Vault of Silence (The Hidden Wizard Book 2)

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Vault of Silence (The Hidden Wizard Book 2) Page 12

by Vaughan W. Smith

  "I can see immediately that the two of you are not who we are looking for," a male voice said. Celes assumed that it was the examiner.

  "Good. Can we go?" the young man said.

  "Not quite yet. There seems to be a complication," the examiner said.

  "What's going on? We have been completely cooperative through all this," the young woman said.

  "You've been caught up in something by mistake. But unfortunately, that means that you need to be dealt with. Perhaps after I deal with the person listening in on this conversation," the examiner said. Celes heard footsteps approaching her.


  Dark Tidings

  Celes knew that somehow, she had been detected. She pushed up quickly and considered her options. She couldn't wait for him to find her, she had to be aggressive and take him off guard. She wouldn't have the element of surprise, but he might not expect her to be so bold.

  She headed for the door immediately and looked out into the corridor. There was nobody.

  "This is it," Celes told herself, and ran over to the holding cell next to her. She tried to minimise the noise, but she maintained her speed. The examiner seemed confident, she had to try and exploit that. As she reached the door she heard a scream from within. Celes burst through and assessed the situation.

  The examiner was holding the young woman hostage with a knife to her throat.

  "Well hello, lovely of you to join us," he said to Celes.

  "This is against regulation, why are you doing this?" Celes said.

  "What would you know of regulations, you're not a real guard," he said.

  "Who are you really?" Celes countered.

  "I'm the one asking the questions here, you're not really in a place to be making demands," the examiner said. He pointed to an empty chair.

  "Take a seat," he said. Celes considered the request, then complied.

  "I need to keep him thinking he is in control. Then I can use an opening," she thought to herself.

  "You look somehow familiar, but I can't pick it," the examiner said.

  "We've never met before, I wouldn't forget that face," Celes said. The examiner's features were not extraordinary, but he had a deep black scar on his forehead.

  "You mean this? It's a souvenir from my encounter with some rather nasty Blighters. Such bothersome creatures, but useful with the right motivation and stimulation," he said.

  "You're tainted then. You admit it?"

  "Yes, there's no harm in doing that. None of you will leave this room alive," the examiner said. The young man started to yell in protest but an icy look from the examiner silenced him.

  "What do I call you?" Celes said.

  "You can call me Brine. Not that it matters really." He dismissed her with his eyes, looking elsewhere.

  "Brine, interesting name. So, have you been tainted long?" Celes said.

  "I said I was doing the interrogation here," Brine said, tightening his grip on the young woman. She whimpered as the knife edged closer.

  "Ask away," Celes said. There was not yet an opening that was safe.

  "Let's begin with your name. What is it?"


  "Good, that wasn't hard, was it? Why were you spying on this couple?" Brine said. Celes decided that she would answer truthfully, it would help her later when the tables were turned and she was trying to get information from him.

  "I noticed that they were stopped for looking like people I know. I wanted to see who was asking. Now my fears are confirmed."

  "Oh, this is interesting. I want to hear more." Brine half turned to face her.

  "I can't concentrate properly seeing that woman so distressed," Celes said, trying her luck.

  "Naughty, naughty. Trying to convince me to let her go when you drop the juicy information? So amateur. But you know what, I'll let you have this one." Brine withdrew the knife from the young woman and shoved her into the corner violently. Her husband ran over and comforted her. "You two stay there for now, if you become a distraction I'll deal with you permanently." He turned his attention back to Celes. "So, can you talk now?"

  "Yes, I can. I have a question though, what makes you so confident? You're just a man who is tainted. You don't have any special powers," she said.

  "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I suggest you answer my questions and this will go smoother for everyone. You don't want to make me angry," Brine twirled the knife in his hand to ensure his words had the correct impact.

  "I'd need to see the sketch again, but it looked like my son." Celes watched Brine's reaction carefully.

  His eyes lit up in interest. "Take as close a look as you want," he said. He removed a rolled-up parchment from his cloak and threw it at her. Celes unrolled it and studied the picture. It was a very good sketch, of Alrion and Lara. Celes adjusted her seated position, and loosened one of the knives strapped to her foot.

  "There's no doubt about it. That's my son. Why are you looking for him?" Celes said.

  "Never you mind, the important thing is, where is he?" Brine said. He started to walk over, licking his lips. It was like he could taste the information, and he wanted more. Celes saw the opportunity and took it. She used her leg to fling the loosened knife at Brine's leg.

  "What?" he cried at is it made impact, and Celes used the opportunity to jump up onto the table and vault off it, launching herself at Brine. He didn't notice in time, and all he could do was throw up his hands. They landed on the ground, Celes with a knife at Brine's throat, and Brine using all his strength to hold it at bay.

  "I can do this all day, and time is not on your side," Brine said.

  "Why is that?"

  "I have reinforcements coming. Reinforcements of the Blighter variety."

  "If you do that you'll blow your cover." Celes knew she had to dissuade him from doing that. If it were at all possible.

  "Not if there's no witnesses. It'll be so tragic," Brine said.

  Celes banged her right boot on the ground and a small blade popped out. She used that to kick Brine's left leg. He cried out in pain, and Celes used that moment to overpower him and flip him over. In seconds, he was face down on the floor with his arms pinned behind him.

  "You can't possibly escape," Brine said.

  "Watch me." Celes pushed harder and Brine stopped struggling. She quickly extracted a short rope and bound his hands.

  "Are you alright? Run for it," Celes said to the young couple. They looked bewildered, but Celes's speech seemed to snap them out of it. The young man helped his wife up and they ran to the door.

  "They're coming," Brine said, in a sing-song way.

  "Get up," Celes said, kicking Brine in the small of the back and dragging him up. He complied and stood shakily.

  "This leg injury is going to slow me down," he said.

  "You'll live. We're leaving." Celes shoved him closer to the door but kept a knife pressed at his back.

  "On the double," Brine said, mocking her. They entered the corridor and Celes could hear commotion from one end.

  "I told you they're coming," Brine said.

  "This way," Celes said, pushing her prisoner in the opposite direction. He began walking and Celes stayed close behind. She could hear the noises of conflict getting louder and louder.

  "Would you mind if I had a rest?" Brine said. He was practically laughing, and was struggling to contain himself.

  "Yes, keep moving." Celes really hoped that there was an exit at the end of the corridor, she hadn't scouted that far ahead.

  "They're inside! To arms!" a male voice shouted. Celes didn't even turn around, she just pressed on and forced Brine to increase his pace. She could see the sweat forming on his dark locks, either walking with that injury or something else was causing his quite a bit of exertion. As they reached the door at the end of the corridor, Celes pushed Brine to the side and kicked the door open. The last rays of daylight peeked in, and Celes felt relief.

  There was a small training area before them, and a path.

p moving," Celes said, pushing Brine out the door. They shuffled slowly through the yard, Celes looking back to see if they had company. Nothing yet. As they reached the path, she could see that it led to a main street. "Almost there," she said. Just then she heard another scream, and watched a hapless guard be overwhelmed by Blighters. He fell to their attacks and they started to pour out from the compound. Celes pressed on even faster, Brine almost fell instantly due to the shove.

  "Oh, who might you be?" Brine said. He stopped completely, looking at a man on the path. The man stepped forward and punched Brine in the face. He fell in a heap instantly.

  "I wanted to do that for a while, but I don't have the strength to carry him," Celes said.

  "Happy to assist. I think we better make a move." Vincent reached down and picked up Brine, slinging him over his shoulder.

  "I don't know how you made it here but I don't care. Can you move with him?" Celes said.

  "Fast enough. Do you think they can track us?" he said.

  "No idea, let's just get some distance between us." Celes put her knife away and started to run.

  Vincent did his best to keep up, and they pushed for the main street. The Blighters seemed distracted, and weren't sure where to go.

  Celes and Vincent ducked off the main street and took any available lanes. After ten solid minutes, they slowed and took a breath.

  "Any sign of them?" Vincent said.

  "I don't think so." Celes glanced around, but the streets looked empty. She let some of the tension go.

  "Good, let's take it a bit easier from here."

  "Where will we go?"

  "John gave me keys to a place we can stay. Let's start there," Vincent said.

  "Great, take us away." Celes looked back once more, but couldn't see or hear any Blighters.

  "They seemed to lose the trail when you knocked him out," Celes said.

  "I doubt it’s a coincidence. He's tainted, right?"

  "Yes, he admitted it, even seemed proud of the fact."

  "Crazy. Well let's get him back so we can ask him more. However, we need to be comfortable with the possibility that he can call more of them upon us." Vincent upped his speed and caught up with Celes.

  They arrived at the tiny house within minutes. It was surrounded by what looked like an abandoned workshop.

  "This it is. He runs a few jobs through here when he needs extra hands, and they stay here. It should work well," Vincent said.

  "At least we will have some privacy," Celes said. They entered the house and Celes located a chair. Vincent plonked Brine down, then bound his feet to the chair.

  "That should hold him, let's wake him up," Vincent said.

  "Not just yet, let me find something." Celes rifled through her things and found a small vial. She showed it to Vincent.

  "What is that?" he said.

  "It's a serum that should keep him talking. Hopefully it still works. I used to use them all the time to ease key information out of people," Celes said.

  "I thought you just got them drunk."

  "This works better and, sometimes they work well together. Let's see what he has to say," Celes said. Vincent shook Brine a little until the man began to show signs of consciousness.

  "Where am I?" Brine asked. Once his vision improved he saw Celes and Vincent standing in front of him.

  "Right, I was knocked out. Nice punch there," Brine said, nodding at Vincent.

  "We have some questions. Drink this." Celes shoved the vial into Brine's mouth and he swallowed it without question.

  "You probably didn't need that, but it doesn't hurt. Does it?" Brine said.

  "No, you won't feel anything," Celes said.

  "Good. My mind feels very fuzzy though. What did you want to know anyway?"

  "Why are you after this couple," Celes said, showing Brine the drawing he had tossed to her earlier. Vincent sneaked a peek at it too, and noticed the perfect likeness for Alrion and Lara.

  "Just following orders. They're to be found," Brine said.

  "Whose orders?" Vincent said.

  "Wraith." Brine squirmed after he said it, as if he were trying to retract the words.

  "Never heard of him," Vincent said.

  "He's a new player, at least in this form." Brine seemed surprised that he had said that. "Looks like your vile concoction is working."

  "Good. Why does Wraith want these two?" Celes said.

  "He didn't say, but then again I never asked. I guess they are a problem for him?" Brine said.

  "How do you communicate with him? Do you meet somewhere?" Vincent said.

  "Oh, I met him once, not that I had to really. I think he wanted to impress us, so he made an appearance. No, we talk up here," Brine said, tapping his head.

  "You can communicate via thoughts?" Vincent said, surprised.

  "You don't know anything, do you? How do you think I called all those Blighters before? We're all linked. Everything you have told me about yourselves, I have passed on," Brine said, quite pleased with himself.

  "To who?" Celes said.

  "Everyone who is tapped in. All those who are tainted can access the channel. It's like a river of consciousness that we all share. The more powerful can broadcast their message and rise above other chatter," Brine said.

  "I see," Vincent said, starting to pace around the room.

  "Tell me more about Wraith. What does he look like?" Celes said.

  "Like a Shade," Brine said.

  "A Shade? He's a Shade?" Vincent said.

  "Yes, believe it or not. He's a strange one. But he is mighty powerful so we listen, yes we do."

  "Did he have a name before he was turned?" Vincent said.

  "Yes," Brine said. He seemed to be holding back.

  "What is it?" Celes said. Brine started to twitch, like something was affecting him. He started to have trouble breathing.

  "What is it?” Vincent said, grabbing Brine by the coat.

  "B...Branthor," Brine said, before collapsing down in the chair. Vincent stepped back, surprised at the response. He noticed that Brine didn't seem to be breathing, so leaned in close to examine him closer.

  "He's dead. I don't believe it," Vincent said.

  "How?" Celes felt panicked.

  "Not sure, maybe it was this psychic link they seem to have. If that's the case, it means Branthor is on to us."

  "It means he always has been."

  "What about Alrion? Before that we must think. It's not safe here."

  "I'll go on the lookout. If they try and enter tonight I'll find them."

  "Good. Why don't you change out of the guard uniform before you go? I'll take care of that and figure out what to do with Brine," Vincent said.

  Their day had taken a vastly darker turn.


  Denied Entry

  Lara skilfully guided her companions in steering their makeshift raft towards a safe landing spot. There was a low embankment with a lot of mud, perfect for a solid dock.

  "Lean more this side, paddle faster," she shouted. Alrion and Certan did their best, still somewhat confused by her angry and rapid instructions.

  "Easy, easy, there," Lara said. The raft shuddered with a quick contact with the bank, but stopped completely.

  "Not bad for her maiden voyage," Lara said.

  "I'd go again," Alrion said.

  "It was definitely a learning experience," Certan said. Lara wasn't sure if Certan was too keen on their little river excursion. But he had been a good sport. And they had made good time.

  "Do you think we can reach the city gates before nightfall?" Alrion said.

  "Plynth isn't that far, we should be able to. But I'm not an expert on this area, it depends on how close we landed," Lara said.

  "Either way, I don't think such a thing as nightfall will be able to stop us," Certan said, looking at Lara.

  "You're right, I can get us in anywhere, anytime. Provided we can find our way back onto the main path," she said, picking her way between trees and large shrubs. They
were in a heavily wooded area, with no sign of any trails or paths.

  After an hour of uncertain heading, they found what looked like a minor path.

  "This has got to be it, let's follow it," Lara said.

  "Fine by me, it's the only thing even slightly resembling a path around here," Alrion said. Certan didn't comment, just followed quietly.

  "Everything alright back there?" Lara said.

  "Of course, don't mind my quietness. I'm not usually that talkative anyway. It comes in fits and spurts," Certan said.

  "You make talking sound like a disease," Alrion said.

  "That's probably quite a good comparison. It is quite infectious, and some people are terrible carriers," Certan said. Lara laughed.

  "I like your brand of humour Certan. It's a little strange, but always surprising," she said.

  "I've never heard it described as such, so thank you," Certan said, performing a small bow.

  "That may be the road we are looking for," Alrion said, pointing out a much wider track that was connected up ahead.

  "Looks about right, let's follow it.” Lara led the group there, keeping a little ahead to spot any potential dangers. When she was satisfied, she slowed down and waved the others on. They followed along and joined the main road. "Signs of life, we must be close now.” Lara pointed at a few travellers in the distance.

  "I have a good feeling," Alrion said.

  Lara couldn't agree, something still felt off to her. It was probably just the encounter with Branthor, but her gut wouldn't let her relax.

  The city gates loomed large in the distance, and Lara could see a crowd of people milling in front of them. Something was definitely off.

  "Looks busy, but at least we made it in time," Alrion said.

  "Something doesn't look right. I can't put my finger on it yet, but I don't think that's normal," Lara said. Alrion gave her a puzzled look but didn't question it.

  As they approached they heard commotion and yelling.

  "I told you something was up," Lara said. There were signs of a recent battle at the gates, with the guards bloodied and weary. They had formed a line blocking entry to the gates, and they were actively pushing people back.


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