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——— . “Aux Etuves de Wiesbaden.” In Pavannes and Divagations. New York: New Directions, 1958.
——— . The Cantos 1–95. New York: New Directions, 1956.
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——— . Guide to Kulchur. London: Faber and Faber, 1938.
——— . How to Read. London: D. Harmsworth, 1931.
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——— . Bottom: On Shakespeare. Austin: Ark Press [for the Humanities Research Center, University of Texas], 1963.
Book 1, Chapter 1 originally published in Coyote’s Journal 5/6 (1966): 8–31. Reprinted by permission.
Book 1, Chapter 2 originally published in Coyote’s Journal 8 (1967): 27–35. Reprinted by permission.
Book 1, Chapter 3 originally published in Tri-Quarterly 12 (Spring 1968): 67–82.
Book 1, Chapter 4 originally published in Tri-Quarterly 12 (Spring 1968): 82–98.
Book 1, Chapter 5 originally published in Aion: A Journal of Traditional Science (December 1964): 5–29; reprinted in Stony Brook Poetics Journal 1/2 (Fall 1968): 4–19.
Book 1, Chapter 6 originally published in Caterpillar 1 (October 1967): 6–29, and Caterpillar 2 (January 1968): 124–54. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 1 originally published in Sumac 1, 1 (Fall 1968): 101–46.
Book 2, Chapter 2 originally published in Caterpillar 6 (January 1969): 16–38. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 3 originally published in Io 6 (Summer 1969): 117–40. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 4 originally published in Caterpillar 7 (April 1969): 27–60. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 5 originally published in Stony Brook Poetics Journal 3/4 (Fall 1969): 336–47 [section I]; Credences 1, 2 (July 1975): 50–52 [extract from section II]; Sagetrieb 4, 2–3 (Fall/Winter 1985): 39–86 [complete]. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 6 originally published in Southern Review 21 (Winter 1985): 27–48. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 7 originally published in Credences 1, 2 (July 1975): 53–67. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 8 originally published in Credences 1, 2 (July 1975): 68–94. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 9 originally published in Chicago Review 30 (Winter 1979): 37–88. Reprinted by permission.
Book 2, Chapter 10 originally published in Ironwood 11, 2 [#22] (Fall 1983): 48–64.
Book 2, Chapter 11 originally published in Montemora 8 (1981): 79–113.
Copyright 1925 by H.D. Copyright © 1957, 1969, 1973 by Norman Holmes Pearson. Copyright © 1982 by The Estate of H.D. Copyright © 1983 by Perdita Schaffner. Quotations from the published works by H.D. are used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Copyright 1937, © 1968 by Ezra Pound. Quotations from the published works by Ezra Pound are used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Copyright 1938 by New Directions. Copyright © 1958, 1962 by William Carlos Williams. Quotations from the published works by William Carlos Williams are used by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Works published during his lifetime are copyright © by the Estate of Charles Olson; previously unpublished works among the Charles Olson Research Collection at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center are copyright © by the University of Connecticut Libraries.
Achilles, 127, 230, 311, 409, 437, 593, 599–603, 606–8, 610, 614, 629–30, 632, 634, 637, 639, 640, 644–46
Adam, Helen, 473–74
Adam Kadmon, 164, 486
Adams, John, 552
Adams, Robert, 568
“Adonis” (H.D.), 46, 182, 422
African folklore, 177–78. See also Wagadu, legend of
Ahasuerus, 140, 141
alchemy, 79, 207, 257, 455, 469, 471, 497, 570
Alcman, 84
Aldington, Richard, 46, 52, 108, 196, 219–20, 226, 241, 243, 245, 247, 314, 326, 373, 437, 447, 576
aleph, 158–59
Alexander the Great, 100, 119, 249, 627, 628
Alexandria, Egypt, 103–4, 118, 245, 249
Alice-in-Wonderland stories, 286, 609–10, 617, 619, 621, 624, 628
Allen, Donald, 1
Ambelain, Robert, 323
Ambrogio de Predis, Giovanni, 306
Ananke, 561, 564–65, 583
anarchism, 3, 4, 502
Andersen, Hans Christian, 275
Anderson, Margaret, 307
angels, 6, 239–40, 269, 378, 440, 519– 21, 535, 583
Anger, Kenneth, 143
Anima Mundi, 143, 286, 626, 633
anti-semitism, 510, 642
Aphrodite, 82, 84, 86, 89, 90, 302, 303, 307, 322, 358, 480, 528, 539, 541, 591–92, 593, 594–95, 625
apocalypse, 282, 298, 337, 339, 547–48, 576
Apollo, 118, 119, 120, 122, 382, 476, 595, 596
“Apollo at Delphi” (H.D.), 211
Apollodorus, 284
Apuleius, 9, 80, 94, 438, 514, 582
Arabian Nights, 312, 464
Aranda, 10, 162–64, 170–72, 174, 183, 192, 195, 196
archetypes, 102, 153, 309, 316, 321, 489
Aristophanes, 180, 530
Aristotle, 79, 383, 642
Armageddon, 282
Arnaut Danièl, 9, 28, 90, 91, 184
Arnold, Matthew, 57
Artaud, Antonin, 490
Artemis, 105, 227, 229, 230, 259
Art Nouveau, 10, 427, 474–75
Astarte, 324, 333, 388, 459, 490
astrology, 207, 218, 238, 292, 471, 581, 583, 587. See also stars
Athens, Greece, 84, 209, 210, 220, 249, 259, 375
Atlantis, 126, 131, 137, 139, 147, 149, 150, 280, 485, 501
atomic bomb, 61, 143, 337, 606
Auden, W.H., 102, 226
Augustine, Saint, 97, 339, 418, 455, 460, 538; City of God, 191–92
Austen, Jane, 503
Australian aborigines. See Aranda
; Avicenna, 9, 28, 128, 319, 519–20
Babel, 283
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 311, 321, 322
Bachofen, J.J., 475
Bacon, Francis, 567
Bakersfield, California, 4, 6, 40, 74, 75, 146, 148
Barnes, Djuna, 5, 11
Bartók, Béla, 55, 236, 322, 324
Baudelaire, Charles, 76, 443, 444, 467, 469, 474, 490, 494, 510–11
Beat poetry, 1, 448
beauty, 44, 82, 88, 97, 170, 175, 176, 178, 180, 182, 183, 211, 231, 258, 263, 302, 362–63, 397, 425, 511–14, 570, 646
Beckett, Samuel, 390
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 322, 324
Bending the Bow (Duncan), 12
Bergman, Ingmar, 423, 586
Bergson, Henri, 144, 145, 302, 320, 641
Berkeley, California, 59, 74, 217, 568
Berkeley Renaissance, 1
Bernard de Ventadour, 306
Bethlehem, 286, 293, 498, 502, 518, 521
Bettelheim, Bruno, 413–17
Bhagavad-Gita, 128
Bible, 60, 87, 88, 352, 353, 496, 521, 527, 529, 530–31, 557, 582
Bid Me to Live (H.D.), 155, 207, 218, 242–43, 376, 447, 452, 589, 612–14, 629
birth trauma, 150
bisexuality, 486
Blackburn, Paul, 221
Black Mountain, 1, 204, 429
Black Sparrow Press, 14, 15, 16, 20, 23
Black Sun Press, 59
Blackwood, Algernon, 109, 143, 144, 250–51, 265, 266
Blake, William, 140, 141, 142, 207, 290, 291, 294, 320, 323, 355, 411–13, 414, 416, 417, 466, 473, 489, 543, 545, 586, 634–35
Blaser, Robin, 549–50
Blast (periodical), 235
Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 9, 129–36, 139, 140, 142, 144, 454, 586, 605, 618, 621–22
Böcklin, Arnold, 305
Boehme, Jacob, 48, 140, 161, 266, 320, 460, 509, 586
Bogan, Louise, 343, 435, 462
Bolshevism, 122, 502
Boniface VIII, Pope, 543
The Book of the Dead, 114, 126, 283
Bosch, Hieronymus, 282, 334, 335, 535, 537, 547, 550, 577
Botticelli, Sandro, 185, 306
Boyle, Kay, 193
Brancusi, Constantin, 184, 236, 308, 384
Braque, Georges, 229
Breton, André, 127
Brontë, Charlotte, 487
Brontë, Emily, 37, 487
Brooks, Cleanth, 434, 522, 575
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 247
Browning, Robert, 9, 28, 103–5, 108, 183–84, 185, 196, 214, 318
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