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Ascension Page 7

by A. S. Fenichel

  “No? You belong to me, and I will always belong to you. I have loved you all my life, Belinda Clayton and I will go on loving you even after you plunge that knife into my throat.”

  “Dammit.” His speech took the wind out of her sails.

  She retreated, and he grabbed her wrist and took her knife.

  She screamed, surprised by his quickness. Strong, yes, but his agility had surprised her.

  Now that he had the knife, he might try to force the information from her. He still held her wrist.

  She kicked out catching him in the shin and then spun under the arm that held her. He lost his hold on her and his eyes widened.

  Her kick had little effect on him beyond surprise. Belinda crouched, ready to attack.

  “You want to fight me, Bella?”

  “I want you to leave me alone, but you will not do that.”

  “I’m a trained soldier. You do not know what you’re asking.”

  “I like my chances.”

  Her scream must have been loud. The door opened revealing Faust, Tubbs, and Claire.

  “Out,” she commanded.

  The ladies’ maid, footman, and butler hesitated then backed out of the room closing the door behind them.

  He handed her the knife. “I would prefer if you did not try to kill me.”

  His calm voice irritated her. She pulled the knife back near her ear and with a flick of her wrist sent it sailing.

  He raised one eyebrow as the razor sharp blade whooshed past his head, buried in the portrait of her great uncle, and pierced between the eyes.

  Gabriel turned and looked. “You are exceedingly good. Where did you learn such a skill?” He was digging again.

  “I have learned a great many skills.”

  He bent his knees in a fighting stance. “Are you certain you wish to do this?”

  “Actually, I’m tired and I just want to sleep, but you have pushed me too far. If I win, you must agree to leave this house and never trouble me again.” She circled to her right.

  “And if I win?” he asked.

  “What do you want?”

  His grin was wicked.

  Her heart tripped.

  “If I win, you will tell me everything. I will have the entire truth, Bella.”

  “Funny, I thought you would ask for something else.” Her face warmed accompanied by a surprising surge of disappointment. She was sure she’d turned bright pink.

  “I do not need to deal for your favors, Bella. Ultimately, you want to give those to me of your own free will. Even if you deny it now.”

  His arrogance pushed her rage higher. She took a running start and just when he lifted his arms to protect his face, she slid across the carpet and took his legs out from under him.

  He crashed to the floor, and she rolled away immediately getting to her feet. A small table broke his fall and shattered in a million pieces.

  He jumped up faster than she expected the big man could have and smiled wide, showing his straight white teeth. “I’m impressed.”

  She grunted.

  He rushed forward to tackle her.

  She jumped on the back of the settee, used it to leap behind him and forced her elbow down into the center of his back.

  He stumbled forward, but recovered swiftly, turned and caught her wrists.

  She stepped hard on the top of his foot.

  He grunted.

  She back-fisted him in the nose.

  He released her, and she spun away.

  He would regroup, and she would have to act fast. Figuring out her enemies fighting patterns was what Belinda did best. Winning, even against the strongest opponent, was only a matter of using leverage and surprise.

  He held his injured nose and turned away.

  Winning was everything and the taste of victory sweeter than anything. She ran forward, kicked between Gabriel’s legs.

  He grabbed her foot before it connected with his groin, pulled, and she landed on her back.

  Her head bounced off the thick carpet and the wind rushed from her lungs.

  Gabriel straddled her hips and pinned her arms above her head. He leaned down until his mouth grazed her cheek. “I win.”

  “Blast.” She hated losing, but his lips sent a shiver of excitement through her body.

  He licked her earlobe. “Say it.”

  Her stomach did a little flip and moisture built between her legs. Her throat tightened on the words. “You won.”

  He stood up and pulled her up with him.

  She almost groaned in protest.

  “Thank you. You are very impressive, Bella. I am anxious to learn how you became such a fighter.” He didn’t sound horrified by her fighting abilities. He actually sounded proud.

  She was a warrior. She never made mistakes in battle, yet he had misled her and gotten the better of her. She had underestimated him.

  The shoulder of his expensive jacket was torn and his blouse had pulled loose. Wild hair, damp with sweat stuck out and clung to his angular jaw. He held a handkerchief to his bleeding neck. Dark red blood seeped through the thin white cloth.

  “Sorry about that,” she said.

  “It is nothing.”

  “You will not believe me even if I tell you the truth.” Her logical mind screamed at her to keep her mouth closed, but her feelings for Gabriel warred with that notion. Plus, she had made a bargain and lost. She had to tell him.

  He moved closer and sat down across from her. The small cut had stopped bleeding, and he tucked his handkerchief away. “What just happened makes me even more curious about what transpired in my absence, Bella. You must know that. Why not trust me? At this point, I’m inclined to believe you are a murderess. The truth cannot be worse.”

  A laugh bubbled up from her chest. “No, I suppose not.”

  It was true. Once she told him, he would think she was insane. That was better than him believing she was a cold-blooded killer.

  “I’m a demon hunter.” She watched his face.

  Those expressive eyes widened before narrowing. He hung his head for a long moment and then returned his gaze to her.

  She’d known he wouldn’t believe her, but it burned in her heart anyway. Why did his sympathy hurt so much? “The man you think I killed was a demon not a man. He thought I was an easy target. He learned differently.”

  “A demon.” His voice was soft and thoughtful.

  “You do not believe me.” It was not a question.

  “I can see that you believe it. I do not know what this Foxjohn has convinced you of, Bella, but there are no demons.” He walked over to her chair.

  She almost laughed. “So rather than believe in demons, you would rather believe that I have gone mad, taken up with some kind of mesmerist, and learned to fight better than most men? I could have killed you twice tonight.”

  He remained quiet for a long time. “I have already said that your skills are impressive. Now you want me to believe that some kind of monsters walk around London and you are the only one who sees them. I do not want to believe you’re mad, Bella, but how am I to believe this story?”

  “Everyone sees them, Gabriel. You saw one the other night. You chose not to recognize exactly what you saw. The people of London choose to ignore what is in front of their faces. The demons wear human clothes and stay in the shadows and people ignore them. You saw a man the other night, but I think if you tried to remember you would realize his skin was not quite the right color and he was not shaped exactly as he should be. If you searched your memory, you would know that I am telling the truth.” She strained her neck to look up at him standing so close to her chair.

  His eyes shifted to one side in an instant of uncertainty. Then that awful look of sympathy returned.

  “Come with me tomorrow night.” What was she saying? Suddenly it was imperative that Gabriel believe her. She might be making a big mistake, but she wanted him to know she was not insane or a cold-blooded k

  “You want me to join you on one of your late night escapades with that Foxjohn?”

  “No. I wanted you to leave me alone and not ask so many questions, but you refused to do that. Now you think I’m a madwoman and a murderess and for some reason, I cannot live with that.”

  He cocked his head. “Shall I come armed?”

  “If you want to live, it would be advisable.”

  “How many weapons do you have under those skirts?”

  Pleasure at the idea of him searching her skirts tugged at the corner of her mouth. “Perhaps tomorrow night you will get the opportunity to find out.”

  Chapter 6

  Gabriel couldn’t concentrate on the papers in front of him. He’d eaten out of habit but didn’t recall what he’d broken his fast with. The idea that Belinda had indeed lost her mind plagued him all night. How had this happened? What had happened to her during her abduction and what did Reece Foxjohn have to do with it? He should have asked more questions the night before, but her offer to see what was happening on her nightly jaunts was too enticing and he’d lost focus.

  Gabriel would make Foxjohn pay for his part in the changes to Belinda. He slammed his fist down on the desk.

  He touched his neck and then his sore nose.

  She could fight. He’d give her that. She was faster than any man he’d ever seen and she’d been wearing long skirts. The way she moved from the floor to the furniture and used speed and agility had been impressive. She had come close to besting him and could have killed him.

  The library door creaked open and his butler stood waiting for the earl.

  “What is it?”

  “A gentleman named Thor is asking to see you, my lord. He claims to have made your acquaintance last evening and that you indicated he should come here. He does have your card.” While Shelby’s tone remained flat, there was something unpleasant in the delivery of the information.

  Gabriel didn’t care for it. “Send Mr. Thor in, Shelby.”

  His expression remained staid. “As you wish, my lord. I’m to remind you that the countess and Lady Serena are expecting you for luncheon.”

  “You may inform my mother that I have not forgotten.”

  Shelby bowed out of the room.

  The hack driver entered the library. Thor hunched, twisting his gray, woolen cap.

  “Thor, I’m glad you’ve come,” Gabriel rounded his desk and put out his hand.

  Thor’s blond hair hung just below his ears in a stringy mess. “Happy to be here, my lord.”

  “There’s no need to be nervous.”

  “My first time inside one of these houses. I’m afraid I’ll break something.” Thor blushed.

  Gabriel remembered feeling the same way as a boy when they would come to London from the country house. He laughed. “You will get used to it.”

  “Will I?” His pale blue eyes widened.

  “Have a seat.”

  Once Thor sat, Gabriel leaned casually against the desk. “I have a couple of questions, if you do not mind, Thor.”

  “I may have a few m’self.”

  “I imagine so. What did you do before you began driving the hack?”

  “I worked me dad’s land until I joined the army. Went to war and nearly got killed a few times.”

  “Why did you not go back to farming after you left the army?”

  Thor’s eyes drifted to the window and his hands continued to worry the cap in his hands. Then he looked back at Gabriel. “I got hurt real bad and they didn’t want me back in the army. Me dad had died and me mum wanted to go live with her sister. I don’t have no other family so I got what money I could from the small parcel and bought the hack.”

  “Have your injuries healed?”

  “I’ll not say I don’t hurt a bit when a big storms coming, but I’m still fit. For a while I thought I wouldn’t walk again.” He pounded his fist against his right leg. “But it healed up with time.”

  “I think you will do,” Gabriel said.

  “For what exactly, my lord?”

  Gabriel took a deep breath. What indeed? “Well, Thor, I’m not sure exactly. Something is going on, and I may need someone I can trust to get me and my fiancée out of trouble.”

  Thor’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of trouble.”

  “I cannot say, but it could be quite dangerous. You would need to be discreet and perhaps carry a weapon just in case.” As he began the strange job description, Gabriel thought that he wouldn’t blame Thor if he ran from the house and began telling all of London that the Earl of Tullering had gone completely off his rocker.

  “And the salary?”

  “I will be generous.”

  “Me mum depends on me. If anything should happen…”

  Gabriel had already admired the sturdy hack driver, but his sense of duty brought that admiration to an even higher level. He scribbled a set of numbers on a piece of paper and slid it across the desk to Thor. “I shall make arrangements for your mother’s care should the unthinkable happen.”

  Thor took the paper and his eyes widened. “I accept your offer, my lord.”

  Gabriel pushed away from the desk and the two men shook hands.

  Thor walked out the front door.

  The two women of the house descended the grand staircase and rushed toward Gabriel.

  “Gabriel, where have you been?” his mother demanded. She was average height and held herself very elegantly. Her blond hair was starting to whiten, but it was coifed as always.

  “I have been here, Mother. Is something amiss?”

  “Where were you last night? I came to the library to have a word with you and was informed by Shelby that you were not at home.”

  “I was not under the impression that I am obliged to inform you of my schedule.” If his very impressionable sister had not been standing to his mother’s left, he might have said more.

  Her eyes narrowed.

  Serena looked from him to their mother and rushed forward, putting herself between them and smiling up at Gabriel. “You are going to take luncheon with us, Gabriel, are you not?”

  He smiled down at her sweet face. Dark hair and long dark eyelashes surrounded her bright blue eyes. They both had their father’s eyes. Her skin was pale and smooth. She wouldn’t last on the marriage market long. Some unworthy sod would win her heart and then Gabriel would only see her on holidays if he was lucky. “I said that I would. What is all of this about?”

  His mother interrupted. “Did you go to your club? You know how I disapprove of gambling and wasting time in other useless pursuits.”

  “I was out.”

  “I see.” There was a bitter twist to his mother’s mouth.

  “Do you, Mother?”

  She pulled her shoulders back. “Of course I do. I was married to your father. I know what men do when they leave the house at night.”

  He raised an eyebrow and said nothing. His mother obviously thought he had a mistress, which made him wonder at his father’s nocturnal activities. He brushed the thoughts away. The man was dead, there was no sense dredging up his bad habits.

  “I will leave your puttering in the dens for Lady Belinda to sort out. I have done all I can.”

  Even Serena frowned at her mother. “How is Belinda? Have you seen her?”

  Gabriel smiled. “I called on her only yesterday. She is well. I shall tell her you asked after her.”

  “Oh please do.”

  His mother turned and walked to the dining room, her face a mask of disapproval. Gabriel offered his sister his arm and they followed their matriarch to luncheon.

  Once seated and served the first course, a stoic silence fell over the table. “What on earth is going on? You have some news that you feel I will disapprove of. I can read it on both of your faces. Out with it.”

  His mother said, “There is a lovely dove coming in the next course. Perhaps it would be best to wait.”

  His mo
ther had a plan. She liked order. He actually did too, though war had taught him that order was not always possible. “Just tell me what you want, ladies.”

  “Thaddeus Douglass,” Serena said.

  “What in the world is it?”

  “Not it, Gabriel. Whom. Tad is a whom, and he has asked me to marry him.”

  His heart sank. He knew it would come, but had hoped it would wait a while longer.

  His mother’s expression did not betray any emotion on the subject.

  “Why did this Douglass, who I assume is not English, but a Scot, not come to me for permission.”

  His mother’s eyes narrowed. “He did come, but you could not be found. In fact, he has come three times to meet with you and each time you had left the house without a word.”

  Gabriel didn’t like the tone of his mother’s voice. “What are his attributes?”

  Serena smiled and her face flushed prettily. “He is tall and very handsome. He is a perfect gentleman. He smells of vanilla and spice. I have never met a man who danced more nimbly. He is quite affable.” She continued to bubble on the subject for several minutes.

  As the dove was set before them, Gabriel asked, “Mother?”

  “Mr. Douglass is half English on his mother’s side. While he is untitled, his uncle is the Earl of Blakely and there is the possibility of that title falling to him, though it is unlikely. The family is well respected and has properties both in England and Scotland, which Mr. Douglass has managed successfully for several years now. His finances are substantial, so Serena’s dowry is not his goal. His major holding is in Scotland though he has lived in England most of his life.” She gave a small shrug. “I like him.”

  Serena beamed and waited for him to say something.

  “I will meet with him this week.”

  His sister jumped from her chair and squeezed him around the neck. “Thank you, Gabriel. I’m going to be so happy.”

  He pushed her away and gave her a stern look. “I have not agreed yet, Serena. I will meet with him. That is all.”

  “You are going to love him as much as I do. I just know you will.”

  “I doubt that,” he muttered over his dove.

  * * * *

  Gabriel watched out the window as Thor slowed to a stop in front of Belinda’s townhouse. The house was dark save for a small light in the east corner.


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