The Lying, the Witch, and the Werewolf (Down & Dirty Supernatural Cleaning Services Book 4)

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The Lying, the Witch, and the Werewolf (Down & Dirty Supernatural Cleaning Services Book 4) Page 16

by Kate Karyus Quinn

  “Maybe it’s not incubus semen, maybe it’s from some other sexy type of supe.”

  Nico grins at me and gives one of his knowing winks. “Like a werewolf.”

  That’s the type of comment that usually has me rolling my eyes, but right now whatever was in that chocolate just makes me want to roll onto my back. “Or they adjusted the formula. This is a lab, you know.”

  “It doesn’t really matter what’s in it,” Nico says. “The bigger question is why they have it hidden out here. This seems like the type of thing they’d be pretty open about sharing with all the members.”

  “Oh! I know,” I say, suddenly remembering the box of candy bars. I hurry over to them, thankful it puts me at an ever greater distance from Nico. Pulling one of the bars out, I toss it to him.

  “Humans First,” he says, reading the label. He frowns and then scrubs at his face. “Paige, this is ringing some sort of bell, but I can’t think.”

  “I’m having the same problem,” I admit. “Maybe we should step outside. The fresh air might clear our heads.”

  “No,” Nico growls the word and suddenly he’s at my side once more, both of his hands holding me tight, as if I belong to him. I really don’t appreciate being told what to do or manhandled...except right now I can’t exactly remember why. “There’s no way I’m letting you go back there drugged and get passed around by those horndogs.”

  I stare at Nico and can’t help myself from smiling. “You’re jealous.”

  His only response is a growl.

  “Did you mess around with the girls at the swimming hole?” I ask him. Figuring if he gets to be a jealous asshole, then I can too.

  “What do you think?” he asks a teasing smile on his face.

  I put a hand into his thick head of hair and tug. “Tell me.”

  In response his mouth covers mine. A groan full of pleasure and pent-up longing escapes me as we kiss like our lives depend on it.

  “I didn’t go to the swimming hole,” Nico gasps against my mouth between kisses.

  I sigh more relieved than I expected to be. “Because you want me,” I say possessively.

  “Why didn’t you sleep with that satyr?” he asks in return.

  “Because he has hooves,” I reply. “His goat legs freak me out.”

  It’s Nico’s turn to pull a chunk of my hair. “Liar.”

  “Because I want you,” I admit, unable to stop the words any more than I can stop my hands from exploring every bit of his body. “We just gotta do it, Nico. Whatever is in that chocolate, it’s making us insane and we’re not gonna be able to figure any of this out until we get this—” I slide a hand down until it’s pressed against Nico’s package. The growl he releases this time is so fierce every hair on my body stands on end. “Out of our systems.”

  “Paige,” he groans my name as I explore the generous shape of him beneath his boxer briefs.

  “And then,” I continue outlining my plan along with Nico’s manhood. “We’ll go on with our lives and pretend it never happened.”

  Nico’s hand closes over mine. “No,” he says, all the heat in his voice frozen over. Releasing me, he pushes away and stalks to the door, throwing it open. With the moon silhouetted behind him, he looks at me. “We’re not doing this, Paige. Not this way.”

  With that, Nico shifts into his wolf form and bounds out the door and away into the night.

  “Fuck,” I say, unable to decide if I’m relieved or devastated.

  In the distance, comes the sound of a werewolf howling.

  It takes everything in me not to throw my head back and join in.


  Following Nico’s lead, I leave the lab, locking it up tight behind me.

  The night air clears my head a little and I remember everything that went down with Adorra and how I might not be welcome at the commune anymore. I go and sit under a tree, figuring if I wait a few hours until most people have retired for the night I can slip into my yurt unnoticed. In the meantime, I’ve got time to try and unravel what’s going on.

  Looking up at the sky, I inhale deeply, trying to focus. Whatever new formula of incubus spunk magic they used, that stuff is potent. I didn’t have that much, did I? It started with just that one little Nico’s finger...ugh.

  I shake my head, hoping for more clarity. Nico is right. I’ve experienced the incubus spunk before, and this was different. More...let’s say, specific about what my needs and wants were in the moment. It wasn’t just sex. Or sex with just anyone. I wanted Nico.

  They must have found a way to literally bottle the concept of “love the one you’re with.”

  After a while, I stand up and start walking back in the direction of my yurt, hoping Adorra hasn’t cleared it out, or set some sort of magical landmine in front of the door. Nico can run off his frustrations, but I’ve probably got a target on my back now. I briefly consider sprinting off after him into the night to screw him sideways underneath the stars.

  I’m still punch-drunk and end up walking in circles for a while, then I just sit down and close my eyes. The night is warm and I’m too tired to worry about anything right now.

  I wake with the dawn, feeling—not great exactly—but in control of all my faculties. And I’m not alone. Nico had found me and lays next to me in his wolf form, his paw touching my leg.

  I’ve seen him fully shifted like this, but he’s usually puffed up like a blow fish and trying to kill someone. I take the moment to really get a good look at him. He’s absolutely gorgeous. His coat is a beautiful deep grey, except on his muzzle, which is white. I reach out and touch his pelt, his chest rising and falling under my hand. I know the exact moment he wakes, because his breath catches.

  “Sorry,” I say, pulling my hand back. He shifts into his human form and sits up.

  He stretches and scratches behind his ear, as if parts of his wolf self are still lingering. Finally, he speaks, his voice even more low and growly than usual. “You shouldn’t pet strange animals.”

  “You’re not strange,” I retort, “you’re—”

  I stop, cutting myself off. I was going to say ‘Nico’, in the same way you say someone’s name in a way that means ‘mine.’

  Clearing my throat, I finish lamely, “My office mate.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Nico laughs and I almost detect a hint of bitterness.

  I really don’t want things to be weird between us now. But even without the effects of the chocolate, I can’t keep my eyes off Nico’s body. I also can’t help noticing that both of Nico’s eyes keep returning to my chest as well—on full display thanks to my ripped shirt.

  “So...drugged sex chocolate, huh?” I say awkwardly.

  “Looks that way. But If they’re giving out chocolate at the Humans First Rally, what is their end goal?”

  “Good question,” I say. “I was wondering that, too. Wherever the Humans First party is, it’s safe to bet that there will also be a counter-protest, which means lots of angry humans yelling at lots of angry supes.”

  “And the supes yelling back at them,” Nico adds.

  I nod in agreement. “Do you think they want to manipulate everyone to fuck in the streets? Embarrass the Humans First Party?”

  “Does that make sense?” he asks.

  “Well, it makes as much sense as anything else that’s going on here.” I shake my head and stand, stretching. Why did I think it was a good idea to sleep in the freaking woods like a tree nymph or something?

  “And would that even be so bad? All those Humans First jerks do deserve to be embarrassed.” Especially Brent, I think, but don’t vocalize. It was not that long ago that I thought the Humans First movement was appealing. Supes did ruin a lot of things. But now I know better.

  “You think we should just let it happen?” he asks, one eyebrow raised. He gets to his feet and I take a step back. I can’t help it. His closeness is still too much.

  “Maybe.” I shrug. “But honestly, this whole thing makes no sense.
Together We Come is all about enjoying sex, bending over backwards to make sure everything is consensual. A drug-filled orgy that has people fuck against their will doesn’t seem very in keeping with the spirit of this place.”

  I don’t like where my head is going with this. Yes, I dislike the Firsters and everything they’ve done to rob supes of their rights. But should anyone ever be put in a sexual situation without full consent and foreknowledge? Sure, it might be funny as hell to see Brent blasted all over the front pages with a mermaid on his dick, but is it right?

  Nico tilts his head, waiting for me.

  “I think we need to warn them,” I say.

  “I knew you wouldn’t want all those people to suffer,” Nico tells me. “You’re such a good girl.”

  I snort. “Look buddy, whatever was in that chocolate has worn the hell off. So, don’t push your luck.”

  ”Fair, but if a supe and the Firster politician's ex show up warning everyone that they’re about to have non-consensual orgy, who is going to believe us? We should go grab a chocolate bar as evidence.”

  “Good idea,” I agree. “I’ll go back while it’s still early. In and out.”

  He grins at this as I turn on my heel and march off toward the chocolate lab. “Paige, it’s this way,” he tells me. I spin and follow the direction he’s pointing. Apparently, the chocolate might have some aftereffects like confusion and disorientation. And—really, am I going to walk back in there with Nico?

  “Stop,” I say, hitting the brakes so hard Nico bumps into me. “You’re not going.”

  “What?” Nico asks, rubbing his nose. “Why?”

  “Because,” I say, and simply point at his dick, then my vagina.

  “Ah…well…” Nico grins at me. “I know you had trouble resisting me, but I managed to fight you off.”

  I glare. “Really? That’s the way you want to play this?” I demand. Stalking closer to him I stab a finger into his chest. “You wanted me,” I say. “You wanted all of this so badly you had to change into a wolf and run away to keep yourself from humping my leg.”

  Nico leans right back in. Taking my finger, he redirects it so it’s pointing at my own chest. “You’re right,” he says, his voice low. “I do want this.” Still holding my hand, he moves my finger so that I’m tracing the upper curve of one breast and then the other. “All of it,” he adds, sounding almost hoarse with want.

  And even with no more chocolate in my system, I’m right there with him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he can see the way my heart is beating, frantic and fast with want. “But when it happens,” Nico adds, “you’re gonna be sober, with no excuses and no way to rationalize why you couldn’t resist getting a little werewolf strange.”

  My mouth is so dry, I have to swallow twice before I can scoff, “Little. At least you admit your shortcomings.”

  His eyes darken and he comes even closer so his lips brush my ear. “There’s nothing little about me, Paige.”

  I shudder and then jerk away, taking my hand and every other part of me, far from his reach.

  Maybe all the chocolate isn’t out of my system after all. That’s why I’m ready to bang him against a tree.

  “We don’t have time for nonsense right now,” I snap, my words meant for myself as well as Nico. “I’ll go back to the lab while you head for the commune. Cassie should know what’s going on here. I’m pretty sure she’s ready to commit to this place one hundred percent, and she should have all the details before that happens.”

  “Absolutely,” he agrees. “But Paige, if you aren’t back at the yurt in twenty minutes, I’ll come looking for you.”

  He shifts back into wolf form and dashes down the path, his promise—or is it a threat?—sending a delicious shiver down my spine. I shake it off, and square my shoulders. With Nico gone I can hopefully keep my wits about me once I’m in the building. Nevertheless, I should hurry because if that stuff does what I think it does—activate passion for the person right next to you—I need to grab a bar and make myself scarce before the first shift shows up.

  At the lab, the door is wide open, and I can see people moving around inside. Crap. I guess as long as I know exactly where I’m going, I can grab a bar and make a run for it before anyone notices me. Nico is right. I can’t exactly expect Brent or anyone on his team to believe me when I show up with an accusation and no evidence. I decide to do what I do best—bullshit my way through this. I have a degree in English Literature, after all. I know how to tell a good story.

  I saunter in like I should be there, trying to slip past a vat of chocolate like it doesn’t hold the nectar of the gods. But I can’t help it. As soon as I’m near it, my feet take me there of their own accord. I’m leaning against the metal and bending over the vat before I can even question myself. I’m two seconds shy of going for a full-body chocolate immersion experience when I’m grabbed from behind, and shoved against a wall. I push my attacker away and make another dash for the vat. I don’t even care if I’m caught; I just need a lick before I go down.

  “Paige!” Someone grabs my wrist and yanks me back again, and a hand covers my mouth and nose. This is it. This is how I die, asphyxiated next to a vat of chocolate inside a supernatural sex cult.

  Dad would be so proud.

  “Take a deep breath, it’s okay,” someone is saying, and my gaze focuses on Seamus, who is holding a finger to his lips, urging me to be quiet.

  But his hand is still over my mouth and nose, and my oxygen levels are getting alarmingly low.

  “Breathe in,” he tells me again, and I realize there’s something in his palm. It’s like sand or sugar, tickling against my nose. I shake my head no.

  “Paige,” Seamus says calmly. “Do you trust me?”

  And I guess I do, because I inhale. Either that or my other option was dying. The little grains go up my nose and Seamus lets me go as I rub at my face. I expect to turn into a raving sex maniac, or maybe start frothing at the mouth from whatever poison just went into my system. But instead, nothing happens.

  I shake my head, clearing my nose with a little sneeze, and Seamus motions to me again to be quiet, glancing behind him. He’s not wearing a shirt, and I get a good look at his neck muscle as he turns. His little horns are poking up through his curls and he is just so adorable.

  Crap—just smelling that stuff must have made me…but no. I don’t want to throw Seamus down and devour his dick. I just kind of want to give him a cuddle, which is exactly how I already felt. We’re tucked tight in between one of the vats and the wall, somewhere I could easily take advantage of this satyr if I wanted too…and I don’t want to.

  “What are you doing here?” Seamus asks, his voice low. “Are you crazy?”

  “Yeah, crazy about finding out what the hell goes on in this lab,” I snap back. “I accidentally ate some of that shit last night and—”

  “And…?” Seamus asks, one eyebrow popping up.

  “And I almost got super funky with a werewolf,” I admit, to which he looks a little disappointed.


  “What?” I ask.

  “Never mind.” He shakes his head. “You can’t be here. You’re lucky I spotted you before anyone else did.”

  Over his shoulder, I can just make out commune members moving the boxes marked for the Firsters rally out the door and onto a truck.

  “What did you stick up my nose?” I ask.

  “It’s to protect you from the chocolate,” he explains. “It’s spelled to draw you to it and consumed it. Once it’s wrapped the effect is considerably dimmed, but the liquid stuff is pungent. I’ve seen two workers who hadn’t inhaled the antidote yet take a head dive into the vats. And when they’re actively churning, that is not pretty.”

  “The antidote?” I ask, rubbing my nose. “That’s what you gave me. I’m immune now?”

  “To the intoxicating smell, yes,” he says. “But don’t go chowing down, or you’ll end did you put it? Getting funky with a werewolf.” He eyes
my ripped shirt and adds, “You must’ve had a hell of a night.”

  Behind him, someone struggles with a box and another member runs over to help them with it. Almost all the boxes are loaded, and a spike of panic hits my gut.

  “Seamus, I can’t let this happen.” I tell him. “You know it’s not right.”

  He sighs and replies without much conviction, “We’re not hurting anybody.”

  “You’re not?” I push back. “I don’t think you believe that. At dinner you gave me the heads up when I was about to put incubus spunk all over my french fries, but now you want to trick tons of people into eating it with their chocolate?”

  “No,” Seamus shakes his head. “Incubus semen, I would never mess give that to someone without their knowledge.”

  “Then what’s in that chocolate?” I demand.

  He frowns at me and hesitates a long moment before answering. “Incubus semen is a common aphrodisiac, but there’s a lesser known…erm, essence that comes from the female succubus.”

  I squint at Seamus trying to figure out if he means what I think he means. There’s only one way to know for sure. “Are you talking about lady jizz?”

  Seamus actually blushes all the way up to the tips of his ears. “I…well, yes.”

  All right, well I guess that explains why it felt different than the time I got drugged with the incubus semen. “So the incubus stuff makes you want to bang anything that moves,” I say to Seamus, testing my theory. “While the succubus essence is more discerning. Is that it?”

  “Not exactly—” before Seamus can say more, someone passes by us, too close for comfort. Pressing closer together, we both go silent. The footsteps move away again a moment later and I heave a sigh of relief.

  “Seamus,” I say to him, my voice rough with urgency. “Please, help me.”

  “I…” Seamus glances behind him, then reaches to his neck, where the charm that cast glamours rests. “Take this,” he says, yanking it off and pulling it over my head.


  “You’re right,” he goes on, adjusting the charm—maybe with a touch more fussiness and closer to my cleavage than absolutely necessary. “I’m not entirely sold on what Together We Come has in mind for the Humans First rally, either. But I can’t go against Adorra. The supe world is small, and I’m already an outlier for not being the drink-and-fuck type of satyr.”


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