Eibesfeldt, E. ref1n, ref2
Eichenbaum, H. ref1n, ref2
Einstein, Albert ref1, ref2
El Sawy, O.A. ref1n, ref2
electro-convulsive therapy ref1
e-memory ref1
emigration ref1, ref2
emotion ref1, ref2
brain systems ref1
future thinking ref1, ref2, ref3
mind-wandering ref1
moments ref1
oddball effect ref1
regulation ref1, ref2
rejection ref1
visualising time ref1, ref2
see also anxiety; fear
empathy gap ref1
epileptic seizures ref1
episodic future thinking ref1
episodic memory ref1, ref2
Erickson, M. ref1
Escher, M.C. ref1
ethics, research ref1, ref2, ref3
event dating ref1, ref2
accuracy ref1
autobiographical memory ref1
strategies ref1
time-frames ref1
see also telescoping
Exner, Sigmund ref1
expectations ref1, ref2
experience ref1
fading effect bias ref1
false memory ref1
time deceleration ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
time estimation ref1
flashbulb memories ref1
flash-forwards, involuntary ref1
flow ref1, ref2
‘flutter’ ref1
focus see attention
foresight ref1
forgetfulness ref1
Fortin, N.J. ref1n, ref2
Forward and Backward test ref1
forward telescoping ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Foster, R. ref1n, ref2
Fradera, A. ref1n, ref2, ref3
Frankl, V. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Frederick, S. ref1n, ref2
Frederickson, B.L. ref1, ref2
free time ref1, ref2, ref3
freefall, time deceleration ref1, ref2
Friedman, W.J. ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
frontal cortex ref1
frontal lobe ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
future thinking ref1
animals ref1
brain, default mode ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
children ref1, ref2
memory and ref1
mental imagery ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
optimism ref1
planning ahead see planning
predictions ref1, ref2
improving skills at ref1
suicide ref1, ref2
temporal depth ref1
time orientation ref1
Zimbardo’s Time Perspective Inventory ref1, ref2
Galen ref1
Georgia State University ref1
Gevers, W. ref1, ref2
Ghent University ref1
Gilbert, D.T. ref1n, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5, ref6
Gneezy, A. ref1n, ref2
Goldsmiths College (London) ref1
gratification delay ref1, ref2
Gregory, R. ref1
Groeger, J. ref1, ref2
Guantanamo Bay ref1
Guyau, J.-M. ref1, ref2
Halberg, F. ref1n, ref2
haloperidol ref1
handshakes ref1
Haque, S. ref1n, ref2
Harvard University ref1
Medical School ref1
Hassabis, D. ref1, ref2n, ref3n, ref4
Hauser, D.J. ref1n, ref2
Hawton, K. ref1n, ref2
Henderson, J. ref1n, ref2
Hendrix, Jimi ref1
Herepath, Katherine ref1
hijacking, Ethiopian Airlines ref1
Hinduism ref1
hippocampus ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
historiocentric perception ref1
Hoagland, H. ref1, ref2, ref3
Hofer, J. ref1
Hoffman, E. ref1, ref2
Holiday Paradox theory ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
emigration ref1
in reverse ref1, ref2
holidays ref1
Holmes, A. ref1n, ref2
Holmes, E. ref1, ref2
horizontal metaphors ref1
hormones ref1
hummingbirds ref1
Hunt, A.R. ref1, ref2
Husserl, E. ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4
hyperthymesia ref1
hypnosis ref1
hypothalamus gland ref1
identity ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
imagination see mental imagery
‘Impact Bias’ ref1, ref2, ref3
impatience ref1
impulsivity ref1
‘incipient hibernation’ ref1
Ingvar, D. ref1
insomnia ref1
instincts, animal ref1
Institute of Psychiatry (London) ref1
insurance questions ref1
interoceptive awareness ref1
interoceptive salience (Craig), model of ref1
involuntary flash-forwards ref1
isolation ref1
time deceleration ref1
time estimation ref1, ref2
James, Richard ref1
James, William ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4n, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
time speeding up ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Janet, P. ref1, ref2
Jiga–Boy, G.M. ref1, ref2
Johnston, Alan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Jones, Ann ref1
Kallus, J. ref1
kappa effect ref1
Kennett, J. ref1n, ref2
Kerkhof, A. ref1, ref2, ref3
Kierkegaard, Soren ref1
Killingsworth, M.A. ref1n, ref2
King, Billie Jean ref1
Koch, G. ref1, ref2n, ref3
Kogure, T. ref1n, ref2
Kopleman, M.D. ref1n, ref2
Kreitzman, L. ref1n, ref2
Lachman, M. ref1n, ref2
landmarks (markers) in time ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Holiday Paradox theory ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Langer, J. ref1, ref2n, ref3
language ref1
spatial visualisation ref1, ref2, ref3
tests ref1
Larsen, S. ref1
Leafhead, K.M. ref1n, ref2
learning ref1
Leeds University ref1
Lemlich, R. ref1, ref2
Leroy, S. ref1n, ref2
Levine, R. ref1
Lewis, P.A. ref1n, ref2
Liberman, N. ref1n, ref2n, ref3
Linton, M. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
lists ref1
living in the present, how to ref1, ref2
Lloyd, D. ref1
Locke, John ref1
Loewenstein, G. ref1n, ref2
Loftus, E.F. ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Logan, C.J. ref1n, ref2
logotherapy ref1
Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Center ref1
McDermott, K.B. ref1n, ref2
McGaugh, J. ref1
Mach, E. ref1
McTaggart, J.E. ref1, ref2
Magic Mountain (Mann) ref1
magnitude, judging ref1
Maguire, E.A. ref1, ref2n, ref3
Mangan, P.A. ref1
Mann, H. ref1, ref2
Mann, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Man’s Search for Me
aning (Frankl) ref1
maps, mental ref1
Margulies, S.O. ref1n, ref2
Marshall, F. ref1n, ref2
marshmallow studies ref1
Matthews, S. ref1n, ref2
Maycock, G. ref1n, ref2
Meck, W. ref1
medial temporal lobe ref1
meditation ref1, ref2, ref3
memory ref1, ref2, ref3
accuracy ref1, ref2
autobiographical see autobiographical memory
birds ref1
earthquakes ref1
emotion ref1
fading effect bias ref1
fallibility ref1
flexibility ref1, ref2
future thinking and ref1
Holiday Paradox theory ref1, ref2
imagery ref1
improving ref1
names ref1, ref2
creation of new memories everyday ref1, ref2, ref3
novelty vs monotony ref1
reminiscence bump ref1
selectivity ref1
stressful events ref1
tests ref1
time speeding up ref1, ref2
time-stamping ref1
‘total recall’ ref1
vibrancy ref1
working ref1, ref2, ref3
see also event dating; telescoping
mental imagery
anxiety ref1
future thinking ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
memory ref1
mental maps ref1
mirror-images ref1
river of time ref1
visualising tasks ref1
mental time-travel ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
see also future thinking
Menzel, C. ref1
Merritt, D.J. ref1n, ref2
metaphors ref1, ref2, ref3
methamphetamines ref1
Miall, R.C. ref1n, ref2
Miles, L. ref1n, ref2
millennium problem ref1
mind clocks ref1
electro-convulsive therapy ref1
emotional moments ref1
fear ref1
isolation ref1, ref2
magic of three ref1
neural networks ref1
oddball effect ref1
tests ref1
‘mind time’ ref1, ref2
mindfulness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
mind-wandering ref1
minimalist clock model ref1
mirror-images ref1
Mischel, W. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Molaison, Henry ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
moments ref1, ref2
monochronic assumption ref1, ref2
monotony ref1, ref2
Monroe, Marilyn ref1
months, visualisation of circle of ref1
multi-tasking ref1
musicians ref1, ref2
Nabokov, Vladimir ref1
names ref1, ref2
National Institute of Standards and Technology (US) ref1
negative events ref1, ref2
neural networks ref1
neuronal system ref1
neuroscientific theories see brain ref1
Newby-Clark, I.R. ref1n, ref2
Nietzsche, F. ref1
nostalgia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Noulhiane, M. ref1n, ref2
novelty ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
children ref1
Nuit Blanche (Amiens) ref1
numbers, spatial visualisation ref1
Nussbaum, S. ref1n, ref2
Oberlin College (US) ref1
objective time ref1
oddball effect ref1
Ofcom ref1, ref2
optimism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
O’Reilly, K. ref1, ref2
Oxford English Dictionary ref1
Oxford University ref1, ref2
pain tolerance ref1
parenting ref1
parietal cortex ref1
parietal lobe ref1, ref2
Pariyadath, V. ref1n, ref2
Parkinson’s disease ref1
Pavese, Cesar ref1
Pavlov, I.P. ref1
Penman, D. ref1, ref2
perceived time ref1
personal events ref1, ref2
future ref1
personal memories ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
reminiscence bump ref1
Petrella, Bob ref1
Philological Society of London ref1
Piaget, Jean ref1
planning ref1, ref2, ref3
birds ref1
challenges ref1
detail ref1, ref2
improving skills in ref1
Planning Fallacy ref1, ref2
Pliny the Younger ref1
policy making ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
political events ref1
polychronic assumption ref1, ref2
Pope, Clifford ref1, ref2, ref3
Pöppel, E. ref1n, ref2, ref3
positive events ref1
predictions ref1
emotions ref1
optimism ref1
Planning Fallacy ref1
pre-experience, event ref1, ref2, ref3
pre-frontal cortex ref1
present, living in ref1
Price, M. ref1
Princeton University ref1
Principles of Psychology (James) ref1
Pring, L. ref1, ref2, ref3
procrastination ref1
Prohaska, V. ref1n, ref2
proportionality theory ref1, ref2
prospective measures ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Proust, Marcel ref1
pruning theory ref1
psychosis ref1
public events ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Purves, Peter ref1
Putnam, R. ref1, ref2
queues ref1, ref2
Quint, Chella ref1
rabbit illusion ref1
Ramscar, M. ref1n, ref2
Raven Progressive Matrices ref1
re-experience, event ref1, ref2, ref3
rehearsal, mental ref1, ref2, ref3
rejection, time deceleration ref1, ref2
relativity, theory of (Einstein) ref1
reminiscence bump ref1
reminiscence effect ref1
research ref1
ethics ref1, ref2, ref3
resolutions ref1
resource allocation hypothesis ref1
retrospective measures ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test ref1
Ricky (naturalist) ref1
risk-taking ref1, ref2
Rosenbaum, R.S. ref1n, ref2
Ross, M. ref1n, ref2n, ref3, ref4
routine ref1, ref2
Rowland, Roger ref1
Rubia, K. ref1, ref2
rumination, excessive ref1
St Augustine ref1, ref2
Sandbrook, D. ref1
Santa Lucia Foundation (Rome) ref1
Savart’s wheel ref1
Scalar Expectancy Theory ref1
Scarasson cavern ref1
best possible ref1
worst-case ref1
Schacter, D.L. ref1n, ref2
schizophrenia ref1, ref2, ref3
Schwartz, B. ref1, ref2
Scoville, W. ref1
seasons ref1
self-image ref1
semantic memory ref1, ref2
enses ref1
sequencing, past events ref1
Sevinc, E. ref1, ref2
Shackleton, Ernest ref1
Sharp, J. ref1
Sheridan, E. ref1
Shield, Rev. Robert ref1, ref2
Shleidt, M.M. ref1, ref2
Shneidman, E.S. ref1n, ref2, ref3
short-term memory ref1
Shu, S.B. ref1, ref2
Siffre, M. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Skowronski, J.J. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
deprivation ref1
diaries ref1
SNARC (Spatial Numeral Association of Response Codes) effect ref1, ref2
slowing down time, how to ref1
see also time deceleration
social rules ref1
Sothern, R.B. ref1, ref2
spatial context ref1
spatial visualisation ref1
backward flow ref1
differing perspectives ref1
forward flow ref1
language and ref1, ref2, ref3
millennium problem ref1
SNARC effect ref1, ref2
time/space crossover ref1
speeding up time, how to ref1
see also time speeding up
squirrels ref1
Stanford Prison Experiment ref1
Stanford University ref1, ref2, ref3
state-dependent networks ref1
Steinberg, L. ref1n, ref2
Story of Sylvie and Bruno (Carroll) ref1
Suddendorf, T. ref1, ref2n, ref3
suffering ref1, ref2
suicide ref1, ref2
future thinking ref1, ref2
prevention ref1
rates ref1
Superior Autobiographical Memory ref1
suprachiasmatic nucleus ref1
surveys ref1
accuracy ref1
Sussex University ref1, ref2
Swift fight ref1, ref2
synaesthesia ref1
spatial visualisation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Szpunar, K.K. ref1, ref2n, ref3
‘Take-two-items-a-day-for-five-years’ study (Linton) ref1
completion ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
visualisation ref1
tasting shapes ref1
‘tau effect’ ref1
Taylor, S.E. ref1n, ref2
teenagers ref1, ref2, ref3
telescoping ref1, ref2, ref3
forward ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
reverse ref1, ref2
television ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
tempo of life ref1
temporal depth ref1
temporal lobe ref1
medial ref1
temporal schemata ref1, ref2
air-puff ref1
colour association ref1
mind clocks ref1
visuospatial skills ref1
Thomas, Simon ref1
thought suppression ref1
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