Unbroken Promises

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Unbroken Promises Page 8

by Dianne Stevens

  “We will talk about everything when we get home, but right now I want to get you away from here and see how badly you are hurt.”

  “All right, Jesse, I want to get away from here also, but do you think I should tell my friends anything? Maybe we should call an ambulance for Randy.”

  “Beth, in case you haven’t realized it by now, those girls are not your friends. They are whores and they want you to be just like them,” Jesse said heatedly.

  “When Jordon told you to cut your ties with them, you should have listened to him and not been so rebellious. The way you have been treating my brother and your sister lately has been horrible. You continue to hurt them and break their hearts. It’s as if you could care less about how they feel or how much they love you. They only know a little about what all you have been doing. The whole of it would most likely kill both of them, especially if they found out about tonight,” Jesse said unsympathetically.

  “You aren’t going to tell them, are you?” Beth asked in terror.

  “No, Beth, for their sakes I am not going to go to them with this.”

  “What about an ambulance for Randy?” Beth asked again.

  “Beth, do not mention that bastard’s name to me again! He will come to in a little while and make his way over to ‘your friends’ so stop worrying about the man who molested you, alright?”

  “Okay, Jess, although…never mind.”

  They drove the remainder of the trip in silence, both of them reliving the night’s trial.

  When they got home, they went in the house through Jesse’s quarters. Beth sat on Jesse’s bed and waited for him to speak.

  Jesse didn’t look at Beth when he shut the door. He just turned around, leaned against it, and stared into nothing.

  “I hadn’t been home long when I noticed a car pull to the end of the driveway, stop, and turn off the lights. I immediately became suspicious, but I was thinking along the line of someone was breaking into the house. So I sat at the corner of the house and waited. When I spotted you slipping out the front door with your shoes in your hand at 12 o’clock at night, I knew then what the car was doing there. I started to stop you at that moment; now I wish I would have, but I wanted to follow you and see what you were up to.”

  Jesse took a deep breath then continued. “After you turned off the main road and onto the gravel road, I followed you with my lights off. I saw when the car pulled off the gravel road so I stopped my truck and stayed where I was. I thought that you and whoever you were with were going to get out and walk over to where I saw a campfire and motorcycle lights. But, after about ten minutes and not seeing any movement toward the campfire, I eased up. I pulled over to the side of the road and killed the engine. Since the car and its headlights were turned off and it was so dark tonight, I couldn’t see anything. I knew the general location, but I didn’t know exactly where you were parked.”

  Jesse paused a moment and closed his eyes. “As soon as I got out of the truck I heard you screaming. I went running in the direction of your voice. I have never been so terrified in all my life. I felt completely helpless hearing you scream and not being able to get to you. I believe I will hear that scream until my dying day,” Jesse said, his eyes full with unspilled tears.

  After Jesse finished talking he looked at Beth. It was then he noticed her ripped shirt and bruised face. He immediately walked over and knelt in front of her. “You should have let me kill him,” he said simply as he touched the bruise on her face. Although Jesse spoke softly, Beth knew he meant what he said.

  Jesse went to his dresser, took out one of his button-up shirts, and handed it to her. Beth took it from him and stiffly tried to put it on because her whole body hurt. The shirt she was wearing gaped open and Jesse saw the bruises and vicious bite mark on her breast.

  He covered his face with his hands and howled deep and mournfully. Jesse then dropped to his knees in front of her and pulled her into his embrace.

  “Oh, baby, how could this have happened to you? We all tried to shelter and protect you so this type of thing would never happen, Jesse spoke with anguish.

  “Beth…did he rape you?” Jesse forced himself to ask. He then held his breath until she answered. He wanted to know as soon as he had found her but was too afraid to ask.

  Beth did not know what to do. She was not feeling her own emotional turmoil because she was so worried about him.

  “No, Jess, he didn’t. There is no doubt in my mind he would have if you had not come and saved me from it.” She heard him exhale his pent-up breath. “I know what I did was wrong, but I do want to thank you for coming to get me.”

  “Come on, let’s go to the bathroom, and see about your wounds. We will talk again later.” Beth got up, followed him into the bathroom and watched as he took out all the medicine. He parted her shirt just enough to tend to the wound.

  “It’s more of a bruise than a wound, but I’m not sure if you shouldn’t go to a hospital and get it looked at. Human bites can be very bad. Have you had a tetanus shot lately?”

  “I will not go to the hospital and, yes, I’ve had all my shots. I also have a whole bottle of updated antibiotics that I never took.”

  “Is this the only bite wound?” Jesse asked in a monotone voice, but inside he was dying.

  How could that monster have hurt his baby in such a horrific way? He did not know if he would have been able to handle it if Randy had raped her. This was bad enough.

  Oh, Lord, Susan and Jordon would possibly have a nervous breakdown if they were to find out what happened tonight. He did not want the authorities to question her. And they would most likely be called in if he took Beth to the hospital with a bite wound on her breast, but he was really worried about the bite. If it showed any sign of infection, he was going to take her in if he had to drag her there; but, for now, he would watch for any changes.

  Beth had deep bruises in several places beside her breast. Three of her ribs, her wrist, and the side of her face were bruised; but, other than that, she seemed physically all right.

  Jesse was worried about her mental condition. Right now, she seemed to be holding it together; but, he knew when all the shock wore off, she was going to have a lot to deal with.

  He knew he was going to have to be patient with Beth while she dealt with what happened tonight. He would be there for her in whatever capacity she needed for as long as she needed him.

  Jesse also knew he couldn’t put it off any longer. The time had come for him to talk to her about what had been on his mind ever since Cody had told him about what all she had been up to.

  Jesse knew Beth’s hopes and dreams were to marry him when she grew up. And who knew what the future held—that could very likely happen; but, if there was even going to be a chance for them getting together later, he had to tell her some things about himself, things he would absolutely not tolerate under any circumstance. Then he asked himself, “What if she had been raped tonight? What then?” He shook his head; relieved he didn’t have to answer or deal with that.

  Beth walked out of the bathroom. “I guess I better get back to my room. It won’t be long before Susan and Daddy will get up.”

  “Beth, sit down a minute. I want to talk to you about something,” Jesse said in a serious voice.

  Beth knew they were going to have the ‘talk’ he had been wanting to discuss with her. She dreaded it and had a feeling she wasn’t going to like the outcome.

  “What is it you want to talk to me about, Jess?” Beth asked as she sat back down on his bed.

  Jesse was a few feet in front of her sitting on the edge of the dresser. His long legs were stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankle. The ceiling fan’s soft humming was the only noise in the room.

  “Elizabeth, you’ve been doing quite a few things I never thought to see you do. You’ve turned into a very rebellious young lady. You know, Beth, a long time ago, I made you a promise. And I take my promises very seriously, even the one made to a little girl. In other words,
I simply don’t break the promises I make. But, if you remember, that promise I made you was not a promise to marry you, but only to wait until you grew up before I married.” Beth, who had been looking down at her hands, suddenly jerked her head up, “Oh God, Jesse, what are you saying?” Beth asked fearfully, the creases in her forehead deepening.

  “I’m saying, Beth, that, no matter how much I love someone, when I decide to take a wife, it will be to a virtuous woman. I won’t marry a woman who puts out for every man who comes sniffen’ around. I will not take another man’s leftovers…Hell, Beth; maybe it’s already too late,” Jesse sighed and rubbed his hand down his face.

  “You said the man didn’t have his way with you tonight but, I don’t know, there may have been others who you’ve allowed to have you. I mean, the way you talked at the table that night you plainly insinuated as much. I don’t know what to think. Maybe you even want to release me from that old promise.”

  “No! I do not want to release you from the promise you made me!” Beth said in a panic.

  “Jesse, I’ve never stopped loving you. I just feel as if I will never grow up and you keep ripping my heart out. Every time I turn around it seems I find you with someone else. I’m old enough to realize that a man needs the company of a woman. I found that out in a harsh reality tonight. But I swear to you, Jesse, I haven’t so much as kissed another guy. I only insinuated I had because I was so mad at you,” Beth quickly added.

  “Beth, I’ve never intentionally hurt you. How you keep showin’ up at the most inopportune times is beyond me. I do believe what you said about not being with anyone. But, if you don’t change your friends, you’re going to find yourself in a position you can’t get out of—like tonight.

  No, the man’s attempt at rape was not your fault, but the situation you were in was absolutely your fault. Your slipping out of the house to meet up with those boys and girls was only asking for trouble. You said you didn’t know “he” was going to be there, but you did mention that other boys were going to be there.”

  “What did you think was going to happen in the middle of nowhere, at night, with alcohol, and boys? Did you think your friends wanted you to just hang around to watch and listen while they went into the travel trailer? Were you planning to just sit by the campfire alone while everyone around you were rutting with each other? Huh?” Jesse said all of this and knew his temper was rising again so he took a deep breath to calm down some before he went on.

  “I have never met your friends. Cody had said they were wild, and I believe him. The saying

  ‘like likes like’ means your friends want to hang around people already like them or someone who was going to change to be like them. Wild women don’t like to hang around good little virgins. They just don’t mix. If you do not break this connection with these ‘friends,’ I promise you, it will only be a matter of time before something will happen that you can’t undo. Then it will be too late,” Jesse said firmly.

  Then he stepped closer, placed his hand on Beth’s shoulders, and said more gently but still unwavering. “Beth, a girl can only have her virginity taken once. I know I sound old-fashioned, but the woman I will chose to marry and have my babies will come to me a virgin.”

  “No, Jesse, you don’t necessarily sound old-fashioned but, given the state of exercise I keep finding you in, you do sound a little hypocritical,” Beth said a tad bit sarcastically. “But I understand what you’re saying and I see your point. After tonight, I won’t go out with them any more unless it’s a school function.”

  “I don’t even want you doing that. I believe they will just talk you into doing something you know you shouldn’t do again. I think you should cut all ties. But, if you don’t, you had better make damn sure that is all you do. If you remember, you’re already grounded from having anything else to do with them. Like I said before, I’ve never met them, but I believe, they purposely set you up to be with that young punk. They may not have known he would attack you when he didn’t get what he wanted, but I will always believe they set it up for him to be able to have you.”

  “You may be right. I’ll think about all you’ve said.” She wasn’t about to admit how she had had her own misgivings about that very same thing. The more she thought about it, the more she believed Jesse was right about everything. If so, she was as naive as everyone thought.

  “As a matter of fact, I’ve been thinking of asking Susan and Daddy if I could go to a private school that specializes in music. Cody told me a friend of his has a cousin who went to a special music school in Austin. Cody said I might want to look into it.” Jesse didn’t know if he liked the idea of her leaving home, but he told her he thought it was a good idea for her to get away for a while and meet new friends. He jokingly said, “You might even find a nice, good-lookin’ young hunk who will put me out of the picture.” Jesse wasn’t even going to admit to himself that he didn’t like that picture.

  Before Beth opened the door to go inside the main part of the house and to her room, Jesse stepped behind her. He leaned close to her ear and spoke very softly as he lightly stroked her hair.

  “You know, Beth, I truly loved your long black hair. I often dream of lying beside a woman with hair as dark and long as yours was. In my dream it always smells so sweet and feels so soft lying on my body…but, like I said…it’s only a dream.” At that moment, Beth groaned as if in pain and opened the door and walked inside.

  Beth wasn’t going to worry with her friends anymore; they had cost her enough already.

  They were even the ones to talk her into cutting her hair that had never been cut. They told her it was so unstylish the way it was. So she agreed to let Julie cut it for her.


  Susan and Jordon agreed to allow Beth to go to the private school in Austin that specialized in music. They didn’t like the fact that the school was five hours away and she would be leaving them, but they wanted what was best for Beth. They knew it was Beth’s dream to do something with music.

  Beth didn’t know herself exactly what she wanted to do yet. She would most likely teach.

  But, if she wanted to do more, this was the school that could help her achieve that goal. The school was set up as a combined high school and community college. Beth could take courses at night or during the summer and finish high school sooner or she could pace herself and finish as she would in a normal high school. After that, if she wanted, she could even stay and take their college courses or go to the nearby university.

  Jordon called and talked for an hour making sure the dorms had security and that there would be chaperones around the clock. The woman told Jordon that Beth could start the new school at the beginning of her junior year in August.

  After the incident with Randy, Beth managed to hide her bruised face from everyone with makeup and well-placed hair. She went through the last few weeks of school dodging her friends the best she could, but it was impossible to ignore them completely.

  The first time she saw Becky, Beth didn’t ask anything about Randy nor tell her anything that happened that night.

  Becky did ask Beth why she didn’t come to the camp that night so Beth just assumed Randy told them she did not sneak out that night at all. She couldn’t help but wonder what reason he gave for being so beat up. He doubtless made up some excuse probably said some unknown gang jump him.

  The few times when Beth did run into the other girls and they asked her to go with them somewhere she always made some excuse and turned them down. Finally, after a while of Beth they stopped asking.

  Beth did keep talking to Annette, though. Annette told Beth that she had noticed her dodging the other girls and confided that she was also. She said they were wilder than she liked and seemed to be getting more and more out of control. Annette told Beth she liked the excitement at first but it got old. She said she wanted to return to her more vigilant ways. Annette was afraid that one, if not all the other girls, were going to end up in jail or an early grave if they didn’t slow do
wn some.

  Beth agreed with her 100 percent. She was relieved to hear Annette’s confession. Beth told Annette she felt the same way. It was fun for a season, but now it was time to grow up a little.

  Beth couldn’t help but like the other girls. She had a lot of good memories with them that would last a lifetime. In addition, after a period of time, she planned to get back in touch with them, especially Becky. Right now, she needed to put some space between her past and what she wanted for her future.

  The woman from Austin called Jordon back late one Saturday evening. She told him that, if he could have Beth there by Monday morning, she could start the summer semester. She said they had a dorm room that just became available and Beth could start now if she wanted to.

  Jordon asked Beth if that was what she wanted to do. He reminded her she would be giving up her summer, but Beth was ready to get away for a while. Besides, by taking the summer classes, she might be able to finish school sooner.

  Susan said they could not have all Beth’s things packed that quickly, but Jordon told her the main thing right now was to get Beth there and signed in. The two of them could bring the other things later.

  They packed like crazy. They were going to leave early the next morning because Jordon wanted to get a hotel room and still have enough daylight to look around and find everything.

  Cody helped them pack all night, so Beth hugged him goodbye before he went to bed so he wouldn’t have to get up and see her off. Jesse still wasn’t at his house when Beth checked before she finally lay down at 2 a.m. She was afraid he wasn’t going to come home at all and she wouldn’t be able to tell him goodbye.

  None of them had much sleep because of packing and trying to get everything ready, but they made it. They had the truck loaded down with everything Beth might need.

  Susan and Jordon were in the truck waiting on her with the truck running. Before Beth got in, she looked around the side of the house again and saw Jesse’s truck. Beth opened the truck door and told them she would be right back. Instead of going around to the house, Beth turned and dashed back inside and through the house to Jesse’s apartment.


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