by Lisa Hilton
Panter-Downes, Mollie, 120
Pans anti-semitism in, 11, GP’s childhood in, 12, NM visits as girl, 29–30, life in 1920s, 30–1, NM visits with Waugh and Guinnesses, 39–40, Rue Bonaparte, 72, 76, liberation (1944), 148–50, celebrations, 151–2, NM visits and settles in after war, 153, 155–6, British Embassy, 175–6, 182–4, women’s fashion, 185–8, post-war social life, 190, NM leaves for Versailles, 245, événements ai 1968 246–9
Pans, Treaty of (1951), 212
Pans-Presse, 173
Pasteur (French ship), 105
Patenôtre (newspaper publisher), 177
Patou, Jean, 185
Patten, Bill, 200
Patten, William My Three Fathers, 201, 203
Patton, General George S, 148–9
Paul III, Pope (Alessandro Farnese), 216
Pauline (GP’s housekeeper), 213, 220
Peel, Beatrice Gladys, Lady, 122
Perpignan, 86–7
Pétain, Maréchal Philippe mission to Rabat, 49–50, de Gaulle serves under, 74, de Gaulle loses respect for, 75, GP despises, 77, capitulates to Germans (1940), 95, 104, 107–8, hostility to de Gaulle, 101, de Gaulle encounters at Château de Muguet, 103, rejects union with Britain, 105, appointed head of French state, 107, introduces de Gaulle to brothels, 197
Petit Club Francais, St James’s Place, 122–3
Peyrouton, Marcel, III
Picasso, Pablo, 31
Pinay, Antoine, 213
Plneau, Christian, 215
Pius XII, Pope, 218, 231
Pleven, René, 171
Poher, Alain, 256, 257
Poincaré, Mme Raymond, 71
Poland GP discusses with Stalin, 194
Polignac, Marie-Blanche, Pnncesse de, 123
Pompadour, Madame de (Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, Marquise de), 93, 134, 154 Pompée, Colonel, 48
Pompidou, Georges, 211, 238, 240, 247, 249, 257
Ponsonby, Elizabeth, 41
Pope, Alexander The Rape of the Lock, 91
Populaire (journal), 78
Portes, Hélène, Comtesse de, 78, 107
Poulenc, Francis, 181, 190
Pourtales, Charles-Maurice de, 250, 253
Pourtales, James-Robert de, 250
Pourtales, Violette de (later-Palewski, GP’s wife), 235, 250, 252–4, 260–1
Preston, Stuart (‘the Sergeant’), 199
Proust, Marcel, 31, 68–70, 123, Le Temps Retrouvé, 154
Pryce-Jones, David, 89
Public Order Act (1936), 63, 96
Quisling, Vidkun, 97
Rabat, Morocco, 48–50
Rabbinowicz, Michel Israel, 10, 71
Radziwill, Dolly (Dolores Tvede), 245, 257
Radziwill, Pnncesse Mane de (née Castellane), 70, 179, 183
Rassemblement du Peuple Français (RPF), 173, 191, 210–11, collapse, 212
Redesdale, Algernon Bertram Freeman-Mitford, 1st Baron (NM’s grandfather), 20–1, 24–5, 203
Redesdale, David Freeman-Mitford, 2nd Baron (NM’s father, ‘Farve’) succeeds to title, 20, 25, temper, 22, 28, upbringing and career, 22–3, First World War service, 24–5, inheritance, 26–7, antipathy to reading, 27, builds and occupies Swinbrook House, 34, old-fashioned social demands on NM, 35, consents to Rodd’s marriage to NM, 53–4, antipathy to make-up, 58, condemns Nazism, 59, and appeasement, 87, 92, meets Hitler, 88, 95, purchases Inch Kenneth (island), 89, marriage breakdown, 90, NM portrays in fiction, 154, 222, gives NM money to buy partnership in Heywood Hill, 155, death, 221
Redesdale, Sydney, Lady (née Bowles, NM’s mother, ‘Muv’) marriage and children, 21, 23, 25, upbringing, 21–2, Helleu portrait of, 23, teaches children, 24, moves to Batsford Park in Great War, 25, country life, 27, vagueness, 28, on Unity’s leaving school, 29, NM writes to from Paris, 30, as chaperone for daughters’ coming out, 32, on NM’s cutting hair, 35, sexual innocence, 56, interior decorating, 57, accompanies Unity to Munich, 59, and Jessica’s marriage to Romilly, 81–2, and NM’s childlessness, 84, NM writes to on Spanish refugee problem in France, 86, meets Hitler, 88–9, pro-Nazi views, 88–9, 92, brings back injured Unity from Switzerland, 90, marriage breakdown, 90, anti-Semitic sentiments, 129, and NM’s intention to live in Pans, 153, letters from NM on conditions in France, 165
Regulation 18B (of Emergency Powers Act), 98–9
Reinhardt, Max, 63
Rémy, Colonel (1 e Gilbert Renault), 173
Rennell, James Rennell Rodd, 1st Baron, 51, 53–4. 57
Rennell, Lilias, Lady (née Guthne), 51, 53–4, 58, 84
Reynaud, Paul, 72–3, 76–8, 100–5, 107, 115
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 55
Richelieu (French battleship), 113, 116
Rodd, Francis, 1, 52, 55, 85
Rodd, Peter (‘Prod’) meets GP in Addis Ababa, 3, character and appearance, 51–2, 58, 157, marriage to NM, 51–3, 255, career, 52, 79, 85, portrayed in NM’s fiction, 55, 93, 154, financial circumstances, 57–8, NM dedicates Wigs on the Green to, 60, and Fascism, 61–2, 64, takes mistress, 79, and Jessica’s elopement, 81, in France to help Spanish Republican refugees, 86, opposes appeasement policy, 87, war service, 91, 98, in wartime London, 128, marriage to NM collapses, 130–1, affair with Adelaide Lubbock, 131, 156, sexual inadequacy, 135, refuses divorce to NM, 156–7, on Rothschilds’ treatment of Louise de Vilmonn’s brother, 180, agrees to divorce, 221
Rome NM honeymoons in, 54–5, GP appointed ambassador to, 215–19, NM visits GP in, 220, DG’s entertaining at embassy, 233, Farnese Palace interior restored and refurnished, 234
Rome, Treaty of (1956), 217
Romilly, Esmond elopement and marriage to Jessica, 80–2, paternity, 203
Romilly, Nellie, 203–4
Roosevelt, Franklin D mistrust of de Gaulle, 73, 117, 121, and US neutrality, 93, supports Giraud, 137–8, de Gaulle declines to meet, 143–4, and de Gaulle’s reaction to invasion plans, 144, de Gaulle meets, 147–8, on France as decadent country, 230
Ross, Arthur, 189
Rosse, Ann (née Messel), 133
Rosslyn, James St Clair Erskine, 5th Earl of (Hamish’s father), 36, 39
Roth, Philip I Married a Communist, 228
Rothermere, Harold Harmsworth, 1st Viscount, 64
Rothschild, Victor, 180
Roussel, Eric, 105–6
Roussin, André The Little Hut, 192–4
Rowse, A L, 228
Roy, André see Desplats-Pilter, Roy Andre
Rubio y Alatorre, Gloria, 201
Rumbold, Anthony, 63
Rumbold, Sir Horace, 63
Russia see Soviet Russia
Rutland Gate, London, 129
Rzewuski, Father, 245
Sackville-West, Edward, 84
Sackville-West, Vita (Lady Nicolson), 199, 236
Sagan, Hélie de Talleyrand-Péngord, Prince de, 251
St Clair Erskine, Hamish engagement to NM, 36–9, 43, homosexuality, 36–8, 56, breaks with NM, 45–6, 52, Peter writes to, 53, in NM’s fiction, 54, and Romie HopeVere, 181
St Paul, Rudi von, 89
Sargent, Sir Orme, 115
Sarraut, Albert, 76
Sauveterre, Fabnce, Due de (fictional) see Palewski, Gaston
Save Venice programme, 241–2
Schneider, Marcel, 191
Schuman, Robert, 211, 213
Seafield, Nina, 35, 38
Selby, Sir Walford, 114
Sewell, Mary, 79–80
Shaw, Irwin The Young Lions, 122
Shilson, Edward, 223
Sidos, Pierre, 257
Simon, Sir John, 63
Sitwell, (Dame) Edith, 38
Sitwell, Georgia (later “Lady), 136, 206
Sitwell, Sir Osbert, 132
Sitwell (Sir) Sacheverell, 132
Smiley, Sir Hugh, 38
Snow, Carmel, 187
Somalia, French, 125
Somerville, Admiral Sir James Fownes, 112
Soustelle, Jacques, 171, 173, 212
Soviet Russia and
German threat, 76–7, GP in, 194, 211, NM visits, 194
Spalding, Miss (headmistress), 29
Spanish Civil War Republican refugees in France, 86
Spears, Sir Edward, 101, 103–4, 107, 108–9
Spears, Mary, Lady (née Borden), 122
Spectator (journal) NM writes for, 248
Spencer-Churchill, Ivor, 18
Sptegel, Der (German newspaper), 65
Stalin, Josef, 194
Stanley, Ed, 197
Steeg, Theodore, 50
Stein, Gertrude, 186
Strand-on-the-Green, near Kew Rose Cottage, 54, 57
Suez crisis (1956), 214
Sunday Times NM’s column in, 190
Sutro, John, 34
Swinbrook House, Oxfordshire, 34
Swinton, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl, 98
Talleyrand-Péngord, Hélène-Violette see Pourtales, Violette de
Talleyrand-Péngord, Howard, 251
Tangiers, 113–14
Taylor, A J P, 154
Temple de la Gloire, La, Orsay, 259
Tennant, Lady Emma (née Cavendish, Deborah Devonshire’s daughter), 187
Thomas, Hugh, Baron, 189
Thompson, Laura, 157
Thorez, Maurice, 167, 171
Tillon, Charles, 171
Toklas, Alice B, 186
Toynbee, Philip, 80
Trefusis, Violet, 188, 198–9, 236, Don’t Look Round, 199
Truest Truth About Adolf Hitler, The (film), 66
U and non-U, 3, 193
United States of America neutrality in early part of war, 92–3, NM’s antipathy to, 92–3, 117, 202, 225–7, 229–30, recognizes Vichy France, 117, de Gaulle visits, 146–8, attitude to de Gaulle, 147–8, supports Europe with Marshall Plan, 172, opposes Communism in France, 173, women’s style, 188, and British hostility, 223, accused of immaturity, 225–8
Vandegnft, General Alexander, 147
Vanguard (magazine), 62
Vaughan, Olwen, 122–3
Venice campaign to preserve, 241–2, GP visits with de Gaulle, 243, NM stays in, 243–4, NM’s final visit to (1970), 256
Versailles NM moves to, 245–6
Vienot, Pierre, 144–6
Vilmorin, Louise de (‘Lulu’), 154, 179–83, 196, 201, 205, death, 257
Vogue (magazine) NM contributes to, 35
Waugh, Evelyn friendship with NM, 3, 34, on unhappy generation, 15, on NM’s honorific, 20, homosexual experiences, 36, lectures NM on homosexual men, 37, in Pans with NM and Guinnesses, 39, NM’s anxiety in relationship, 40, first marriage breakdown, 42, on Peter Rodd, 51, on NM’s marriage to Rodd, 56, and NM’s need for beauty, 77, and NM’s childlessness, 83, and NM’s Pigeon Pie, 91, patronizes Heywood Hill bookshop, 132–3, and NM’s openness about sex, 134, describes NM’s Pans flat, 158, scepticism of GP’s anti-collaborationist views, 178–9, loathes Louise de Vilmorin, 181, NM’s correspondence with, 192, fictional characters’ names, 193, entertains Susan Mary Alsop, 202–3, and GP’s appointment as ambassador to Rome, 215, letter from NM on father’s death, 221, praises NM’s Don’t Tell Alfred, 222, NM discusses reading with, 224, on New York skyscrapers, 241, death, 244–5, 257 Basil Seal Fades Again, 57, Black Mischief, 56, Bndeshead Revisited 18, 33, 40, 244, Labels, 40, Put Out More Flags, 56, 230, Vile Bodies, 40, 42
Waugh, Harriet NM stands godmother to, 83
Waugh, Laura, 203, 244
Weidenfeld, George, Baron, 207, 235
Welles, Sumner, 147
Wellington, Gerald Wellesley, 7th Duke of, 133
West, (Dame) Rebecca, 199
Weygand, Maxime, 101, 103–4
Weymouth, Daphne, Viscountess, 196–7
Weymouth, Henry Thynne, Viscount (later 6th Marquess of Bath), 33
Wharton, Edith, 40
White City, London, 128–9
Windsor, Edward, Duke of, 259
Windsor, Wallis, Duchess of, 200, 205, 259
Woodward, William, 199–200
Woolf, Leonard, 224
Woolf, Virginia, 63
worker priests (prêtres ouvners), 231
World Committee for the Victims of German Fascism, 62
World War II (1939–45) outbreak, 89
Wnghtsman, Jayne, 235
Yorke, Henry (‘Henry Green’), 34
Youssef, Moulay, 49
Zagan, Lower Silesia, 253
Zella (governess), 128
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Copyright © 2011 by Lisa Hilton
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