The Price of Trust

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The Price of Trust Page 18

by Amanda Stephan

  "You saw that." Joe grinned sheepishly. "By the way, Kelly. I think you've scarred Todd for life, so he's going to be a while." He pulled up a chair next to Carly and sat down, watching her try to control herself.

  "Did we surprise you?" she asked with an impish grin.

  "To put it mildly, yes. We were surprised." He chuckled and stared admiringly at Carly, enjoying the brightness of her eyes, and the flush in her cheeks.

  "What?" Carly asked, wiping tears from her eyes.


  "Do you want some coffee?" She walked over to the counter to start the coffee, suddenly uncomfortable with his nearness.

  "Well, good morning!"Todd said jovially, walking into the kitchen as if nothing had happened. He had showered, shaved, combed his hair, and changed his clothes.

  "Wow, that was fast," Joe said, amused. "You just set a new record." He grinned and winked at Kelly. "Usually when he knows you're going to be around, it takes him at least an hour to get ready." He came over to the counter and stood next to Carly on the pretense of helping.

  "That's nice." Kelly giggled as Todd gave her a hug. "Are you surprised?"

  "Undoubtedly." He grinned, his face flushed. "I thought I had plenty of time, but you proved me wrong."

  "You should have seen your face." She laughed. "It was priceless. I wish we had a camera. Carly, don't you?"

  "Oh yeah." Carly grinned, looking at the happy couple. She turned to Joe. "Where are the coffee filters?" she asked, agitated by his close presence.

  "They're in the cabinet beside the stove," he said mildly, leaning on the counter.

  "Could you please get one for me?" Carly asked, flustered, trying to maneuver around him. He was standing in front of the cabinet she needed, in her way on purpose.

  "Nope," he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

  She gave him a withering look and pushed him gently out of her way. "Thank you," she said saucily, getting the filter herself.

  "Not a problem. Anything I can do to help you." He leaned back on the counter, making sure he was in her way again. She bustled around him, trying to ignore him. He moved closer and turned off the coffee pot when she wasn't looking.

  "Where does your mom keep the coffee grounds?" she asked, filling the pot with water, still not paying him any attention. He leaned over her to open the door where she could find the coffee grounds.

  "So…" He leaned closer. "You thought I looked pretty good this morning."

  She grinned and caught a whiff of his cologne. "Man," she exclaimed distractedly, looking at him intensely. "What kind of cologne do you wear?" She took another deep breath. Joe grinned, moving a little closer. She backed up slightly, extremely agitated.

  Kelly elbowed Todd in the ribs, nodding significantly at Carly and Joe.

  "Do you like it?" he asked playfully.

  "I love it." She breathed heavily, blushing. "That's what you wore the first time I came over here."

  "Really?" he said softly, brushing a piece of hair from her forehead. He put his hand on her waist, pulling her a little closer. "I didn't get a good morning hug yet."

  She placed a hand on his chest as if to ward him off. "I didn't know you wanted one."

  "Yes, you did." He grinned wickedly, pulling her a little closer.

  She could feel his breath on her forehead, her heart in her throat.

  "Good morning!" Tom bellowed, standing behind Todd's chair and grinning at them. Carly jumped away from Joe as if she'd been burned, causing everyone to laugh. They hadn't heard him come in.

  Carly turned beet red with embarrassment, barely managing to eke out a reply. "Good morning." She turned away quickly and fumbled with the coffee pot, not looking at anyone, especially Joe. He hadn't moved away when Tom had come in.

  "You two sure are early," he said jovially. "Is that coffee ready yet?" he asked, pulling up a chair to the table. Carly turned the coffee pot back on, glancing distractedly at Joe. He was grinning at her. She punched him in the arm, mortified.

  "We were here before five thirty," Kelly said proudly. "We sure surprised the guys this morning, didn't we, Carly?"

  She mumbled a vague yes, trying to find something to occupy her at the counter so she wouldn't have to face Tom. Joe reached over and took her hand, leading her to the table, seating her next to him.

  They talked quietly for a little while, waiting for the coffee to brew. Carly grew more comfortable with time, joining in the conversation every once in a while. When the coffee was done, she got up to serve it, Joe getting up to help her.

  "Who wants coffee?" Joe asked, reaching beside her to get the cups.

  "I would like some," Tom said cheerfully. "But I don't think it's a good idea to have you two over by the counter without a chaperone." He winked at Carly. She turned bright red but laughed good-naturedly, bringing the pot to the table.

  "All I wanted was a good morning hug, but she wouldn't give me one," Joe whined, putting the cups on the table.

  "Looked more like you were putting the moves on her. Was he bothering you, Carly?" Tom asked, grinning at her red face as he took a sip of hot coffee.

  "It didn't look like she minded to me," Todd said, receiving a swift jab in the ribs from Kelly. "Well, it didn't!" He laughed, holding his side.

  "Kelly, do you want some coffee?" Carly asked, trying to change the subject. Kelly nodded, handing her a cup. "Todd?" she questioned, holding up the coffee pot.

  "No way! That stuff stunts your growth. Just look at Kelly!" he said, earning another jab to the ribs. "I better stop, or my ribs are going to be bruised." He pulled Kelly to him, putting his arm around her shoulders.

  "Don't try to change the subject, girl," Joe said, grinning. "You haven't given me a good morning hug yet!"

  She smiled playfully at him as she poured his coffee, staying out of his reach. "The best things in life are worth waiting for."

  "Ouch!" he said, grabbing his heart as if in pain. "That was cold."

  "Well, we'd better get moving." Tom stood up, finishing his coffee in one big gulp. "The cows are getting anxious. Are you girls staying here?" he asked, putting on his coat.

  "Nope, we're here to help," Carly said, grabbing her coat.

  Joe looked doubtfully at her jeans and thin flannel shirt. "Is that what you're wearing?"

  She looked down at her clothes self-consciously. "Yes. It was either these jeans or my jean skirt."

  "Wait here a minute," Joe said, running upstairs. He came back quickly, holding some clothes in his hands. "Here, you'll be warmer in these," he said, handing the clothes to her.

  "Hey, that's a good idea! I'll be right back," Todd said, going to find some warm clothes for Kelly. "Don't mess these up, these are my favorite pair of overalls." He grinned as Kelly apprehensively took them.

  "You two can change in the boys' rooms while I keep them occupied down here," Tom said kindly.

  "No!" Both Joe and Todd answered simultaneously. Tom and the girls looked at them in surprise.

  Todd looked at Joe for help, his eyes wide with panic. "Our rooms aren't clean."

  "Clean-shmean. They don't care if your rooms are clean or not. All they want to do is change, right?" He turned a questioning eye to Kelly and Carly.

  With smiles too wide to be innocent, they answered, "No, we don't mind.”

  Joe bolted up the stairs before anything else could be said. "Just a minute!" He came sauntering back downstairs not a moment later, hands in his pockets.

  "That was fast," Tom said, looking at him curiously.

  "My room isn't that bad. It's Todd's that's really dirty." He grinned. "Go ahead."

  "I gotta see this!" Kelly said, running up the stairs before anyone could stop her. Carly laughed at Todd's horror-stricken face.

  "Joe? Where's your room?" she asked politely.

  "Upstairs, first door on the right." He smiled, watching her go.

  "What was that all about?" Tom asked suspiciously, after they heard Joe's door close.

  "What?" th
ey asked innocently, smiling a little too broadly to be convincing.

  Tom folded his arms across his chest and leaned his back on the door, watching them expectantly. They looked at each other sheepishly.

  "Did you get it?" Todd asked quietly, holding out his hand. Joe nodded and pulled something out of his pocket, handing it to him with a grin.

  "Okay. You don't have to tell me," Tom said suddenly, turning to go.

  "Wait, Dad!" Todd grabbed his arm, putting something into his hand. "Look."

  Carly looked around at Joe's room curiously. It was a nice-sized room, not too dirty, but not clean. An unmade bed stood under the window, an oak night table beside the bed with a small reading lamp on it, a desk with papers scattered all over, an oak dresser, and a mid-sized closet, with the door standing open.

  She laid the clothes on the bed and walked toward the desk curiously. Something caught her eye and she pulled a paper out from underneath a large messy pile. It was her name, written over and over again, filling up both sides of the sheet. She smiled sweetly, putting the paper on top of the desk conspicuously.

  She pulled the overalls on over her jeans, rolling up the pant legs so she could walk. Next she pulled on the flannel shirt over the overalls and her shirt, rolling up the sleeves so she could use her hands. She giggled, feeling ridiculous.

  "Carly?" Kelly’s muffled voice came through the door.

  "Come in."

  "Is there a mirror in here?" Kelly asked, pushing it open. "Wow, this is a lot cleaner than Todd's room!"

  "No mirror." Carly laughed. "How do I look?" She swung around for Kelly to see.

  Kelly laughed. "Probably as funny as I look!"

  They did look interesting with clothes that were way too big, cuffs rolled up like doughnuts around their ankles and wrists, with tiny feet and hands sticking out. They laughed heartily at each other.

  "You ready?" Kelly asked, heading out the door.

  "Not yet. I'm going to make Joe's bed for him," Carly said, pulling the sheet and blankets up.

  "I should do that for Todd too, but I can't find the bed!" Kelly giggled.

  Carly finished tucking and straightening, put the pillows where they should go, and stood up. She took the paper with her name on it and placed it on top of his pillows, where he would be sure to find it.

  "I'm ready!" She followed Kelly down the stairs and into the kitchen.

  "Oh!" Kelly said softly, stopping so suddenly that Carly ran into her. Surprised, Carly looked over her shoulder in time to see Tom giving both Joe and Todd a tremendous bear hug. Seeing the girls in the doorway, he let them go, and walked outside hurriedly, his face flushed.

  "Well, how do we look?" Kelly asked, turning around as she walked toward Todd.

  Todd cupped his mouth with his hand and poked Joe in the side with his elbow.

  "I think a circus has lost their clowns." Kelly put her hands on her hips and frowned.

  "You look fantastic," Joe said to Carly as she walked over to him. "In fact, I've never seen my clothes look so good!" He grabbed her and gave her a bear hug. "That's my good morning hug," he said in her ear.

  "We better go." She smiled. "The cows are anxious." He let her go reluctantly.

  "You can wear this and these." He handed her his work coat, a pair of thick gloves, and a hat. He looked at her tiny feet. "I don't have any boots that will fit you though. It can get pretty cold out there, but you'll warm up in the barn once you get working. If you get cold and can't get warm, let me know." He slipped a coat on, pulled on a hat, tied his boots, and held the door open for her.

  They were halfway to the barn when Carly realized something. "Aren't you going to eat anything for breakfast?" she asked, her voice muffled.

  "I had a bowl of cereal before you and Kelly got there. I was washing it down with the milk you caught me drinking." He grinned, holding her hand. "Why?"

  "Because you're always fussing at me to eat, and I thought I was going to have the chance to fuss back at you." She laughed, swinging his hand.

  Todd, Kelly, and Tom were already in the barn when Joe and Carly opened the door. Joe took off his gloves and led her to a small room in the back where they kept supplies.

  "What do you want to learn to do first?" he asked, smiling.

  "I'll just follow you around, and you can show me what you do," she said, wondering where they would begin.

  "Sounds good to me." He led her to a stall with a huge cow inside. He put some feed in the trough, washed her, and sat down on a stool, explaining what he was doing and why. Carly watched fascinated as a stream of warm milk spurted deftly into the pail by Joe's feet.

  "Could I try it?" she asked, pulling off her gloves. Joe laughed, allowing her to sit on the stool. He showed her what to do, holding her hands so she could get the feel first. She squeezed. Nothing.

  "What did I do wrong?" Carly asked, disappointed.

  "Just relax," he said, taking her hands and showing her what to do again. She relaxed, squirting some milk into the pail. She yelped gleefully; Joe laughed heartily.

  "Do you think you've got it?" he asked, standing up.

  She beamed up at him. "I think I can handle it."

  "We've got three more cows to milk, so I'm going to get started on the others. When you're done, just bring the pail over to me, and I'll show you what to do with it." He started to leave.

  Carly looked up anxiously. "Wait! How do I know when I'm done?"

  "You'll know," he said cryptically, leaving her alone.

  Carly continued milking until she thought her arms couldn't possibly do any more, and the milk came slower and slower until finally there wasn't a stream. Thankfully, she patted the cow, stood up, and arched her back. She grabbed the pail and took it to Joe, who was milking a cow in the next stall. Her heart sank. He had filled up two and a half pails with milk while she had done only one. He looked up and smiled.

  "Done already?"

  "Already? It took me forever!" She laughed, setting her pail next to the others. "Are you almost done?"

  "Almost," he said, winking at her. "What'd you think of milking your first cow?"

  She stretched, rolling her head to get the kinks out. "It was really neat, but my arms feel tired."

  "You'll get used to it." He grinned, finishing. He stood up, took his pail, and reached over to take hers.

  "Nope," she stopped him. "I'm going to help," she said, stubbornly taking her own pail plus another one.

  "You're going to be sore," he said playfully, taking the rest. "They're pretty heavy."

  "It'll be okay. I wanted to help you, not make you carry all my stuff." She followed him to a small chilly room in the back of the barn. He showed her how to separate the milk from the cream, and where to put the pails when they were finished.

  "This is where Mom comes in to make butter and cheese, and where we keep our eggs," he said, putting the pails in a large refrigerator.

  "You make your own butter and cheese?" she asked, impressed. "What do you do with it all?"

  "Our neighbors buy a lot of it, along with some milk and eggs. It's a good business I suppose. Keeps Mom pretty busy sometimes."

  "Where is your mom?" Carly asked wonderingly.

  "She doesn't come in here until later. She says it’s too cold early in the morning, but I think she just wants to sleep in." He winked, joking.

  "Do you think she'd mind if I asked her to show me how to do all that stuff?" Carly asked, following him around like a devoted puppy.

  "I don't think she'd mind. She'd probably like the help!"

  He showed her around, both of them doing his chores together, as he explained and showed her how to do things. He found her to be an avid learner and enjoyed her enthusiasm about whatever he showed her. It was obvious to him that she tried to please him in everything she did, and she grew confident as he praised her.

  "That's it," he said after all the work was done. "You were a big help, thank you."

  "Really?" she asked enthusiastically. "That we
nt by fast!"

  "There's always less work to be done in the winter," he answered simply.

  "What do you usually do when you're done?" She leaned over one of the horse stalls, trying to get Ashes' attention.

  "Well," he hesitated, "mostly we work on the equipment for the farm, or on a car someone has asked us to fix. Sometimes neighbors bring their tractors over for us to work on. Sometimes if I have time, I do a little bit of woodworking."

  "Are you working on anything now?" she asked, looking around at him.

  He gave her a strange look before answering. "I've got a little project I'm working on."

  "What is it?" she asked after a little pause, her heart fluttering a little.

  "I'll show you later today if you want to see it," he said softly, smiling.

  She smiled shyly, looking away. "I'd like that."

  "You all done?" Todd asked, walking toward them, holding Kelly's hand.

  "Yep," Joe said casually. "Are you?"

  "Just got done. Kelly's been a big help!" He hugged her. "I don't think I'm going to let her go now. She knows how to run a farm."

  Joe chuckled. "After seeing your room this morning, she may decide she doesn't want you!"

  "A woman loves to be needed," Todd said. "And I definitely need someone to clean up after me, right, Kelly?"

  "I agree that you need someone to clean up after you." She laughed. "I couldn't even find your bed!"

  Todd smiled guiltily. "Job security, my dear, just think of it as job security." She smacked him playfully. "Are you two ready to go in? Maybe Mom's got something for us to eat!" He smacked his lips hungrily, rubbing his stomach.

  "We're ready," Joe said, taking Carly's hand. "Where's Dad?"

  "He went in about half an hour ago. He said we didn't leave anything for him to do." Todd grinned, pulling Kelly toward the door. Joe took Carly's hand, following them.

  Chapter 17

  "That was the best Thanksgiving dinner I've had in a long time!" Carly said later that afternoon, leaning back in her chair contentedly. "Thank you."

  "You're welcome and thanks for your help." Penny smiled. "We're glad you could come. Did you do anything special for Thanksgiving with your dad?"


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