Vault of Silence (The Hidden Wizard Book 2)

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Vault of Silence (The Hidden Wizard Book 2) Page 14

by Vaughan W. Smith

  She noticed that there was only a light presence guarding the gate.

  "Not trying to keep people from going out," she thought to herself. It would be easy to sneak past, but the gate itself would be an issue. However, she did notice something peculiar. She crept closer, avoiding the guards, and sticking to the darkness. Once she reached the gate she took a closer look.

  "This is useful," she whispered. There was a square cut into the side of the gate. It looked like it opened. She carefully pushed it, to see what it did. The square pushed forward, revealing a small opening in the door.

  "Probably used for accepting things through the door, or negotiating. I wonder if I could fit," Lara thought. There was only one way to find out. She glanced back and saw that the guards were continuing their patrol, not particularly paying attention to the gate.

  "Here goes.” Lara grasped onto the gate frame with both her hands and thrust her head through the square gap. With a little finessing, she was able to get her shoulders through then she fell out onto the other side. A quick movement as she landed helped soften the blow, and she stood up quickly. There were no signs of movement on the other side of the gate. "That was a lot easier," Lara thought. She dusted herself off and walked off into the night, slowly increasing her pace. The crowds had subsided, but she could see small fires in the distance, where some were camping overnight. "All they had to do was climb the wall," she thought to herself with a laugh. Quickly weaving through the woods, she found Certan and Alrion seated comfortably leaning against some trees. Alrion had hung a magical light sphere from one of the hanging branches, which illuminated the area nicely.

  "You look like you've had a bit of an adventure," Alrion said, looking up from the books he was reading.

  "Don't get me started. Next time I consider climbing a city wall, just stop me please," Lara said.

  "That's quite an impressive feat. How you did get down?" Certan said.

  "With great difficulty and luck. I'll fill you in on all the details but there's two important things. First, there was a Blighter attack in the city. It was due to a Tainted One. He was looking for Alrion and me," Lara said.

  "That's not a good sign. What's the other thing? Did you find my parents?" Alrion said.

  "Yes, they told me all about the man they discovered. We think the Tainted share some sort of mental link and coordinate their movements that way," Lara said.

  "That may explain a lot." Alrion looked deep in thought.

  "We need to better understand our enemy," Certan said.

  "We have news too," Alrion said.

  "What's that?" Lara said with concern. Nothing should have happened while she was away.

  "I found another message in this notebook. Take a look." Alrion handed it to Lara to review.

  Find Ashra in the desert, he will advise you further.

  "Who is Ashra?" Lara said. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach that she knew what the answer would be.

  "I have heard that name before, he's a wizard. Hates visitors, which is why he lives in the desert," Certan said.

  "Interesting. Do you know how to find him?" Lara said.

  "No, he doesn't like to be found."

  "It's a lead right, we will figure it out," Alrion said.

  "I wasn't sure what to make of this, but I think it will help.” Lara retrieved the slip of paper the mysterious wizard had given her and handed it to Alrion.

  "Where did you get this?" Alrion said.

  "Some raving drunk was going on about a wizard in the desert. I thought it would be a good lead, so I stole these directions," she said.

  "This is awfully coincidental, you finding this and me seeing this message. What did that man look like?" Alrion was looking at Lara with a questioning gaze.

  "Unremarkable. Maybe he got it from someone else? He had nothing else of interest to say or on him," Lara said. Alrion turned the paper over and handed it to Certan.

  "I can follow these directions. It would make sense to head there before the temple. It's more or less on the way. Additional training sounds quite important to me," Certan said.

  "Then I guess we see where they lead. But I don't like this. I feel like we're being led by the nose and I don't know by who," Alrion said.

  "Wow, I thought you would be happy with this. It's another wizard. Isn't that good?" Lara said.

  "Sorry, it's not your fault. Why don't you tell us more about what my parents said? There could be something in there that is crucial," Alrion said.

  Lara was happy to do so. She didn't want him thinking too much on how she could have happened upon that information just as the mysterious message was left. At least now she knew for sure who was leaving the notes in Alrion's book. But she still didn't know his identity.

  "Next time, I'll find a way," she thought.


  Enter the Desert

  The next morning Alrion rose early. He didn't sleep well and was anxious to get a move on.

  "I just have to see if there's anything to this wizard. Or if it's a trap, I want it over with," Alrion said.

  "We can rush to get started, but we mustn't rush the journey. The desert is a hard place to traverse. I know the way, but we must take care. If we are attacked while we are weakened it will be disastrous," Certan said.

  "Are there many tainted in the desert?" Lara said.

  "It depends where you go. Usually not, as it is not a good environment for them to survive. I saw more than I expected on this journey, so we should be prepared for anything," Certan said.

  "We won't be able to go through the city, so we may lose some time. Does it matter which way we enter?" Lara said.

  "It does, but all our current options are equivalent in utility and danger. This detour won't have much impact. But I do agree we should start now," Certan said. Alrion did a final check, and they left their makeshift camp site.

  "Do we need to stock up on water?" Alrion said as they walked.

  "No, provided we take a small amount with us. The wizard will have a source," Certan said.

  "That's if we find him. You said he doesn't like visitors," Lara said.

  "We will find a way, it's too important," Alrion said.

  "Exactly. Besides, you have me. I can survive in the desert, and so you will too," Certan said. They spotted a small fast flowing river on their walk and stopped to fill a flask each. Certan paused, looking over his flask. He swapped it with another then filled it to the brim.

  "What was that about?" Alrion said. Certan retrieved the flask he had hidden away.

  "For a long time this flask here meant something different. It was my supply of alcohol and everything that went with that. But now it is something else, something better," he said.

  "Are you using it?" Lara said.

  "No. It's my penance, a reminder of my excesses." Certan's voice had a pang of regret.

  "A reminder of how strong you are," Alrion said.

  "Thank you, I will remember that.” Certan put the flask away and started off once more.

  They took a meandering route, avoiding the city, and using the best paths available. This took longer than they had initially wanted. Slowly Alrion saw the terrain transform. The colours of the grass and plants slowly changed, from a bright green to a washed out green and yellow. The grass become thinner and shorter and the trees were also reduced in height.

  "You can see the availability of water decreasing," Certan said, pointing out the surroundings.

  "I was just thinking the same thing," Alrion said.

  "Are we close?" Lara said.

  "Yes, we are, we have come further than I had expected. We will stop soon," Certan said.

  "Stop?" I don't see the desert? How far is it?" Lara said.

  "Not much further, it's a little deceptive. However, from here on it is best to travel at night. We need to rest soon, so we can make proper progress when it is cooler," Certan said.

  "You're the expert," Alrion said, slapping Certan on the back.

  "Trust me, it
's better this way," Certan said. Alrion was trying to imagine the intensity of the heat, but struggled.

  "I trust you. It's probably going to be one of those things that needs to be experienced to be explained," Alrion said.

  "I can explain, but you won't know. Not really," Certan said.

  "Night works for me," Lara said.

  "We already knew that," Alrion said. Certan let out a small chuckle.

  "Let's make camp up there, it looks relatively sheltered and quiet," he said. They put down their equipment and tried to make the area comfortable for sleeping. Alrion had difficulty getting to sleep, as it was only the afternoon. But sleep eventually found him when he least expected.

  A firm hand woke him from sleep and Alrion noticed Certan standing over him.

  "It's time, great," Alrion said with a start, jumping up. Certan and Lara were ready to go.

  "I see you took the time to get yourselves sorted before waking me," he said.

  "You need your beauty sleep," Lara said. Certan had a grin on his face.

  "Sure, sure. I'll just need a minute," Alrion took his time preparing, not wanting to miss anything.

  "Let's go," Certan said, heading out. Lara and Alrion followed close.

  "How dark will it get?" Alrion said.

  "Travelling by moonlight is possible, depending on its size. However, we may need additional light," Certan said.

  "Just let me know," Alrion said.

  "I will, although I suspect you won't need my prompting. We will be entering the desert shortly," Certan said, pointing at a spot in the distance. It was harder to see, but the grasses seemed to almost completely withered out.

  "There's still some grass, or maybe shrubs," Lara said.

  "Yes, that's normal. Not every part is completely sandy, although the overall effect is the same," Certan said. They walked on in silence, taking in the new environment. The ground was shifting more under their feet, gradually become less solid. Certan walked with purpose, but still regularly paused to get his bearings.

  "I thought you were the desert master, we seem to be stopping a lot," Lara said.

  "Realising the folly in having contempt for the desert is usually the last lesson one learns," Certan said and Lara laughed. Alrion stumbled on a small mound that he didn't spot and paused to create a ball of light. He visualised it attaching to an invisible string and floating above them. As he walked he looked at it, and monitored its progress, pleased that it seemed to be behaving as he expected.

  "The light is a big help, it's not usually practical to have one," Certan said.

  "Happy to help, and it'll stop me tripping as well," Alrion said.

  "How can you make sense of these directions?" Lara said.

  "They rely on markers and waypoints that only those familiar with the desert would understand. Whoever wrote these knows the place well. Many people would be unable to use these references to find the way," Certan said.

  "Good thing we have you. I've been thinking and I want your opinion. Do you think this is a setup?" Alrion said.

  "Do you mean are we walking into a trap?" Certan said.

  "Yes exactly. We recently learned that Wraith as he calls himself now can communicate and coordinate a network of tainted. What if this lead is just to direct us how he wants?"

  "This lead was definitely not from a tainted person," Lara said.

  "Maybe not directly, but maybe it was planted with that person?" Alrion said. Lara felt confident that he was wrong, but was unable to prove it.

  "I just don't see it," Lara said.

  "Regardless, we can prepare ourselves and look out for signs. It would be very hard to hide that kind of presence in the desert," Certan said.

  "Fair enough. Let's remain cautious," Alrion wasn't convinced that they would really find a wizard out here. Part of him was also anxious that maybe they would. How would a wizard react to him? Especially one that hates company.

  The walk dragged on, but Certan kept a strong pace that made Alrion feel like they were at least getting somewhere. But he had no idea of the distances required, so just followed along. He played over scenarios in his head, for how he would deal with Blighters, another Shade or even a hostile wizard. The last one was the most worrying. He still felt like he lucked out when taking on Branthor, and wasn't confident he could handle himself with an experienced wizard.

  "This is all crazy. I shouldn't have to be worrying about wizards. The creatures of the Blight are supposed to be the enemy," Alrion thought.

  Certan paused, reviewing the directions again. He held them up to Alrion's magical light.

  "We are up to the last step. This is unusual. I was sure that nothing lay down this way, but perhaps that is why the instructions are correct," he said.

  "If I wanted to be left alone, I would live in a desert in a place where locals thought nothing existed," Lara said.

  "I still keep thinking what kind of person would do this? Can we even expect help?" Alrion said.

  "We shall remain cautious, but there's no need to worry. All types live in the desert, let us give this wizard the benefit of the doubt," Certan said.

  "You're right. This wizard is going to help, one way or another," Alrion said.

  "I'll make sure of that," Lara said, flashing a smile at Alrion. The party turned off and took a right into an even more sparse area of the desert. There were no signs of passage, and nothing to mark the way. Yet Certan kept walking with confidence. Slowly but surely, they started going through their water supply. The journey became increasingly difficult, as there were no markers to show how they were progressing and they could see the sun beginning to rise in the distance.

  "I hope we get there soon, otherwise we may be stranded in the sun," Lara said.

  "We have ways of dealing with that, but yes let's hope we find him soon," Certan said. They trudged on, but soon they saw what looked like a small building in the distance.

  "Finally!" Alrion said.

  "It exists. The desert is so tricky, I'm relieved that we made it," Certan said.

  "I thought you were more confident than that," Lara said.

  "I was confident that we were following the directions properly, and that we were reaching the proper landmarks. However, this wizard is like a myth of the desert. There are many tales of him, but nobody you meet has actually seen him," Certan said.

  "Don't speak too soon, we may be in the same boat. Does that hut look a little deserted to you?" Lara said. As they approached they could see inside the hut. It was tiny and sparse, with a mattress, some blankets and a table being the only pieces of furniture. A thin layer of dust covered everything, suggesting that the place had been vacant for some time.

  Certan ran his hand along the surfaces, and examined the quantity of dust.

  "This is not unusual for the desert. It could be that someone has just been away for a matter of days. We should not give up hope," he said.

  "Any clues here?" Alrion gently probed the mattress to see if it hid anything, and looked over the table.

  "I don't see anything to suggest that a wizard lives here. But maybe that's the point? He doesn't like to be visited after all," Lara said.

  "What's that over there?" Alrion pointed at the lone window in the hut and what was visible in the distance. It looked like a tree.

  "An oasis? That would explain why he chose this location and why he may not need to spend as much time here," Certan said.

  "Oasis? Those are real?" Lara said.

  "Yes, but they were quite rare and well-guarded secrets. There are very easily overwhelmed if overused," he said.

  "I could use a drink, and maybe we will find the wizard there," Alrion said.

  "It's worth a look," Lara said.

  "Of course, but let us approach with caution. There could be traps.” Certan led the way, stepping cautiously across the desert sand. Lara and Alrion followed close behind, looking around for signs of danger.

  "Something seems off, but I cannot describe what it is. Stay alert,"
Certan said.

  "I'm ready," Alrion said.

  Lara removed her dagger from her jacket and twirled it in her hand. As they advanced they could see the tree was next to a small pond that was encircled by small green tufts of grass and shrubs. "Signs of life, that's promising," she said.

  "We shall see.” Certan walked closer and the other two kept pace. As they were about to reach the tree it started to shimmer. And once they stepped closer still, the tree vanished. Instead they were confronted with a stone wall.

  "A mirage? Classic," Lara said.

  "I thought something was off. I didn't sense the amount of life that I expected from an oasis," Certan said.

  "There's something to be said for an appreciation of the classics. How did you find this place?" a male voice said from behind them.

  Alrion spun quickly to see who it was.


  An Important Lead

  Vincent escorted Lara out of the inn, and made sure she was safe before returning inside. He navigated through the crowd and sat back down next to his wife.

  "Things are escalating a lot faster than you expected," Celes said.

  "I know. We have underestimated what we are up against. I did not think that Alrion would be intercepted like that," Vincent said.

  "Hopefully after Lara tells them of Wraith's network, they can be more careful. At least they are near the desert now."

  "Yes, it will be easier to hide in the desert and less chance of running into Tainted. I don't think they like it in there."

  "Fingers crossed. So, what do we do now? Investigate here more or try and meet up with them?" Celes said.

  "We're definitely on their radar, after that attack and the death of the Tainted guard. We would lead them straight to Alrion wouldn't we?"

  "I think so. My gut tells me there's more here. I doubt that Wraith's network would end with one guard. Let's dig around here more, and see what we can find. Worst case scenario all we do is act as a distraction which still helps them."

  "Sounds good to me." Vincent looked quite satisfied.


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