Following Me

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Following Me Page 27

by K. A. Linde

  “It’s good to see you,” Devon said with a smile.

  “Do you guys mind giving us a minute?” Hadley asked, shooing them out of the room.

  Brennan kissed Devon’s forehead once more. “Want anything from the cafeteria?”

  She smiled. Always thoughtful. “Jell-O.”

  He chuckled. “You’re in the right place for that.”

  Hadley waited for Brennan to walk out of the room and close the door. “Oh my God, I can’t believe what happened to you. How are you feeling? I’m so sorry I’ve been so completely self-absorbed. I had no idea any of this was going on. Don’t kill Garrett or anything, but he told me what happened with you and Reid.”

  “He did?” Devon asked, her stomach twisting at someone else telling her story.

  “Yeah, but don’t hate him. He was worried about you, and he stayed up all night. When I woke up, he told me about it, and I was completely flipping out. I tried calling you, but you didn’t answer. He said you weren’t with Brennan, so I didn’t even try him. I probably should have.”

  “I was, uh…worried that Reid might come after me at Brennan’s, so I didn’t want anyone to know where I was. Sorry, bad move on my part.”

  “No apologies,” Hadley said, brushing off her apology. “I can’t blame you for anything. Look at you.”

  “Ha! Yeah,” Devon said with fake enthusiasm.

  “Garrett also told me about what happened between you two,” Hadley said softly. “He wanted to clear the slate. He said you were pissed at him and wouldn’t forgive him. I don’t blame you for that either, Dev. I’m sorry he did that though. The, uh…drugs really messed me up.”

  “What happened to you, Hadley?” Devon asked, wondering if Hadley would finally open up to her. “I never thought you would be someone to get caught up in drugs.”

  Hadley sighed heavily and tugged at her ponytail. “It started casually with some friends. It wasn’t a big deal, but then, I was sneaking around everywhere and…it became a bigger deal than I ever let on. Then, the stuff with Garrett not knowing and his parents on top of all the pressure at work…it just spiraled out of control.” Hadley took a deep breath before continuing. “But I’m going to get better, Dev. That night with Garrett…I was paranoid, thinking he was cheating. I was angry all the time. When we got into our fight on the Fourth of July, I’d snorted some coke before the event. I was always too nervous around his parents. I shouldn’t have gone off on him or his dad. I think my behavior pushed him over the edge.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Hadley,” Devon said, reaching out for her.

  Devon hated that her best friend felt responsible at all for what had happened. Hadley had been selfish, but cocaine was addictive for a reason. It was hard to kick. Devon was just glad to see Hadley recovering.

  “It does. My therapist said that I should try to right the wrongs in my life. I’m really sorry for not being there when you needed me…when you came to me for help. Even if you didn’t ask for help, I should have known. And I’m sorry for Garrett’s behavior. He and I have a lot to talk about and work out, but I really want to try with him, Dev.”

  “I know,” Devon said.

  “He said he wanted to talk to you for just a minute…that is, if you’ll see him,” Hadley said.


  “Alright. Let me go get him,” Hadley said, standing. “I’m glad you’re doing better, Dev.”

  “Thanks, Hadley.”

  When Hadley reached the door, she turned around and faced Devon with a devilish smile on her face. “I wish I had been there when Brennan beat the shit out of Reid.”

  Devon laughed and shook her head.

  “I think I would have taken his balls if I knew what he had done to you,” Hadley said.

  “I believe you wholeheartedly, Hadley.”

  Hadley laughed and walked through the door.

  A couple minutes later, Garrett shuffled into the room with a sheepish look on his face. “Hey, Devon,” he said tentatively.

  Devon sighed and looked out the window.

  “I don’t know if Hadley told you that I told her,” he said awkwardly.

  “She did.”

  “Oh, good,” Garrett muttered. “I wanted her to know the truth about what I did because it was wrong of me under any circumstances. I shouldn’t have kissed you. I shouldn’t have…cheated on her.”

  Garrett cleared his throat when she didn’t say anything. He started again. “I messed up, Devon. I was your friend, and I messed that up. I know that I’m part of the reason you’re here. I’m not even going to ask for your forgiveness because if I were in your position, I think I’d have a hard time forgiving me.”

  Devon sighed and turned to look at him. He looked just like Hadley had said, like he hadn’t slept all night. She wondered if he had been worried. Her heart softened some at the thought.

  “So, while I don’t expect you to forgive me, it doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to be better. All I’m asking for is the chance to try to earn your trust again. I don’t think it’s fair to ask for more than that, but I’ve never been sorrier. I hate seeing you like this,” he said, gesturing to the bed.

  “Okay,” she said softly. “It’s okay. We’ll, uh…get through it…get past it.”

  Garrett beamed like she had just handed him the keys to a brand-new sports car. “It’s really good to hear that.”

  “Can I ask just one question?”

  “Of course,” he said hesitantly.

  “Why would you answer my phone and tell Reid where I was?” She looked down at her hands to keep from crying again. She was tired of crying.

  “I didn’t mean for him to know where you were. I’ve replayed that phone call a million times in my head. I was so pissed that he was calling you. You’re my friend, Dev. I didn’t want to see you upset. I just told him to stop calling you, that you were working at Jenn’s and that Hadley and I were taking care of you.”

  “Oh,” she said. Hearing his explanation made it so easy to believe him. He looked too genuine to be lying. “I guess that’s how he knew I was in Chicago.”

  “Yeah, only because I mentioned Hadley. I was stupid. I didn’t think he’d be so determined to find you,” Garrett said. “I hope I can make it up to you.”

  The door swung open then, and Brennan walked in, bringing a big smile to her face.

  “They only had cherry. I hope that’s alright,” Brennan said, holding Jell-O out in front of him.

  “Cherry is my favorite.” She took the bowl when he handed it to her.

  “I’m going to find Hadley,” Garrett said, nodding his head toward the door. “I hope you feel better, Devon. I really do.”

  When their eyes met, unspoken words passed between them. She smiled slightly at him, and he returned the gesture.

  “Thanks,” Devon said just before Garrett walked out.

  Brennan lounged and kicked his feet back in the uncomfortable hospital chair as Devon ate her Jell-O. As everything was with Brennan, their time together in the hospital was effortless. He occupied her time while she waited for the doctor to discharge her. He told her stories about following his dad around the hospital when he was growing up. She told him about her parents’ music, how her mom and dad worked together to shape and flow the song, how they had tested them out on her when she was younger. That was before she had decided to take another turn with her life.

  BEFORE SHE KNEW it, the doctor was there, checking her vitals and prescribing her more painkillers. Then, he sent her on her way. The medicine really worked, and she was laughing by the time they reached Brennan’s Jetta.

  “Let’s get you back to bed. I think you could use another twenty hours of sleep.” He shook his head as he helped her into the car, and then he shut the door.

  When he sat down in the driver’s seat, she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “Sleep sounds nice,” she said. “Will you sleep with me?”

  He laughed. “Is that an invitation?”

sp; “Open invitation.”

  “Oh man, I’m going to keep those painkillers around.”

  “You don’t need them,” she said, sliding her hand down the front of his shorts.

  He rested his hand over hers and moved it to his thigh. “I’ll take you up on that when you can think clearly again.”

  “I’m thinking very clear right now,” she said through giggles.

  Brennan shook his head and laced their fingers. “I’ll believe that when you can walk unaided.”

  “Fine. Your loss.”

  “I’m not losing anything.”

  She smiled. “That’s true.”

  “Your mom called while you were in the hospital.”

  “She did?” she asked, confused.

  “On your cell. I saw it light up. Are you going to talk to her?”

  Devon sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, I am. But maybe after I’ve slept.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” he said, squeezing her hand.

  BRENNAN DROVE THEM to his apartment and helped Devon up the stairs. As soon as they walked through the door, he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. Sleep was pulling her under by then, and she let him help her into more comfortable clothes. They both crawled into bed, and he held her tight against his chest.

  “Brennan,” she whispered, feeling sleep drawing closer.

  “Yeah?” he asked, kissing her shoulder.

  “You’re going to be here, right? You know, after this?” she asked.

  “Belle, I’m going to be here for everything.”

  Brennan held Devon until she fell fast asleep.

  Devon dreamed only of Brennan’s face and the way he looked at her the first night they had spent together on the boat.

  It was the first night she remembered what happiness felt like.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Brennan said.

  Leaning down, he kissed Devon on the mouth. She returned his kiss full-on, wrapping her arms around his neck. He lifted her off her feet and spun her around until she threw her head back and started laughing. He buried his head into her shoulder and kissed her there.

  When he finally put her back on her feet, Devon said, “I can’t believe I did it.”

  “I can.”

  “Three months ago, I never would have gone through with this,” she told him. “Gah! Three weeks ago, I wasn’t sure I could do this.”

  “I knew you could do it. I’m glad you proved it to yourself though,” he said, pressing his lips to hers again.

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “Me, too. It feels pretty awesome.”

  Devon pulled out the little piece of paper that showed her permanent restraining order against Reid. They had just finished their hearing in court. Reid had showed his face. His daddy had gotten him a good lawyer, but when she brought out all the pictures of the physical damage that had been done to her body, the medical records, and the surveillance video from Jenn’s, it was pretty clear what would happen.

  Devon wasn’t looking forward to the trial. But in the end, she had to think about everything he had done to her. This could ruin his life, but he had brought this upon himself. Reid was facing up to a year in prison if convicted of domestic battery. Devon expected he would get probation if his lawyer got what he wanted. Though, if Reid ever stepped foot near her again, he might end up in prison anyway. Devon was just tired of all the negativity. She wanted to be rid of Reid, and now, she was.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here,” she said, slinging her arm around Brennan’s waist.

  Brennan guided her back to his car. She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She had won. She had beat Reid. It wasn’t even just that. She had proven to herself that she was strong. She had proven that she was better than her old life with Reid. It felt good. She never knew how strong she was until it was all she had.

  “Mind if we take a detour?” Brennan asked.

  “I don’t have anything to do today,” she said, leaning her head back against the seat.

  Life post-Reid was way better than she had ever thought it could be. She had to attribute a lot of that to Brennan, but she liked to give herself the credit, too. She knew though that without his help, it might have taken her longer to get her act together.

  When she had spoken with her parents, they were mortified that she had endured so much at the hands of the man she had been dating. She thought they blamed themselves for pushing her and Mason together and then for not seeing what happened with Reid. But how could they blame themselves for what the men had done and what she had allowed to occur?

  Her parents had tried to make up for it by offering to help her in any way they could. On their recommendation, she had started seeing a therapist in the city. Her mom was anxious to see her and take care of her. Before the conversation was even over, her mom had sent an email to Devon with a plane ticket home, so she could visit soon. Devon actually planned to use this ticket. Now that she could be honest, she was looking forward to spending time with her mom.

  After everything with Reid, her mother was worried about where Devon would go and what she would do. Her mother didn’t like the idea of Devon being back at Wash U with Reid, so Devon had finally told her parents that she had decided not to go back to school. She thought it would be best to at least take off the semester, so she could dedicate herself to recovery.

  Her parents had offered to get her an apartment in Chicago since she had decided to stay, but Devon had declined. Hadley and Garrett had made it clear that she was welcome in their place for as long as she wanted. She didn’t like being alone, so that worked out for her. Plus, it gave her the opportunity she needed to spend more time with her friend, like she had wanted to from the beginning, and then she could begin to rebuild that bond with Garrett.

  Brennan had also told Devon that she could stay with him, but she had turned him down as well. As much as she liked Brennan, she couldn’t let her life revolve entirely around a guy again. He had accepted her response with grace. It didn’t really matter anyway since she spent so much time with him. The distance just helped ground her and give her space when she needed it.

  “I can’t believe school starts in a couple weeks, and I won’t be going back,” Devon said, staring out the window.

  “You could still go back if you wanted,” Brennan said.

  He was always encouraging her to go back. She knew he wanted her to finish her degree, and when the time was right, she wanted to finish it. But now wasn’t that time.

  “I don’t think so. I can’t go back to that just yet. I need to get myself right first.”

  “I know. I just don’t want you to think that you shouldn’t go back…” He trailed off with an awkward pause.

  She caught his meaning and turned to face him. “Do you think I’m staying because of you?”

  “I don’t want that to be your reason.”

  “I want to be with you. I want to be in Chicago with you, but I’m not staying for you…if that makes sense. I know I need to finish college and get a job and all that. I just feel like I’ll never really do any of that well enough if I’m not well enough mentally. That’s why I’m staying. This is what I need,” she tried to explain.

  “Okay. Good,” he said, smirking at her. “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  Devon relaxed back into the seat, feeling better now that she had explained herself. Therapy had helped with that. She found herself explaining everything to people. It was better than holing up inside of herself and being terrified of what she might say. At least now, she had a sense of control over what went on in her life. Brennan seemed to like it. He was her number one supporter. He always encouraged her to express her feelings and listened to her opinions.

  “So, where are we going anyway?” she asked.

  “You’ll see.” He smiled at her secretively.

  Devon narrowed her eyes. “Is it a secret?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Can I guess?” She bit her lip and
tucked one foot underneath her.

  “No,” he said. “I’m not giving anything away. You’ll like it…I think.”

  “I’ll take your word for it,” she said. She crossed her legs pretzel-style and stared out at the changing landscape.

  Brennan pulled off of I-94 and started veering through the streets. The area was nice, and Devon found herself admiring the beauty and simplicity of life in the suburbs. Her parents lived in the suburbs, and while this was nothing like southern Nashville, it had the same feeling.

  “This area is beautiful. Where are we?” Devon asked as they crested a hill.

  She sat up taller in her seat and stared out at the shore of Lake Michigan. It stretched for miles and miles past her line of sight. It was gorgeous and glorious in its magnitude.

  “The North Shore. Evanston,” he told her, driving down the hill.

  “Wow,” she breathed, transfixed on the passing scenery.

  Brennan slowed to a stop in front of a large all-brick house on a plot that bordered the lake. “This is where I grew up,” he said softly.

  Devon’s eyes left the house and landed back on Brennan. “This is…your dad’s house?” she asked, feeling overwhelmed that he would bring her here.

  “Yeah. It was. Mine now…I guess,” he told her, pulling into the driveway.

  After the car came to a stop, Devon opened the car door and slid out of the seat. Brennan popped the trunk and pulled out his guitar case. Devon smiled. She liked seeing him with that. He had been playing and singing to her a lot more when she was at his place. It relaxed her and brought her back to the first gig she had ever seen him perform. She had been so caught up in him and his music that she had left the venue. She hadn’t trusted herself to be with him then. Her feelings were too strong even at that time.

  They walked up to the front door, and Brennan just stood there with the key in his hand. He took a deep breath and slid the key into the slot. He turned the door and immediately disabled an alarm system. Devon cautiously stepped inside, feeling almost as if she were trespassing. But this was Brennan’s home. He owned it. It belonged to him. It was somehow still a part of him.


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