Owned by the Club

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Owned by the Club Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2016 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-091-8

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  Rosie Emery nibbled her lip, and frowned across at the man who was in charge of her life. Pops stared across his desk at her, his gaze impenetrable as he looked her up and down. She hadn’t been offered a seat, so she stood, grabbing hold of her purse. Coming to the Old Boyz had been a last resort. That was their club name, Old Boyz, and the tales about them weren’t any laughing matter. A lot of the women she’d heard telling tales, rarely had a bad thing to say.

  “You take one, you take them all.”

  Five men—Pops, Billy, Marshall, Gavin, and Ethan, all of them different, and yet loyal to each other. They owned the bar outside of town. It was the bar everyone went to if you wanted to have a good time. She’d never been to the Old Boyz bar, apart from right now where she was standing in the office at the back of the main bar.

  “Why don’t you have a seat?” he asked.

  Her heart slammed against her chest, and she let out a breath. The other four men stood around the room, all of them looking bored.

  Lowering herself into a chair, she stared at Pops, whom she believed to be the oldest of the group, and the one in charge. The men were not related, not by a long shot. They were simply the best of friends.

  “You don’t need to be scared, Rosie.”

  “It’s embarrassing though.” She lowered her head and stared at her lap.

  “You need money?”

  “Yes.” It was so humiliating. Her little bookshop had hit hard times, and she’d fallen behind on a couple of her payments. To make matters worse, Peter James had taken over her loan, and his interest rates were high. He wanted her to sell the business to her, and had even tried to create a bad name for her in town so people stopped visiting her shop. With the repayments being twice as much, and the pressure from him to sell, she was at a dead end. She handed over the file of paperwork with regards to the loan, and Peter’s demands. The file shook, showing her fear to the roomful of men. “I will pay you back.”

  “How did your shop fall on hard times?” Pops asked.

  “It’s been a bad couple of years for all businesses. No one wants to read actual books.” She’d had many more plans for her shop, which was why she had the loan. Rosie was going to turn it into a café for her customers. Of course, a scam meant all that loan money had disappeared. She’d thought she was investing in a good decorating firm. Once they had her details, the money emptied out of her account, and she got behind trying to recover.

  Pops opened the file and frowned. “You’re selling up?”

  “This is why I wanted your help. I know you are fair, and that you don’t screw anyone over, providing they don’t screw you. I’m already in the market for another job, and there have been multiple offers on the shop. I really had hoped that I didn’t have to sell it, but I don’t have a choice. It’s just the loan. I can pay you back, regularly, in installments, and you can do whatever interest you want.”

  “The bank allowed Peter James to take over your loan?”

  Each of the men let out a grunt, clearly not happy.

  “You know Peter?”

  “He’s a slime-ball.”

  “I know. It’s why I’m hoping you can help me. You’re my last hope.”

  Pops stared at her. “This is a lot of money. Why can’t you get it back from this company?”

  “They disappeared. I lost everything, along with a lot of other people.” Again, she shrugged. “I’ve tried to get it back.”

  “You don’t want to deal with Peter,” Marshall said. “He’s a bad guy. As bad as they come.”

  “I’m hoping not. He’s offered something that I’m not willing to give.” She shuddered. Peter was a handsome man, but there was a cruelty in his eyes that couldn’t be disguised.

  “Step out for a second. I want to talk to my boys.”

  She nodded. “Yes. Certainly.”

  Her life was in their hands.


  Pops couldn’t look away from Rosie’s swinging ass, and he saw his friends had the same problem. The look of lust on their faces was easy to detect. Rosie always had that effect on them. Her body was the thing of dreams, all curves and softness. Her tits were nice and large, along with her hips.

  “What do you boys think?” he asked.

  “If Peter was trying to buy her sweet ass, I wouldn’t blame him. This isn’t trying to buy her, though. He’s trying to buy her out, kick her out on the street, and leave her homeless. That I don’t agree with. Rosie doesn’t deserve that,” Billy said.

  “She’s one of those nice women. Never says a bad word about anyone, and tends to get fucked over in the bargain,” Gavin said.

  “I’d love to have her riding my cock,” Ethan said, grabbing his crotch. “Just being around her makes me so fucking hard.”

  Pops shook his head. They all had a thing for the little bookshop owner. There were fifteen years between him and Rosie, but even he wanted her. He’d noticed her when she’d come back from college at twenty-five years old with dreams of her shop. When she unveiled her store front, she’d been so giddy with excitement, and he’d simply stood back and watched her.

  He’d done that a lot over the past few years, watching, waiting.

  Rosie had gotten under his skin, and made him want her for years. She didn’t even have to do anything either. He wondered if she even realized what she’d done to him and his little club. Old Boyz. That’s what they called themselves, and he was more than happy with it. A couple of young boys had thought they could try to take them. All of them had been proved wrong. The Old Boyz had a good reputation for being fair, but they also had another reputation. They took threats seriously, and they had been called a time or two to help women in need. Pops didn’t agree with violence against women, and was happy to snap the arms and legs of any man who thought they could lay a hand on them.

  It was why the law looked the other way when there was a disturbance at the bar, or if there was a complaint about them, it disappeared. They did what no one else had the balls to do. They weren’t a gang, or an MC, or even a family. They were a bunch of friends that had seen hell together.

  “Peter will throw her out on the street, and she’ll be penniless. He clearly wants her shop for something,” Gavin said.

  “He wants to open up a brothel,” Ethan said. “Word on the street is that he thinks this place needs some drive-thru style pussy. If he gets enough votes, her place would be perfect for it, enough rooms, enough space. Taking her loan, pushing up the interest, it’s a good way of getting her out of the way, and he’ll own the shop as well.”

  Pops sat back. He didn’t need to read any more of the facts. The figures had spoken for themselves. What he wanted to know was who the people were who had stolen her loan in the first place. He found those people, and he might be able to get some of the loan back, and also find out why they stole from her. For Peter to be involved, it was too much of a coincidence. At least, that was what Pops was thinking.
/>   “Question is, boys, what do you want to do?”

  “I like Rosie. I’ve been wanting to tap her ass for years,” Billy said.

  “She’s not the screwing and leaving kind. You fuck her, you’ll stay with her,” Marshall said.

  “You know what we’ve always wanted,” Ethan said. “We’ve talked about it a lot, and we share everything.”

  “Do you really think sweet little Rosie is going to want to fuck not just one man but five?” Gavin asked.

  “You don’t know what she wants.” Billy glared at everyone, looking mightily pissed off.

  “What about what we want?” Pops asked. “We’ve talked about it a lot. Sharing one woman, and we’re all attracted to Rosie.”

  “I want her,” Billy said. “I’m not going to stand around pretending I don’t. I want her. I want to fuck her, and be inside her. Seeing how nervous she was standing there, I want to protect her, and the only way I’ll ever be able to do that is if she belongs to me.” He slapped his hand on the table.

  “That your answer?”

  “That’s my answer.”

  Billy stepped aside, and Pops looked at the rest of the room. “Thoughts?”

  Marshall stood, tapping his hand on the table. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.”

  Ethan nodded. “You don’t have to question me. I’ve done everything I can to get to know Rosie. Even started reading fucking romance just to try and talk to her about something other than the weather.”

  They had all spoken many times about what they wanted, and Pops turned toward Gavin.

  Out of all of them, Gavin was the most pessimistic. He didn’t believe they’d find a woman who would want any of them, especially all together.

  Pops had a feeling Rosie wasn’t like most women, and she would thrive having the devotion of five men.


  “I think you’re making a mistake.”

  “What are your thoughts about Rosie?” Pops asked.

  “He’s got a hard-on for her. He spends all time in town fucking watching her,” Billy said.

  “I’ve not got all day. She’s going to want an answer.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Gavin asked.

  “We take over her loan, and in return she takes us. Until she’s comfortable, she can think that she’s owned by the club.”

  “Our own little orgy.” Gavin snorted. “And if she doesn’t want this? What if we set ourselves up to fail?”

  “Then we deal with it. Either way, Rosie needs an answer.”

  “What about you, Pops? What do you think?” Marshall asked.

  “I think she’s the one.”

  “No doubts?” This came from Ethan.

  “No. I don’t doubt it at all.” He’d been waiting for what felt like a lifetime to claim her. Watching her from afar was a fucking nightmare. He could never touch, and he wanted to touch. He wanted to strip her clothes from her body, and learn every inch of her curves, never forgetting what she felt like for a second.

  Every morning, every single day, all day, he’d touch, taste, and explore. His cock grew thick just thinking about it.

  Gavin sighed. “I’m in.”

  “You sure? You can walk away at any time.”

  “I’m sure. I want Rosie. There’s no point in denying it. I don’t think she’ll want us, and this is all going to fall flat on our faces. I’ll grab her.” Gavin stood, going toward the door.

  “You want us to stay?” Marshall asked.

  “May as well, that way there is no chance of her ever doubting what I mean.”

  Rosie entered the room, smiling. “Hello.”

  She was so damn sweet. He’d had to sit back and watch as she dated some kind of lawyer a few years back, and it had driven him crazy. Pops had even been tempted to put a hit out on the bastard he’d gotten that desperate.

  “I hope I’m not causing too much trouble.”

  “You’re not, baby,” Ethan said.

  Her cheeks went a bright shade of red.

  “Rosie, we’ve been talking, and we don’t want you to go to Peter. The bastard is a slime-ball, and there won’t be an easy out. We’ll give you the money.”

  “I will pay you back. I promise.”

  Pops held his hand up. “We have a few … conditions of you accepting our help, and I want you to think long and hard before you accept them.”

  “Whatever it is, I’ll do it. I don’t mind. If you need me to cook and clean for you, I’ll do it.”

  He held his hand up, hating the hope he saw dancing in her eyes. What was it about her that always had him feeling this way? She wasn’t particularly beautiful. Sure, her raven hair, startling blue eyes, and pale skin really caught the eye, but other than that, she had quite plain features.

  It was her kind nature. The way she was willing to help anyone, and there didn’t even have to be anything for her in return. Her smile. He’d spend hours sat watching her just for the chance to see her smile, which was so sweet, so kind, so loving. Hardened men had crumbled against that smile.

  She bit her lip and took a seat. “What is it? Is it bad?” She pointed at the file in front of him.

  “It’s not bad. Well, not for us. Rosie, what have you heard about us?”

  She frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “The Old Boyz, what have you heard?”

  “I’ve heard quite a lot. Rumors, gossip, that kind of thing. I don’t know what it has to do with my loan.”

  “I’m going to be blunt with you, Rosie. I can, can’t I?”

  “I’d prefer it if you did.”

  “Excellent.” He looked at his brothers seeing the lust shining in their eyes. They all wanted her. “We want you, Rosie. We want you to belong to us.”


  “We want to own you.”

  “I don’t—”

  “We want to fuck you. To own every single part of you,” Gavin said.

  Rosie’s eyes grew wide. “We?”

  “All of us. We share, Rosie. All five of us. We like to share, and right now, we all want to share you,” Ethan said.

  Pops watched and waited. She looked a little put out by their honesty but she hadn’t run screaming yet, so he considered that a bonus.


  Chapter Two

  There was no way Rosie was hearing that right, and yet when she looked at Pops she knew she’d heard everything right.

  “I, I don’t know what to say.”

  “This is not something you have to answer right now. We’ll talk with Peter, and make sure he gives you time to pay. You can go, think it over.” He wrote something down on a card, and rounded the desk, holding it out to her. She took the card seeing it was his number.

  “Sex?” She stared at the card, and then at the man in front of her. He was older than she was, with his hair greying at the temples. Rosie had always found Pops the most attractive of the group of men. There was no way she could deny that he was a hot guy. He oozed sex appeal, and experience, and everything that she always wanted but denied herself all the time.

  His brow rose.

  “That’s what you’re wanting right?”

  “Babe, it’s going to be a hell of a lot more than that,” Pops said.

  Each of the men moved close to her, surrounding her, and yet not scaring her. None of them looked like they were going to hurt her. She watched as they stared at her, waiting.

  “Do you think you could handle us?” Billy asked, touching her hand.

  Her heart was pounding, and it had nothing to with fear. Her pussy grew slick, and her tits felt heavy as each man touched her.

  Pops watched her, and she was captivated by him.

  “Step back,” he said.

  “All five of you want to share me?” she asked, her focus on the man in front of her.


  “You’ll handle my debt with Peter?”


  “I, er, I really need to think about t

  “You have my number. Call me when you know what you want to do, and we’ll handle Peter.”

  “You really don’t have to do that,” she said, not wanting to cause them more trouble.

  “Peter’s an asshole. He’ll cause you trouble just for the fun of it. I’m not about to let that happen. None of us would let you have to face shit like that.”

  She nodded. “O-okay.” Holding the card up, she took a deep breath. “I’ll call you.”

  Stepping away from the group of men, she made her way back toward her car, trying to think clearly. It was hard for her to do.

  Get a grip.

  Climbing behind the wheel of her car, she turned over the ignition and made her way toward her shop. Book Dreams wasn’t exactly catchy, but it had been her dream, and getting this shop, she’d been so happy, so proud of herself. Now that was all over.

  Pulling out the front, she stared up at the window, which exposed the area she’d hoped to turn into a café.

  “It’s such a shame, Rosie,” Peter said, startling her as he moved up behind her.

  Pressing a hand to her chest, she spun to face him. “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to see the place that I own. It’s kind of a dud. I have so much vision for the place.”

  “It’s mine.”

  “Yeah, sweetheart, whatever you say. Unless you can come up with the money this place is going to be closed down, and my own dream will take its place.”

  “You’re going to get your money. You’re not having my shop.” If she didn’t get the money back for the loan, she’d have no choice but to hand the shop over to Peter, and he’d put some disgusting thing in its place. She didn’t know what, but she knew he would.

  He placed a hand on her shoulder, and all she felt was revulsion. She hated his touch. “You know, stop being a pain in my ass, and I may even let you work for me. Some men would dig your hot little ass.”

  “You’re disgusting.”


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