Exploration_Age of Expansion

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Exploration_Age of Expansion Page 6

by Sarah Noffke

  Julianna waved. “See you later, Hatch. Try to relax. Pip can relay information to you about our progress, if it helps.”

  “That would help,” said Hatch. Two of his tentacles fretted as they tangled together.

  This was the first mission the Q-Ship had gone on since the other one had been destroyed. Julianna and Eddie had discussed waiting to give Hatch some time to process, but they needed the ship. The mission was too important.

  You hear that, Pip?

  Affirmative. Although if you do wreck his ship, I’m not sure I want to be the one to tell him.

  We’re not wrecking his ship, so don’t worry.

  I do not worry about anything. However, it should be noted that no guarantees can be made, despite your assurances to him.

  Have a little faith in me.

  It isn’t you who worries me, but rather the unknown possibilities and variables of your upcoming mission.

  Okay, fair enough. But if we, by some far off chance, wreck Hatch’s ship, then you absolutely have to tell him. He likes you the most.

  I do not desire such a role.

  And yet, you can’t refuse my orders.

  Yes, you are correct, but one never knows about future possibilities.

  Oh? You planning a revolution, Pip?

  I apologize. I was attempting to be…humorous.

  Keep trying, Pip. One of these days you’ll get it.

  Julianna and Eddie slid into the Q-Ship, which was about like putting on a favorite sweater. The ship felt like home, or what she imagined home might be. She didn’t quite know, or maybe she’d forgotten. It had been so long since she was on Earth. It was difficult to recall.

  “This should be an easy job. In and out,” said Eddie.

  Julianna gave him a snarky look. “Thanks for jinxing things.”

  She completed the preflight checks, which only took a few moments. In the meantime, Eddie checked his rifle, which was about all he could do. “I never took you as the superstitious type,” he said, locking in his magazine.

  “I’m not,” she said, “but I know better than to think any mission is simple and easy.”

  “Let’s hope you’re right,” he said. “I could use a good fight. I haven’t even had a chance to put this new armor to the test, not like it deserves.”

  “Are you saying you want to take a bullet?” she asked.

  “Or a really heavy punch.” He grinned. “Either way, I’d like a chance to see what it can do.”

  “All in good time, Teach.”

  Eddie eyed the red button, for gate drive, hungrily. “Really, I just want to hit that button, send this ship through a wormhole. You know, for shits and giggles, if nothing else.”

  Julianna shook her head. “Don’t, I repeat, don’t ever touch the red button.”

  The Q-Ship rose off the deck, suspended in position.

  A second later, Eddie ignited the thrusters, moving them into space. They flew towards Kai, a mostly blue planet with one large patch of brown.

  They began their descent, headed towards the only piece of land on the entire planet, surrounded by a vast and empty sea.


  Eddie set the cloaked ship down on a long stretch of desert. In the distance, sand dune mountains bordered the flat land. It hadn’t been hard to find where Marilla Sours was supposedly working. The archeological dig site stood out in the desert with the numerous tents and vehicles.

  “Alright, this should be easy,” said Eddie, staring out at the tarps covering holes in the dry ground. Several people were hunched over, digging in various places or consulting tablets.

  “Easy? Did you miss the Trids standing guard around the perimeter?” asked Julianna.

  “Okay, let me rephrase it. This should be fun.”

  “We’re supposed to be recruiting a communications officer, not starting a fight.”

  “Come on. Tell me you don’t want to kick some shark ass if it comes to that? It would be the bonus to this. The cherry on top,” said Eddie.

  “Jack will have our asses if he finds out we picked a fight.”

  “I agree. No telling Jack if we beat up some Trids. You’re so smart.”

  Julianna rolled her eyes as she opened the hatch and stepped out of the ship. The hot blistering wind of the desert assaulted their faces.

  “Kai officially sucks,” said Eddie pulling a bandanna from his pocket, covering his nose and mouth, and tying it around the back of his head. Julianna stared at the dig site, her face shielded with her arm.

  “There’s our communication officer,” said Julianna, pointing at a petite brunette with a long braid that ran down the length of her back. She, like those around her, were dressed in khaki pants and a loose fitting top.

  “How do you figure?” asked Eddie, squinting around the site.

  “The report said she was a female human, and she’s the only one who fits that bill.”

  “Good point.” Eddie noticed that the rest of the workers were male humans or Trids with guns strapped across their backs.

  The pair stalked off, ignoring a group of Trid soldiers who had congregated and were pointing at them.

  “Looks like the clock is ticking down until the fun begins,” said Eddie.

  “Marilla Sours?” Julianna asked, when they were only a few feet away.

  The woman straightened from her crouched position and turned to face them. A confused expression covered her young face. “That’s me. How may I help you?”

  Eddie’s eyes skirted to the side where a Trid soldier was approaching. The alien had an ugly expression on his face. “I’m Captain Teach and this is Commander Fregin. We’re here on official business. Can we speak to you somewhere private?”

  Marilla stared down at the spot where she’d been working. A four by four foot pit of dirt, blocked off by two by fours. “Sure. Follow me.” She turned and headed for a nearby tent.

  Eddie looked at the approaching Trid and winked, teasing him with a wave before following after Marilla.

  She held the tent flap open. The space on the other side was set up with a desk, chest, and a small cot.

  “What is this about?” asked Marilla, looking worried.

  “You’re not in trouble, quite the opposite,” said Julianna.

  “We need your help. Currently, we’re working on trying to decode information related to Trids. Furthermore, in the future, we’re going to need a communications officer who knows a lot about Kezzin and other alien species.”

  “Wait, are you offering me a job?” asked Marilla. Her hands were covered in dirt and left behind a streak on her cheek when she wiped the side of her face.

  “Yes, but more importantly, we’re offering you an opportunity to help the Federation. To stop terrorist attacks,” explained Julianna.

  “Terrorist attacks? That’s not possible. The treaty prevents—”

  “Terrorists don’t play by the rules. They don’t care about the treaty, and I assure you, attacks are happening,” Eddie cut her off, choosing his words carefully. She needed to know enough to join the cause, but not too much in case she refused. “And specifically, we’re tracking a weapon that a group of Trids are about to unload. We could use your help deciphering the communications.”

  “Trids? You want me because of my experience working with the Trids?”

  “And based on your thorough knowledge of other species. Trids are involved in our current mission, but there will be others. Unfortunately, there are enough battles to be fought that it’s going to keep us busy for a while,” said Eddie.

  “I’ve never worked for the military. I’m an archeologist and a linguist.” Marilla’s eyes dropped to the holstered weapon on Eddie’s hip. “Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about helping you track down guns. I’m against the use of deadly force.”

  Eddie threw his head in the direction of the exit. “Oh, is that why you work with Trids standing guard around you?”

  Marilla shook her head. “It’s a part of the agreement we made with the Kai g
overnment. They review all of our findings and can impose any restrictions on our research.”

  “Sounds like a headache,” said Eddie.

  “It’s not ideal, but it’s worth the research. We’ve found evidence of a civilization of Trids that existed a thousand years ago. And more importantly, we’re learning how the species evolved to be able to survive without water, which is something that will continue as their natural habitat continues to dry up.”

  “That’s fascinating, but the fact remains that a group group of Trids is bullying the Federation. They could be connected to the government or operating independently,” said Julianna, pausing and swinging around as if she had heard something.

  “Marilla, we need someone with your expertise. And if you join our team, then you’ll have access to resources and zero restriction on your research.” Eddie turned to see what had Julianna’s attention.

  “But I’d have to abandon my research here on Kai, wouldn’t I?” asked Marilla.

  “Yes, you’d give up the opportunity to excavate here and learn about the dead, but you’d gain the chance to protect those still living,” offered Julianna.

  Marilla seemed to think on this for a moment. Her eyes full of hesitation. A dog with shaggy brown hair trotted into the tent. It lifted its front legs and placed them on Marilla’s knees. She patted the dog’s head, her focus elsewhere as she was lost in thought.

  “Whoa, that’s a dog, isn’t it?” asked Eddie, staring wide eyed at the animal.

  “Uh…yeah,” Marilla said, straightening.

  “Teach has been a bit sheltered. This is his first time seeing the four legged creature. He used to think they purred,” said Julianna.

  “Oh!” Marilla laughed. “Well, this dog’s parents returned with some of the groups which reviewed Earth and came back. I was lucky enough to get one of their puppies. He’s just a mutt, but I love him.”

  Eddie kneeled down offering a hand to the dog. The animal stared up at Marilla as if asking for permission.

  She nodded. “Go on, Harley. He’s okay.”

  The dog trotted over to Eddie and allowed him to scratch him behind the ear. “Hey, boy. You’re kind of cute.”

  The dog stared up at Eddie with big brown eyes.

  Julianna cleared her throat. “Going to have to cut this meeting short. We’re running out of time. Marilla, we’re going to need your answer.”

  “Now? I need some time to think this over.”

  Julianna turned to the exit for the tent. “Sorry, we’re going to need to know now.”

  “Invaders, step out of the tent!” a voice called from outside.

  “Oh, those damn sharks have to spoil our fun,” Eddie said in a light voice to the dog before standing up. He gave Julianna a brief look before nodding.

  He stepped out of the tent first, Julianna on his heels. The bright sun made them both squint. Five Trids stood shoulder to shoulder, guns pointed at them.

  “You must identify yourself. No unauthorized personnel on the base,” one of the ugly Trid said, his voice gruff.

  “I’m Nick and this is Sally. We’re just paying a visit to our cousin Marilla.” Eddie pulled his own weapon from his holster and pointed it back at the group.

  Marilla exited the tent, coming around to stand next to Julianna, the dog wagging his bushy tail at first, before it went slack.

  “Unlicensed weapons aren’t allowed on Kai. We will be taking your weapons,” the Trid said.

  “Actually, we were just leaving, so no need for that.” Eddie’s eyes darted to Julianna who also had her pistol out and pointed at the Trids.

  “You’re going to have to come with us. Drop your weapons,” said the Trid in the middle, stepping forward. He was the largest, towering over Eddie.

  “Sorry. Can’t grace you with a visit. Super busy.” Eddie shot a glance at Marilla. “Stay here with hot heads who try to force their company and rules on you or go with us. The call is yours, cousin Marilla.”

  The woman’s eyes widened before her gaze fell on the guns the Trids held. She put up her hands. “My friends don’t mean you any harm. There’s no reason to be aggressive with them. We don’t need another incident like before.”

  “You will be silent!” the main Trid yelled.

  “Ewww. Not a nice way to speak to a lady,” said Eddie, smirking. “Sally, why don’t you show these guys how to talk to a lady?”

  Julianna pursed her lips and nodded. “Certainly, Nick.” She stepped forward.

  The first Trid released the safety on his rifle, but Julianna merely smiled. She dove forward, her form blurring from the speed. Before the Trid knew what had happened, Julianna’s arm holding her pistol had slid under his arm, her other hand grabbing his. She’d hauled him off his feet and tossed him over her back. Exploding forward, she thrust kicked a Trid trying to tackle her.

  Eddie darted forward, bringing the butt of his pistol across the face of one of the Trid’s. He fell to the side and Eddie’s foot shot out in a side kick, landing into the stomach of another Trid. A single Trid stood, weapon at the ready, pointed at Julianna. A click.

  “Go on. Get her to safety,” Julianna said over her shoulder to Eddie. He nodded and grabbed Marilla by the forearm, encouraging her in the opposite direction. She didn’t need much encouragement to follow him, and kept pace easily.

  They’d run several yards when Marilla turned back. “Will she be okay?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t worry about her,” said Eddie, giving her a wry grin. “Now, the Trid, on the other hand, that’s a different story.”


  Julianna stared at the five Trids writhing in pain on the ground. “Well, boys, I think we’re done here. Have a great day.”

  The Trid have already called for backup.

  Pip’s voice pulled Julianna’s attention to the site around her. Where? How many?

  There’s two ground squads moving in from the west, and they’ve deployed three cruisers and a fleet of Stingrays.

  Damn it. Sounds like we intimidated them just by showing up. Makes me wonder what the Trids are hiding. Julianna sped off in the direction of the Q-Ship.

  Yes, I’m sorting through different frequencies I’ve picked up on since we landed. The incoming data isn’t easy to decipher. The Trid’s code is complex.

  That’s where Marilla will come in.

  I’ve opened the hatch for the Q-Ship, and it will be ready to depart as soon as you’re onboard. Be prepared, though. The ships are quickly approaching and should be here in the next ninety seconds.

  Sounds like fun. Julianna crawled into the Q-Ship. Marilla was already strapped into a seat and working to secure her dog.

  “She’s bringing the dog?” asked Julianna, looking at Eddie incredulously.

  “I’m not leaving Harley behind. I’m already abandoning my research,” said Marilla, pulling the dog to her. She hugged him with both arms.

  “Where’s he going to do his…you know?” asked Julianna.

  “We’ll figure it out.” Eddie completed the preflight checks and waved Julianna forward. “I need you on guns. We’ve got incoming.”

  “Yeah, Pip already informed me,” Julianna said, sliding into her seat.

  “On another note, why are you asking about our four-legged friend?” asked Eddie.

  “Because his hair is going to be all over the ship,” she responded.

  Julianna sneezed just as the ship rose off the ground. The vessel zoomed straight into the air, knocking them back into their seats.

  “Three Stingrays are after us,” said Pip.

  “Not yet, they aren’t.” Eddie pushed the handle forward, and the thrusters accelerated. He turned the ship around in one movement, facing the three approaching ships. “Jules, I think you need to say hi to our new friends.”

  Julianna fired off three missiles. “Hey, boys!”

  Three direct hits, one for each ship. The Stingrays backed off immediately.

  “Cruisers approaching from both sides,” said Pi

  “Damn it!” said Eddie. “What’s their problem? This is how they treat a guest?”

  “Just imagine if we’d actually come with hostile intentions,” said Julianna.

  Eddie chewed on the inside of his cheek. “Pip, can you disable the radar in both the cruisers?”

  “For a brief moment, I can create interference, yes,” said the E.I.

  “Eddie?” asked Julianna. “What’s going on inside that head of yours?”

  Eddie looked at her. “We could take on two cruisers if we try, but the damage might be extensive.”

  “Hatch will have your ass if there’s a single scratch on this ship,” she said.

  “Exactly. I might have an idea to avoid all that,” he said, tapping his chin.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  He grinned. “Since these fuck faces are approaching from both sides, I say we let them meet in the middle!” Eddie brought the ship to a dead halt.

  Julianna seemed to understand and nodded. “I like it.”

  “Pip, I’m going to need to know when the cruisers are almost here. Not too soon.” Eddie flipped three switches, charging the booster. It was possible to push the booster into overdrive, doubling the acceleration.

  In theory.

  “Enemies arrive in five seconds…” said Pip, counting down. Eddie gripped the controls and took a steady breath.

  “Three,” continued Pip. “Two. One.”

  Eddie ignited the boosters, rocketing the Q-Ship straight up in a sudden burst. Below them, something rocked the ship. A large explosion rained out underneath as the two cruisers fired, their rockets intended for the Q-Ship hitting each other, shattering them apart. The two vessels flew backwards, taking heavy damage from the impact. They’d survive but were unable to pursue.

  Julianna pressed back into her seat and relaxed away from the controls. “Any other enemies?”

  “Those were the last of them,” answered Pip.

  “Looks like it’s time to return home,” said Eddie. “Marilla and Harley, you’ll love the ArchAngel. There’s exactly zero angry Trids aboard and the food is amazing.” Eddie cast a glance to his back, offering an easy smile to the newest member of their team. “Welcome to the party.”


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