Shared Skies

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Shared Skies Page 12

by Josephine O Brien

  “Okay, Gaiah, next weekend for definite. We´ll make plans during the week.” His hand rested on the back of her neck under her hair, and her heart went into overdrive. Panic or excitement? She couldn't tell.

  He looked at her, his eyes impossibly dark. He leant closer and whispered, “See you soon.” His breath brushed warm against her ear and sent chills through her. He turned suddenly and left, loping across the grass to his car.

  Renny’s eyes were bright. “Well? What did he say?”

  Gaiah was amazed Renny couldn't see the trembling turmoil Graeme had thrown her into. She worked up a smile. “We´re going to sort something next week. Remember, don’t say anything to my gran. There’s no need for them to start fussing about nothing.”

  Gaiah collapsed into the passenger seat with a sigh. What a day. Those two guys had been bothering her, one way or the other, ever since she got here. She really had to sort it.

  “Well? How did it go?” Kaley smiled across at her.

  Gaiah looked back blankly.

  “The encognation. Today was the big day. Did you do it? Did it work?”

  “Oh, yes. Yes I did, and it did.”

  “It was perfect,” said Renny approvingly. “Just the right amount of force, subtle but strong, and we have no maths homework. Could become a habit.”

  “Renny!” said Kaley warningly, and lectured them on the art of responsible encognating all the way to the cottage.

  At home, Alasdair had been working on the assumption that Gaiah would have done her encognation perfectly. He had made a celebration dinner–a Gaianan feast. He greeted them with a flourish and led them to the kitchen, where the table was disappearing under huge colourful platters. Gaiah hugged him. “Wow! Thank you. It smells delicious and I’m starving.”

  The kitchen was a warm oasis. The heavy curtains blocked out the approaching night, and Alasdair had a classical music station playing softly in the background.

  Gaiah dipped garlic and parmesan roasted vegetables into tangy dips and creamy sauces. “This is astounding,” she marveled. “It’s like I never tasted these vegetables before, yet I know I recognize them.” Bursts of citrus and mellow mustardy flavours transformed each bite into a different sensation.

  Renny reached out to fill her plate again. “You're a brill cook Alasdair–even my mum couldn't do better, and she’s pretty electric.”

  It was a lovely, light-hearted evening, but Gaiah still felt bothered. This situation with Graeme and Neal was on her mind. Really, it’s time to take some action, go on that date and see how I got on with Graeme, and finally figure out what was up with Neal.

  It was difficult to get to sleep that night. No matter how she justified encognating Neal, she wasn't prepared to tell Renny what she was going to do. This felt wrong, but the more she tried not to think about it, the more it was the only thing on her mind.

  This disquiet was still with her next morning. Luckily, Renny and Alasdair were noisily exchanging jokes and Gala's silence on the way to school wasn't noticed. Staring out the window, the only thing that was clear to her was, her life was in turmoil and she was sure of nothing.

  Chapter Thirteen

  First class was double maths and she scanned the room as she entered, but there was no sign of Graeme. Neal was a looming presence in his usual place in the back. Gaiah was conscious of him the entire time but deliberately didn't turn to catch his eye.

  As soon as the bell went, Cassie's haloed head peered around the door. “Hey guys, could you help me bring some things to the art room please?”

  “Sure!” Renny jumped up. “C’mon Gaiah.”

  Gaiah got to her feet. “Yeah, no problem.” She followed Renny to the door, Donald behind her.

  Cassie looked past them. “Neal, I'd really like your opinion on something too, please, if you don't mind?”

  He didn't respond but he got up and walked out with them. Gaiah's senses went into overdrive as he walked close behind her. She was even aware of him breathing, despite the heavy tread of his boots. They followed Cassie to her locker, where she loaded them with long papier maché snakes. “They are fairly delicate and maybe a bit wet so be careful.”

  Gaiah smiled at the sight of Renny and Cassie walking ahead. Renny was in full gypsy mode, wearing a belted white shirt over a flowing coloured skirt with boots, and a bandana on her hair. She was towering over Cassie who was in flat ballet shoes, black tights and a black mini dress. They were both laden down with trails of colored crepe paper and serpent heads.

  “I feel as if we're about to walk on stage in a pantomime,” muttered Neal.

  Gaiah laughed, “I was just thinking much the same.” She was inordinately glad that he was talking to her again.

  While Cassie´s questions about the positioning and quantity of the snakes on a Medusa head were being sorted by Neal, Donald offered to zoom ahead to the canteen and grab their table.

  As soon as things were sorted to Cassie’s satisfaction, they all headed for the canteen. Renny and Cassie were in deep discussion about dreadlocks as they went out the door. Gaiah reached out an arm as the door swung back, and caught sight of a long streak of green paint tracking along her hand, wrist and jumper. “Damn! I love this jumper.”

  Neal looked at it. “It's only poster paint. It will come off easily, don't worry.”

  Gaiah headed to the bathroom. “Okay, I'll go get it off and follow you to the canteen.”

  It did come off quite easily and she was out the door again in a minute or two. To her surprise, Neal was leaning against the wall waiting for her. His arms were folded and his expression serious. He watched her approach and straightened up. There was no sign of Renny. What did he want?

  “Are you okay, Neal?”

  “Yeah, let's go.” He pushed off from the wall and dug his hands deep into his pockets.

  Damn! What was this about? He had been waiting for her, and she knew it. But why? What was he not saying? Then almost unbidden, Okay, Gaiah, time to give it a go! And she encognated as clearly and as forcefully as she could. I WANT that...YOU FEEL that…YOU WANT…to tell me what’s going on.

  Nothing! Not a flicker! She tried again but it was as if her thoughts were bouncing off into a void. She pulled herself back to reality, aware she had been just standing staring into his eyes for the past few seconds and he was staring back just as intently at her.

  She wrenched her attention away from him but her heart felt like lead. What happened? I was standing so close to him. I know I encognated perfectly. I know I did. But there was nothing. How can that be? Oh God! Now, I know he isn’t just a normal human boy going through a bad time. Oh no, could he be an Or’kan occupied? Could Kaley help?

  “Gaiah…I–” Neal got no further because Renny appeared, striding down the corridor, her face twisted with anxiety.

  “Hey Gaiah, where did you get to? You know you can’t…” She glanced at Neal. “Well, anyway I saw Graeme heading for the canteen! You’ll catch him there if you want to organize your date.”

  Neal almost transformed in front of them. His face became thunderous and his emerald eyes darkened. “You’re going out with Graeme?”

  “Well, yes, why not?” Gaiah was taken aback by Neal’s reaction. “What’s wrong? I thought you two were friends?”

  “We’re not!” shouted Neal, “and if you have any sense, you’ll stay well away from him.” He stalked off. Gaiah was trembling, what had happened?

  One minute she was getting lost in his eyes and the next he was like an ogre. Oh Shit! Was it the Or’kan manipulation? Had Neal nearly broken through its control and spoken to me? He'd started to say something before Renny interrupted. Or, maybe my encognation actually worked and he was slowly trying to get his thoughts together to talk to me? If he was just a boy and the encognation had worked, well then, boys aren’t exactly known for their speed in having emotional conversations. But then, that would mean he wasn't an Or’kan possession.

  Her head was in a turmoil. He was…so...well…he certainl
y wasn't as good looking as Graeme but he had a lovely mouth and she wanted to get to know the guy who made the art that had moved her so much.

  “Powers Almighty! Let’s go,” Renny waved her hands wide with exasperation. Gaiah knew Renny was oblivious to what had happened. Because in reality, nothing had happened. Gaiah had just been in the middle of an emotional bombshell.

  The canteen was full, but Donald had succeeded in bagging their table. Graeme was sitting with him, talking to Cassie. He waved them over and made room for them on his bench.

  Graeme smiled at Gaiah in a way that almost made her forget the trouble with Neal. He leant close to say something, close enough to make Gaiah catch her breath as his lips approached. Graeme's smile faded, making Gaiah look around. Neal was barging over to the table.

  “You’re taking Gaiah out?”

  “Yes, indeed.” Graeme smiled, putting his arm around Gaiah and causing ripples of interest around the canteen. “I’m thinking of a hike in Craigphadraig woods if this weather holds. I’ll show Gaiah all the sights. She needs a knight in shining armour to show her what’s what, and that would be me.”

  Neal sat down next to Cassie and Donald and folded his arms on the table. “Why don’t we all go? Your Volvo will take the six of us, won’t it?”

  Graeme’s eyes narrowed as Donald said enthusiastically, “Wicked! Great idea. I know a great area for a picnic, there’s an old Pictish–”

  “Yeah, well guys, sounds good but you know…the whole two’s company thing?” Graeme almost drawled this.

  Gaiah felt uncomfortable. Graeme’s arm was heavy across her shoulders and she didn’t like his assumption that she had no say in this matter. She tried to slide away and attempt a joke, “Well, Graeme, it isn’t as if we were planning to elope or anything, and it might be fun to all go together?”

  Graeme tensed up and removed his arm. He was silent for a while then said in a cold voice, “Whatever, we’ll sort it out tomorrow. Anyway, I’ve no more classes today so I’m off.” His gaze flicked up to Cassie. “I’ll drive you home, if you like, Cassie?”

  Neal stood. “No! It’s okay, I’m going in that direction so Cassie and I can walk together.” There was an awkward silence while Neal and Graeme glared at each other.

  Gaiah tried to fill it. She took out the flask of coffee Kaley had packed for them that morning and filled two cups. Renny picked up a cup but her arm jerked and her coffee sploshed over Gaiah’s shoulder and arm. Gaiah leapt. “Aaargh, watch it Renny. That's hot!”

  “Oh No! I'm so sorry, Gaiah. Come with me and I’ll help you clean up.” She grabbed Gaiah’s hand and almost dragged her from the canteen. She kept going until she reached the bathrooms in the annexe. Exhaling loudly, she pushed the door closed behind them and put her back to it.

  “Earth’s Death!” She cursed. “I needed to get you out of there. Someone was encognating!”

  “What? Are you sure?”

  Renny was white faced. “I think it was aimed at Cassie but I couldn’t be sure. The sense of it being that she wanted to go and have sex, now! It was vile. It was something that she did not want to do so it met resistance and not acceptance. Oh Power! I feel sick. I think it came from Graeme!”

  “No,” said Gaiah slowly. “I don’t think so. I think it was Neal.”

  “What? Why? I mean, I’m not sure. I can detect when encognating is being done, and I would have thought that I’d have an idea where it was coming from too. It’s not as if it’s all that common.”

  “Exactly! I didn't tell you but I tried encognating Neal earlier. I tried as hard as I could and it didn't have any effect whatsoever. And you know I can encognate people properly.”

  Renny looked at her. “You what? Powers, Gaiah, why? Why didn't you tell me? But yes, there’s no doubt you can encognate as well as I can. So…What? You think Neal’s an occupied and is trying to hurt Cassie, but why? Gaiah, that doesn't make sense.”

  Gaiah marshaled her thoughts. “Perhaps Neal is an occupied, and if he is, then he probably knows that I’m a Gaianan, and he must have felt me encognating at him. But why was he hanging around? Was he keeping an eye on me? For what? To kill me? Kidnap me? And why was he was furious when he found I was going to go out with the Earth guy Graeme?”

  Gaiah quickly filled Renny in on what she had seen in the shop, the first day she met the guys.

  Renny's eyes were wide. “So Graeme's not a friend of Neal’s at all?”

  “Far from it I’d say.”

  “Do you think Neal’s so angry he was going to take it out on Cassie?

  Gaiah shook her head, gusting out a long sigh. Nothing really made any sense.

  “God! I feel awful, let’s get some air.” She pushed open the bars on the emergency exit and went out to the volleyball court. Renny followed her out.

  “Look, I’m not sure about it all, but the facts are that you tried to encognate Neal, and I know that you are more than capable of it. So if it didn't work, it can only be because he is an occupied. I mean, he can’t be an Or’kan because Cassie and Donald grew up with him, and whereas an adult could pretend to be something they aren't, a young child just can’t. And I know Cassie was encognated just now. So really, the only logical explanation is yours.”

  They were still debating this when Cassie came running out followed by Donald. “Are you okay? Gosh, I hope you’re not burned?”

  “No. I’m okay really, I just got a fright,” muttered Gaiah.

  “Actually,” Donald confessed, “to be honest, I have no idea what happened there; one minute we were making plans for the weekend and the next minute the cold war had started and you were sprinting for accident and emergency.”

  Graeme and Neal appeared at the door. Neal was still looking angry but Graeme’s good humour seemed restored.

  “Well? Not too bad I hope?”

  Gaiah didn’t meet his eyes. “No problem, my jumper is more damaged than my arm.”

  He smiled at her. “Well, that’s good, so we’re okay to make plans for Saturday? I think Donald’s plan sounds good, we can all go to the woods. Let’s sort times and things tomorrow. Anyway, I’m off now, I have no more classes, coming Cassie?”

  Cassie turned away, “No, I’m going to walk with Neal.”

  Graeme’s brown eyes darkened as he stared at Neal. “Do you really want to do this, Neal?”

  “Yes,” Neal’s reply was almost inaudible. “I do. I now realize exactly what I want to do.”

  Graeme stepped closer to Neal and even though Neal was taller, Graeme seemed to dominate. “You will regret it if you take this step, Neal, I promise you!”

  Neal didn't reply but turned to walk back in to the school with Cassie. Graeme’s arm shot out. “Don't do this!”

  Neal brushed Graeme’s arm away and pushed past. Graeme suddenly hooked his right arm around with his hand closed into a fist and punched Neal hard in the kidneys.

  “Ooof,” Neal gasped and jerked upwards, his head thrown back, but almost in the same movement, he turned, swung his fist and connected with Graeme’s cheek.

  There was a wild light in Graeme’s eyes. “A line has been crossed here, Neal, and I won't forget it, I assure you!”

  Donald stepped forward. “Hey, guys, this isn't cool. You don’t have to do this!” He may as well not have even been there for all the notice they took. Graeme put his head down and ran at Neal hitting him in the chest, staggering him backwards.

  Gaiah watched in horror. This was not a choreographed fight with perfect punches landing on waiting jaws, nor with stunt doubles rolling and leaping. This was flailing and falling, lucky punches and violent kicks, but with a rage that gave these punches and kicks savagery.

  Two year tens passing by saw them out of the window and faster than twitter gossip, the volleyball court had about two dozen boys chanting, “Fight! Fight! Fight! But it soon became obvious that this was more than an ordinary school scrap and the watching boys fell silent as the gasps and grunts and cries of the two figures rolling on
the ground echoed around the volleyball court.

  When Graeme knelt on Neal’s chest and pulled his ponytail so that he could use it to crack Neal’s head off the ground, the sound was a sickening thud and the blood left behind was clear on the beige floor. When Neal pulled Graeme’s legs from under him, Graeme hit the ground, with a bone jarring crash. Graeme didn't spring back from the blow to the head, bouncing and ready to do a ninja jump; he staggered and tried to clear the blood, leaving it smeared across his face. These weren't the computer game moves that everyone was used to. This was real and, as such, it was messy, horrifying and brutal.

  Gaiah clutched at Renny’s arm. “I’m encognating as clearly as I can and nothing’s happening.”

  “Yes, me too! They may be closed to us because of fighting or…”

  Neal fell, Graeme kicked him hard and fast into the stomach and head. Neal rolled to his side and grabbed Graeme around the knees. Graeme fell on Neal, lunged forward and caught Neal around the throat with both hands. He was squeezing as hard as he could. This was obvious to all as Neal’s face was going redder and redder. He desperately tried to pull Graeme’s fingers away, but Graeme’s face was set in a mask of fury.

  “I told you, I told you NOT to do it!” He was repeating over and over.

  Cassie screamed. Gaiah and Renny ran forward, but it was the intervention of the principal accompanied by the caretaker and the woodwork teacher that brought things back to normal. They pulled the boys apart and all the spectators slid away. None were ever going to admit how disturbing this had actually been to watch.

  Neal was sitting with his knees drawn up and his head resting on them, gasping heavily. Graeme got up slowly, the fury leaving his eyes.

  The principal shouted, “Neal, I’m stunned at this behaviour. And as for you Graeme, this may be how you could behave in America but I can tell you this is NOT acceptable here!”

  Neal slowly got to his feet as Mrs. Patterson continued to address the two of them. “I have never seen such violence. I have good mind to call the police. At the very least I want your parents in here, Graeme. Your grandparents too, Neal... I...I...mean...this is...well...I know that boys will be boys and everyone loses their temper from time to time, so I suppose there’s no harm done–”


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