The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira)

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The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira) Page 12

by Dem Mikhaylov

  - Ros, maybe enough already, hm? – the Baroness looked at me directly, strict and a little tired— I know you’re the Navigator. I’m sure of it. We spent so much time and many resources to figure it out… I’m sure of it one hundred percent. You’re the Navigator. So maybe stop evading it, and we can just talk?

  - Okay— I gave in and took a deep breath, slowly released it, and at the same time pronounced the heavy phrase— I’m the Navigator. What’s next?

  - We talk— repeated the Baroness, without expressing any emotion— For example, on your admittance to our fleet. I am ready to listen to your conditions, requirements, and so on. And mind you— I’m not asking you to join our clan. And I am not asking you to give us the spell. Honest. A Navigator is needed for a fleet, and a Navigator needs a fleet to command.

  - There are a lot of clans— I noticed— Why should I join yours?

  - Now it’s a conversation— commended the Baroness— According to the forecasts of our analysts based on intelligence and other reliable sources, our fleet is currently fifth largest in Valdira. And the first in quality. This is a very powerful argument in favor of the fact that our fleet will successfully make it to the shores of Zar’graad. In one piece, rather than in the form of broken debris rendered on the surf.

  - The fifth largest? – I said just for fun, at the same time cursing myself for not bothering to find out in advance— And who is leading?

  In any case, now I’m sitting next to one of the most knowledgeable people in Valdira. It would be a sit not to listen and not to ask.

  - The Achilots— briefly said the head of the Sleepless— The first three places are occupied by them. But this is understandable— they grow the fleet instead of building it, plus they had ones originally, and are now just upgrading and cultivating new types of ships… and in fact, not ships, but huge monsters. Underwater monsters. In the fourth place are the Architects. But if the Sleepless converge in naval battle with the Architects, the victory will be ours. After our fifth place the fleets decrease, almost down to the simple little trading boats with little upgrades, hoping to come to Zar’graad in our wake. Their chances are almost none.

  - Thanks for the information— I thanked her from the heart, trying to resist asking where the Albatrosses stand. No reason to attract the attention of the Sleepless Clan to the Albatrosses. At least three people there know who I am in the “real” world.

  - Please— chuckled the Baroness— I understand that you may have friends in other clans. Perhaps you would like to travel with them… but it would be a disservice to them, Rosgard. Because of you, they will lose the fleet, their equipment, and their own lives. And they will not get to the mainland. You will kill them with our very presence.

  - Why? I don’t think I am cursed.

  - Actually you are— the woman didn’t agree— Cursed from the moment you became the Navigator!

  - O-o-oh…-- I drawled— Well… thanks!

  - I’m serious. How do you see the sea voyage across the vast ocean? Do you think it will be something like a peaceful sea convoy with colorful flags on the masts and cheerful shouts of a joyous team? I would like that too! But if it were so— we would not build war ships. I’ll tell you, Rosgard, how everything will go. Once the Navigator gets aboard one of the ships and they leave the peaceful ports one by one, a terrible tempest will begin. Everyone will begin to drown. I am sure that the first twenty nautical miles two thirds of the ships sent on the campaign will be overcome. Do you have any idea how many players and clans will be left with nothing? Hundreds! And this is just the beginning! When the coast is just beginning to clear— what is next will be worse. Weaklings will be eliminated, some will wait on the shore in safety, waiting until the coast is clear. Then they will start again— while the core armada will continue to move to the lost continent, after the “line of salvation.”

  - Following what? – I interrupted, barely able to keep the anxiety out of my mind.

  - The “line of salvation” – repeated the Baroness, looking at me. Noticing my brief confusion, her eyes widened sharply— Rosgard— do not tell me that you haven’t read “The Commandments of the Navigator” and other literature about the upcoming campaign!

  - I won’t tell you— I nodded.

  - You haven’t read it!

  - Yes, I have not— I shrugged— Didn’t have the time, you know.

  - You’re kidding!

  - Nope.

  - Alrighty then— said the girl, defeated— And you are really inter-resting…

  - Yes— sounded a familiar voice at the top of the stairs— Inter-e-esting. Sis…

  - Brother…

  - I want you to teleport m-me and my f-friends— slowly, but very seriously, drawled Orbit— N-now. And I’m ver-ry angry with you. V-very!

  - I understand— the Baroness nodded gently, clearly not wanting to worsen relations— Brother, I didn’t mean to offend you so… I just really needed to talk about important things with Rosgard. And he doesn’t mind the conversation. Right, Rosgard? After all— we’re friends right?

  - I don’t involve myself in family matters— said I.

  Giving me a scorching glance, the Baroness looked back at her soft-spoken, strange brother.

  - Bro…

  - B-bu-sia… -- said the bald elf with emotion, but did not finish.

  - Do not call me that! – growled his sister, hitting the arm of her chair.

  - You are no-ot fri-iends— Orbit didn’t seem to notice her shout— So-o… you called him a reckless id-dio…

  - Don’t speak!

  - Bra-zen i-di-ot— uttered the elf nearly syllable by syllable— An idiot!

  - That’s how it is— I said sadly— Smiling to my face and saying whatever you want at my back, hm?

  - I was a little upset by the way we t-talked last time— the Baroness smiled, giving her brother a withering look— After you sent me to hell, Rosgard. And how you did!

  - But you didn’t go— I smiled and sighed— Orbit, let us talk for a bit. I’m not offended. She already told me, that you are not involved. Busia is bad, and you’re good.

  - Good— the face of the bald elf brightened and he turned back to the stairs— T-talk.

  - Busia is bad?! – the Baroness hissed, just as the bald head with the torn ears disappeared from our sight— You know what…

  - So there is a “line of salvation”? – I asked, pretending that nothing had happened.

  - You should definitely read all about it, if that’s possible— snorted the Baroness, calming— Now you haven’t read the documents, and again, ruined my plans of conversation. How am I supposed to discuss this with you, if about these very matters you know nothing? What, you do not care at all about the campaign? Or is this a special trick?

  - Not in the least— I pulled one of the phrases of my father— I look forward with impatience. I prepare with all my forces. Believe me, I have many other urgent matters in addition to the campaign to Zar’graad. And the “Commandments of the Navigator”— I’ll read them for sure. Today, as soon as I get out of Valdira and out of the cocoon. In any case, where do I stand in your naval battle to eliminate competitors for the lost continent? And where are my theoretical friends with whom I could travel to the land? And why am I cursed?

  - The squadron led by the Navigator is prone to attack— said the Baroness— For example, by us, the Sleepless. Because, dear Rosgard, you are unique. Especially because of your skills as the Navigator, giving your fleet positive effects. One of which is to increase the speed of the fleet led by you! You understand… By the way, did you know that you can no longer drown in ocean and sea water? – suddenly asked the head of the Sleepless Clan— Certainly not. After all, you did not read the commandments.

  - I didn’t know— I admitted carefully— I cannot drown at all?

  - The achilots need a navigator too— the Baroness explained, smiling— Their fleets will also try to get to Zar’graad at any cost. And will be sure to try to pick up the navigator
for themselves. They’ll put you on the back of some underwater sea monster, and more! So, yes— until the mainland of the lost continent of Zar’graad is lost, you might as well walk across the ocean floor. Just don’t go too deep— pressure is pressure. In the darkest depths, only achilots can descent. And they have battleships. So achilot submarine fleets will also sneak up a few meters from the surface. And sabotage the ships of landsmen— trust me, they have water mines in this world also. And not only that, but a lot of things more dangerous as well! To put it bluntly— you’re like a big piece of meat dipped in a pond with hungry sharks and huge flocks of small piranhas. Everyone wants to grab you. And if the Navigator doesn’t choose, they’ll steal you. You can go on any ship you wish… but the ship can sink. And as soon as one goes to the ocean bottom, you will teleport to the nearest friendly ship, automatically becoming their leader. If no other friendly ships are close by? If say, our whole armada is overwhelmed and all of our ships sink?

  - I still port to the nearest ship – I said slowly— Any ship. This is logical.

  - Right! I’m not saying that it is we who are the main villains. We are all wicked! Besides those small fleets, for whom it will be stupid to oppose powerful marine fleets. It turns out you don’t have much of a choice, Navigator. Even if you decide to put together half a dozen of your own ships and put together a team of friends and acquaintances— go out into the open ocean, and you’ll immediately come under attack. Your friends will die, their hope will be lost, and you, all the same, will eventually find yourself aboard a ship of the strongest fleet. That’s exactly what the demons want.

  - Broken hope? – I chuckled ironically, at the same time collecting all my ideas in a heap. The Baroness had made me think.

  - Cash expenses— briefly replied the Baroness— For clans to build up their ships as much as possible and then to lose everything as the ships go down. But at the same time, players get an unforgettable experience— sea battles, sinking giant ships, roaring waves, raging storms, sea monsters scouring the depths… all of this will be, Rosgard. Instead of a tour in a lounge with tropical beauties and a Pina Colada on hand— searing flames.

  - And I was hoping for a beach chair— I sighed sadly and then, turning abruptly serious, looked at the Baroness— Thank you.

  - For what?

  - I learned a lot— I said— And I’ll learn even more. In the meantime, I’m guessing you want to know— if I want to join the fleet of the Sleepless Clan.

  - Yes— the Baroness said instantly— And in addition to all that, you will receive ten tickets to the flagship. This is to ensure that you can bring your friends. I say this so that you will understand— you will not be alone among strangers. Close friends, relatives, invite anyone. Share an exciting journey. A trifle, but nice.

  - I remember “all that”— I said, and shook my head— Right…

  - The capitalist approach— the head of the Sleepless gave me a very broad and charming smile— But this is not important. In addition to the bonuses, you get a serious guarantee that you will not have to be the primitive wife. I believe this is important.

  - What what? – I was amazed.

  - This is when you are clubbed on the head, grabbed by the hair, and told welcome to my cave— explained the Baroness— Early men treated women in this way.

  - Oh-ho-ho… -- I said— A beautiful comparison. But if everything is so simple— why bother to talk with me? Simply wait until I go out to sea in a leaky tub and sink it to the dogs, and take me. Then you don’t have to give me all the bonuses. Take me by the hair— and off to the cave! In this case the flagship…

  - Somehow I don’t believe that you will decide to go to sea in a “leaky trough” – the Baroness smiled— You don’t look like a fool.

  - Thank you.

  - So you will choose a strong and large fleet. That of the Architects. Or even the Achilots. And what will such a victory cost me? After all, I’d have to sink all the enemy ships to get to one little morsel.

  - Morsel… hm… Right.

  - In the attack, I will lose a lot of ships— slowly continued the woman— And become easy prey for the next ardent Navigatophile.

  - Who?!

  - You didn’t know? – smiled the girl— Now in Valdira that’s what we call those strenuously seeking the navigator. In general, I’m not ready to sacrifice the greater part of my fleet in order to get to you.

  - Well, I can’t get to the achilots— I said— But… if I can’t drown in seawater, I can walk to their city on foot.

  - You do not have to walk— said the Baroness— Just go out to the sea and shout “I’m the Navigator” and marine reptiles will crawl to you from all sides…

  - That’s true— I agreed— Crawl they will. Okay, but what about the attacks on you? Those who want the navigator for themselves.

  - I know ten opponents who are willing to try it— she sighed— So the campaign will depend not only on strength, but on tactics. And strategy above all. Frankly, I’m not very skilled in naval battle so we are going to have to find someone specializing in that. We are working on it. Do you know anyone well versed in the command of ships or maritime clashes? I won’t skimp, as they say, on the price…

  - Hmm… -- I spoke thoughtfully

  For obvious reasons, many thoughts were flashing through my head.

  When your father is an Admiral with experience in long voyages with real combat experience…

  Overall, the first thought that visited me was that the Baroness really knows who I am in the “real world.” Does she know, that Rosgard is Rostislav Grohotov, son of the Admiral Grohotov?

  I recounted the people who knew me in real life. Gosha… Kira… Vlas… and maybe half of the Albatrosses. God knows how they are with secrecy, and the discussion of secret affairs. Damn… I could almost lose my mind with fear.

  Or just a coincidence? Maybe they really needed a maritime specialist.

  I kept a thoughtful and indifferent expression on my face with noticeable difficulty. I was silent for half a minute more, and shook my head:

  - That’s a problem.

  - That’s a shame— sighed she.

  - So you need one that much? – I asked— The storybook fleet of Valdira had little resemblance to a fleet in the “real” world. Although…

  - But of course— nodded the Baroness— It’s similar! The principles are the same. Including ship classes. From the torpedo boats to aircraft carriers. Therefore, we want to hire a professional.

  - You know… -- I hesitated a little, and then continued— What’s the point? You can put even a real life commander on the flagship. But it won’t be any use. You need someone with experience with combat conditions. The division of “white” and “red”, maneuvering, improvement of attacks, emergency action and more. This is a fleet! So even a very experienced solves very little… in any case, the campaign has already begun. But if you can find him in advance, give him the layout, you can develop some preliminary strategies. A general plan. Maybe he’ll have time to work out a joint maneuver— though it is doubtful. It isn’t a matter of one day or even one week.

  - O-o-oh… -- said the Baroness— And you know a lot about the navy… are you keen on it?

  - Nah— I chuckled, swearing to myself— Not really. Just read about it a lot myself. So, Busia…

  - Don’t…! – snapped she, but immediately went limp and chuckled— You’re prickly.

  - And you’re sly— I retorted with a shrug— So we can consider our conversation completed for now?

  - You think? – the Baroness was surprised— We haven’t even discussed your wishes. And not even the price.

  - Price— I said— Yes, we haven’t discussed it. I have to say respectably, distinguished head of the Sleepless Clan… gaming gold as payment will not do.

  - Real? – she nodded in understanding.

  Another answer she clearly didn’t expect. That’s for sure— a businessman. It’s nice not to be taken for a bog creature anymore and to not
be bought cheaply.

  - Real – I confirmed— And a lot. I have been given a chance, and I’m going to use it to the maximum. So think about the amount that you can offer me. As soon as the campaign is over, I return to a normal player no different than the others. But while the campaign hasn’t even started, I am unique. You wrote that yourself. On the forum.

  - Oh, so you did read it after all.

  - Oh, yes— I smiled— I read it. Including the phrase in which you mentioned, that I won’t be disappointed. I’m sure that you’ve thought about what you’re willing to pay to get the Navigator on your flagship. You and your army of analysts have calculated how much money you will be able to give, if you are the first to get to Zar’graad. And for some reason it seems to me that you didn’t count in gaming gold but in dollars. All this to get the prestige of the discoverers.

  - Speaking of prestige… I’ll be Columbus— the Baroness glanced at me— If we come to an agreement, and I am sure, that we can reach an understanding… I specifically shall be Columbus.

  - Clarify— I asked.

  - The first step on the shore of the lost continent, I’ll be the one to take it— briefly said she— Not you. You’ll be the one who shows the way, and I’ll be the one who sets foot on Zar’graad first.

  - Seems like this isn’t just about prestige.

  - Yes— confirmed the Baroness— Not only that. Let’s just say… a lot depends on who first sets foot on the continent. I trust you know what I mean.

  There was a long pause, during which we both gathered our thoughts.

  Oh yeah. I understood alright, what the Baroness was talking about. This was at the very least a unique achievement, which one cannot surpass. Gaining huge bonuses in Zar’graad.

  And not only this. Actually, this was a small piece of the pie. Not even a part, but only the crust.

  Getting to the lost continent first gives the Sleepless clan lots of bonuses. And if the Sleepless reach Zar’graad with a significant margin… say a day earlier, or at least five to ten hours…

  Under fanfare the Baroness will make her triumphant first step upon the shore, smile, look back and give the go-ahead to her men.


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