The Forever Girl

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The Forever Girl Page 1

by Jordan Silver

  The Forever Girl

  By Jordan Silver

  Copyright©2017 Jordan Silver

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10


  Chapter 1


  “Fuck, ease off.” I smacked her ass but she only squeezed harder and laughed playfully. My cock was ready to blast and it was going to be a big one I could tell. She’d worked me over with her mouth, like she was on a mission before hopping on my dick and impaling herself.

  As usual, all it took was the feel of her hot pussy to make me lose all train of thought and a tit in my mouth to finish me off.

  My fingers in her ass had sent her into overdrive and she damn near broke my cock off at the base, but now it was time for her to pull off so I could jerk my shit off on her tits or her ass. That’s what we’ve been doing here lately since her birth control had gone on the fritz or some shit. “Babe, get off my dick.”

  “Uh-uh, it feels too good. Cum inside me.” She dropped down hard and did a little twist and my balls drew up. “You’re a very bad girl.” She pushed her tit in my mouth again and rode my cock harder. It was too late anyway. Even when I flipped her to her back and took over I was too far-gone to pull out and she got a belly load of my spunk.

  I damn near fucked her into the bed as she screamed and dug her nails and heels into me. I took her mouth and swallowed her tongue while riding out the last of my climax in her. Damn this young pussy’s going to kill me. I looked down at her glowing face and felt my heart seize up. She smiled and cupped my cheek. “That was amazing, do it again.” No respect.

  “You’ve had enough. I’m pretty sure I just bred you.” She just smiled and stretched like the cat that got the cream.

  She didn’t care now but I was pretty sure when the glow from my hard dick wore off she’d start her griping shit. She wrapped her legs around me when I made a move to get up. Greedy fuck, she’s insatiable.

  “I’m not done with you yet big boy.” She did some kinda flex with her pussy muscles and reached down to grab my balls. My eyes damn near went back in my head and my cock jumped inside her. Fuck! I had shit to do, but if she kept this shit up I’ll be jacking off work again and I’ll never hear the end of it.

  “Aren’t you playing it a bit close babe?” My dick was already two steps ahead of my mouth; I was already fucking into her nice and slow. “Can I get on my knees this time?” She didn’t wait for an answer just pulled herself from under me faster than I could blink and the next thing I knew her ass was wagging in my face. I bit her ass before slamming into her hard enough to make her screech.

  Wrapping my hand around her throat I pulled her back roughly on my quickly hardening cock. “This what you wanted, huh?”

  “Yes.” She reached a hand back for my hip and dug her nails in.

  “Oh Jackson, that hurts so good, don’t stop.” I hate hurting her when we fuck but after all these months her tight little pussy is still no match for my twelve-inch monster. That doesn’t stop her from trying though. I had about eight inches in her, eight fat long inches that were already splitting her pussy in two.

  “You want me to go slow baby?” I nipped her ear and eased my cock halfway out of her tight grip. She shook her head wildly and arched her back. The hand around her neck squeezed and I felt the answering tightness in her gash. “I’m gonna pull out and give you my mouth until you cum, then I’ll take you again.”

  I pulled out before she could argue and put my mouth over her wet quivering pussy. Her taste, I will never get enough of it and she can never have enough of my tongue. She likes having her pussy eaten almost as much as she loves to fuck.

  I ate her sweet cunt until she pounded her fist on the bed and gushed into my mouth. That was my cue to kneel behind her again and feed her my dick. “That better?” She nodded and took another two inches. Pretty soon she’d be able to take all of me, all I have to do is fuck her all day for about a week straight and open her up a little and that should get the job done.

  I haven’t been able to do that yet because I had other obligations for now, but soon. I planned to devote some serious time to breaking her pussy in so she could take my dick just as soon as I got my shit squared away.

  I looked down at the beautiful sight of my cock sliding in and out of her pink hole. Admired the way her pussy clung to my cock like it was welcoming me home. I was close again that fast. Only with her did I lose control like this.

  Only with her does my heart get this involved and the emotion goes right to my dick. I didn’t try pulling out this time, what was the use? I wasn’t kidding when I told her I’d bred her. I knew the feeling. I’d felt it twice before.

  I pulled her head back so I could reach her mouth with mine while I emptied my nuts inside her. We both held still, enjoying the feeling of being connected. I kissed her mouth hard before releasing my hold on her throat once her pussy stopped its spasms. I moved to pull out and she locked down on me.

  “What’s the rush?” She looked over her shoulder at me with a pout. I kissed her pouty lips and tried to extricate myself from her hold. “Casey I have to go let go.” A quick look at my watch showed I was cutting it close. “Come on babe, don’t be like that you know I have a deadline.”

  “When will I see you again?” She let go and I pulled out with a string of pussy juice and cock spit on my dick. “I’ll try to come by after I’m done tonight.” Here we go. I knew from the way she flounced herself off the bed she was about to give me shit.

  “Why do you have to try? Why can’t you just say you’ll be here?”

  “You know why.” I got up and headed for the shower already feeling the guilt of having to leave her the way I always do.

  She’d moved here to be with me and even though I’d explained the situation to her before she made the move the guilt was still there. She deserved more. It won’t be long now before I can give it to her. But still every time we did this dance I felt like a monster.

  Sometimes I think she’s too young for this shit. That maybe I should let her go find someone who didn’t come with this much baggage. And then I’d imagine her with some other dick and the murderous rage was enough to tell me that was a bad call.

  She just had to hang in there a little longer, two weeks to be exact, and then I could give her all the time she needed. Until then, my hands were tied.

  There isn’t much I’d put before her in this life and that was saying a lot after the shit I’d dealt with in the last year and a half. But my kids were at that age that whatever I did would have an impact, and since they already had one parent that was a fuck up, I had to keep my shit together.

  Chapter 2


  I dunked my head under the spray of hot water and waited for the sound that would let me know she wasn’t mad at me. She never held onto her anger for too long thank fuck and so far has been very understanding. Still, I wanted so much more for her, for us.

  I smiled as I heard the door open seconds before she joined me in the shower and her arms came around me from behind. I pulled her around and under the water and covered her lips with mine. She jumped up and wrapped her legs and arms around me tight with her tongue in my mouth. That quick my dick was in the game, he wanted more. It was a wonder she hadn’t accused me yet of only wanting her for a fuck buddy.

  It seems the only time I saw her was when I wanted to fuck, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I just couldn’t seem to keep my dick out of her when we were alone
in the same room together, so most of our encounters usually ended this way.

  I led my cock into her and pulled her down hard. We’d already taken a chance what was one more? I’ve been pulling out the last week or so since her birth control went wonky or some shit, but truth be told I liked the idea of cumming in her without protection. The thought that every time I emptied inside her I could be getting her with child really cranked my engine.

  Slamming her back against the wall I drove into her like I hadn’t just fucked her six ways from Sunday. It was always like this with her. Ever since the first night I put her under me.

  There’s something about her, when I’m deep inside her, it feels like I belong there, like she’s mine in every way. Like this one woman, this pussy, was made for me. The fact that she couldn’t take my whole dick yet just meant we had something to look forward to.

  I grabbed her head and pulled it back as I stroked into her. “I love you-you know that don’t you baby?” I waited until her eyes cleared on mine.

  “Yes.” The way she said that one word. She’s so fucking sweet sometimes it makes my heart hurt. Pulling her head down to mine I kissed sweet enough to give credence to the words.

  For all the things she made me feel, for all the newness she’d brought to my life, the light. I loved her. She’d never know how hard it was for me not to be with her all day everyday. How hard it was for me to walk away.

  I fucked until she came then came in her for the third time that day. She clung to me the way she always do when it’s time for me to go, twisting the knife deeper in my gut. I held onto her for as long as I could before I really needed to go. Promising myself that I’d make it up to her.

  I got dressed while she watched from the bed looking fresh and well fucked. That ought to keep her for at least the next few hours. Once I was done I walked over to the bed and lifted her face to mine. “I will see you later baby, promise.” I kissed her lips once before heading for the door but not before seeing the pleased smile on her face.

  Once outside I headed for my ride and hopped on. The neighborhood was quiet this time of day. Most everyone was at work or school. With one last look back where I knew she’d be watching out the window, I waved goodbye, pulled out and left. But only my body was gone, my mind and heart was back there with her.

  Funniest fucking situation for a man my age! I’d already done the happily ever after thing, or at least I thought I had. But my ex lost her damn mind in the third act and I said fuck it. I had my kids, my crew and the little bit of green I’d accumulated over the years and that was enough.

  It was until I met her, threw my ass for six. I’ve always steered clear of her type. The hot blonde with the rack and the tight ass that everybody else wanted, reminds me of that song ‘when you’re in love with a beautiful woman’. Not that my ex was a dog, but she wasn’t no supermodel type either.

  We’d met right before I went into the service like a hundred years ago. It wasn’t love at first sight, though I’d grown to love Christine and she me. We got together, I got the news while I was deployed that she was pregnant, and we got hitched my first week back. My son was born a few days later.

  Two years later my daughter was born and we had a good little thing going. That was until my last deployment two years ago when she decided to find herself in another man’s bed. Bitch told me she was lonely. I’m out there putting my ass on the line to keep her ass safe and she’s lonely. By the time she came to her senses and remembered she was married with children, the ink was dry on the divorce papers.

  She’s done everything under the sun to get me to forgive her; I just don’t have it in me. I’m a man of honor, when I give my word I mean that shit and I have no respect for anyone who breaks their word so easily.

  In the beginning she tried laying that shit on me. It was my fault that she jumped under the first swinging dick to give her the eye, fuck that. I was good to her, didn’t know any other way to be. When I’m in I’m all in and she knew that shit better than anybody.

  She fucked up royally and she knows it, the whole damn town knows it. She’s lost her friends and even some of her own family members refuse to even look at her any more. I guess she didn’t take into consideration how this town feels about its service men and women.

  Now she wants to put us back together, she’s out her fucking mind. The judge gave her six months to find a place so for now we’re still in the same space and for my kids’ sake I treat her like she’s still breathing, but whatever I had for her died a quick death when I found out about her betrayal.

  I’d cut my losses and moved the fuck on with my life, throwing myself into work. A few of the guys from my squad and I had stuck together when we came home, deciding that since we worked so well together in hell it would be a cakewalk stateside.

  We’d pooled our resources and came up with a plan. Nobody thought it would work since the economy was for shit, but we stuck it out nonetheless. Now things were going pretty much the way we imagined, even better.

  We’d bought up houses and land when everything went bust, now we were selling or renting those shits for a premium in three states. Our big payday came when a plot of land we bought was in a hotspot. Some hotshot outfit wanted it to put up shopping malls or some shit and Craig, one of my guys had the great idea to sell it at a lower price and get a cut of the deal.

  Now we own twenty percent of that shit and when we crunch the numbers, we’ll be in the black for a good long while. It hadn’t been easy getting the deal, but they caved when we stood firm and told them to get fucked if they didn’t give us what we wanted. I guess they wanted it bad enough.

  That’s how I met Casey. She was the daughter of the head guy in charge, a trust fund baby of all things. Never in my fucking life would I have thought I’d ever go there. Too fucking high maintenance. Add the fact that she was a fucking knockout and I had a good ten years on her, I wasn’t even remotely interested in going there. But damn, she wore me down and as they say the rest is history.

  The reason I can’t be with her twenty-four seven is because of my kids. Kids don’t understand divorce and shit, and the fact that me, and their mother still live under the same roof is a whole lot confusing. They’re both old enough to know that mommy and daddy don’t sleep in the same bed anymore, and since I don’t lie to them, they know the fuck why.

  Her ass is on a cot in our daughter’s room, fuck if I was gonna give up the bed I worked so hard for to her cheating ass, fuck that. But here lately she’s been heating up her campaign to win me back.

  The holidays are around the corner and she’s feeling family again. I can’t have the one I want in my house putting up the tree and doing all the shit the kids like to do around this time, and I can’t see fucking up their lives any more than it already is, so I’m toeing the line for now.

  Her time is almost up anyway and I hope to fuck she’s spending it looking for a place to live and not wasting all her energy trying to win me back. I don’t see how she could’ve known me all these years and not know that she was dead to me; that I would never ever forgive what the fuck she did. Scratch that, I could forgive but no way in hell was I ever going to forget. She could get fucked.

  Chapter 3


  My ex, Christine, doesn’t know about Casey yet. I’m waiting to introduce her to the kids. But I think my ex suspect there’s something going on. She didn’t hear it from me because I don’t grunt more than two words to her a day.

  I could’ve shot the asshole judge for letting her stay in my house this long. This is how people end up buried in the fucking backyard, because every time I see her, I want to shoot the fuck.

  Not that I’m still hurt over what she did, I got over that shit over a year ago. It don’t take much for me to move the fuck on. You screw me over we’re done, plain and simple, I don’t do do-overs. I won the kids in the battle because I had a kick-ass lawyer who threw the book at her, and a judge who was once in service himself. All he needed to hear was ab
out her carrying on in front of my kids while I was putting everything on the line and that was enough.

  Christine wasn’t too happy with the way things turned out obviously, but she had no one to blame for her lot but herself. I know she’s using the judge’s orders to fuck with me, but I’m watching every move she makes just waiting for her to slip the fuck up. That shit came with stipulations, one wrong move and she’s out on her ass I don’t give a fuck.

  I’d already spent days and nights making sure my kids understood that daddy and mommy were through, but they will always be my first priority. I believe in showing more than saying, so that’s where we’re at.

  I feel bad about stringing Casey along but she said she understood. I don’t know how long that shit’s gonna last because that girl can be a bit volatile. If her ass ain’t bipolar I don’t know what is.

  Six months she’s been in my bed, it took me two to fall in love with her. I had my heart wrapped up tight as fuck, but she’s an easy one to love. For all her money and bullshit sophistication she’s like a little lost lamb. She wasn’t an innocent when she came to my bed, but she was close enough. Christine had been a virgin, look where that shit got me.

  I pulled into the drive of the house we were fixing up this week and the boys were already here doing their thing. Along with the real estate we’d opened a little mom and pop place that my mom and Steve’s ran during the day. You’d be surprised how well those things do in a small town.

  All in all we were doing okay the four of us. Craig, Steve and Russell had come back home to waiting women who knew how the fuck to be a marine’s wife. They’d kept the home fires burning and waited for their men to come home. I was the only one who got burned but that shit was turning around now.

  They knew and liked Casey though they rag my ass to death every chance they get. She’s completely out of my league and they know it. She’s uptown girl, and Mercedes Benz. I’m jeans and shit kickers on a Harley. Though I’ve turned her onto the wilder side of life. The guys tease me about our differences, but I know they’re happy for me. They’ve seen how good she is for me after they put her through her paces in the beginning. They weren’t taking any chances and neither was I.


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