Red Says the Dragon

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Red Says the Dragon Page 3

by Sophie Stern

  “Stop, Kaira.” The man said simply. He knew her name. Sanguine must have told him. What else had Sanguine said about her? She found herself wondering how a dragon had managed to get human men to work for him. Did the man get paid? Was he a slave? Was he the keeper of the dragon? Was he somehow enchanted, forced to do the beast’s bidding?”

  “No!” She shouted and kicked him harder.

  The man stopped and put her down, keeping a firm hand on her arm. Kaira turned to run, but he held tight.

  “Bend over,” he said to her.

  “Never!” Kaira said, and continued to try to break free.

  The man grabbed her other arm and held both of her wrists with one hand. With the other hand, he reached down and yanked up her skirt, revealing her bare bottom. Kaira had never been spanked before and she didn’t know what was happening until the sharp sting of his hand resonated throughout her body. The man smacked her again and again until she began to cry from the pain. When her ass was red and tender from the slaps, he dropped her skirt, picked her up again, and continued to carry her down the hall.

  This time Kaira did not fight back. She hung limply over him, thinking about the pain. Who was this man? Did he plan to hurt her? Was he only trying to bathe her so that Sanguine could eat her for supper? Maybe they were going to fatten her up. Maybe they were going to torture her.

  Suddenly, the man put Kaira down. She started to run, but he grabbed her wrist and held it until she winced from the pain.

  “Do not run,” he told her. “You got off easy the first time. The next punishment will not end so quickly.”

  Kaira knew from the tone of his voice that he was serious. She also knew that she was much smaller than he and honestly had no chance of being able to outrun or outwit him. He had the upper hand in more ways than one. He knew the caves and the caverns inside and out. Kaira would be lost and starve to death before she ever could escape.

  The man let go of her wrist and she stood quietly, looking around the room. They were in a large cavern. It was smaller than the treasure room where her cage was, but still big enough that they both fit comfortably inside. Kaira looked up, but could not see the top of the cavern. It was either simply due to the darkness of the room or because they were deep within the mountain.

  She guessed it was the latter.

  There were torches along the walls of the room, revealing a small pool of water in the center. A stream ran in from one side, creating a nice wading area. This was where the man would bathe her.

  “Take off your dress,” he told her.

  Kaira began to take it off, but he held up a hand to stop her.

  “When I give you an order,” the man said, “You will say ‘Yes, Sir.’”

  “But don’t you have a real name?” Asked Kaira. “Shouldn’t I call you by your name?”

  The man frowned. “You may call me Sir.”

  She sighed.

  “Now, take off your dress,” Sir told her.

  “Yes, Sir.” Kaira said, and began to slip the delicate folds of the dirty fabric over her head. Within a moment, she was standing naked in front of Sir. She didn’t meet his eyes.

  Instead, she stared at her feet, blushing, wishing for the millionth time that she had listened to her father and not thought that she was so brave.

  What had she been thinking? Searching for trolls. Kaira felt very foolish and very small.

  As she stood there, Sir took off his shoes and slipped his pants off, revealing his cock. Kaira looked at him, alarmed. He seemed to understand her fear, so he shook his head, softly.

  “I mean you no harm, princess.”

  She shot him a questioning glance, “But, but how did you know?” Kaira asked Sir. She had been careful not to reveal her royalty to Sanguine, knowing that she would be far more valuable to him if he knew her true status in the realm.

  Sir smiled. “Sanguine told me,” he said. “Dragons can smell a princess a hundred miles away,” he told her.

  Kaira hung her head. She had been careful for nothing. She smelled like feces and was sweaty and gross. She was tired. She was hungry. Most of all, she was humiliated at standing naked before this man who was going to give her a bath.

  “Now come to the water with me,” Sir held out his hand.

  Kaira began to follow him, but he stopped her.

  “What must you say when I give you a command?” He asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” she recited quickly.

  “Because you did not address me properly, Kaira, you must be punished again.” When Sir saw the look on her face, he traced a gentle hand across her cheek. “It is for your own good,” he promised. “You must learn to be obedient when your master gives you an order. Now turn around, princess, and bend over.”

  Kaira did as she was told, wondering what her pussy must look like to him, wondering if this spanking was going to hurt as much or for as long as the first one. She was flexible, but not as bendy as she had once been. Her hands couldn’t quite touch the floor, so she rested them on her knees and closed her eyes as the promised spanking arrived.

  Sir hit her three times hard. Kaira was still tender from the last one and cried out in pain with each smack. When he was finished, Sir helped her stand back up and brushed her hair back from her face as he looked at her quiet tears.

  “Let us go to the water now.”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  Shapeshifting was nothing new to Sanguine, but it had been years since he had taken his human form. There had been no need, really. No one wandered into the forbidden forest much, nor did anyone take excursions into the mountains. It was more comfortable to him, more relaxing, to simply stay as a dragon.

  That is, until Kaira waltzed into his cave.

  As he stood beside her, gently washing her body in the depths of his caverns, Sanguine was amazed by her natural beauty. Kaira was slender, yet her breasts were full and ample. As he moved his hands gently across her body, letting the cool water drip down her skin, he wondered what it would be like to slide his throbbing cock deep into her tender pussy.

  And he was throbbing.

  He didn’t expect to get hard just from bathing her, but Kaira had an air about her that he couldn’t resist. She stood perfectly still as he gently poured water over her hair and slid his hands across her belly to clean her. When he began to work on her legs, he noticed that she spread her thighs ever-so-slightly, as if to give him easier access to her pussy.

  Sanguine went crazy.

  He remained calm outwardly despite the fact that inside he was burning for her. He slid his hands up her thighs and then softly cupped her pussy. Kaira let out a soft moan, no longer resisting his touch.

  “Does that feel good, princess?” He asked her, glancing up at her closed eyes and pursed mouth.

  “Mmhmm,” she started to whisper, but quickly remembered and added, “Yes, Sir.”

  Sanguine smiled.

  She was learning.


  “Spread your legs more,” he commanded her, kneeling down in front of her. The water was shallow here, coming only up to mid-thigh as he knelt.

  “Yes, Sir,” Kaira said, taking a step apart.

  “More,” he told her, anxious to get inside of her.

  “Yes, Sir,” Kaira spread apart even more.

  “Have you ever had your pussy licked, Kaira?” Sanguine asked her, looking at her soft mound. Soft curls of hair covered her treasure, inviting him in, begging him in.

  Kaira hesitated, and Sanguine frowned. “Do not lie to me, princess. You will not enjoy the punishment for lying.”

  She nodded her head softly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered. “I’ve been licked before.”

  “You like to be licked,” Sanguine said simply.

  “Yes, Sir,” Kaira told him. “I love to be licked.”

  “I am going to lick you now,” Sanguine told her, grabbing onto her hips. Kaira thrust them backwards slightly, but Sanguine held onto her hips. “I need to clea
n you, Kaira,” he told her firmly. “You need to be licked now.”

  She nodded again. “Yes, Sir,” she said softly.

  Sanguine thrust his tongue out into her waiting flesh, sliding it up and down her lips until he finally reached her clit. Kaira let out a soft moan as Sanguine tasted her clit, licked her, flicked his tongue in and out of her. She began to quiver softly and reached out to grab his hair, and he knew it was time to stop. Biting her thigh softly, he pulled away from her. When Sanguine stood, Kaira was biting her lip.

  “You liked that,” he told her.

  Kaira nodded.

  She had not been expecting her bath to be so erotic. She had never bathed with a man before, nor had anyone taken to her pussy with such enthusiasm. When she had bedded Orick, the Knight of Palorain’s son, he had been awkward and messy and quick. His licks had been unfocused and random. Oh, if only she’d known then what she had been missing.

  Sanguine grabbed a towel from a nearby rock and wrapped it around Kaira.

  “Very well,” he told her. “It is time for your supper. You did very well with your bath, Princess.”

  Kaira nodded. “Thank you, Sir.”


  The meal set before Kaira looked tasty. Sir had given her a pale blue dress to wear, which he laced up in the back before leading her to the table. Now she had an entire table full of fruits, meats, and wine. After her bath, Kaira was more than ready for wine. She greedily downed two goblets before Sir removed the rest from the table.

  She shot him a questioning glance, obviously disappointed. Her father let her drink wine after a hard day. Why shouldn’t Sir do the same?

  “Pace yourself,” he warned her with a soft smile, sipping at his own goblet.

  Kaira continued to eat until she was very full and very sleepy. She pushed herself back from the table, slightly, and looked at Sir. He was dressed now, too, but still didn’t have a shirt on. She glanced at his rippling abs and resisted the urge to reach over and stroke one.

  “What does the dragon want from me?” She asked in a moment of bravery. When Sir looked confused, Kaira continued talking. “Sex? Ransom? Gold? Servitude? Is he going to torture me? Is he going to boil me alive? Is he-“

  Kaira frowned as Sir’s laughter interrupted her questions.

  “Why are you laughing at me?” She pouted, offended. Her questions were valuable. They were reasonable. She had never been captured by a monster before. Obviously, she had no idea of how it worked.

  “I’ll let him answer that,” Sir told her, taking another bite of his meat.

  “But-“ Kaira protested. Sir held up a hand to stop her and she fell silent, remembering the spankings from earlier. If she was going to survive in this place, she was going to have to get used to an entirely different way of doing things.

  Most of all, she was going to have to learn how to obey.

  She took a deep breath and asked again, “When am I going to see him?”

  “Soon,” Sir told her.

  It took all of Kaira’s strength not to throw her meat at Sir. Was this some sort of sick game? She felt torn in a million directions and none of them made sense. She had been embarrassed at the watering hole, but turned on by Sir’s licking. She had been embarrassed at her nudity, but excited about his.

  She wanted to go home.

  She wanted to be free.

  Most of all, she wanted to know what was going to happen to her.

  Kaira stared at Sir eating his food and began to pick slowly at hers again, eyeing the exits in the room. Maybe he would be the one who drank too much wine tonight. Maybe he would be the one who was locked in the cage. One thing was for certain: they weren’t going to let Kaira out easily. They might not even let her out alive.

  She took another bite of a piece of fruit and slowly reached for her wine goblet. Sir said nothing as she took a sip. She knew that when the meal was over, she would be put back in the cage. Who knew how long it would be for this time? She tried not to feel scared as she sat at the table with Sir, who wasn’t ashamed of indulging in the tasty delicacies. As he reached for a piece of turkey and brought the meat to his mouth, Kaira took her chance.

  She threw her wine in his eyes and before Sir could jump up to grab her, Kaira snatched a knife from the table and started to run down the hallway. His angry voice shouted her name, but Kaira did not stop. She ran as fast as she could in the dark – which wasn’t very fast – and made as many turns as possible to try to lose him. If only she could lose him, maybe she could buy herself enough time to find her way out. Maybe she could buy herself enough time to escape back into the woods. At least there she could expect a quick death from trolls. Or bears.

  “KAIRA!” The voice raged as Kaira continued to run, not daring to slow down, not daring to catch her breath. She needed to get out. She couldn’t take it in here anymore. There were no torches in this area of the cave, and Kaira slowed her run as the hallways grew narrower and closer together. Keeping one hand on the side of the cave, she continued to grope along in the darkness, trying not to cry.

  How had her life come to this?

  How had everything turned out so terribly?

  Why was it that she couldn’t find a man who wasn’t completely insane?

  Why did she have to get captured by a dragon?

  Kaira continued to feel sorry for herself as she crept along the hallway. She stopped hearing voices or noises of any kind and instead began to focus on the moldy scent that permeated the cave. How far underground was she? How far into the darkness had she wandered? Her walk slowed to a quiet shuffle as she carefully put one foot in front of the other.

  Her father must be missing her. Surely he had noticed her absence by now. Kaira thought of Gladys and even of her servant Ian. What were they doing? Were they still looking for her? Had she been gone too long? Kaira wondered, as she walked along, how they would be getting along without her. She thought, with brief regret, how she had been so demanding of them. She had been so spoiled, so needy. Maybe they didn’t miss her at all.

  Maybe they were glad.

  Maybe they hoped she was dead.

  Kaira was so focused on her own misery that she didn’t notice the sound of running water growing louder, nor did she notice as the walls around her began to feel moist. In fact, Kaira didn’t notice anything strange until she took a step forward and began to fall forward into the depths of the darkness.

  And as she fell, Kaira screamed.


  Sanguine was enraged at Kaira’s attempt to escape. His eyes burned from the wine as he unintentionally transformed back into his dragon self.

  The girl would pay for her actions.

  Though not surprised at the princess’ desire to be free, Sanguine had surprisingly been caught off guard during the meal. After her responsiveness being bathed, Sanguine assumed that Kaira would remain docile and calm throughout the meal.

  He had not anticipated her move.

  He had been unprepared.

  As a younger dragon, Sanguine had enjoyed his share of maidens, but he had never met one who behaved in a way that he had not expected. He had never met a maiden who was calm one moment and terrified the next. Most women were not like Kaira. Instead of seeking out a plan of attack, they usually fell silent, broken, until Sanguine was done with them.

  Then he moved on.

  Sanguine had prided himself on his ability to maintain self-control throughout the course of bathing Kaira’s nubile body, but now he was filled with fury as he began to call her name.

  “KAIRA!” He shouted into the halls. He stormed throughout the caves, occasionally stopping to sniff her scent. She was sweating. That was good: it would be easier to find her.

  Although his large size made it difficult to maneuver throughout all of the caverns and tunnels, Sanguine had lived in his lair for many, many years. It was during this time that he had gradually tug out the smaller tunnels so that his dragon body would be able to fit through. Despite being a young dragon, Sanguine was n
ot overly small. He was quite an able-bodied dragon and had been known, on rare occasion, to even beat others of his kind during battle.

  That had been years ago, though, long before the King had banished dragons from the realm. Kaira’s father did not take kindly to dragons, which was part of the reason he was so hesitant to free her as she so desired. If the King could see that not all dragons were dark, that not all dragons were wicked, it might be possible for Sanguine to find others.

  It might be possible for him to be free from the darkness of the mountain.

  But at this moment, Sanguine cared neither about the King nor his own future.

  He cared only about finding his prisoner and making her pay for her crimes. Who was she to think she could escape him? Who was she to think that her choices were acceptable? After the immense pleasure he had given her, she thought it was fine to simply ignore him?

  He stormed down the halls, stopping occasionally to catch her scent again. Sanguine knew that she would not get far. Her eyes were no match for his in the dark, nor did she have his intricate knowledge of the layout of the caverns.

  No, the Princess was no match for such a fierce and mighty dragon.

  Especially one who was enraged.

  As Sanguine continued to follow the girl, he slowed his pace, wondering why he was rushing. She would never find her way out. She would never be able to escape from him. She would never be able to find her way out of the caves and into the forest again.

  She was his.

  Sanguine thought about her sitting in the dark. He wondered if she felt scared. He wondered, briefly, if she thought he was going to eat her.

  Despite the fact that he had enjoyed his fair share of humans in the past, Sanguine resented the fact that he was viewed as only a monster. He was more than just his size. He was more than just an oversized lizard. He was something more. He was important. He mattered.

  At least, that’s what he told himself as he continued to search for the princess.

  He was closing in on her when it happened. He could almost hear her breathing as she continued to try to escape. He slowed his pace to a soft walk when he heard the ground beneath her give way and the princess’ scream for help as she fell.


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