weight held on his elbows. His lips found hers, their kiss immediately full of passion, tongues darting between their mouths, as one of his hands gently caressed her body.

  He entered her slowly, gently, as her legs wound around his hips, pulling him to her. As their lovemaking grew more torrid he pulled back, his eyes boring into hers. Starr moved her head slightly to the side and Ronan had to hold himself in check, almost coming at her obvious sign to allow him to feed. He allowed his fangs to descend and watched to see if there was any sign of fear in his mate.

  Her eyes widened slightly and then her hand moved to the back of his head, pulling him to her. Ronan could scent the blood pumping just under the soft skin, the nearer he was, the more pungent the smell. He licked the area, just over her vein, before plunging his fangs deep inside her.

  Starr’s breathing hitched as he took his first pull on her neck, her blood pooling in his mouth, as he savored his first taste. A loud moan rumbled in his throat as her blood ran down it slowly, the taste so wild and beautiful, so perfect, he knew he would no longer be able to feed on donor blood.

  As Ronan continued to suck on her neck, he felt her arousal rise, to heights he knew she would never have experienced. The gift of a Vampire bite. Starr whimpered at his ear, sounds so alluring, his own release was near.

  Star all but screamed, the noise reverberating in his ear. “Oh my God!” as her body was encompassed with her release. She shivered, quivered and moaned beneath him as he retracted his fangs and let out a roar, as his own orgasm hit. He entered her convulsing sheath again and again, until his seed stopped erupting from him.

  Starr was like a malleable toy underneath him, her arms at her sides, her legs now lying flat on the bed, her eyes glazed as if she were drunk. Ronan moved over, lying next to her and holding her body to his, as both fought to get their breathing back under control.

  Ronan’s hand gently held her face as he looked down at her. “Starr, Mo shíorghrá.” as she stared back, her face showed the question that she didn’t seem able to voice. “It means, my eternal love.”

  He watched as a tear escaped her eye, rolling down the side of her cheek, leaning forward he kissed it away, as her arms found him and held on tight. “I’ll always take care of you, Mo shíorghrá. Always.”

  Ronan held Starr in his arms as she cried softly against his chest. He could feel the emotion rolling from her and wasn’t worried at the tears. His love was finally accepting she was safe, the relief in her body was palpable in the room. He held her for many minutes before she hiccupped a few times then laughed.

  “I need some tissues.” Starr sniffled, her eyes now dry but slightly red. “Afraid I’m not used to this...crying that is.”

  Ronan stretched over, opening a drawer in the chest next to the bed, pulled out a packet of tissues and handed them to her. Starr pulled one out and blew her nose loudly, before pulling out another and wiping her face dry.

  A lopsided smile on her face as she looked at him. “Sorry, I honestly can’t remember the last time I did that. I’m afraid my body is full of so many new emotions and feelings, it kinda got to me there.”

  Ronan nodded. “I know, I can actually feel the emotion inside you. You’ll learn soon enough, you are safe and loved. May just take a bit of time ‘til it sinks in, Puff.”

  Starr’s laughter that filled the room was a sound he loved, praying he would
hear it far more often, as her face lit up with happiness. He waited until she was almost done, her laughter dying away as her face blushed slightly. “So, we go shopping today and we need to get a party organized. What ‘bout Saturday evening? We can use the rec hall on the first floor and invite everyone, so we also need to get you a nice dress. What do you say?”

  Starr looked very thoughtful. “A dress? I’ve not worn a dress since I was a child. Oh wait, I did for my brother’s mating ceremony, but that was over twenty years ago.”

  Ronan saw the small look of grief that flitted across her face. He wanted to make new memories for her, happy ones. The party to announce their bonding would be a good place to start. “I can’t wait to take you shopping, ‘specially for that lingerie you mentioned!”

  Starr had a very naughty look on her face as she got up, moving towards the attached bath, throwing over her shoulder as she went. “Now that is something I would just love some help with!”

  Ronan chuckled, rushing to catch up with her, picking her up and twirling her around. The laughter again erupting from her throat as they made their way to the large walk in shower.

  When they finally emerged from the shower, Ronan got his phone. He had some plans to carry out. The phone rang twice before Sam answered. “Hi, Sam, listen, I don’t know anyone better to carry out a very special mission. So, can you organize a bonding party for Saturday?”

  Sam’s shout almost deafened him. “What? Are you shittin’ me? Of course I will! Goddamn, I knew you’d come to your senses! Congratulations, my friend, I’m very happy for you. I’ll get everyone invited and get some of the girls onto getting a buffet set up. I’ll organize a free bar for the night, I assume that’s okay with you?”

  Sam was referring to the ‘slush fund’ that paid for drinks whenever there was something big to celebrate. A tradition that had been carried on from his predecessor’s reign. “Of course, I’m taking Starr shopping today, apart from that you won’t see us ‘til Saturday, so let everyone know not to contact me unless it is absolutely urgent, okay?”

  Sam was now laughing down the phone. “Yeah, ‘course I will. See you two Saturday, seven o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.”

  “We won’t be, see you then.” Ronan hung up, turning to see Starr watching him.

  Her smile was a little shy as she started to get dressed. “So, like, everyone is gonna be there? I’m not sure how I’ll be. I don’t do crowds very well.”

  He could hear her hesitancy and knew it was probably going to be difficult for her. He would do whatever it took to make her at ease with everyone here. They were like a very large family, looking out for each other, working together, playing together. He would make sure she felt at home, both with him and with his friends.

  He pulled on a clean pair of jeans, once again commando, his boots, then a white shirt. “Hey, you’ll be fine. Just trust me, okay? I’ll stay with you the entire time, if that’s what you want. We can leave early too, whatever you’re comfortable with, Starr, then that’s what we’ll do. Now, come on, we’ve got a shopping trip to go on.”

  Starr was now dressed in jeans, t-shirt, and her old tatty boots. Ronan thought their first stop should be a shoe store.

  Starr finished tying her boots, standing up she inclined her head. “Okay, I think I’m gonna be nervous, but if you stay with me, I’m sure I’ll be fine. Now, Fang, let’s go and buy me some of that lingerie you’re so desperate for me to get.”

  Ronan chuckled as he grabbed her hand, pulling her along after him. For once, he thought, he may just enjoy some shopping.

  He was right. They had so much fun and he was more than a little surprised. Usually he hated clothes shopping, but with Starr there he enjoyed himself far more than he thought possible. Ronan would sit down and Starr would parade in front of him with what they had chosen for her to try on. A lot of it was jeans, (which hugged her tight little ass way more than he thought possible), some t-shirts and blouses and casual clothes. He noticed she picked some gym clothes out too and he pictured her working up a sweat in their own gym in the apartment.

  He realized that wasn’t a good idea, imagining her like that, as he grew hard as he sat watching her. He fidgeted, trying to relieve some of the pressure, as his eyes stayed firmly on his mate. Ronan wanted nothing more than to rush her back home and make love to her all day, but he wanted her to have fun picking out clothes and they still hadn’t bought any dresses. He was determined to get her into a few, some nice floaty summer ones was what he had in mind, together with something stunning for their bonding party.

  As Starr disappeared into the changing room once more he got the attention of one of the salesgirls. “Hey, can you get me a few things? A couple of summer dresses and a dress for a special occasion...something elegant ‘n sexy? Oh yeah, she’ll need shoes to go with both.”

  “Certainly, Sir.” The girl dashed off, obviously thinking of the extra commission she’d earn.

  The young salesgirl was back in minutes, quite a few dresses bundled in her arms, just as Starr walked out with the casual clothes she’d already decided on. Ronan relieved Starr of her things and nodded to the dresses, a cheeky glint in his eye as he did so. Starr stared, as if she hadn’t seen a dress before, then she silently took them and returned to the changing rooms.

  “I’ll just go and get some shoes.” The salesgirl said as she rushed away again, once more returning quickly, going straight on through to where Starr was changing.

  Ronan sat waiting. The girl didn’t re-appear, so he guessed she was helping Starr. He was getting a little antsy when he heard her footsteps, the click clack of heels loud on the hardwood flooring. He held his breath, waiting to see what Starr appeared in. As she came into view, around the corner, his breathing stopped altogether.

  She was a vision in a dark purple silk creation that hugged her like a second skin. The material flowed over her body and stopped just above her knees, her feet wore a pair of silver, strappy sandals with a stiletto heel. Starr had a shy look on her face as she watched for his reaction.

  Ronan stood up quickly, closing the gap between them, before placing a hand on her face, his thumb gently rubbing her cheek. “Tá tú go h-álainn, M’fhíorghrá.” he whispered softly, before placing a small kiss on her lips.

  As he pulled back he saw the question in her eyes, and answered it for her. “It means, ‘you are beautiful, my true love.”

  Starr’s smile reached her eyes, making the unusual violet color sparkle. “Thank you.”

  Ronan continued to stroke her face, ignoring the salesgirl entirely, as he leaned down to kiss her again. Starr’s body melted into his, their kiss deepening, he only pulled back at the noise of coughing from the girl now standing with a rather red face.

  Starr’s face blushed as he turned her around, swatting her behind. “Go, get the rest of your dresses, whatever you want, I think we need to get home.”

  Starr laughed as she walked away, his meaning obviously very clear, to her and the salesgirl. She was back in moments, wearing one of the summer dresses and a pair of flat sandals. He noted she now wore a bra and for a moment he wished they hadn’t bought any. He would have much preferred her to be wearing none.

  Ronan paid for everything and carried the numerous bags as they made their way outside. He hailed a cab and they were soon on their way home, Starr snuggled next to him in the rear. She kept thanking him and each time she did he would place a kiss on her lips, until she finally stopped and giggled, pinching his side as she did so.

  She pinched his side again and then her face looked as if she had just remembered something, a second before her lips moved. “Oh yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask, where the heck did you get that scar, you know, the one on your thigh? I thought you lot healed yourselves?”

  Ronan raised an eyebrow at the words ‘you lot’ but let it pass. “Yes we do, mostly, but we are susceptible to very strong magic and that scar is a constant reminder to be very careful around a rogue Witch. He was pretty po
werful and we had quite the battle. I may have been injured but I still got my man. Fucker ended up dead after he tried to escape the cells and he came up against Esther. She obliterated him, totally, not a speck was left of him. Took my leg about a month to actually heal and as you’ve seen, it left a lovely scar.”

  Starr’s eyes were wide as he finished. “Jeez, remind me not to piss off Esther!”

  Ronan burst out laughing and hugged her close as she joined in. It was then that he noticed they were nearly home and as they neared the office block, he saw a load of vehicles parked ahead, what the hell? he thought as he told the cab driver to just let them out where they were. There was no way they were going to get parking right outside the entrance.

  After paying for the cab and retrieving the bags from the trunk, they started to walk towards the offices. Ronan now saw that it was delivery vans. Sam was getting things organized for the party. Just as a smile appeared on his face his senses went into overdrive. There was at least one Vamp very close, and it wasn’t one of theirs.

  Ronan’s head whirled around, looking for the threat, just as he saw two unknown Vampires appear from the alley across the street. He dropped the bags on the street and pushed Starr forwards, roughly, as he shouted, “Run!”

  Starr stumbled, her startled look trying to work out what was wrong. Ronan pushed her again. “I said, run! Go get some help!”

  With that he turned towards the threat that was coming right for him, or rather, coming for Starr. Hell no! He would not let them anywhere near her, not a chance in hell!

  Using his supernatural speed he moved to block their path, getting between them and Starr, who, he was glad to see, was now running very fast towards their offices, shouting loudly for help as she ran.

  Ronan stood with his legs slightly apart, one in front of the other, his hands clenched into tight fists. His voice belied the fear and anger rolling through him. “Hey guys, if you want to get to your next feed ya better turn on around and get the fuck outta here.”


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