Daddy's BIG Secret Stash of Taboo Books, Vol. 5 (10 Books TABOO Horny House Series)

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Daddy's BIG Secret Stash of Taboo Books, Vol. 5 (10 Books TABOO Horny House Series) Page 4

by Adrian Amos

  As we go to exit, I turn around one last time and take the party in.

  “What are you doing?” daddy asks.

  “I'm just burning the image in my mind. I don't want to forget this night.”

  Daddy squeezes my hand. “Don't worry, babygirl. I won't let you ever forget.”

  As we leave, I realize I entered the ballroom a nervous mess, but left a whole new woman. I don't think I'll ever forget a transformation like that.

  And like daddy said, I don't think he'll ever let me forget how he made me a woman. We'll have plenty of nights together to remember.

  - - -

  Daddy Punishes Eve Over an Apple

  My gosh! Even from all the way down here, it looks so ripe and juicy. Although, I don't really know what that means, but all the forest creatures have been talking about that apple for who knows how long.

  And even the big man's mentioned something about it, too.

  Albeit, whenever he's talking, I tend to just hum to myself over the words. He's so frickin' boring! All he talks about is rules and living a pure life and all sorts of weirdo nonsense. If you ask me, he's kind of a controlling creep.

  Maybe that's why the apple looks so good. It's forbidden fruit, which I'm thinking is the most tempting fruit in the world. And this garden's not exactly big: I can't think of anything else around here as interesting as what's all the way up this tree.

  I start my climb, traversing the tree branches like one of those 'monkeys' I saw. It's rough, the tree bark abrasive on my skin, but after a while, I figure out how to maneuver without scraping myself.

  Normally I'd have to be super careful, what with Adam constantly harassing me about the entire world. What's this? What's that? Like I knew all the answers, like I was the boy's keeper. He was such a dweeb.

  I say 'was' because I haven't seen him in a while. The big man got mad the last time I ventured somewhere I wasn't meant to go, and he took it out on Adam, saying he was supposed to be watching me and blah blah blah—that's when I started humming to myself.

  I don't know where he went, but there's a new guy around. An older man, like, a lot older than me. I think he has gray in his beard. He was sent down to keep an eye on me. He's supposed to be some sort of disciplinarian, strict and fast with punishments. He made me sit still for hours when he caught me riding some of the animals around. When he found me rolling around in the mud with the pigs, he made me bathe myself in the lake over and over until I washed “the mess out of my mind”—as he said.

  I started calling him daddy as a joke. Yes, daddy. Right away, daddy. It's not really like I had a father anyway, so it seemed especially funny to me.

  He didn't think so. “Eve, you need to treat your elders with respect.” Yada, yada. But how can you respect someone without an ounce of personality? The man's basically a slave meant to watch over me and tell me when to go to sleep and when to bathe and when to mind my manners.

  He's kind of a simpleton really, which is why I'm not really looking out for him on my way up to the apple. A simpleton has a simple mind, and it doesn't take much to confuse him or trick him into doing what I want. All I had to do was get the animals to start a bit of gossip about how I was thinking about bathing in the eastern lake. When he woke up in the morning and couldn't find me, he assumed that's where I went.

  You know, on the complete opposite side of the garden.

  What a dolt.

  What do you expect when the big man doesn't have time to watch over us. He's got, maybe—what?—two or three people to keep an eye out for. Come on. What is he, so lazy he needs a little slave man to do the job for him?

  Yeah, and you wonder why I'd spend my time having a little fun. You get cooped up with so much space, so many rules, and no supervision. At this rate, I'm pretty sure he made rules just so they could be broken.

  Well, that's my take on things, anyway.

  I mean, look, I'm so high up on this tree, it's so easy to see me without even trying, and he still hasn't done anything? Yeah, I don't think he's watching or really cares that much.

  I get to the top and reach for the hanging orb. It's solid, and when I pull on it, it snaps off the tree.

  I smell it. It smells weird.

  I shake it. There's nothing inside it.

  It's not soft like meat or bananas. It's super hard when I squeeze it. I don't think I'm strong enough to break it. So how are you supposed to eat this thing? I bring it to my mouth and lick it. It seems fine, I guess.

  I open my mouth to bite into it, but just as my teeth are about to sink in, a flash of lightning tears through the sky.

  Uh oh. That's not good. He knows. Daddy's going to be here soon.

  As I turn to look to the ground, my grip slips on the tree, and before I tumble down a good fifty feet, I let go of the apple and snatch on for dear life. My heart races a mile a minute, but the feeling's only made worse as I hear the apple plummet to the earth.

  “Oh, shoot.” I got to get moving.

  I quickly descend, racing against time, hoping to find the apple before daddy makes his way across the garden. I drop down to the dirt and frantically search, clearing the brush away as I focus on finding my prize.

  There! Right there, under that overhanging root, is the delicious apple. Well, I've been told it's delicious.

  I pick it up, take a quick glance around, and bite into my ultimate act of disobedience.

  Once the plain peel is broken, the meat inside is incredibly juicy! Like, running down my chin and onto my breasts juicy. It's like drinking a cup of water.

  But when I swallow, a powerful sensation flows through me, one that tingles inward out. My insides start to tickle, my skin starts to prickle, and my vision starts to narrow. Sound fades for a moment as a cloud of black attacks the edges of my eyes, only for it all to recede and rush back to normal in a split second. The flush of blood makes me gasp for air, as if I forgot to breathe the entire time it was happening.

  “What the fuck?”

  I gasp. Did I just swear?

  I swallow, take a deep breath, and shout at the top of my lungs. “FUCK!”

  I smile in delight as the echo carries across the trees. I giggle, the deviance too funny to dismiss. Wow, this apple's fucking amazing!

  As I look down at it, something catches my eye that's never held my attention before.

  I'm naked. Completely. From head to toe.

  A red hue hits my cheeks as I examine my nude body. From above, the mounds on my chests have a seductive curve about them. They pop out from my body and cover everything below, with little red nubs that seem to harden as I look at them.

  Why are they getting hard?

  I reach down and slide my hand over my breast. The sensation is soft and inviting, but morphs into a tingling as my hand passes over the nipple. “Oh, that feels good.” Too good for calling them breasts. I have a tendency to name things, even rename them after they've already been decided on. I'm kind of like that. “Tits. I like that word better.”

  And as my hand travels further south, my fingers cross over my slit, feeling a budding wetness brewing inside me. “Pussy.”

  I laugh. The words are just words, but the devilish sensations give the words a naughty connotation to me. I don't think anyone else will get it, but who else needs to know, really?


  I freeze in place, my shoulders scrunching together as the deep baritone voice echoes as loud as any curse I could scream.

  I turn toward him and immediately sneak the apple behind my back, holding it so daddy can't see it.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I swallow, clearing out what bits of apple still remained in my mouth. “I'unno.”

  “What does that even mean?” Daddy approaches me, and as he gets close, he looks down at my body. For the first time, his eyes examining my naked form sends a shiver up my spine.

  Is he checking me out?

  “What is that on your chest?”

  Oh my god, he is! I look
down, but realize he's not talking about my newly-minted tits. No, he's talking about the juice of the apple that splashed down on me.

  Daddy's hand flies to my chest, his finger grazing my skin as he collects the juice. The feeling of his touch is something magical, something I've never experienced before. It's like a sharp stab while a comforting heat rises through me at the same time.

  It's amazing! I want more of it! Why would anyone keep this apple away from me?

  “Is this... is this from the apple from the tree?”

  I shrug, looking down, and then divert my eyes suddenly, almost unconsciously.

  Why did I just do that?

  I turn back to what made me look away. It's daddy's penis. I've seen it so many times before and it's done nothing for me. But now when I look at it... I feel a flush of pleasure circling around between my stomach and pussy. A part of me wants to just reach out and touch it.

  And I do, too curious to be cautious with my behavior. My hand slips under his shaft, lifting it slightly as I feel the heft. It's so big and heavy!

  “Why are you touching me?” daddy asks in his same monotone voice as always. “You... you ate the apple, didn't you?”

  I shake my head. “No.”

  He nods, relieved. “Ah, okay. I thought for a moment you did.”

  What just happened? I've misled daddy so many times, by playing tricks on him and telling the animals to talk about things I want them to to confuse him, but I've never directly said something that wasn't true. Not to daddy. I've always told him the truth when he's asked me.

  Yet I've always been mischievous, and I've always gotten around the truth by avoiding him so he couldn't directly ask me. It's the only way to get around it.

  But now... now I can 'lie' directly to his face? What does that mean?

  “No, you're right, I didn't.” I clear my throat, going with the flow, wherever it takes me.

  “But...” I pull the apple from around my back. “I did get us something to eat.”

  “That's the apple!” he exclaims.

  I wave my hands. “No, no, I already said this isn't the apple. It just looks like the apple.”

  “Ah, that makes sense.”

  Damn, and I thought he was a dolt before.

  “Here,” I say, offering him the fruit, “take a bite. It's pretty good.”

  He does so without a moment's thought. He's defying the big man without ever even knowing it, which makes me smirk on the inside. Nothing makes me happier than to have a co-conspirator.

  But I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  Daddy's transformation is the exact same as mine was. The darkness, muteness, and the realization of the world around him. And when he looks at me, when his eyes move down my body, I can tell instantly there's something there behind his eyes. His eyes were normally dead, simply taking in the visuals and barely processing them.

  But now... now his eyes look onto me with desire. He squints as he drinks me up, and for a brief moment, I feel a tinge of embarrassment.

  That is, until daddy's penis bounces up and down, moving all on its own.

  “Wow,” I say, my mouth open. That little twitch is enough to make me feel the same feeling I had when I touched my tits and pussy. Are they connected somehow?

  “You lied to me.”

  My smile fades as I look up at daddy. “W-what?”

  “I asked you if that was the apple from the tree, and you told me no.”

  The look in daddy's eye is some strange form of anger, and the bent in his voice is stern and unrelenting.

  I feel fear and shudder. I've never heard him talk to me like that. I put on a brave smile, trying my hardest to mask my dread. “Yeah, I mean, I guess I lied. I was just having fun.”

  “You were having fun, were you?”

  The way he said it is the scariest sentence I've ever heard, and it instantly wipes the smile off my face. “I me—yeah, I didn't mean anything by it. I just wanted to eat the apple.”

  “Yeah, well, it was my job to keep that from happening. And now, as it is my job, I'm going to punish you.”

  My brow furrows and I scoff. “What... are you going to bathe me again?”

  I gulp as my sarcasm escapes me, making it sound way less dismissive than I intend.

  Daddy smirks, his dark beard and little gray strands creating an insidious look. He shakes his head. “No, no. I've got some other ideas now. You know, after being tricked into eating that apple”—I look down at the ground—“I don't think the old ways are going to work anymore with you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We need to get a little more physical, don't we?”

  “Physical? I don't—“

  Daddy snatches my wrist and pulls me over to the tree.

  “Ouch, daddy, that hurts!”

  “We'll see about that.” Daddy plops down onto an overgrown root, using it as a makeshift seat. He pulls me over to his side before hanging me over his knees, my stomach resting on his thighs.

  “Okay,” I titter, “I don't get what you're doing, but don't you think you should stop?”

  “No,” he says, “something inside me tells me this is exactly what I should be doing. I'm sure you know exactly what I'm talking about, little miss troublemaker.”

  When daddy's hand lays on my butt, my body jerks. Is that from shock or... do I like being touched there? As daddy's hand caresses the skin on my butt, the jerkiness turns into tingling, and I realize that I like that touch a whole lot!

  And then his hand lifts and falls with a great smack, rippling the fat in my rear.

  “Ouch.” It stings, a burning that makes my skin feel tight where he slapped me. “Daddy, wh—“

  His hand rises and falls again, spanking the words out of my mouth.

  He laughs. “Now I know exactly what shuts that pretty little mouth up.”

  I grunt as he strikes me again, and each subsequent strike shifts me on his lap, propelling me forward only for me to rock back into position and receive another swat. The sound is loud, the skin to skin contact a sharp crack in the quiet forest.

  Instead of the sound and my pain making daddy hesitate, he seems to relish the activity, his hand smacking into me faster and faster, harder and harder, beating my butt red with fiery gusto. The stinging and burning intensifies as each spanks adds to the previous ones, refusing to give me any time to recuperate.

  But the more he smacks me, the more painful it gets, and the more a tingling starts to build in my guts. What's going on? Why is that same feeling from before building in my stomach? How could getting spanked do the same thing to me?

  But it is, as the next spank elicits a pulse that travels through my pussy, and a moan from my lips.

  “What was that sound?”

  I blush. “I don't know.”

  “It sounded like you're getting pleasure from this? Are you?”

  I blush even harder, staring down at the ground as I avoid daddy's question. I could lie—just like I did before—but I think right now, I have no choice but to tell the truth.

  The truth that daddy's hand on my butt makes me feel really good inside!

  “Yes,” I nod.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Like... like a fire building inside me, that keeps growing every time you touch me.”

  “Is that right?” Daddy's hand lays softly on my butt, gently rubbing the soreness out of my flesh. It stings and I clench my butt, but it also feels relaxing at the same time.

  Daddy leans close to me and whispers, “I think daddy feels the same way.”

  He's never called himself daddy before, and I get this flush of excitement as the word flows through my body. “Really?” I ask. “Where do you feel it?”

  Daddy lifts me from his lap, straddling me over his knees to face him. “Right here,” he says, pointing to his penis. As he says it, it bobs up and down on it's own, seemingly growing just a little bit.

  “Here, feel.” Daddy grabs my hand and guides
me between his legs. When my fingertips wrap around his shaft, daddy groans, and I feel his penis pulse. “That feels good.”

  “Really?” I run my hand over his tip, running along the shaft, gripping his thickness and pulling on it lightly. His penis stiffens in my hand, getting harder the longer I touch it.

  “Oh, shit,” he groans.

  I giggle. “Daddy swore.”

  He smirks. “I did, didn't I?”

  “I know some swears, too. Like, 'fuck'. And some naughty words. I think I'm going to call this... a 'dick'. Or maybe 'cock'. They sound so fun.”

  He laughs. “Oh, yes they do. What about these? What do you call these?” Daddy's hands mold my breasts, squeezing my flesh as his fingers trickle down to my nipples, pulling at them lightly.

  I moan. “I call them 'tits'.”

  “And this?” His hand slides down my stomach, and since my legs are spread open as I straddle him, his hand makes easy breach of my slit. I arch my back as his finger slips between my lips.

  I sigh. “Pussy.”

  “You do have some naughty words in you. Does it feel good when I touch you here?”

  I lick my lips and nod. “Yes, daddy. Really good.”

  His finger retreats, I whimper, and daddy looks me in the eyes. “I don't think you deserve to be touched there. What with all the lying and the swear words.”

  My pussy shifts toward daddy, seemingly begging to be touched. “No, daddy, I swear, I don't mean to be a bad girl. I just get bored.”

  “And you torment me because of it.”

  “Not on purpose. Maybe—maybe if you touch me there, I won't be bored anymore.”

  Daddy looks me over, and while he considers his options—which are probably all based on turning me in—I reach down and grab his cock again. I pull on it, trying to make it hard all over again.

  “Please, daddy. I'm sorry, I promise I won't be a bad girl anymore.”

  It's like I found the magic button, because daddy sits there with strain in his eyes, his mouth open as he struggles to catch his breath. He finally lets out a groan, but he's incapable of following it with any words.

  While he's stunned, I marvel at the size of his cock. It thickens with every tug, growing from a flaccid nothing to a rock hard tool. It feels amazing in my hand, an impressive combination of softness and strength. It's dominant and all-powerful.


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