The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira)

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The Way of the Clan 4 (World of Valdira) Page 24

by Dem Mikhaylov

  But the enemy had not yet been defeated. Only stunned. I activated the scroll “unstable fireball.”

  It flared so hard that it seemed to me that I had spent a couple of seconds in a fiery hell. A giant balloon of fierce fire crashed into the ranks of the enemy and surged down the corridor, sweeping lumps of fire in all direction along with the spinning bodies of our enemies. When I saw the fish and squid bodies I was more than happy— we were on the ground after all, not in the middle of the ocean. But as the fire enveloped a giant dolphin I was stabbed with a sense of guilt— I had a childhood love of these creatures. The dolphin was digital and evil looking, but I had burned one just the same.

  Then the corridor was filled with swirling mists of darkness, completely hiding was the monsters. The darkness was not a usual one— I didn’t know what this combat spell was called but, when the fog dissipated, there was not a small monster left and in the air hung a blurred image of a wickedly grinning skull. A particular impression— it could chill a particularly sensitive person to the bone. And right through the smoky image we could see the two Krabbers, utterly furious and battered, snapping their claws.

  Above the floor slipped the “fiery string” and powerlessly strummed on the decorated bone caps on the knees of the monsters. This would not stop them. But, looking at the approaching monsters, I didn’t feel the slightest fear. Not just because it was a game, but because I was looking at the Krabbers over the shoulders of the soldiers protecting us, and in my hands were magical flames of combat. Ice and fire— that’s what I would treat the monsters with, as soon as I had a chance.

  And soon I had a chance. I hit right on target— coal and ice fragments flew into the chest armor of the Krabbers. The spells broke through some of the armor. I could see a few holes in those places, stained as though with a corrosive acid.

  Making a small step forwards, Kirea the Protectress hit with her spear and the Krabber fell forwards with a strange melodious sound, getting hit in the injured knee. Its monsters head hit the floor with a thud and Cray hit it with a smashing blow on the back of its head with an ace.

  The underwater monster turned over, pulled its legs under itself, but try as it might couldn’t stand up under the barrage of incessant spikes and died in this way. While Bom and Cray finished off the fallen monster Kira restrained the remaining one alone, taking all of its attacks on her whirring and clanking shield. Although Kira was in the frontline, we did all we could to help her. Under the Krabber appeared more and more stone spikes and “glowing embers” and “ice shards” continually hit their target, and Orbit’s spirits attacked the holes in its armor. A few more ghosts lazily crawled from the already fallen Krabber and headed for the final enemy. Doc was also not sitting idle— the disgraced doctor was casting spells, healing the damage we incurred from rare hits.

  Before his death, in the last moments of his life, the Krabber could still surprise us. As the stone peak raised from the floor, he put his hands in front of him and lunged forwards like a mad bull. Equally strong and equally massive. Form the wild strike, Kira was blown away like a feather, thrown back a few meters. Clad in armor, the massive paladin literally fell into Doc and both of them tumbled to the floor. Kira lost about a quarter of her life, but Doc was burning red, stunned. And Kira lay on top of the skinny healer, literally squeezing the last drop of life out of Doc. Collapsing to my knees, I had a split second to shuffle my spells. Slowly, Doc’s life began to recover, and Kira gently rolled to the side, freeing the Doc of her body weight— and, immediately rushing to her feet, rushed off to finish the Krabber.

  A minute or two later it was all over. Our unit had survived. Losses were limited to insignificant physical injuries and shot nerves. When Doc almost died, my heart almost stopped.

  - An aggr is in our ranks— harshly informed Bom, nodding towards Kira.

  Only now I noticed that Kira’s nickname was reddened. Peaceful emerald green disappeared, replaced by an aggressive red. The game had “colored” Kira, perceiving her as an aggressor, having inflicted a blow to her companion.

  - Great! – Kira muttered— Well, good think that I haven’t yet sworn myself into any light temple!

  - It happens— I reassured her— You know.

  - I know— said Kira— The angels be damned.

  A few tormenting seconds and the nickname again lit up in green. I don’t know exactly how the results are checked, but the unfair changing of a status is always corrected.

  If a unit is made up of newly acquainted players, when one of the party becomes “red”, he is immediately bombarded with numerous strikes and the innocent man flies instantly to the revival location. It triggers the bare instincts— if you are “red” you are an enemy. But in such a case, after a short letter to the administration, you are compensated for the loss of experience, your items are returned, and you receive a comforting reward. Thank all the gods of Valdira, this happens very rarely, and the system mainly works perfectly.

  - I was about to get you in the forehead with my axe— Bom admitted, rubbing his forehead with his green hand.

  - And I almost died— Doc chuckled— I can only run from aggrs.

  - I di-dn’t s-see— sadly bellowed the bald elf— Do it a-again!

  - No thanks! – snapped Kira— Bom, give me the spear!

  - You’ve got one!

  - I need two! Give it here! The durability of the first isn’t eternal! And anyway, it’ll be of use…

  - I won’t have anything to sell! – the orc muttered resentfully and gave the spear, with extreme reluctance, to the paladin.

  - So you are definitely just friends? – asked Kaylen off subject, looking from me to Kira.

  - What? Yes, just friends— I lied without even batting a digital eye.

  - Then why’d she cry “don’t look, don’t look” like that…

  - Hmm…

  - Because the hell are you staring at demonesses for! – remarked Trouble, looking away to the side.

  And so she said it, that it became immediately damn clear that we are not just friends. She sure doesn’t know how to lie. She just doesn’t know! Fuck! This is a hit!

  Yeah… and we sure fucked up with this moment… we hadn’t discussed beforehand. And now we were like schoolchildren, caught on the parent’s couch.

  - I levelled up! – Doc happily exclaimed, abruptly changing the subject.

  My gratefulness to him was immediately rekindled.

  - And me! – growled Bom— All to strength, without hesitation! To punch harder, and to have a thicker bag!

  - I’m almost there— sighed Cray.

  - And me, and me! – Kaylen Seeker nodded— I am smarter! And a bit wiser!

  - Soon you will be completely cool! – Cray didn’t miss the opportunity to cozy up to Kaylen.

  My own experience jumped and stood right at the edge— a millimeter more and I could consider the level obtained. It’s about time for me to gain a level and scatter the points in the appropriate columns.

  I would also like to become “a bit smarter and wiser.”

  - Short break! – I ordered.

  All accepted this well-needed relief.

  Cray “stuck” a stationary lamp with an ordinary light into the floor. Correct. We haven’t met any zombies, vampires or ghosts, so we would save the more expensive “daylight” fixtures.

  We were all seated around the light source, doing our own thing. Only the restless Bom scurried around, a fanatical rabid hamster collecting everything that came to hand. Fortunately there was a lot to be collected— after the mass slaughter of the monsters, this was to be expected. Starting from scales and ending in absolutely fantastic trophies, such as gold plated fins and eyeballs with protruding pupils and bone spikes. I saw lots of the like… a production having its home in a cabinet of curiosities. And as for the designers, it was about time that they visited psychiatrists and talked to them about the dangers of illicit drugs. Orbit somehow healed Nathan and now, apparently, was trying to play a game of
tic tac toe with him right on the stone corridor. As though he was doing all he could not to lose his mind. The Baroness promised to tell his story and I, frankly, was dying of curiosity. He was too strange of a character.

  I sat myself down comfortable, threw Tyrant a hefty piece of jerky and opened the window. It was time to make a choice between universal wisdom or a sharpening of the intellect.

  Against the background of open windows flashed an awkward shadow. Raising bleary eyes, I saw Orbit Crystiliano.

  - Eh?

  - Busia as-sks that you t-take her out of the b-block list – informed the bald elf.

  - Who? Oh! O-o-o – I drawled, opening a new window.

  A few seconds and the Black Baroness was in my list of favorites, from whom I agreed to receive messages.

  The message did not take a long time coming.

  High society invited the honorable Mr. Rosgard to participate in a themed tea party.

  The event will take place tomorrow evening in the Sapphire room of Barad-Gadur at the confluence of the finest public. VIP class invitations— eight pieces left at the hotel under the name of Mr. Rosgard. All costs for transporting those invited will be covered by the Sleepless clan, and a large selection of themed costumes with complete anonymization.

  Fun and anonymous— that’s our motto!

  Details on the reverse side of the invitations.

  Do not forget that each such invitation has a unique design and is a collector’s item.

  With sincere respect and hope for a positive response, Black Baroness, head of the Sleepless Clan.

  Damn it… I almost broke my eyes wading through the elaborate script and fancy language.

  Themed tea party? Superb public? VIP? Hm…

  - Who’s Busia? – asked Kira in an apparently neutral voice.

  - I told you about her— I sighed— She who suffers from insomnia.

  - Insomnia? … Oh!

  - The Baroness? – jumped Kaylen— And what does she want?

  - She invites me and my friends to a thematic tea party— I confessed— In the blue hall of Barad-Gadur. Tomorrow night.

  - Ros! Take me with you! Please! – said the combat mage— I don’t even need a portion of the goods! Take me with you!

  - U-uh… -- I hesitated— Hm…

  - I am absolutely free tomorrow night— purred Kira, approaching me— Just wondering what I was going to do!

  - Wait, wait! – I shouted— We, by the way, are right now standing in the gutter! And are running around with Krabbers! This isn’t a tea party! And do you even need this tea party?!

  - Yes! – chorused all but Orbit. The bald elf had nothing to worry about— he could enter and leave the citadel whenever he wanted. It’s the rest of us who have to swallow tablets at the sight of Barad-Gadur.

  - There are such great books! – added Doc— I can spend my lie reading!

  - Communication with the legends! – Kaylen rolled her eyes— Half of the players are legendary! And Soul Plane ratings!

  - There are so many things! – sheepishly admitted Bom— And they give a lot! Last time I got some boots! Worldly people! Generous!

  - I love theme nights! – Kirea didn’t keep silent.

  - Ros! I have never asked you for anything— boomed the gnome— Give me an invitation!!

  Well, yes, he wanted to be wherever his beloved Kaylen was.

  - Okay! – I gave up – I don’t mind! Go and play, my children! But after we maim the Krabbers!

  - I’ll maim them all myself right now— ominously promised Kaylen, clenching a scarlet flame in her fists— For the invitations!

  - Alright alright— I waved my hands— Don’t get too relaxed! In a few minutes we stand! I think we are very close to their lair.

  All were silenced, and I took a deep breath of relief.

  “Themed tea party”… I wouldn’t be myself if this “themed party” was connected to the sea voyage. After all, the upcoming trip was the most fashionable topic of the season. And obviously the “tea party” will be attended by a number of people who in one way or another were connected with the Sleepless, one way or another.

  After the official part, they would firmly take me. I’d have to take Kira… without a mate, I had nothing to do there.

  Or should I rather forget it and not go? Let the comrades enjoy, and I will run around the wasteland and chop monsters…

  The options aren’t rich…

  The last stop before the final battle we made after another forty odd minutes. And most of this marathon was run in knee-deep dirty water, moving from one rocky island to another. I never thought that the sewage of Algora was so huge! I couldn’t have imagined it! We overcame kilometers! Entire leagues under the earth! We saw all kinds of monsters! All kinds of plants! Downright lost world right underground… oppressive on the psyche like a monstrous anvil.

  But everything comes to an end. And now, we lay quietly in the water, between jagged fragments of rock. Lay there and stared forwards and down. In fact, we were on the very edge of a deep decline, most similar to the crater of a bomb. There, along the mud, swarmed a whole army of monsters, continuously conducting their awful dance around five Krabbers frozen in complete immobility. And above it all hung a green ball, exuding a fairly bright but ghostly light. All of our attention was at first dispersed throughout the area, but eventually concentrated on the center of the mud pit, where a large stone chip was sticking out, surging a couple of meters above the mud. And on this very fragment, as though upon a throne, was majestically perched a disgusting giant Krabber. On his carapace were painted a myriad of patterns and bizarre characters, his shoulders painted silver— it looked like the uniform of an officer. His pincers also were painted in gold and silver colors. Striped. Overall, at the mere sight of this animal, the impression was that he was not a simple soldier of the Krabber army. More like a general who, for some reason, appeared to be at the head of a very small group.

  But the central figure of the leader soon lost its significance for us. Because we had made a mistake. It wasn’t a temporary camp for the Krabbers. And not even a permanent one. The Krabbers worked here.

  We only had to look a little closer for it to become clear that the seemingly senseless fuss in the mud had a deeper meaning. All this spinning, crawling and jumping creatures quite intelligently swarmed in the mud slush, gradually pushing it from the center to the edges, where it flowed into the narrow gap and went on, carried away by the sewage system of Algora. They used all that was available: fins, snouts, whole bodies and other appendages. To put it bluntly, we were watching a very slow and inside- out mud swirl. Waves of mud lowed slowly from the center to the edges, and this cycle continued repeatedly.

  The Krabbers were not just basking in the mud. They watched as their dependents carefully deepened the hole, sinking deeper and deeper. We all saw it, but the answer to the main question was yet unknown.

  Why were the Krabbers doing it?

  Something they were looking for?


  But then, what exactly are they looking for with such diligence?

  It could be anything.

  - Digging their own graves— whispered Bom bloodthirstily, lying in a crevice and masquerading with patches of moss. Downright spitting image of a moss-covered boulder.

  Or ours— I said softly— What a crowd. Kirea…

  - One second— replied my miracle, disguised as a mound of mud— I’m analyzing. Do not distract.

  I didn’t bother her anymore, returning to the contemplation of the mud monsters. I couldn’t bear the huge combat experience which Kira possessed in matters of fighting tactics and teamwork. I’ve always been a loner. But Kira participated in these wars, perhaps led whole regiments into attack, not to mention sieges.

  That’s why I didn’t dare to stop her from “analyzing.” Let her think. Maybe she’ll think of something or other…

  And I will continue to watch over the freaks. However, there was nothing to watch really, o
ther than the Krabbers. Because of all the mud. Every swarming creature in the mire was plastered with a thick layer of black mud. I couldn’t identify them past the vague contours of their bodies, along with the inscriptions. Many thin snake bodies slid on the mud slush and left slowly vanishing, winding trails. Something like a very fat penguin. And there is something similar to a seal, with a very long horn on its forehead. What a combo… There were a couple of giant crabs, deftly moving in the put. Downright living excavators, for whom it was easy to tear out clumps of dirt from the ground.

  Black dungeon, black hole, black mud and black monsters… just asking for the phrase “black archeologists.” And it seemed that the phrase fell right on target. The Krabbers really were engaging in excavations in search of something very important to them.

  - So – livened Kira— Things are bad. This crowd, of course, will maul us even before we get to the Krabbers. There are too many of them.

  - You always know how to reassure me— I smiled bleakly.

  Retreat? After all we have overcome?

  Fail the task… or go back for help, and wander back for many kilometers underground? What a perspective…

  - Therefore, if we want to survive, we have to act very smartly— she continued, wiping the running dirt off her cheek— Listen carefully. The monsters are heterogeneous. Completely. Their sizes, silhouettes, adaptability of land, survival, speed and so on. The most important factor is their fatigue. Did you see how often certain groups stop digging and freeze for a few minutes?

  - N-no— I said with hesitation. The rest of the party members just shook their heads.


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