Magic, New Mexico: Touching Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 2)

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Magic, New Mexico: Touching Topper (Kindle Worlds Novella) (My Crazy Alien Romance Book 2) Page 3

by Donna McDonald

  “To go exploring? All I need is you and a bed, preferably a big one. I like plenty of room to move around when I explore you.”

  Topper let out a ragged breath. “I didn’t mean…”

  She stopped when her husband’s laughing mouth sweetly covered hers. His sense of humor was steadily growing and his teasing innuendoes were getting worse. It was impossible to get angry when his kiss promised more than his words did.

  The desire instantly leaping between them made Topper want to cut her shopping trip short, but she didn’t want to be wasting her magic later conjuring up boots that wouldn’t work. In cold places, she always had to conserve it. She needed to try them on and choose the right pair. Maybe Stark could help with those too.

  She pulled gently away and slipped the coat off. “Will you carry this for me while I try on boots?”

  “It is my pleasure to do anything you wish.”

  Topper swallowed a lump in her suddenly dry throat and pointed at the shoe area on the other side of the store.

  That evening her nearly insatiable husband rolled them both until she sat astride him. She gripped him tightly when Stark sat up with her still impaled. Her fingers tightened on shoulders that didn’t give much under her insistent touch.

  “I adore the way you ride me. It keeps me ready to meet your demands. I swear by the Goddess, no other female has ever made me serve her so thoroughly,” Stark whispered.

  His words sent heat spiraling through her. Topper heard a woman moaning and laughed when she realized it was her. She rose on her knees and lowered herself with a steady rhythm that quickened Stark’s breathing. She put a hand behind his head and Stark let his head fall back into it. Topper quivered at the rush she got knowing such a powerful male was under her sensual control.

  Stark was nothing like any lover she’d ever had in her life. Her elation that he was hers was suddenly too much to contain. Happy magic spiraled down her arms and out her fingers. Stark hissed at the jolt of it, and she hoped she wasn’t hurting him, but she couldn’t stop her movements when his low-lidded gaze begged for release.

  He whispered her name roughly. When his fingers dug into her hips, it proved to be her breaking point. Topper called out as the mother of all orgasms swept through her. Her fingers tightened on the man responsible for the greatest pleasure she’d ever known.

  Beneath her rising and falling body, Stark seized and arched, driving hard up inside her. A white light suddenly burst from their connection and filled her body touching every cell. She called out his name and let the wonderful light take her over.

  Stark called her name again and desperately clutched her still vibrating body.

  “It’s okay—I’m fine. THAT was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” she whispered.

  “Oh Goddess… forgive me, Topper. I couldn’t seem to help myself,” Stark whispered.

  Topper giggled. Stark was always worried about hurting her. She heard Stark’s post-coital growl and patted his cheek as she gave in to her own afterglow. Happier than she could remember ever being, Topper let herself fall heavily into Stark’s strong arms.

  Sleep welcomed her as she drifted away smiling.

  Energized and extraordinarily happy, Topper woke at first light. She giggled as she pried herself loose from Stark’s hold on her. She stood beside the bed and glanced down at the superb looking alien male sprawled across it. Stark had dark circles under his eyes and looked like he hadn’t slept much. In fact, he looked terrible this morning. Maybe their travels had tuckered him out. Plus, they had been going at it like bunnies for a while even before that last outstanding time that knocked her out.

  Topper giggled at her efforts not to wake him as she crept quietly to the bathroom. She must be much better in bed than she’d thought. Talk about a confidence builder. She’d worn out a lusty alien who typically could go all night.

  She thought of the flirty airline attendant and snorted. What in the world had she been worried about there? That woman could never have handled her man.

  Humming softly, and feeling more contented than she remembered ever being, Topper grabbed a shower and afterward wrapped one of the lodge’s fluffy bathrobes around herself. Still humming, she tiptoed through their bedroom again, willing to let her very tired lover sleep a bit longer. He so obviously needed to do so.

  She was super grateful today that she’d booked a two room suite that had a cozy sitting area with a fireplace. A nice little fire would be just the thing to chase away the Alaska morning chill and help dry her hair. She hated hand dryers and the frizz they caused.

  Topper softly chanted the combustion spell, jumping back in a fit of giggles when a huge fire burst into flame around the six perfect logs that instantly appeared in the grate.

  “Wow. Even my magic is supercharged after last night. Did I hit the alien husband jackpot or what?” she mused.

  Grinning, Topper picked up the lodge’s phone and ordered room service because she was beyond ravenous. Great sex with Stark always made her hungry. That was especially true this morning.

  Humming still… in fact, she couldn’t seem to quit humming today… she finally skipped back into the bedroom to wake her lover. Climbing onto the biggest king bed she’d been able to book, Topper propped herself on one elbow, letting the robe fall open to reveal her breasts. She put her hand on Stark’s softly rising chest. His turquoise gaze popped open and drilled into hers.

  Topper giggled at his alarm and fell back on the bed. This was the strangest morning after she’d ever had with any man.

  “Are you okay?” Stark demanded huskily, when he could find enough energy to talk. His body felt like he’d run a marathon. His head felt like he’d drunk too much ale. The last time he’d indulged in such excesses was over fifty years ago. And it had been ale that time. Until Topper, he’d never, ever over-indulged with a woman.

  Never. Ever. Until last night when he’d accidentally shared the light of Icela with her.

  Stark rubbed a hand over his face. Goddess only knew what was kind of guilt was there to be seen.

  “Oh my darling alien, all these months and you still suck at the morning after stuff.”

  Topper laughed at her admission and at Stark’s strange expression at hearing it which was rapidly followed by some concern she couldn’t begin to fathom. He was so literal.

  “I’m just teasing, Stark. I feel absolutely fantastic this morning. But I have to say, you truly don’t look so good. Did I do something bad to you last night? You seemed to be enjoying yourself at the time. Now I’m not the expert you are between the sheets, but I was pretty sure you got there too. Am I right?”

  Stark blinked and sat up in bed. He looked Topper up and down. She appeared completely fine—glowing with health even. Perhaps he’d been mistaken about what occurred between them. But the thrashing, the moaning, the swearing at him in her sleep? He hadn’t imagined those things. Had he?

  “You were extraordinary last night. That’s why I got so carried away. I… forgot myself. You have an effect on me no other woman ever has.”

  Topper laughed merrily. “Now that comment was much better. After all this time, I’m having the honeymoon every woman dreams of having. Lucky me. Have I ever told you how happy I am that I married you?”

  Stark was silent for a full minute while he considered his answer. Mornings were not necessarily his best time of day to be cautious in his speech. “No… but I’m sure you’ve always meant to do so. I’m glad what passed between us last night inspired such a passionate declaration. You look very happy this morning, Topper.”

  “Oh, I am!” Topper declared. She shoved his arm. “You’re supposed to be happy too.”

  She laughed and leaned forward to press her lips to Stark’s. His responding groan had her climbing into his lap. Her tongue found a way to wrap around his as he pulled her hips closer. She felt his hands shaking as they moved under her robe and over her naked backside. Goddess, she’d finally made her alien as raggedly aroused as he typically
made her.

  Lucky, lucky, lucky her.

  She pulled away and ran a hand over his blue hair. “I wish now that I’d made less plans for today.”

  “Topper, are you sure you’re okay?” Stark asked, running his restless hands over her thighs. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to throw Topper to her back and pounce. “You’re pumping out pheromones this morning, and Goddess help me…”

  His needy tongue lost its ability to speak his logical thoughts when Topper insisted he kiss her again. His mate had never been more alluring to him. He couldn’t refuse her anything this morning.

  The doorbell on their suite chimed. Groaning in frustration, Topper pulled her mouth from Stark’s. They both swore over the interruption.

  Topper sighed. “Sorry. But I have to get that. It’s our breakfast. I was absolutely starving when I woke up.”

  She climbed from Stark’s lap and bounded out of the bed. She pulled the door open to the suite and gesturing widely for the man with the food cart to come inside.

  “Thank you for your prompt delivery, kind sir. I’m absolutely famished this morning. Apparently being in Alaska agrees with me. This is a wonderful place for a honeymoon.”

  “Indeed it is. Happy Honeymoon, Mrs. Topper.” He slid his gaze to Stark, who was watching him with bleary eyes. “And to you, Mr. Topper.”

  Stark nodded numbly at the man’s good wishes. He studied his humming, dancing mate. He looked back to the food server who grinned and shrugged. The man offered a thumbs up—a sign of approval, he knew—when Topper momentarily turned away to dig in her small pack.

  Sweet Icela. What had he done to his mate last night?

  Grinning over Topper’s obvious happiness, their server set up the portable table for them to eat and then left quickly. Before departing, Topper slipped some sort of paper into the man’s hand. He left thanking her profusely.

  And all the while, his mate—his mate that almost turned a flight attendant into a toad on the way here—never stopped humming.

  Stark swallowed hard and ran a hand over his haggard face. It was obvious Topper had no recall of the discomfort she’d endured during the very long night he’d kept watch over her nearly unconscious form. Powerful witch she might be, but Topper was also human. Icela’s light had not been meant for her.

  While he was glad the worst seemed over, Stark still had the problem of when Topper discovered what had happened for herself. He couldn’t tell her what it meant or what had changed for her. He could only speak the legends and none of them were reassuring.

  Debating the matter would for sure interrupt their honeymoon.

  And that was the least of his concerns. If something bad happened to her, Topper might never forgive him.

  Icela help him. This was not good. Not good at all.

  Chapter 4

  While he’d dragged himself up and gotten dressed, Topper had hummed through breakfast. Now she was humming again as she looked out the window.

  Carl had looked at him strangely when they reached his transport vehicle, but Stark had shaken his head to forestall the man’s questions.

  One more day… he’d give Topper one more day of ignorant bliss… and then he’d confess about sharing Icela’s light with her without her permission. It was the honorable thing to do.

  Stark kept tight hold of Topper’s hand as they climbed from Carl’s vehicle. They were at someone’s residence. He could feel the human energy of the place. There were multiple animal signatures as well as some miniature human ones he’d come to know meant children.

  Topper pulled away from his hold, and seeing no one around but him and Carl, Stark let her. When she giggled, his whole body went on alert. A native Alaskan woman slowly walked towards them, nodding as she got close.

  “Mrs. Topper?” the woman asked.

  Topper nodded and reached out a hand. “Yes. That’s me. You must be Sandra.”

  “I am. I’ve got a sled loaded to do the practice run. All we have to do is hook everyone up to the towline. There’s a checkpoint a little over three miles from here where you can turn around. Are you sure you and your husband don’t want company?”

  Topper clapped her hands. “That won’t be necessary. My husband is very proficient at dog sledding. Everything is going just as planned.”

  The woman laughed softly and shook her head. “Tell that to the weather. It’s not wanting to cooperate, but once you’re out there, you’re sort of out for the duration. We’ve included thermal shelters in your emergency provisions. If you get stuck, those can protect you until someone can come to your rescue. Cut the animals loose. They’ll return home and let us know to come out looking for you. The pack knows how to get there and back. Watch out for avalanches. We haven’t had one yet, but the weather changes have made the accumulating snow unstable.”

  Stark stepped forward. He looked at Topper and then at the woman. “Hello. I’m... Mr. Topper.” He felt ridiculous repeating the nonsense and apparently his mate agreed it was silly. Her snickering over his stammering introduction changed to laughter after a couple of snorts.

  The woman nodded. “Good to meet you, Mr. Topper. Your wife said you have a special way with animals.”

  Stark nodded, afraid now to say anything since Topper had already lied to this woman about his experience with some strange thing he had yet to comprehend. “Yes. I’ve worked with animals for a long time. Large ones mostly, but I’m quite good with most species. Dogs like me.”

  “Then you should be fine with ours. They’re a pretty good judge of character,” the woman declared.

  “I’m sure the feelings of admiration will be mutual between us,” Stark said, hoping his words were reassuring. He waited until the woman moved a little ahead before yanking Topper back to him by her arm.

  “Dogs? Explain this to me,” he ordered in a fierce whisper.

  “Sled dogs, Stark. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” Topper whispered back.

  Picking up her pace, his mate followed the woman walking away who obviously expected them both to follow her. They did, of course, but Stark was still confused about what he was supposed to do with the dogs.

  “Yay! Dog-sledding. I love dog-sledding,” Topper declared with a bright smile.

  Sled? Stark looked at the rustic vehicle made of metal blades and wooden slats. Beyond it was a very long length of cabling. Dog sledding? Did they expect those small animals to pull that contraption? It might be snow and ice worthy on those blades, but where was the engine if the dogs got tired?

  When Topper glared and lifted one eyebrow at his close inspection of the sled, Stark forced himself to smile at Sandra. He’d learned that faking a pleased emotion was much harder to do than it looked. In truth, he was already worried about taking Topper out in the wilderness after last night. Now he had to worry about dogs too? He told himself Topper could always pop back to the hotel if things got too tough on her. He was under no illusion that his hot-blooded mate could deal with the cold for any extended time.

  The woman led them to an enormous kennel area. Puppies of all shapes and sizes barked loudly from inside their cages. Some climbed onto dog houses to meet their caretaker more on her level. The woman called out a couple commands in her native tongue and even the smallest ones hushed. She walked by the animals in cages and led them to a large corralled area. Twenty adult dogs roamed about, playing, eating, resting. They seemed to be on very good terms with each other.

  Calling out in her native tongue, and then repeating the commands in English, most of the dogs came rushing over to her. She petted each one and let them out, stopping at fifteen. Those freed from the area all trotted behind her and stopped obediently when she paused in front of him and Topper. With one other simple command, they sat as a unit and waited on her. Only a few whined in frustration over the restrain.

  “This blue-eyed Malamute beauty by my leg is Mercury. He’s going to be your lead dog today. Mercury, this is Mr. and Mrs. Topper. They’re going out to the checkpoint and comin
g back. Just a short run, okay?”

  Stark noted Mercury’s single bark of understanding seemed to satisfy his owner. He looked down at the beautiful animal and bowed his head to it.

  When the dog whined softly in greeting, he stooped until he was eye to eye with him. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mercury.”

  The dog whined again and looked up at Sandra.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “Say hello to Mr. Topper if you want.”

  Mercury trotted closer and pushed his muzzle under Stark’s outstretched hand. He smiled and ran hands over the animal in long sweeps. It took about ten seconds of touching for him to forge a mental link with the very intelligent canine.

  They spent another full minute getting used to each other. Surprising him, Mercury lifted a paw and put it on his upper arm. The dog leaned in close and whined softly while looking discreetly at Topper.

  Stark nodded, understanding immediately. “Yes. I know her energy is a bit strange, but I promise she won’t hurt you. Tell you what… you take care of the pack and the sled, Mercury. I’ll take care of my mate. She’s my responsibility. I don’t take my duties lightly either.”

  Mercury’s lick on his chin was followed by excited barking that had him laughing. Stark looked at the other dogs intently watching his discussion with their leader. “Hello. You guys are beauties too. Want a quick rub?”

  Fourteen eager dogs hit him all at once, knocking him down into the snow in their enthusiasm. He was freezing cold for the first time in ages. It felt absolutely wonderful.

  Stark’s laughter rang out over the whines and barks of the dogs. Outside his concern for Topper’s strange mood, this continued to be a truly great trip. No wonder Topper had been so adamant about having a proper honeymoon.

  “I knew getting out in the snow covered wilderness of Alaska would suit you. Our trip’s not the Iditarod, but maybe you can do that race one day. In the meantime… happy honeymoon. This was the other part of your surprise,” Topper said proudly, staring down at her dog-covered mate.


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