To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6

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To Be Victorious: The Maestro Chronicles Book 6 Page 53

by John Buttrick

  The man was sorry about the fate of his uncle after all, Daniel realized. Even so he would not have described the rebel as being great, but conceded the word, ambitious, certainly seemed to be an appropriate description for a man who plotted against his king. Daniel waited a few moments more and then answered the question. “Tarin Conn must have modified the original spell he used on me or composed a new one. Either way, I have a spell in my repertoire that can sever the link, but lack the vital component to help you now.”

  “What do you need? I will do anything you ask,” Van Joppa responded, eyes wide and leaning forward from the bench.

  “End the rebellion,” Chas named a price.

  It was what Daniel wanted, but not as a condition or payment for services rendered. “You can surrender to Lauren Van Efery, who will soon be crowned king of Taracopa. The civil war is over for you, you might as well end it for your people as well. However, no amount of coins, reparations, statements of surrender, or oaths of fealty can break the link. The spell must be cast using Serena’s life-force energy, which means obtaining one of her crescendos.”

  Steffen’s eyebrows drew together. “Then perhaps you can kill her, would that break the link?”

  “That depends onto what she placed the Da Capo. If she tied it to her life-force then killing her would end the spell, but if she tied it to a crescendo, killing her would not break the link. It would, however, render the casting mute, and harmless,” Daniel replied.

  The heir let out a sigh. “Killing her would probably be no easier than stealing one of her crescendos. It looks like this link is going to remain for a while.”

  Longer if Tarin Conn was to win the War of the Champions and his bride survived, Daniel reckoned, unable to deny the truth. “That about sums it up,” he replied and then cast a spell, playing the music in his mind while cleaning and repairing the captive’s clothing. “Our healers can help you cope with the haunting of your dreams. The spell I composed, which they can use when you lie down to rest, can make Serena, when she appears, seem as a dream of a dream. You would not be able to respond to her and she would be unable to harm you. It is actually a side effect of Sleep Time.”

  “Hey, thanks,” Steffen said while examining his immaculate suit.

  “Why didn’t you use Sleep Time on yourself back when Tarin Conn was mentally linked to you?” Simon asked. “Doing so might have at least lessened the burden.”

  Daniel shook his head ruefully. “I did not know about the effect until Samuel questioned Geb SuTamkin, one of the recent Aakacarn captives who had been at Mount Gosian when I cast the spell. At the time I was doing everything in my power to stay awake and so it never occurred to me to use the spell on myself.”

  “I will take what relief your people can give,” Steffen spoke with resolve in his voice and stood up. “I will surrender to Lauren Van Efery and sign whatever documents he requires.”

  Daniel figured as much, which was why he had mended and laundered the heir’s garments. “Simon, go ask Queen Cleona to meet me in section seventeen. Round up Lauren and Varn Van Essen. I want to her to witness the formal surrender and hear a report of recent events.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” the Chief Aid replied and vanished in a flash-bang.

  “Commander Herling, let’s get Lord Van Joppa released into your custody and ready for his meeting.”

  “It will be as you say, Sir Daniel,” the Commander replied.

  They exited the chamber, went past the Sentinels, and then Daniel entered the mind of Wera, a spider on the upper back wall of the reception-room in section seventeen. The trick was to ignore the multifaceted view and focus on just one facet. He summoned the potential for Conveyance, and pictured all three of them in the room. Faster than the female arachnid could wrap a fly in a web, they were standing by a long granite table with wooden chairs at the head and sides. Light was provided by standing lamps, which sprang to life by a fire spell focused after a few moments of concentration. He had chosen the location in the hopes of providing a more comfortable environment for the non-Aakacarns, who were still nervous around active spells. A startled gasp from Steffen proved the point.

  The door opened and Simon escorted Queen Cleona, whose gown had been altered to allow for her extended belly, into the room, along with Prime Minister Xan DuTobin, and Landis Terren, the Minister of Emissaries. By the looks and smell, both men had bathed and had their robes laundered, which Daniel appreciated. Right behind them entered Lauren and Varn. Landis sat at the head of the table, Steffen, Chas, and Daniel sat to his right. Cleona took a seat beside her knight while Xan took the one next to her. The Prince and his advisor sat to right of the diplomat, who was in possession of the official documents.

  “I am here to accept your surrender,” Lauren stated.

  Steffen cleared his throat while eyeing the very young king-to-be. “As the legal heir of the Van Joppa holdings, I surrender myself and my armies to your Royal Highness.”

  While the politicians discussed the wording of the documents to be signed, a voice entered Daniel’s mind. “Maestro, we are flying well above the storm,” Sorel Benrider informed him through the array. “Not only are we experiencing powerful harmonic waves, the clouds are glowing. What I am seeing is definitely not a typical summer storm. The Equalizer is about four spans to the south of what amounts to be a hurricane that I guess to be pert near two hundred spans across and is growing stronger.”

  Daniel knew Lela could not focus Find All beyond fifty spans, even using a crescendo. “Have Joel do a search pattern and see if you can determine the location from where Tarin Conn is stirring the winds.”

  “That sounds like a right fine idea,” Sorel replied and the communication ended

  “This document recognizes you as the legal heir of Cyrus Van Joppa and gives you control of his estates and holdings. Signing this other paper means you agree to send your armies in common cause against the armies of Tarin Conn and his allies,” Landis was explaining.

  “Wait, wow, that thing is glowing like a small star,” a new sending came from Sorel. “Maestro, I see a sky-cruiser. It is floating in the center calm of the storm and sending beams of clear light into the clouds. Let me just see if I can …,” his thoughts cut off. “I know Joel. You just stick to flying this thing, I’ll man the crescendos. Sorry, Maestro, I did not mean to send that last little bit. Owe! Sorry, the ride is getting bumpy. Good thing we have good shields and straps.”

  “What is happening?” Daniel sent, his concern growing by the moment.

  “Well, it’s like this. I sent a pair of lightning bolts into that glowing sky-cruiser. It is one of those newer models, all sleek and slick. Well, it seems the Dark One put a right powerful shield on that thing cause my lightning bolts did nothing. Joel’s got his silks in a wad cause now he is having to do some fancy flying to get us out outa here.”

  Daniel pondered the sky-cruiser, wondering how it was shielded while beams were being focused beyond the confines of the energy field. Did that mean Tarin Conn composed spells similar to his? “Sero, is he casting spells through the shield or between gaps in the shield?”

  “Bring this flying sea-bat around. The Maestro wants me to see something,” the Accomplished really needed to work on discerning what thoughts to send and which to keep to himself. “Maestro, best I can tell, the spells are being focused through small gaps. They cain’t be fixed in place cause the gaps seem to open and close at will. He just fired a ..,” the sending cut off.

  “And you will pay restitution to the crown for damages,” Landis continued to explain while the crew of Manta Two were putting their lives on the line to provide needed information.

  “Wow; that was some hit we took. The last blast of energy swatted us out of the sky, but Joel got the ray back under control, once we plummeted into the water. He figures we are safer below the surface, even though we have passed beyond the center, and I reckon he is right since the ride is much calmer.”

  “I agree,” Daniel se
nt. “Continue to track the storm from under the water, do not engage the sky-cruiser, and try to stay alive while you’re at it. Let me know if there are any changes.”

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” Sorel replied and ended the communication.

  “Sir Daniel, your signature as a witness is required,” Xan spoke softly as the Queen finished signing her name and was about to pass the documents to her knight.

  Daniel nodded his gratitude to the Prime Minister and began signing the papers the moment they were set before him. “You were distracted,” Cleona said while turning to him. “Is there something we should know?”

  Everyone at the table was staring at him, so Daniel quickly signed the last document and then told them about the hurricane, and ended with, “Tarin Conn is building the giant cyclone and we do not yet know where precisely he will direct it, other than at us.”

  “Can you counter it?” Simon asked, “Tim told me about the twister you conjured during the Battle of Bashierwood.”

  Daniel was growing uncomfortable with the way they were looking at him, as if he could overcome anything. “The most powerful tornado I have conjured is the one you mentioned, but it was small. Compared to natural whirlwinds, on a scale from one to ten, mine was a two. Tarin Conn is a Thirty-bolt Accomplished with a matching crescendo. I cannot summon a hurricane, nor can I seize control over the one he is in the process of strengthening.”

  “You have us,” Simon pointed out. “You can gather the most powerful Accomplisheds in the guild and we can perform in concert with you conducting the spell.”

  “And do what exactly?” Daniel wanted to know. “All we would be doing is creating another unnatural disaster. Should we convey to the Taltin Sea and stir up our own hurricane to slam into his? What would that do? Tell me, because I don’t know.”

  “What do you recommend?” Cleona inquired. She was still looking to him for answers even after hearing the exchange.

  After taking a few extra moments to think, he had an answer. “Get people away from the rivers. The Atlantan Guild will provide shelters on higher ground for the duration of the storm. No matter where Tarin Conn sends his creation, if he can even control it, the surging waters pouring from the sea are going to overflow banks and wash away docks, homes, ranches, and any people too stubborn to move,” folks would likely die no matter what he did, “Beyond moving people, we will have to wait and see what the ancient Aakasear is going to do. At some point he will have to stop and reenergize. Based on my recovery, he has months to go before his own life-force energy regenerates. Perhaps I will be able to do something to the storm while he is off recuperating.”

  “We will leave the Aakacarn business to you. Meanwhile, Xan, we must prepare our people,” Cleona said. “Sir Daniel, the First Accomplished of your guild has given me a full report of recent events. The hurricane and the surrender of Lord Van Joppa are the only new items, so feel free to get on with your chores.” She smiled over using one of his mountaineer terms for duties.

  He nodded and the politicians went back to their discussions. In principal the Taracopian civil war was over, but it would take time for word to reach the officers in the field. Port Joppa was still a hub of the Serpents, yet the rest of the kingdom would eventually reunite under their new king, and hopefully in time to have a positive effect on the larger war. Daniel was glad he had been able to please the Queen and keep his promise to Lauren to do what he could for Taracopa.

  As the meeting ended, Shella Gabler and Kala Warner showed up. The two Sentinels eyed Steffen and Daniel realized they were there for security reasons. Even though the surrender was official, the man would not be trusted to walk about freely. If he wanted relief when he slept, he would need an Accomplished close by, so it seemed he would be adding another companion to his official escorts.

  “Your schedule is way out of whack,” Simon informed as if his Maestro might not have been aware of the fact.

  “And stars shine at night,” Daniel replied. “Where am I supposed to be right now?”

  “Dinner, although for you it will be breakfast,” the Chief Aid replied.

  “Chas, would you like to join us?”

  “Yes, Sir Daniel, but duty demands that I return to the Benhannon Northland Holding. I need to go over plans with Design and Development for the new surface buildings,” the Sentinel Commander replied.

  Daniel nodded his understanding. “Very well, see to your chores, and I will see to mine.”

  Chas saluted and then walked away. Simon glanced up and down the corridor and then asked, “Where would you like to take your meal?”

  Daniel gave the matter some thought and then answered, “In the mansion.”

  “The Benhannon Estate it is,” the Chief Aid replied and then summoned the potential.

  When the darkness vanished, Daniel found himself in the hall on the first floor of his manor-house. Folks greeted him and he greeted them in return. Later, Jared sat with him and Simon while they dined on a roasted beef with gravy and mashed potatoes, along with peas and corn on the cob. Desert was an apple cobbler.

  After eating, Daniel followed Simon’s schedule closely, with only a few deviations. He had slept all day and into the night and so was not the least bit tired.

  “Since you taught Jennel how to replace lost appendages, the only patients needing your attention are those victims of the spell Condemnation,” Simon told him. “Your next chore is to restore as many as you can over the next six marks.”

  Daniel had no objections to spending the allotted time on the poor souls who needed the healing only he could provide. “Convey me to the Health section so I can get to work.”

  The Chief Aid nodded his head, yet his left eyebrow arched up questioningly. “You do realize Silvia, David, Carlos, and Sero are still in your office.”

  Daniel nodded his head and could not keep the smile from forming at the thought. “Yes, I do. They will be there until I have the time to speak with them. Let me know when you have scheduled a slot for the meeting.”

  “It will be as you say,” Simon replied, and then cast Conveyance.

  They arrived in the Health Department and Daniel went to work on restoring the men and women to humanity. Over the last few months the number of disfigured Condemneds decreased and the number of hairless mind-slaves increased, which meant many of the people who had been Condemned by Balen Tamm and Serin Gell were either dead or had been restored, and the newer, more numerous ones, were the work of Vance Cummin.

  At the end of the shift, Daniel had restored over a hundred people, and was ready for his next set of chores, so looked to his taskmaster, who informed him, “It seems we have two tenths of a mark to spare. I took the liberty of adding a meeting in your office, but it will have to be a quick one because you will be sparing with Chas at the Northland Holding shortly after that. The sun will be up by then.”

  “What will you have me doing after dawn?” Daniel inquired.

  “Breakfast and then a full meeting of the leaders of the guild at the Benhannon Estate,” Simon replied.

  The Chief Aid conveyed him to the office. Daniel appeared standing behind his chair at the desk with Simon beside him. Sero had conjured a table and all four of them were sitting at it and eating a meal in the middle of the room. They had stayed put, but that did not mean no refreshments could be brought to them.

  “Chosen One,” Silvia acknowledged his presence, “we are here as commanded.”

  Intermittent glances at Sero from the others interrupted an otherwise steady gaze at their Maestro. The assistant might have been taking them to task for what they had done, if he had, Daniel would have approved, but the Demfilian was not the type of man to do so. He mostly likely spent the time reassuring them that they would be forgiven eventually.

  The Seer swallowed, plucking up the courage to say what was on her mind; she had been given marks to think about it. “Chosen One. My mother’s mother was irate when she heard I had failed to live up to the standards of a Teki Seer. She
has volunteered to take my place and I don’t blame you if you accept her over me. She says the fate of the world hangs on you and the Seer at your side must be competent and trustworthy or we will all pay the price.”

  Her grandmother was certainly right about that, Daniel reckoned. He needed people he could trust at his side. He also wanted to check on something Leah had said. “How many people know my bodyguard pulled me out of the battle against my will?”

  Carlos was focused on something on the table. He clearly did not want to meet the eyes of his Maestro. David glanced at the others and then spoke up. “We in this room, Leah, your parents, Tim, and Gina are the only ones who know. Ruth only knows a viewing was not given to you in a timely manner and that you’re furious about it. You were in a meeting at the time on the other side of the continent, so Silvia told the First Accomplished. We did not know Tim overheard the conversation and talked of you confronting a lion,” he stopped speaking and looked directly at Carlos. “We did not know Leah commanded your bodyguard to snatch you back the moment the Dark Maestro entered the battle zone.”

  Silvia had been biting her lip the entire time her husband had been speaking, perhaps wondering whether or not she was going to be replaced. Daniel decided to keep her in suspense no longer and focused his gaze on her. “Do you trust the Chosen Vessel of the Creator to lead in the Battle of the Champions? If you can assure me you will make every effort to share your viewings with me in a timely manner, I will keep you as my Seer.”


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