Status Update (Second Chances)

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Status Update (Second Chances) Page 13

by Carr, Mari

  Bryan lowered the straps on her bra, pulling them off her shoulders, then he toyed with the hooks in the back, releasing them.

  Laura released a sigh of relief until he pushed the silky material underneath her breasts and used the hooks to tie her more securely to the post. Her back was pressed tightly to the wood, the constriction tight, immovable, as the bra pushed her breasts up.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Can you breathe?” His voice, his face, gave nothing away.

  She nodded. “Yes, but it’s tight.”

  “Is it painful?”

  She shook her head. It didn’t hurt, but she’d never felt more trapped.

  “Good.” He didn’t move to touch her breasts, to kiss her nipples and again, she was tempted to beg.

  Bryan unfastened her jeans, tugging them down, then using his foot to kick the material off completely. Laura moaned and leaned her head back against the post when he lifted one of her legs to the mattress, leaving her wide open, his for the taking.

  Please let him take me.

  “Where’s your vibrator?”

  She blushed at his question. She’d confessed to playing with the sex toy while fantasizing about him one night over dinner. Bryan had insisted she bring it out that night and show him exactly how she masturbated when he wasn’t there. The sex after her demonstration had been hot, rough, incredible.

  “It’s in the nightstand.”

  “Don’t move.”

  She gave him a dirty look. Where the hell could she go? He had her trussed up as tight as a drum.

  He stepped away to retrieve her sex toy as Laura tried to ignore the cool air on her sex. She was very, very wet. Something about Bryan’s commanding presence and the way he focused solely on her drove her wild.

  He returned quickly. Once again, he didn’t fool with foreplay. Instead he went straight for the kill.

  She sucked in a harsh breath as he pressed the vibrator inside her pussy, not stopping until it was fully lodged. Then he turned it on low, holding it in place.

  Laura jerked as much as her bindings would allow as the toy teased her sensitive flesh. Sadly, it wasn’t large enough or on a high enough speed to do more than set her body on simmer.

  She needed something harder, faster, larger. She needed Bryan.

  He grasped her knee, lowering it from the bed.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  He narrowed his eyes, but didn’t acknowledge her plea.

  Kneeling, he lifted her jeans and, using the legs of the denim, he tied her thighs together tightly. The new binding ensured the vibrator would remain in place, the damn thing revving her motor without putting her into drive.

  “God. No,” she cried. “I need—”

  “Quiet, Laura. Or I’ll gag you.” Bryan reached for the knot of his tie, undoing it, then slipping the silk from the collar. Returning to her, he placed it around her face, using it to blindfold her.

  For the first time since Bryan began undressing her, Laura truly started fighting against the bondage. He let her test the bonds for several minutes, but her struggles were ineffective. Pointless.

  The room fell silent except for her harsh inhalations. She was exhausted from her failed escape, worried about Bryan’s intentions and more turned on than she’d ever been in her life.

  Once she gave up the fight, Bryan stepped close. “How do you feel?” His face was next to hers, his breath hot against her ear.


  He pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. “What else?”

  She didn’t know what game he was playing, but she was at her wits’ end and in no mood to humor him. “Horny.”

  He ran his hand along her side, stopping at her waist. It was a tender gesture that was in complete odds with her captivity. “Try again. Dig a little deeper.”

  She released a sharp, annoyed sigh. “What do you want me to say, Bryan? I feel trapped, helpless, frustrated, pissed off.”


  She leaned her head back against the post of the bed, her temper flaring. “What’s good about any of that?”

  “Is that how you felt these past two weeks?”

  His question caught her off-guard. It was exactly how she’d felt. She’d stopped living, tried to punish herself for every mistake she’d made, every person she’d ever hurt. The bottom had fallen out, leaving her clinging to the edge of an abyss, wondering why she should bother to hold on.

  “I thought I’d failed my kids, my family, you. It seemed like everything I did just hurt everyone more and more.” The words fell out of her. Something about being blindfolded and unable to see Bryan’s expression freed her, allowed her to speak aloud all the words that had been jumbled up in her brain.

  “Why did you call me?”

  “I missed you. I need you in my life.”

  “You were wrong to push me away.”

  He’d said as much downstairs. His tone frightened her, convinced her she’d called too late. She’d lost him.

  “Ask me for help, Laura.”


  He slipped the blindfold from her eyes. She blinked several times in her attempt to adjust to the dim lighting. Evening was giving way to night. The only light in the room was provided by the bedside lamp. When had he turned that on?

  She studied his face, wishing there was something she could say to ease the sadness written there. “I don’t understand.”

  “You don’t have to do all of this alone. There’s no defeat in asking someone for help.”

  For years, she’d tried to shoulder the weight of her family’s happiness alone. She’d shielded her kids from Mason’s depression, pretended to the world that they were the picture-perfect family when inside, loneliness ate at her like a cancer. When she’d finally gotten the courage to leave, her lonesomeness had given way to guilt as she assumed responsibility for the failed marriage, Mason’s misery, Katie’s sadness. She was tired.

  “Help me,” she whispered.

  Bryan clasped her face in his hands and kissed her. It wasn’t a touch of possession or desire, it wasn’t fueled by lust or need. It was simply meant to comfort her. And it did.

  “You don’t have to be alone, Laura.”

  Finally, he was there, touching her, his hands offering her everything as he stroked her breasts, her stomach, her ass. She immediately missed the use of her own hands, but Bryan was in no hurry to free her from her bonds. Instead he stoked the flames higher.

  He pressed warm, open-mouth kisses to her face, her neck. Bending forward, he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, increasing the suction until she cried out. He had a unique ability to make every little hurt so damn good.

  He cupped her breasts, squeezing the sensitive flesh. “I want to put my cock between your tits and fuck you.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I want to bury myself in your pussy, your ass.”

  “Do it.”

  He grasped her hips, pressed his covered erection against her, letting her feel exactly how much he needed her. “I want it all, Laura.”

  “It’s yours.”

  He stepped away, his gaze capturing hers. “I don’t mean just your body.”

  She knew that. The answer was still the same. “Everything is yours.”

  Her confession freed whatever unseen restraints still held him back. He untied her legs, then released her from the bondage of her bra and blouse, before removing the vibrator and tossing it aside.

  Bryan pressed her onto the bed. He undressed quickly, then took exactly what she’d offered. He suckled her breasts, then rose over her until his cock hovered above her face.

  She reached for it, pulling him inside her mouth. She licked his hard flesh, hungry for him. He thrust deep only a handful of times before withdrawing. She tightened her grip, tried to bring him back, but he shook off her hold.

  Moving lower, he laid his cock in the valley between her breasts, then pulled them against his erection. Laura joined the game, holding
her breasts around him as Bryan reached for the headboard. He moved slowly, his eyes closing in ecstasy as he fucked her breasts.

  Laura enjoyed the view, loved the sheer bliss written on his face. After a few minutes, he paused.

  “Don’t stop,” she urged.

  He shook his head. “Everything.” He lifted his knee, moving to her side. Laura understood what he meant.

  She grinned at him before turning to reach into the nightstand drawer. She pulled out a tube of lubrication and handed it to him. Then she rolled over, coming up on her hands and knees.

  Bryan’s murmured, “Fuck,” reached her and she laughed quietly. Bryan rubbed her ass, surprising her when he lifted his hand and brought it down hard. He placed two firm smacks against her ass. Then he leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “That was for the last two weeks. It killed me staying away from you.”

  “I’ll never ask you to leave again, Bryan. I promise.” It was a strong vow, but it was one she intended to stand by. While her marriage had left her leery and distrustful of things like forever and the future, her short time with Bryan had changed that, making her believe in love again.

  He pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips before moving to kneel behind her. She heard him open the tube, then sucked in a harsh breath when the cool lubrication hit her anus. Bryan had never expanded on their anal experiences, never used more than two fingers.

  Tonight, she had no doubt that was about to change. Bryan slowly worked the lube in, allowing her to adjust to the invasion of his fingers. She was surprised when she heard him open a condom wrapper.

  She glanced over her shoulder and caught his shrug as he answered her unspoken question. “This isn’t the big ending. I want all of you, remember?”

  She nodded, touched by his unfailing care. Bryan donned the condom, then the head of his dick pressed against her anus. Damn. Regardless of the lube and his attempts to ease her into this, it was going to hurt.

  He moved slowly. Twice, he stopped briefly when she hissed, allowing her a chance to catch her breath. Once he was fully seated, she noticed the pinching had given way to something else. Being taken this way was completely different from anything she’d ever experienced. She hadn’t really expected to feel aroused, but having Bryan inside her like this was dirty, forbidden, hot.



  His grip on her hips tightened. “You’re killing me. I don’t want to hurt you, but—”

  Laura moved forward, Bryan’s cock sliding out the slightest bit. Then she shoved back against him. Her pussy clenched with need as lightning struck. “Oh my God. More.”

  Bryan gave up the fight. He took the reins back, thrusting into her over and over. Laura fought against the clawing need growing inside her. He’d told her this wasn’t the big ending, but there was no way she could keep from coming.

  “I have to, I can’t stop—” Her body trembled with need.

  “Do it, Laura.” Bryan reached around her, his cock still pounding deep inside her ass. He stroked her clit. “Come.”

  She went off like a firecracker on the Fourth of July. She jerked against him, wincing as an orgasm so strong it hurt consumed her. Bryan held still as she struggled to come down. Then her arms and legs gave out and she collapsed on her stomach.

  The mattress dipped as Bryan left the bed. Surprised, Laura opened her eyes, watching as he tugged off the condom, throwing it away. His cock was still erect, hard, ready.

  When he returned to the bed, he gently lifted her, putting her on her back. Then he came over her, slowly pushing his cock inside her sex. She cried out in relief.

  This time, his thrusts took on an easy rhythm that soothed, caressed. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, enjoying his sweet kisses as he made love to her.

  The idea of accepting his love didn’t scare her anymore. She longed for it. Needed it.

  Bryan moved inside her, stroking her so deeply, it was as if they were connected. One.

  Soon Laura’s climax built again. This time she wouldn’t go down alone. Reaching up, she cupped Bryan’s cheek. He smiled, the laugh lines she adored decorating his face once more.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  He closed his eyes as if savoring the words. “Say it again.” His voice was husky, deep, sexy.

  She grinned. “I love you so much.”

  He kissed her. “I love you too, hotshot.”

  Bryan continued to move within her. One, two, three pushes more and they were there. Laura clung to Bryan, reveling in his strength, his power.

  He was hers.

  Her second chance at happiness.

  Thank God.


  Laura Riley

  “Auld Lang Syne” is the most performed song in the world after “Happy Birthday”. It’s a fact. You can Google it.

  Laura and Bryan moved in time to the slow love song. Rob’s band, Express Train, had gotten together for a special surprise concert at Blue Moon. All the wine girls decided they’d leave the safety of Laura’s living room and actually celebrate the brand new year out on the town.

  So far it had been one of the best nights of Laura’s life, which was surprising since this year had been jam-packed with incredible adventures and great times. She glanced over to their table and watched as Kevin and Katie laughed at something Georgie said. Laura had been thrilled when her kids announced they wanted to ring in the New Year with her.

  Bryan gestured toward the stage. “I’m not sure Trina’s feet will touch the ground for months after tonight.” Trina was on stage, playing keyboard with Express Train. “It was nice of Rob to invite her to join the band for the night. It’s an incredible experience for her.”

  Laura grinned as she watched Trina’s hands fly across the keyboard. “Her face must hurt from all that smiling.” Trina had never looked happier in her life.

  “I was talking to Kevin and Katie earlier.”

  Laura had noticed Bryan chatting with her kids by the bar. Since their initial meeting, both of her kids had taken the time to get to know Bryan, accepting that he was a part of their mother’s life. “I noticed. And if you’re planning another impromptu weekend at the beach, I’m in.”

  A couple of months earlier, Bryan and the kids had surprised her with a quick weekend getaway to Myrtle Beach for her birthday. She’d never had so much fun in her entire life.

  “Nope. I was asking their permission.”

  “For what?”

  Bryan pulled a ring box out of his pocket. “I love you and I want to marry you. I know you’re not real keen on the institution of marriage and if you want a long engagement, we—”



  “I said yes. I’ll marry you.” She laughed at Bryan’s shocked expression.

  “You didn’t let me finish my speech.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” She took the ring from his hand and slipped it on her finger as she said, “Keep going then.”

  Bryan slipped the now-empty box back in his pocket and wrapped his arms around her. “Well, I was going to say something about the two of us being old enough to know what we want. And then I was going to mention the fact the sex is out of this world. If I needed more, I was going to bring up that I’m out of town for work quite a bit, so I wouldn’t be underfoot.”

  She laughed at his last argument. She’d teased him once about being the perfect boyfriend because she had a date for special occasions, awesome sex on a semi-permanent basis and she still got a week or two of alone time for herself.

  “Given that my ring is on your finger, I assume I don’t need to list any more reasons why we should get married.”

  She shook her head. “You had me at I love you.”

  Bryan grinned and kissed her.

  “Did she say yes?”

  Laura turned around to find Katie and Kevin standing next to them on the dance floor.

  Bryan nodded.

  “Hot damn.” Kevin slapped Bryan on the
back, then gave Trina a thumbs up. Laura laughed when Trina hooted right in the middle of the song.

  Katie hugged her. “Congratulations, Mom.”

  “Come on, Katie,” Kevin took his sister’s hand as a fast song came on. “Let’s leave the lovebirds alone to celebrate. I feel like dancing.”

  Kevin spun Katie away as Laura laughed at their silly antics on the dance floor.

  “Your kids are great.”

  She smiled. “I love Trina too.”

  “This is all going to work, I promise.”

  Apparently, Bryan thought she still needed a bit of convincing. “I know.” She grabbed Bryan’s wrist and checked the time on his watch. Ten minutes until the New Year. “Do you mind if we leave right after midnight?”

  Bryan shook his head, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Not at all. You have something special in mind?”

  “Yep. I want to go home and get on Facebook.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “I need to update my status, make this Facebook official.”

  Bryan laughed. “Sounds a plan, hotshot.”

  About the Author

  Writing a book was number one on Mari’s bucket list and on her thirty-fourth birthday, she set out to see that goal achieved. Now her computer is jammed full of stories—novels, novellas, short stories and dead-ends. A New York Times and USA TODAY bestseller as well as winner of the Passionate Plume, Mari found time for writing by squeezing it into the hours between 3 a.m. and daybreak when her family is asleep and the house is quiet.

  You can visit Mari’s website at

  She is also on and

  She blogs at International Heat ( and hangs out on the Heat Wave Readers Yahoo group:

  Look for these titles by Mari Carr

  Now Available:

  Just Because

  Because of You


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