The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira)

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The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira) Page 6

by Dem Mikhaylov

  - It’s an honor— I muttered, watching from the corner of my eye as the landlord casually cast away his lace handkerchief. He wouldn’t even put it in his pocket! As though it were completely dirty and spoiled. And he does it so calmly and matter-of-factly! How I would like my fist to meet his face!

  But I cannot… cannot…

  I am actually a nobody. Just a passerby who did a few good deeds and was welcomed. And he’s a local king and god. Powerful, rich, arrogant, ugly, if only to get him right between the eyes… quietly, quietly Ros…

  - Oh yes— nodded Cedric— His Majesty appreciates my merits before the crown. I am listening, Rosgard.

  - I… -- I said in a hoarse voice. Hastily I cleared my throat, put a smile on my face and continued— I am very glad to meet you, Mr. Cedric. Across Valdira there is a rumor that you have assembled one of the richest and most famous collections. I myself am not a stranger to the beautiful and try as much as I can to collect ancient weapons and armor. Especially armor.

  - Collector? – said the landowner in a much more lively and sincere way, looking at me with a searching look, dominated by confusion at my clothes and dusty shoes— Hmm… and you managed to collect something… hmmm… really interesting and unique, friend Rosgard?

  - Yes— I nodded, slowly pulling the statuette of Tyrant from my pocket— Here, look here. My latest acquisition.

  For a full minute, the gazebo was in silence. Mr. Cedric stared intently at the figure in my hand, and his entourage stood and stared indifferently in different directions.

  - This is quite unique— slowly began Cedric, staring hungrily at the statue of the wolf— And is part of a special collection of figurines.

  - Yes, I know— I answered gravely— A unique thing.

  I had gotten to the landowner. He was hooked. I proved that we had a topic for conversation.

  And now we go on to the main subject. Gently and slowly.

  - What do you want for it, Rosgard? For the figure. I am willing to pay generously if you are willing to give it to me.

  - Sell? No, Mr. Cedric— I allowed a lazy and relaxed expression to float over my face— Money interests me very little. Clothing, gold, jewelry— it’s all imaginary. Alien to me. I am a collector, and that says it all. Collecting— the main and only passion in my life.

  Now I insolently copied the language and behavior of a cheerful old man— an inveterate collector and a good friend to his father.

  - I understand… exchange?

  - Yes— I said— An exchange is possible. If you have something worthy of my collection.

  - From what I understand, you already know what kind of object exactly you would like to receive in exchange for this trifle— The landlord’s eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms over his chest.

  - Oh, yes— I grinned— I know. I am interested in two subjects in your collection. Two specimens of ancient armor. And I am ready to discuss…

  - Which ones?! – interrupted Cedric— What specimens of armor exactly?!

  Why’s he get so tense?

  - U-uh… I guess you’ve heard of the Silver Legend, Mr. Cedric.

  - Yes! – snapped the patron, his voice rising— No!

  - Sorry? So yes or no?

  - Yes, I’ve heard of the Legend— hissed Cedric, whose complacency disappeared without a trace— No, I do not accept and am not selling any parts of this armor. No!

  - But…-- “lost” I— am…

  - Correct me if I’m wrong… -- the landowner leaned in— After all, we are now discussing the Armor of God? And you think I would agree to exchange them for a tiny statue of a wolf?!

  - It’s not God Armor— I corrected him automatically, frantically trying to collect my thoughts— Damn, I feel as though I’m Jackie Chan…

  - What?

  - Jackie Chan I say… I mean— it isn’t God’s Armor, Mr. Cedric. It’s armor of a great warrior…

  - This armor is blessed by god! – repeated Cedric.

  - Fallen god— again I corrected him.

  - And because of this they are even more valuable— he grinned triumphantly— After Gravital fell, he could no longer bless or curse. That makes the silver legend so unique. You must know that Gravital put his blessing on only two armor sets— one male and one female. For the two warriors. And only two weapons are blessed—among these is the silver hammer. And yet, Gravital cursed only one thing… about which I still have yet to find out.

  - You know a lot, Mr. Cedric— said I with a conciliatory smile— I see you are a true connoisseur of beauty.

  - A unique connoisseur! I collect unique things! And that’s why I won’t give you any part of the Silver Legend. You will not get them, Rosgard!

  - Huh… -- I said slowly, in turn, getting up— We could discuss it. Why hurry?

  - Not selling and will not give it up— cut off the landowner, pulling another napkin from his sleeve and wiping his forehead vicariously.

  Eh, that’s understandable… he was sweating profusely.

  - No way – I said, feeling all hope slip away— I am sure you have things in mind that you’d like to see in your rich collection. After all, it’s not yet complete!

  - Yes, it’s not complete, but… where did you find out that it is in my possession? Where did you get such confidence?

  - How did I find out? – I repeated— How am I sure? I began my quest only recently… but I was able to get three items of the Silver Legend already!

  - Repeat!

  - Huh?

  - Repeat your words… fr-friend Rosgard— hoarsely croaked Cedric, stepping close to me and gripping my shoulder with his bony hand— Repeat…

  Cedric’s other hand fished a thin golden chain out of his pocket, at the end of which swung a clear azure stone.

  - I have three objects of the Silver Legends— I repeated obediently— And I found them one after the other.

  The confusing azure stone did not alter my words, but Cedric… he peered into the stone and recoiled as though struck and croaked:

  - You’re telling the truth… the truth! I searched for many years… bribery, theft of old scrolls, the search for Grim… and it got me nowhere. How did you in a few weeks find as many as three items from the Silver Legend?! Damn boy! Years!

  - Well— I shrugged— Apparently I was lucky. And I can get much more, Mr. Cedric. I can get something truly unique and unrepeatable. A special item for your collection.

  - Sell it to me! – Cedric didn’t hear— Sell me the Silver Legend!

  - Sell? – I smiled triumphantly— What do you mean? It’s the Armor of God!

  - Fallen God— said the landlord and I immediately retorted:

  - For this is more valuable.


  We both stood frozen, throwing aside our masks, and drilling unfriendly glances at each other.

  Finally Cedric stepped back and said quietly:

  -If only you weren’t a “stranger.”

  Yes, if I wasn’t a player, I would have long been robbed. And tortured.

  - But I’m a stranger— I smiled faintly and, so as not to provoke him, added— And do not carry anything valuable. Everything is stored in a place which I can only enter. Even the gods cannot breach it.

  - I know what place you’re talking about— said Cedric— All foreigners have such a place. The secret hole where one can’t enter… I know…

  “Local” aware of the personal rooms of players? Hmm… I had not heard before of such an awareness. The subject is taboo for “locals.”

  - So how do we proceed, Mr. Cedric?— again I began— It’s not good when a single thing is divided between two collectors. And I think the Silver Legend is one thing. I’m sure that I will find the rest in the near future.

  - Shut up… friend Rosgard. I am thinking.

  The internet is thinking? The greedy collector weighing his options? Well, I will keep quiet and wait.

  The landowner thought for a long time. No less than ten minutes, during which I contemplated th
e surface of the pond, watching the golden fish swim. Songbirds, as if anticipating trouble, did not dare to open their beaks, fearing that their owner would let them roast. And he is very angry. Quickly forgot about my “reputation” in these lands and all the good deeds committed by me. Or is he smart enough to know that all these things were just to get an audience with him?

  - I agree.

  The short phrase was uttered by Cedric with obvious effort. Reluctantly. But his eyes somehow gleamed with unhealthy malice— I saw this clearly. In the world of Valdira, emotions are not lacking. And then Cedric smiled again. Not good…

  - I am listening, Mr. Cedric.

  - I agree to give you all parts of the Silver Legend in exchange for just one thing. You’ll have to find him and bring him to me. And we immediately make the exchange. Do you agree, friend Rosgard?

  Anticipating trouble, I quickly blurted out:

  - Maybe you just want to sell it? I won’t skimp on the price…

  - No! I have enough gold that you have not ever dreamed of it! Only exchange! – Cedric growled— Do you agree?

  - Yes!

  - Good. I want you to find the only thing that was cursed by the god Gravital and bring it to me. After that, we make the exchange.

  Attention! Unique Job!

  You got the job “Divine Curse!”

  Find the thing damned by the fallen god Gravital and deliver it to the landlord Cedric.

  Minimum conditions for completion: Find and deliver the object.

  Reward: legendary Silver Armor in Cedric’s possession.


  You’ve achieved “Unicum” of the Second Rank!

  See the table of obtained achievements in the settings for your character.

  Your reward for achievement + 4% chance of getting unique/hidden jobs.

  Current chance: 10%

  - Cruses— I croaked dumbfoundedly, understanding what the dear Cedric had in store for me.

  - Oh, yes— grinned the collector— The quest is not easy. But honest— a couple of almost unique items for one completely unique. After all, you said it yourself, Rosgard. You boasted yourself. Remember your words? If you have forgotten, let me remind you— the landlord frowned and quoted my recent words— “I can get something truly unique and unrepeatable. A special item for your collection.” That’s it! Find me this “special” thing. Is our contract concluded?

  - Yes— I managed with an effort, accepting the job— Yes.

  Damn my tongue!

  - I’ll be waiting for you and the accursed object— Cedric nodded stiffly and abruptly turned and walked away, speaking as he walked— And before you have it, do not appear again at the gates of my estate! Until you have gotten what I want, I do not wish to see you! Until later, dear Rosgard! Or should I say— good-bye? Ha-ha-ha…

  - But what the hell is it?— I shouted after him— What is it?! Weapons? A statue? A book? What?!

  - Nobody knows— I was told— No one! But this is not a problem for you, right Rosgard? Right?

  And the local patron again burst into a barking laugh.

  - The audience is over— muttered one of the guards— I ask you to go to the gate…

  - I go— I said, mechanically moving my legs— I’m going…

  In a minute I was outside of the estate.

  Clutching my head in the dry dust of the road.

  I was given an impossible task.

  Like a fairytale.


  Go somewhere, where I do not know, find something, I do not know what… but whatever it is, it is cursed…

  - Rosgard!

  - Huh? – I turned to face a guard indifferently.

  - Mr. Cedric asked me to tell you!

  - Yes, what? – I inquired with a shy hope.

  - He told me to tell you that he’s a little wrong— happily informed the guard— Someone actually do know what this thing is! And the master knows, what his name is and where he is now! He has written it on a piece of paper and asked me to tell you!

  - Great! Thank you! Thank you! – I began— I literally grabbed the piece of paper from the guard, swallowed hard, and unfolded the paper with trembling hands, and saw a couple of lines written in exquisite handwriting:

  “God Gravital. Now he is in the Abyss of Tantarial. I am sure he will tell you everything he knows. Go there and pay him a visit, Rosgard. Go down to hell. After all, you can do quite a lot. Ha-ha-ha!”

  - I hate you, Cedric— I croaked quietly— I hate you!

  I stood for a long time before the closed gates of the estate. Almost an hour. I glared at the dust under my feet. Then I carefully put the piece of paper in my bag, took out a teleport scroll and hissed with a breaking voice: “Karst Caves.”

  Arriving at the Breeding Grounds, I came to the stone slab of the revival location, walked fifty paces to the side, and wrote a short message, sending it to several recipients. Then I waited, drawing senseless patterns in the dirt with a dry twig. I didn’t have to wait long. Fifteen minutes later, I was approached by a few players.

  Doc. Bom. Kaylen. Cray. Orbit.

  The first four I knew would come— I was sure of it. But it struck me to the core that Orbit was able to find his way to the place.

  - Hey, boss— barked Bom the “ass”— Into the caves again?

  - Kaylen and I actually just got in and weren’t going to go anywhere— muttered Cray.

  - I agree— the girl said loudly— Just now!

  - Ambulance is prepped and prepared for travel— Doc informed me.

  - Will it be int-teresting? – said the bald elf with hope.

  - Oh, yes— I nodded, smiling widely— It will be very interesting! I have a question for you boys and girls. A million dollar question!

  - Listening! – answered Bom for everyone, livening up at the word “million”— What have you thought up?

  - I want to rob the house of a rich reptile! – I answered honestly— A “local.” Rich. Asshole! A complete goat! If I could just…

  - Calm down, brother, calm down— Bom raised his hands— Who are you talking about? Whose house are you going to rob?

  - The house of the honorable Mr. Cedric— I hissed, clenching my fists— You know of him

  - Cedric? The local landowner? Where there are a bunch of guards, high walls, defensive magic, and all sorts of bad things? – Doc asked in surprise— Uhhh… how can I put it… Rosgard, it looks like to me that you are in a state of…

  - Stupidity! – interrupted Bom— The state of stupidity to the fifth degree, and it’s incurable!

  - Who’s the doctor here?! – Doc was offended— Only I make the diagnosis!

  Bom waved him away and, putting his hand on my shoulder, said solemnly:

  - Rosgard, I congratulate you with all my heart! You’re completely crazy!

  - I tooold youuu! – happily smiled the hairless elf— With him it’s int-teresting!

  Chapter Three.

  The robbery of the century! Scarlet hare and flight into the unknown.

  - I told you it’s impossible! – said Cray for the umpteenth time, irritably scratching his eyebrow.

  - Hmm… -- thoughtfully spoke Bohn, chewing a straw in melancholy and expressing the utmost calm.

  The calm was deceptive— one could tell by his slightly jerking leg and eyes, which were glued firmly to the tall wall securing the estate of Mr. Cedric.

  The view of the manner itself was pretty amazing— we were located at the top of a very high hill, overgrown with dense and incredibly green grass. There was also a short oak, under which we had settled for a “picnic.” From the hill to the manor was a very short distance, and we were able to see all the details with ease.

  - Why are you silent? – unable to withstand it, growled the dwarf— You see it yourselves— it is a palace! Or a castle… there is no hope of success…

  - We are thinking— I said, glaring at the wall of the estate— And waiting.

  - And drinking— Kaylen supported
me cheerily, cradling a crystal wine glass in her hands.

  We were waiting for Orbit— this was the whole story.

  We arrived here together— right after my statements about the desire to rob the Honorable Mr. Cedric. it was located on a hill— and Orbit had declared that we needed “recorded intelligence” and sent two spirits to the walls of the estate. The ghostly beings safely made it to the walls of the manor, then twisted a bit, and simply were incinerated— on top of the wall was visible, for a few second, a huge mirror-like field. A short flash and the spirits are gone. Only a sad cloud of smoke rose to the skies. Orbit was very upset and harbored a deep resentment towards the wall. Expressing to us his nearly incoherent emotions, he begged me to give him a teleport scroll and vanished in an unknown direction, promising that he would reappear soon. And that “everything would be settled.”

  Although, we aren’t just sitting around, but accomplishing some useful work. Doc, for example is freely spread on the grass and reading a huge book with obvious displeasure, grimacing and snorting occasionally, but he persistently continued this occupation. I glanced at one of the pages and saw an image of a human body bisection. On another page, it was a half orc. Overall— Doc studied morbid anatomy. Necessary for a surgeon’s occupation. So as better to treat of mutilate.

  Cray drove away the flies from Kaylen and poured her wine, periodically grumbling and scratching. The dwarf looked like a faithful dog, looking after the hostess. The girl was enjoying the views of nature and occasionally sipping wine, and drew something in her notebook.

  Bom… this individual seems as though he can never sit idle. He always needs something to do. At the beginning of the “picnic” he literally scoured the hill and its surroundings, collecting all the most useful herbs and mushrooms, at the same time killing a few moles and rabbits. All the trophies he found went into his huge backpack. He began collecting acorns and even looked thoughtfully at the oak itself, as though assessing the possible amount of wood that could be obtained from it. Overall— a very active and purposeful personality. I’m afraid that if we linger around here a bit longer, the poor old oak will be cut down.


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