Sweetest Torture (Sweetest Kill Book 2)

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Sweetest Torture (Sweetest Kill Book 2) Page 1

by Alexander, S. B

  Sweetest Torture

  By S.B Alexander

  S.B. Alexander© Copyright 2014

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, alive or dead is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced to a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  Song titles and quotes used without permission


  For my girls. I love you. Thank you for putting up with me while I wrote this story, and I am sorry that you were forced to eat Macaroni and Cheese two nights in a row while I was “on a role.”

  And for “my person.” Danielle. You are my very best friend in the entire world. Thank you for always supporting me through everything and everything, and for loving my books as much as I do. You are the closest thing to a sister I will ever have. Love ya!

  “True love, like any other strong and addicting drug, is boring — once the tale of encounter and discovery is told, kisses quickly grow stale and caresses tiresome… except, of course, to those who share the kisses, who give and take the caresses while every sound and color of the world seems to deepen and brighten around them. As with any other strong drug, true first love is really only interesting to those who have become its prisoners.

  And, as is true of any other strong and addicting drug, true first love is dangerous.”

  -Stephen King


  Sweetest Torture


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19 - Six Months Later

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26 –Dean

  Chapter 27 – Stella

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Epilogue – Six years later


  The pain ripping through my body is like nothing I have ever felt before. Childbirth. Being shot. Nothing compares to this. I feel like a knife has sliced through my back. Up and down. Ripping apart pieces of my flesh that will never be put back together the right way again.

  The man ignores my cries. He only causes more pain.

  I need a doctor, I know this. I need someone to find me and get me out of here. I have been through this before. I have been held against my will.

  But this time it’s different. This time another human being owns me. I am no longer in America, but rather in a poverty stricken town somewhere near Mexico.

  I hear the man barking orders at his followers. No one speaks English.

  No one tries to tell me what will be traded for my freedom this time.

  I just hear one word again and again in my head each time I close my eyes.



  Chapter 1

  I need to wake up.

  I am fighting to open my eyes.

  The pain in my head is like nothing I have ever felt before.

  Maybe the one hangover I had after the night I turned 21. When Alexis and I went to Mark’s the same establishment that my best friend strips at….

  No that headache is nothing to the foggy sharp pains I am feeling right now.

  My mouth is dry, tasting of cotton. I need a drink.

  I need to open my eyes.

  I motion to move my hands, to rub my eyes hoping that it will help me wake up.

  But I can’t move them. I try again, I jerk them up as hard as I possibly can. They are either really heavy or being held down.

  Why something would be holding my hands down is making no sense.

  I try and remember the night before. I knew I had gone out with Alexis, we went Oasis. The new club that Ryan Corvus owns.

  I didn’t drink much, but clearly the bartender made my drink stronger than I realized.

  That… Or I was drugged!

  Suddenly I remember Dean. I remember how rough he fucked me against the wall after he found me dancing with another guy. He told me I was being a whore, he asked me if I liked being treated like one.

  But then what happened?

  I tried to remember.

  Several moments pass before I remember seeing Stella.

  Stella is Dean’s wife. Dean is the man who made me fall in love with him. Who I gave my virginity to, and who turned out to be nothing but a huge liar, he was married.

  I see Dean in my mind, the last time I saw him. He was wearing an expensive black suit, shined up dress shoes and a smile that was just for me once we finished having sex in the hall.

  Then I feel the jolt of pain in my heart as I remember Ashley with Stella. Ashley, Jaxon’s ex and the mother of my beautiful niece Josslyn.

  She hired Dean.

  Even more time passes while I try to escape the fog and remember what it was he was hired to do.

  She told me. I remember the laugh as soon as she uttered the very words I just couldn’t for the life of me remember what it was she asked him to do….

  Something to do with me…

  I need to open my eyes. Why the hell can’t I remember? Why can’t I just wake up?

  Then it all comes rushing back.

  Dean was hired to kill me!

  He’s a hit man. That’s what Ashley called him.

  She hired him to kill me.

  I remember Dean didn’t look happy that she was there. He looked like he wanted to kill her and not me.

  His face, it was full of pain and fury.

  His body language was strong and possessive.

  He was whispering to me in my ear so low that only I could hear, asking me to trust him, he told me I needed to give him a chance to explain, that I needed to believe him.

  Then I felt the pain in my neck and I heard him say much louder:

  “She means shit to me.”

  And the blackness took over.

  Chapter 2

  The room that I am in smells damp and musty.

  Like a basement of some sort. I can hear the slow yet steady sound of water dripping.

  I am cold. So cold.

  I can’t even tell if I am wearing shoes. The dress that I was wearing when I went to the club would not keep me warm for long wherever I was.

  But I couldn’t even tell if I was still wearing it or not. If I was, it had to keep me slightly warmer than I was now.

  My hands are aching from lack of movement and blood flow.

  My legs are bound as well as my hands.

  After I recalled the evening with Dean, Ashley and Stella I re
alized that I must have been gagged as well because I opened my mouth to scream I felt a thick piece of twisted fabric between my teeth prevent the noise.

  I felt like I was going to be sick, but I knew with something in my mouth I could choke, which could lead to larger problems in the end.

  I start to shiver either from the cold or the fear, or an even mixture of both.

  I have no idea where I am. I figure it is probably Dean who has me here, but he isn’t saying anything and he obviously doesn’t really care that I am wearing this skimpy dress and that I can no longer feel my hands or feet.

  Suddenly I hear muffled voices.

  I feel a warm blanket being draped over my body.

  I relax slightly.

  Until I feel hands behind my head and feel something being removed from my face.

  I had been blindfolded.

  I open my eyes and look around. I am in a warehouse basement of some sort.

  It’s open, like you would expect a small car garage to be.

  It’s bright in some areas of the room, and dim in others.

  I am under the bright area.

  I look up and that’s when I notice him.


  He’s wearing suit pants, and a white dress shirt that has a suit vest above it. His sleeves are pushed up around his elbows.

  A few days ago I would have found it sexy as hell the way his arms seemed to bulge from the shirt.

  Right now all I can think about is the fierce look of anger and almost disgust that is playing on his face.

  “About time you woke up.” His deep voice rumbles.

  I didn’t realize there was a proper wake up time when you were being held against your will.

  A man comes walking from behind me. He must have been the one to remove the blindfold.

  He’s handsome too. Slightly younger than Dean, maybe around my age. He isn’t as muscular as Dean either, but he is dressed just as sharp. As though this were a job interview at a high end law firm and not a kidnapping.

  His hair is longer and looks messy, the curls make him look even boyish. His honey colored eyes match his face perfectly. But I know he isn’t someone I can trust. Even though he looks at me with sympathy.

  I look down at my lap and realize I am wearing nothing but the bra and panties I put on the night I went out.

  Someone took my dress.

  A spider crawls along the floor, and up my leg. I should shoo it away, but I feel as though I want it to bite me. I want this to turn out to be one of those movies where the insect bites the person and they either turn into a super hero, or die on the spot. Such a stupid thought.

  Because being in this room. This situation with me strapped to a chair tells me that shit is very bad. And I am not likely to be let go anytime soon.

  Or at all.

  Chapter 3

  I learn throughout the day or evening that the man who is with Dean is named Marco.

  Dean won’t talk to me. But he talks to Marco.

  He has only looked at me a few times, and the look on his face makes me hurt.

  Marco on the other hand, looks at me often.

  Which any other time would make any girl feel good.

  But considering these two men have kidnapped me, it’s not a good thing and nothing to feel flattered over.

  My gag is not removed. Marco tried to take it off, but Dean refused.

  Marco left for a while, leaving Dean and I alone.

  He still wouldn’t look at me, wouldn’t talk to me.

  He read his newspaper, he texted on his phone.

  All the while pretending I wasn’t there.

  I don’t feel well. The need to throw up is still so present it’s making my head spin I feel so sick.

  But I don’t want to let Dean know that I am as afraid as I am.

  He looks at me briefly as if he can hear my thoughts.

  Just lifting his eyes from his paper.

  I look down quickly when they stay trained on me for several moments.

  I can feel the tears welling in my eyes.

  I can’t cry. I will not cry. I can’t give him another piece of myself like that.

  I hear the sound of a wooden chair scraping backwards against the cement floor.

  I want so badly to look up, maybe he is leaving. Once he’s gone maybe I can find a way to get free.

  The thoughts wash away quickly when I feel him brush the pads of his fingers against my face.

  He grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

  His blue eyes look darker. No longer blue like the ocean. They now look angry and sinister.

  “You fucking lied to me.” He whispers. There’s pain in his voice.

  I shake my head no.

  “You have no idea what you have done to me. It was all for fucking nothing.”

  I just look at him.

  “I never had anything that could hurt me, not until you. And you blew it all up. Now I have no idea what I am going to do with you.”

  What is he talking about what did I ruin?

  I make a noise, trying to get his attention, to remove the gag

  All he does is laugh, and then he grabs the back of my hair into a tight fist, pulling my head back.

  “Go ahead and make your noises Olivia, no one is going to help you. You want me to feel bad. It aint happening darlin ’ you fucked over the wrong guy.”

  How did I fuck him over?

  I pull my head away from his grasp, my eyes trained on him but narrowed. If he isn’t going to give me straight sentences then I don’t want him touching me

  “Yeah, show me how tough you are Liv. You sure have everyone fooled with the good girl act, you are a fighter and a whore. Who knew?”

  There is the sound of a heavy metal door slamming shut down on the other end of the room.

  Dean steps away from me quickly, straightening his vest and pants giving me one last dirty look “jokes on me huh buttercup?”

  He walks back to his chair and sits down, folding the newspaper open to the next section.

  Chapter 4

  Marco went for food. He has 3 different meals. One for him, one for Dean and I assume the other is for me but Dean won’t let him give it to me yet.

  “She doesn’t need to eat just yet.”

  Marco looks at Dean, “boss, she needs to eat she’s -“

  “I know what the fuck she is.” He yells, cutting Marco off.

  Marco looks at me clearly uncomfortable.

  I’m what? A prisoner. Yeah let’s not feed the prisoner on top of everything else.

  I mumble something under my breath. I know they can’t understand me.

  Marco snaps his head looking at me with warning in his eyes.

  Dean looks at me too

  His hands are at his side, clenching into fists.

  I close my eyes, gently shaking my head as I do.

  I can’t believe that I fell in love with this man. Was I just in a rush to love and feel loved?

  Dean didn’t love me, he never told me. It was always dodged. I guess hind sight really is a bitch in situations such as this.

  We spent months together, we had sex, but none of it was real for him.

  It was very real for me, and looking at this man hurt too much. I feel that rejection and now this fear of uncertainty it is way too much.

  The chair scrapes again against the cement floor, but this time there is a smashing noise as I look up to see that Dean has flipped the table over and away from Marco.

  “Don’t you ever say that to me again. It’s not fucking possible” He shouts at him.

  I didn’t hear Marco say anything, but clearly he did because Marco looks at me and then back to Dean and says “You know best boss, I’m just trying to make you feel better.”

  Dean looks down at the table, my lunch has been destroyed beneath the broken glasses and dirt on the floor.

  “I shouldn’t feel anything, this is exactly why. For the first time in my whole life, I went against all my training
and all the wise words of my dad and this shit happens.”

  Marco stands to start cleaning up the mess.

  “Clean this up and find her something to eat, I’ll be back a bit later. I have a date with a hot chick.”

  His last words are directed at me. He watches my face for a reaction.

  His words hurt, which I know plays on my face, because his smile grows.

  He can sleep with whoever he wants. There wasn’t an emotional connection on his part.

  But the fact that he could rub it in my face that way. When we had sex the night before. I think that is what makes all of this so much worse.

  Dean walks up to me, he runs a hand along my collar bone “Such a shame.” He leans in so Marco is unable to hear him “I wonder if she’ll fuck as good as you, what you think?”

  I forcefully pull my head away from him causing him to laugh, he strolls out the door without another look my way.

  Chapter 5

  Marco doesn’t say anything or really look my way while he cleans up the mess that Dean created when he threw his fit.

  He picks up each shard of glass

  He’s mumbling, but it’s Spanish. I only pick up on a few curse words that I learned in high school from a girl in my class. He’s not happy about what happened with Dean

  I wouldn’t be either if my “boss” flipped a table over and then freaked out on me. Whatever was going on with the two of them involved me obviously, but this whole situation was new to me and none of it was making sense.

  Marco leaves for about an hour. I hear several deadbolts lock as soon as he leaves the room which immediately dashes any hopes I have of escaping.

  When he returns, he carries two bags of food and a huge duffle bag.

  “Dean is going to kill me, but I figured you might want to shower and get dressed before you eat.”

  I nod my in agreement.

  “I can’t let you go, we are in a really secure building, so if you manage to escape it won’t last long. I am doing you a favor letting you roam around down here but you can’t take off.

  Another nod.

  He slowly walks up to me and cuts the rope that binds my arms and legs. When he is finished he moves to remove the piece of fabric that has been in my mouth.


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