A More Perfect Union

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A More Perfect Union Page 1

by Carsen Taite

  Table of Contents


  What Reviewers Say About Carsen Taite’s Work

  By the Author



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  About the Author

  Books Available from Bold Strokes Books

  A More Perfect Union

  When Major Zoey Granger exposed corruption in the ranks, she became an unwitting media darling and shot to a position reporting to top brass at the Pentagon. Now Zoey finds herself in the unwanted spotlight once again, this time at the heart of a scandal that threatens to devastate the military. Her efforts to contain the fallout are thwarted when the White House assigns a notorious DC fixer to oversee her every move.

  Political insider Rook Daniels can fix any problem, no matter how illicit or indictable, but she has two rules: she picks her cases and she’s in charge. When she makes an exception for an old friend at the White House, she gets tangled up with a sexy but stubborn officer who has her own ideas about authority. Rook and Zoey must decide whether a chance at love is worth risking loss of reputation in a town where appearances rule.

  What Reviewers Say About Carsen Taite’s Work

  It Should be a Crime

  “Law professor Morgan Bradley and her student Parker Casey are potential love interests, but throw in a high-profile murder trial, and you’ve got an entertaining book that can be read in one sitting. Taite also practices criminal law and she weaves her insider knowledge of the criminal justice system into the love story seamlessly and with excellent timing. I find romances lacking when the characters change completely upon falling in love, but this was not the case here. I look forward to reading more from Taite.”—Curve Magazine

  “This [It Should be a Crime] is just Taite’s second novel…but it’s as if she has bookshelves full of bestsellers under her belt.”—Gay List Daily

  “Taite, a criminal defense attorney herself, has given her readers a behind the scenes look at what goes on during the days before a trial. Her descriptions of lawyer/client talks, investigations, police procedures, etc. are fascinating. Taite keeps the action moving, her characters clear, and never allows her story to get bogged down in paperwork. It Should be a Crime has a fast-moving plot and some extraordinarily hot sex.”—Just About Write

  Do Not Disturb

  “Taite’s tale of sexual tension is entertaining in itself, but a number of secondary characters…add substantial color to romantic inevitability”—Richard Labonte, Book Marks

  Nothing but the Truth

  “Author Taite is really a Dallas defense attorney herself, and it’s obvious her viewpoint adds considerable realism to her story, making it especially riveting as a mystery. I give it four stars out of five.”—Bob Lind, Echo Magazine

  “As a criminal defense attorney in Dallas, Texas, Carsen Taite knows her way around the court house. This ability shows in her writing, as her legal dramas take the reader into backroom negotiations between the opposing lawyers, as well as into meetings with judges. Watching how Carsen Taite brings together all of the loose ends is enjoyable, as is her skillful building of the characters of Ryan and Brett. Nothing But the Truth is an enjoyable mystery with some hot romance thrown in.”—Just About Write

  “Taite has written an excellent courtroom drama with two interesting women leading the cast of characters. Taite herself is a practicing defense attorney, and her courtroom scenes are clearly based on real knowledge. This should be another winner for Taite.”—Lambda Literary

  The Best Defense

  “Real life defense attorney Carsen Taite polishes her fifth work of lesbian fiction, The Best Defense, with the realism she daily encounters in the office and in the courts. And that polish is something that makes The Best Defense shine as an excellent read.”—Out & About Newspaper


  “The mean streets of lesbian literature finally have the hard boiled bounty hunter they deserve. It’s a slingshot of a ride, bad guys and hot women rolled into one page turning package. I’m looking forward to Luca Bennett’s next adventure.”—J. M. Redmann, author of the Micky Knight mystery series

  Beyond Innocence

  “Taite keeps you guessing with delicious delay until the very last minute…Taite’s time in the courtroom lends Beyond Innocence a terrific verisimilitude someone not in the profession couldn’t impart. And damned if she doesn’t make practicing law interesting.”—Out in Print

  “As you would expect, sparks and legal writs fly. What I liked about this book were the shades of grey (no, not the smutty Shades of Grey)—both in the relationship as well as the cases.”—C-spot Reviews

  Battle Axe

  “This second book is satisfying, substantial, and slick. Plus, it has heart and love coupled with Luca’s array of weapons and a badass verbal repertoire… I cannot imagine anyone not having a great time riding shotgun through all of Luca’s escapades. I recommend hopping on Luca’s band wagon and having a blast.”—Rainbow Book Reviews

  “Taite breathes life into her characters with elemental finesse… A great read, told in the vein of a good old detective-type novel filled with criminal elements, thugs, and mobsters that will entertain and amuse.”—Lambda Literary


  “A simply beautiful interplay of police procedural magic, murder, FBI presence, misguided protective cover-ups, and a superheated love affair…a Gold Star from me and major encouragement for all readers to dive right in and consume this story with gusto!” —Rainbow Book Reviews


  “I enjoyed the book and it was a fun read—mystery, action, humor, and a bit of romance. Who could ask for more? If you’ve read and enjoyed Taite’s legal novels, you’ll like this. If you’ve read and enjoyed the two other books in this series, this one will definitely satisfy your Luca fix and I highly recommend picking it up. Highly recommended.”—C-spot Reviews

  “Dallas’s intrepid female bounty hunter, Luca Bennett, is back in another adventure. Fantastic! Between her many friends and lovers, her interesting family, her fly by the seat of her pants lifestyle, and a whole host of detractors there is rarely a dull moment.”—Rainbow Book Reviews


  “The political drama is just top-notch. The emotional and sexual tensions are intertwined with great timing and flair. I truly adored this book from beginning to end. Fantabulous!”—Rainbow Book Reviews

  “Carsen Taite throws the reader head on into the murky world of the political system where there are no rights or wrongs, just players attempting to broker the best deals regardless of who gets hurt in the process. The book is extremely well written and makes compelling reading. With twist and turns throughout, the reader doesn’t know how the story will end.”—Lesbian Reading Room

  Taite keeps the stakes high as two beautiful and brilliant women fueled by professional ambitions face daunting emotional choices… As backroom politics, secrets, betrayals, and threats race to be resolved without political damage to the president, the cat-and-mouse relationship game between Addison and Julia has the reader rooting for them. Taite prolongs the fever-pitch tension t
o the final pages. This pleasant read with intelligent heroines, snappy dialogue, and political suspense will satisfy Taite’s devoted fans and new readers alike.”—Publisher’s Weekly

  Lay Down the Law

  “Recognized for the pithy realism of her characters and settings drawn from a Texas legal milieu, Taite pays homage to the prime-time soap opera Dallas in pairing a cartel-busting U.S. attorney, Peyton Davis, with a charity-minded oil heiress, Lily Gantry.”—Publishers Weekly

  “Suspenseful, intriguingly tense, and with a great developing love story, this book is delightfully solid on all fronts. This gets my A-1 recommendation!”—Rainbow Book Reviews

  Reasonable Doubt

  “I was drawn into the mystery plot line and quickly became enthralled with the book. It was suspenseful without being too intense but there were some great twists to keep me guessing. It’s a very good book. I cannot wait to read the next in line that Ms. Taite has to offer.”—Prism Book Alliance

  Above the Law

  “…readers who enjoyed the first installment will find this a worthy second act.”—Publishers Weekly

  “Ms Taite delivered and then some, all the while adding more questions, Tease! I like the mystery and intrigue in this story. It has many “sit on the edge of your seat” scenes of excitement and dread (like watch out kind of thing) and drama…well done indeed!”—Prism Book Alliance

  Without Justice

  “Carsen Taite tells a great story. She is consistent in giving her readers a good if not great legal drama with characters who are insightful, well thought out and have good chemistry. You know when you pick up one of her books you are getting your money’s worth time and time again. Consistency with a great legal drama is all but guaranteed.”—The Romantic Reader Blog

  “This is a great read, fast-paced, interesting and takes a slightly different tack from the normal crime/courtroom drama having a lawyer in the witness protection system whose case becomes the hidden centre of another crime.”—Lesbian Reading Room

  Letter of the Law

  “Fiery clashes and lots of chemistry, you betcha!”—The Romantic Reader Blog

  A More Perfect Union

  Brought to you by

  eBooks from Bold Strokes Books, Inc.


  eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of this work.

  Please respect the rights of the author and do not file share.

  A More Perfect Union

  © 2017 By Carsen Taite. All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN 13: 978-1-62639-755-2

  This Electronic Original is published by

  Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

  P.O. Box 249

  Valley Falls, NY 12185

  First Edition: December 2017

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


  Editor: Cindy Cresap

  Production Design: Susan Ramundo

  Cover Design by Sheri ([email protected])

  By the Author


  It Should Be a Crime

  Do Not Disturb

  Nothing but the Truth

  The Best Defense

  Beyond Innocence



  Reasonable Doubt

  Without Justice


  A More Perfect Union

  The Luca Bennett Mystery Series:


  Battle Axe


  Bow and Arrow (novella in Girls with Guns)

  Lone Star Law Series:

  Lay Down the Law

  Above the Law

  Letter of the Law


  There are things I know a lot about: pizza, breakfast tacos, and the law top the list, but there are plenty of things about which I have very little direct knowledge, but wanted to incorporate into this, my second book set inside the Beltway and the Pentagon. Thank goodness I have lots of amazing friends willing to either serve as experts or hook me up with contacts I could go to for research. The non-exhaustive list includes:

  Sgt. Roselle Graskey for all things Army.

  Major Mary Buchanan, ANC; Colonel Julie Tizard, USAF; Corporal Jude Dinan, USMC; Staff Sergeant Susan Jacobsen, USA; and General Deborah Shea, USA, for insights into life inside the Pentagon.

  Captain Golden Broughton, USAF, for her insights into present life inside the military (and Rachel Wise and my sis, Rachel Tyler, for the intro).

  All of these folks generously loaned me their knowledge and expertise—any errors about any of these subjects are entirely my own. Thanks to each of them for their service.

  When it comes to the finished product, a whole bunch of other folks make me look good. From Sheri’s amazing cover design to the editorial wonder and magical production genius of Cindy Cresap.

  A special shout-out to:

  Len Barot and Sandy Lowe who make Bold Strokes Books a nurturing home where authors can thrive.

  VK Powell for running around DC with me so I could get the logistics right and for her honest and thorough critiques of the manuscript.

  Nikki Littles for her help picking out romance-y picnic spots in DC.

  Ruth Sternglantz for the perfect title.

  Kris Bryant for loaning me a name from her book of names.

  Ashley Bartlett for Haiku, friendship, and an extra set of keen editorial eyes.

  Once a month, I have the privilege of meeting up with the most amazing group of fiction-loving women. Thanks to the Women with Pride book club for the support you provide to readers and writers alike.

  Thanks to my wife, Lainey, who takes care of all the things while I’m holed up in my office writing or traveling to literary events around the country. None of my success would be possible without her.

  And to all of my readers—your support fuels my inspiration and daily word counts. Thanks for taking this journey with me.


  To Lainey and our perfect union.

  Chapter One

  The 747 pitched and rocked, sending several carry-on bags flying. Some of the passengers cried out while others clutched their armrests, but Zoey merely shook her head and methodically clipped her seat belt in place. The flight attendant in first class urged everyone to remain calm, but when she almost fell forward into the seat in front of her while delivering the admonition, her words did little to calm the passengers.

  Zoey turned to her seatmate whose face had taken on a gray tinge. “It’s just turbulence. We’ll probably be through it soon.” He grimaced his reply, and Zoey offered an encouraging smile.

  The flight attendant clapped her on the shoulder. “Thanks for the assist, Major. If only everyone had your stomach for rough flying.”

  Zoey smiled. “This is nothing compared to hitching a ride in a C-17 into Kandahar.”

  “You’re made of tougher stuff than most.” She stuck out her hand. “Karen Birch. Thanks for your service.”

  “My pleasure.” The words were rote, but she meant them. Zoey grasped Karen’s hand, taking note she held on for a few seconds past casual. When Karen left to take her seat, Zoey relaxed into the cushioned first class seat, as much as possible in her stiff Army blues. It wasn’t customary to dress out for commercial flights, but her orders had been clear, and now she was thankful her uniform had garnered the upgrade. The pallor of the guy in the window seat next to her finally returned to normal, and he pulled his laptop from a bag under the seat along with a stack of folders. When he bumped into her arm, he apologized.

  “I have a meeting with Senator Barstow as so
on as this flight lands,” he said. “Better start preparing for it.”

  Zoey nodded, her thoughts already focused on her own meeting in the hours ahead. She’d been summoned from her base in Texas, but her orders said only to report to General Bloomfield at the Pentagon. She’d known better than to ask for details from her commanding officer. He’d been only too glad to be rid of her after the events of the last few months. Frankly, she’d been relieved to get away from the toxic atmosphere at her base, but feared she might be headed to stormier waters.

  Deep in thought, she barely noticed when Mr. Window Seat tapped her shoulder. She turned toward him, and her gaze followed his finger, pointed at the screen of his laptop. “Hey, isn’t that you?”

  She stared at the official press photo, which reflected a younger looking, more naive version of the soldier she was now, and forced herself to remain calm as she read the caption. Whistleblower Major Zoey Granger, USA, is scheduled to testify before Congress next week regarding pay to play scandal involving Nine Tech Inc.


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