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Revenant Page 8

by Catrina Burgess

  I was thrown to the ground, and my head hit the dirt hard. Dazed, I lost the ability to struggle as I was picked back up and carried. My abductor finally dropped me on the far side of the yard. I started to scramble away, but a thick cluster of trees surrounded me. I remembered seeing trees in the distance when I was getting water from the well—they were quite a ways from the house, which meant we were quite a ways from the house. My heart froze in fear, thinking of what else might be out there, beyond the house—hellhounds.

  They won’t hurt you if you stay close to the house, Sonja had said. The creatures were out here somewhere.

  I had only moved a few feet on my hands and knees when someone grabbed my hair and yanked me back. Rough hands forced me to my feet, spun me around, and slammed me against a tree. My cheek scraped against the bark as an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand clamped over my mouth. Then I saw them. Two pairs of red eyes watching me from the darkness. I stopped struggling.

  “As long as you stay close to me, they won’t hurt you.” It was Caleb’s voice.

  I watched the hellhounds begin to move toward us. My heart pounded hard.

  “I’m going to take my hand away, but if you scream, they’ll attack. If you scream, I won’t be able to stop them. Do you understand me?”

  I nodded my head.

  He took his hand from my mouth.

  I sucked in a mouthful of cold air. “Let me go,” I hissed.

  “Not until I get a little payback.” I could feel his breath on my neck. “My mother was a follower of Macaven,” he whispered in my ear. “She worshipped that man. Did his bidding for years. She was at the party. The one where you let a demon free.” His arm tightened around me. “She meant everything to Jacob and me. She was our whole world until you took her away!”

  “You can’t hurt me—Gage would never allow it.” I struggled against him, trying to break free of his grasp. Even as I fought, my eyes never left the hellhounds. They came slowly out of the shadows and moved into the clearing. Dark wisps of smoke trailed after them. They moved closer and I could see dark red flames flickering all over their skin. More flames flared brightly in their eyes. They were predators on the hunt, and we were their prey. Those bright red eyes were shining with anticipation and excitement. The creatures were moving toward us, and as they walked, the tall green grass darkened and died at their feet. The smell of sulfur and ash filled the air. The hellhounds raised their heads in unison, sniffing the air as they approached. Low growls rolled from their mouths, echoing in the air.

  Caleb’s rough hands grabbed me and pushed me tighter against the tree trunk. His face was inches from mine. He whispered, “If Gage finds out I laid hands on you, he would have my head. But we know you won’t be telling him about that. No, you’ll keep quiet.” Before I could say anything, Caleb’s fingers reached down and started pulling at my dress.

  I desperately pushed his hands away, and in response he shoved me harder against the tree. He put one hand in the center of my chest and leaned his weight against me painfully, grinding my back into the rough bark and pinning me there. Then he moved until the full length of his body pressed against mine.

  The long fingers of his right hand came up and rested at the base of my throat. He squeezed ever so slightly, and memories of the first ritual and of Weatherton’s spirit looming over me blazed across my mind. He’s going to strangle me. A paralyzing panic filled me. I stood, pinned and gasping for breath, as he once again pulled at my dress with his left hand. I felt the wind on my bare legs. I struggled fruitlessly against his horrible strength, but my efforts only seemed to amuse him. He laughed cruelly, enjoying my fear. He was reveling in my terror, and like the hellhounds, anticipation filled his eyes. Then his grip loosened from my throat, and he moved his hand in front of my face. I watched it burst into flame. Dark orange fire slid across his fingers and down the skin of his palm.

  Luke had once created blue flame that burned along his fingers, but his flame was not a true fire. It had no warmth.

  Caleb’s did. I could feel the waves of heat against my cheeks.

  “One of my powers. I can bring forth fire,” Caleb said. The flames flickered around his skin. “The fire is cool against my skin, but I’m afraid you aren’t so lucky.”

  He moved his fingers slowly toward my face, and the heat was all I could think of. He’s going to burn me. I turned my face away and started to squeeze my eyes shut, but the flames suddenly died away. He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him again.

  “No. You will watch every moment, or the punishment will be much worse. I intend for you to see every second of what’s been coming to you.” His eyes had a glassy, half-mad gleam.

  He moved his body ever so slightly back, and I could finally find enough breath to speak. “What’s the plan? Rape and burn me and leave me for the hellhounds?” My voice trembled. “That doesn’t sound like something Gage will forgive.” I struggled to make my tired mind work, to find a way out of this situation without drawing on enough power to get Luke killed. How close was he being held? Would the collar kill him outright? Or would Gage punish me for killing his favorite lackey by hurting the ones I cared about? Could I risk it?

  Caleb again smiled his cruel grin, moving close and leaning his full body against me—this time in an obscenely intimate way. “Tempting, but I might be the only man in this place who doesn’t want you.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Besides, if you’re dead, I can’t hurt you anymore.”

  His cold fingers were on the outside of my thigh, and then I felt it—the burning.

  I started to scream, but he covered my mouth. “No screaming. If those things attack, we’re both dead. They’ll tear us both to shreds.”

  And then I heard it, a howl on the wind. My spirit pack.

  “Easy now. You use any of your magic tonight, and Luke dies. He’s close enough for the collar to crush his windpipe. Do you want to see your boyfriend killed?”

  I tried to calm my pounding heart against the rising pain. If my spirit pack attacked, Luke would die. I forced myself to calm down. It wasn’t easy—the burning on my thigh became more and more intense. The smell of scorched flesh filled the air. I forced myself to take one deep breath after another. The pounding of my heart slowed, until I no longer heard the cries of wolves. There were no glimpses of animal spirits gliding through the air. My pack had backed off.

  “I’m only interested in getting a little payback. Just a little justice for my kinfolk,” Caleb whispered in my ear.

  The burning stopped, and I collapsed against him in relief. But almost immediately he put his hand on another area of unburned skin, digging his fingers deep into the flesh of my leg. Hot flame burned me, and the pain seared through my brain. I shrieked again, but his palm muffled my screams.

  When I thought I could no longer take it and would pass out, he pulled away. He removed his hand from my mouth, and a sob escaped my lips. His fingers were no longer on my thigh, but it felt like they were. My leg was still on fire, still burning.

  “I thought it was time to give you a little reminder of what you did to my people. Something you can take with you wherever you go.” His face was inches from mine. “I know you won’t be saying anything to Gage about this. How do I know? Because I spend a lot of time guarding your boyfriend. You breathe one word of what I’ve done, and I’ll make sure to take lover boy out permanently.” He leaned back and fished a blade from his back pocket, flashing it in front of my eyes.

  And then he was dragging me back toward the house, the hellhounds stalking us as we went. When we were a few dozen feet from the house, they stopped as though they’d hit an invisible barrier. Even though they were no longer trailing us, their eyes watched our every move.

  Once inside, Caleb threw me to the floor, then turned and walked slowly out the door. Tears streamed down my face. I pulled up my ruined gown and saw two red handprints burned into my flesh, blisters already forming where the tips of his fingers had touched me.

  * *

  I woke to Sonja’s voice cheerfully calling out, “Good morning.” She opened the bedroom door and came into the room, trailed by a young girl carrying a silver tray.

  I was laying on the bed, still dressed in the gown. I sat up and quickly arranged my skirt so it covered the burn marks on my leg.

  “Didn’t you see the nightgowns hanging in the closet?” She sounded annoyed, but there was a smile plastered on her face. She walked over and yanked open the closet door. She reached in and pulled out a black silk-and-lace nightgown. “There’s an assortment of them in here.”

  I lowered my eyes and muttered, “I was too tired last night to look.” I can’t tell her what happened. I didn’t doubt for a second that Caleb would do what he promised.

  Sonja waved her hand and the girl brought the tray forward, placing it on the nightstand. The platter was piled high with French toast and a large glass of orange juice. In the corner, a single pink rose sat nestled in a glass vase.

  “Gage thought you might like breakfast in bed.” When I didn’t respond, she reached over and picked up the rose. “He can be so thoughtful.” She gave the rose a sniff and then put it back into the vase.

  Caleb came into the room carrying a bag. Without a word, he put it down on the floor and left.

  Sonja gestured toward the bag. “Gage was very specific about what he wanted you to wear today. You’ll find everything you need in there.”

  I started to ask her questions, but she held up her hand and interrupted me. “You have thirty minutes before Caleb will be back to fetch you.” She pulled out a silver bell from her pocket and put it down on the bed next to me. “I almost forgot. When you’re done with breakfast, just ring and someone will be in to clear away the dishes. It’s a special bell—enchanted. They can hear it”—she pointed toward the floor—“down below. You’ll get nothing but five-star service while you’re here with us. Boss’s orders.” She looked away, and when she looked back at me all of her fake smiles and cheerfulness were gone. She wiggled those long red fingernails and gave me a look that left no doubt—she would rather tear me limb from limb than serve me breakfast. She spun on her heels and left the room with the young girl trailing after her.

  I forced myself to eat—I knew that, whatever was going to happen, I needed to keep my strength up. When I finished, I stood and winced, pulling up my skirt. The burn marks were red and ugly against my white skin, puckered with painful blisters, and I knew more were forming. I gingerly touched the edge of one of the burns and flinched as the pain hit me. Caleb burned me. What’s stopping him from doing it again tonight?

  I wasn’t sure how much time had passed. Gage was waiting for me to get ready. I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I knew that Gage would not be happy if I kept him waiting. He was playing at being nice. Taking great pleasure in acting like a welcoming host, but how long would this new act last? Every time he raised his voice or looked upset, the people around him visibly cowered. Those who worked for him had hearts full of darkness, and they were capable of murder, as the field full of bodies proved. What black magic was Gage capable of that would frighten even these people?

  I forced myself to my feet and began to go through the bags. I pulled out a pair of black jeans, a black T-shirt, and black boots. Wherever we were going, it wasn’t to another fancy ball. I struggled into the jeans, moaning as the material slid over my fresh burns.

  Once dressed, I made my way to the kitchen. Caleb hadn’t returned. I didn’t know how long I had before he showed up. I quickly began rummaging through all the drawers and cupboards, looking for some kind of weapon. I found a small knife. Unfortunately, the edge wasn’t as sharp as the dagger Caleb had pulled on me last night, but it was sharp enough. I tried it on my thumb and watched with satisfaction as a drop of blood slid down my skin. Perfect.

  “The big man’s waiting. You know he doesn’t like that.”

  I heard Caleb’s voice, but my back was to the door. I didn’t move.

  “Have you suddenly gone deaf? Time to get going.” I heard heavy footsteps and then Caleb’s hand came down hard on my shoulder.

  I spun around and swung the knife at him.

  He was fast—but not fast enough. He flung himself back just as the knife slid across his cheek.

  A thin red gash now marred his skin.

  “Son of a—” He reached out, grabbing for me, but I scurried back, knife held high.

  “Easy now, you don’t want to lose your temper and do something you’ll regret.” I gave him a cold grin. “I don’t think Gage would like it if I showed up with bruises.”

  That stopped him. He stood glaring at me. His hand went up to his face, and when it came away there was a smear of blood on his palm. He looked at it and then back at me with murder in his eyes.

  “You touch me again and I will kill you,” I promised. “I don’t have to use magic to get it done.” I raised the knife to eye level, and then tossed it across the floor. “I was raised a healer. I learned all the properties of plants and herbs. I can make a potion to heal just as easily as I can make one to harm. Gage’s mummy room has plenty of plants in it. I was there last night. Your boss was too busy gloating over his operation to notice that I took something. How hard do you think it would be for me to slip that little something into your drink during the next party he throws?”

  He gave me a hard stare. “You’re threatening me?”

  It was a lie—I hadn’t taken anything with me from the mummy room. But I had the feeling Caleb would keep trying to hurt me unless I found a way to make him back off. I could feel the raw skin on my burned thighs chafing against my jeans. Every time I moved, I felt the pain where his hand had been on me.

  He burned me last night. He held me against my will and tortured me. I could feel the anger coursing my body, roaring through my blood. I wanted to hurt him like he had hurt me. I wanted to watch him suffer. I had magic of my own. I was not a helpless healer anymore.

  But if you use your magic, Luke will be vanquished to the in between, said a small voice in my mind. The words echoed through my head and splashed over me like cold water.

  I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and raised my chin. “I’m warning you. Touch me once more, and I will see you dead. If not by my hand, then by your boss’s. He wants to please me. If I tell him I want your head, do you really think he’ll say no?”

  That got him. He watched me for a few seconds before a slow grin spread across his face. “Whenever you’re ready, your chariot awaits.” And without another word, he walked out of the room.

  Caleb had backed down for now, but he still had the advantage—I was a prisoner. Wendy said that Gage wouldn’t always be around to protect me, and she was right. What was stopping Caleb from entering our place again when the sun went down and dragging me out into the night? I know he wants to kill me. I heard it in his voice…saw it in his eyes.

  This time he’d just hurt me, but would I be so lucky next time? I had no doubt there would be a next time. I’d threatened him and he backed down, but I didn’t believe for a moment that he was finished with me.

  I killed his mother and he wants revenge. I had once been full of the same kind of hatred. I’d had the same urge to kill the ones responsible for my family’s death. At the time, nothing would have stopped me from seeing Macaven and his men pay for what they had done—not even the threat of death. Caleb was feeling the same way now. He had hatred coursing in his veins and it was focused entirely on me. I was the villain in his story.

  He won’t stop until I pay for what I did.

  Another thought crept in, never far off: Maybe he’s right—maybe I deserve to pay.

  Chapter 5

  Three black SUVs were parked with their motors running. As Caleb and I approached, a door swung open and Gage waved at me from the backseat to get in. I obeyed, and Caleb slid into the passenger seat.

  As I settled, Gage leaned forward and examined the shallow cut on Caleb’s cheek. He asked, “What hap
pened to you?”

  When Caleb didn’t answer, I said in a quiet voice. “It was just a…misunderstanding.”

  Gage laughed out loud. “So, the kitten has claws.” He reached out and grabbed my arm. “He hasn’t been bothering you, has he?”

  Caleb was sitting in the seat directly in front of me. I could see his hand go still against the doorframe.

  I took my time answering. “Caleb…” I paused for a long moment. I could tell Gage all about the torture. I could show him proof—the burn marks on my leg. But if I did that, Caleb promised he’d hurt Luke. Even if Gage believed me and punished Caleb, there was still the chance that Caleb could somehow get to Luke.

  As long as Luke was alone and held prisoner by either of the brothers, he wasn’t safe. “He’s been nothing but civil to me.” The lie slid smoothly from my mouth.

  Gage patted my hand. “You let me know if anyone bothers you. No one is as important to me right now as you are.” Gage signaled the driver and the SUV started down the road. “I thought you might like to get out and about.” He saw me look back at the house as we drove off. “Don’t worry, your friends will be fine. Dean is up and around. I sent him in to keep Wendy company.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “I've got a little errand to run,” he answered before turning his head and staring out the window.

  It was no use asking more questions. The mood he’d settled into was one of cold silence. He seemed to fluctuate between giving out lavish attention and then showing utter indifference.

  I wasn’t about to chat up Caleb or the driver, so we drove in silence. I occasionally looked behind us. The other two SUVs trailed us the whole time.

  After what must have been about an hour, Gage turned back to me. I’d spun around and was checking on our entourage.

  Gage followed my gaze. “Not to worry, I brought reinforcements. Your safety is paramount. They’re still hunting you.”


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