Owned by the Club

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Owned by the Club Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “What has brought this on?”

  “I don’t know. The last two weeks, it has been the best of my life. They all share me, and we all sit around together, talking, and laughing. We’re like one big family. I love it.”

  “What’s the problem?” he asked.

  “Pops. He’s different. Distant, and I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”

  “What if you haven’t done anything wrong?” he asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. What if he’s made a mistake, and he knows that now?” She pressed her hands against her face, wanting to hide from the truth. Nothing would ever prepare her for their rejection.

  The sound of the door opening to the shop had her turning to Joe.

  “I’ll go and handle this. Wipe your face, and then come out. I think you’re being silly, but the only advice I can give you, go to Pops. Talk to him.”

  She nodded. Joe left her alone to gain composure, and she took several deep breaths, trying to put her mind back into focus. She didn’t know where these negative thoughts were coming from, and she didn’t want to keep having them either. This was her life, and she loved five men.

  That had to have been the hardest thing she had ever done in her life, admit that her heart was given to not one but five men.

  She immersed herself in her customers, and painting the parts of the café area that were ready. By the time six o’clock came, she was ready to call it a day and head home.

  Gavin was outside waiting to pick her up. She hadn’t gone home in so long, and she didn’t feel the need to rush it either.

  “Come on, beautiful. Time to take you home so you can get some beauty sleep,” he said.

  She chuckled.

  “So, do you want to tell me what was on your mind earlier?” he asked.

  “How do you know anything’s on my mind?”

  “I know we’ve only been together for two weeks, but I know when something is bothering you, babe, and your face is telling me, too. Talk to me.”

  “It’s Pops.”

  “What about him?”

  “You can’t deny that he’s been a little distant lately.”

  “Babe, you’ve been just as distant. This is something for the two of you to talk about.” He took hold of her hand. “We love you, Rosie. Make no mistake about that, but none of us are going to speak up for the other. This has got to be something you ask him.”

  She nodded. “You really are the voice of reason.”

  “Don’t you fucking forget it either.” He winked at her, making her smile.

  They were always making her smile, making her belong.

  Parking up outside of the house, she saw Ethan was sanding down a chair.

  “Ethan always likes working with his hands. It’s a gift of his, and he can seem to make any blank piece of wood into something.”

  “He’s brilliant.” She’d seen many of his pieces around the house.

  “Come on, let’s go,” Gavin said.

  Climbing out of the car, she rushed toward Ethan, who stood. She threw her arms around him, slamming her lips to his, knowing by now what he liked. He was the youngest in the group, and sometimes a little insecure about that. He was still older than she was, but she’d do whatever he needed to feel her love.

  “Missed you,” he said.

  “Missed you, too.”

  Heading inside, she spotted Marshall behind the counter in the kitchen. He was preparing their vegetables for dinner. Both of them had a passion for cooking, and he liked watching her bake.

  “I’ll be there in a moment.”

  Her shared passion with Gavin was their love of books. They both enjoyed reading. With Billy, it was their love of action movies. It didn’t matter the story. If there were explosions and big guns, she loved it.

  Then there was Pops. She made her way upstairs toward the main bedroom. With him, she shared a love of life, a love of the future, and the hope of a family. Opening the door, she found him sitting on the bed, holding a small bear.

  She paused.

  “Hey,” he said.

  “Hey yourself.” Nerves hit her.

  “Joe called me. He said you needed to talk.”

  She was going to kill her best friend. First, she was going to maim him. “I got upset at work, and I admitted some things to him. He thinks I should just tell you about them.”

  “You don’t want to?” he asked.

  “I don’t know what to do.” She pointed to the bear. “What’s that for?” Was it a goodbye present? Did he want her to leave?

  “I saw it today, and I thought of you.” He held it out to her.

  “Pops, if you want me to leave, just say so.”

  He frowned, turning toward her. “You think I want you to leave?”

  “Don’t you? Isn’t that why you’ve been distant? You’ve realized that I’m not the girl you want, and now you’re looking to find a reason to let me down gently.” She had hoped to keep the tears in, to not look like she was going crazy.

  “No, that’s not it at all.” He stood up, moving toward her. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  “Then what is it? What’s wrong? What have I done?” She had to know. As much as it killed her to know the truth, she needed to hear it from him.

  “You’ve done nothing. It’s me.”

  She snorted. “Right.”

  “Being with you was the best thing that ever happened to me, Rosie. One night was the best of all of my forty-five years. The past couple of weeks have made my whole life pale in comparison. Being with you, loving you, I can’t risk losing you, babe.”


  “I’ve been … scared. Yeah, probably not the most manly thing I could have said, but it’s the truth. I’ve been scared because you have the power to make all my dreams come true or to tear them apart.”

  “I would never do that to you. Not ever.” She took his hand, which was still holding the bear. “I love you, Pops. I love you, and I love, Billy, and Marshall, and Gavin, and Ethan. I love you all, and yeah, I’m scared. There’s only one of me, and yet I love all five of you. What if you decide I’m not good enough, I’m not woman enough?”

  “That would never happen,” Marshall said, drawing her attention to the doorway where all of her men stood, watching. “We all love you.”

  “Then why?” she asked, looking at Pops.

  “I want you to marry me, Rosie.”

  She didn’t expect that.

  Chapter Nine

  Pops didn’t care that it had only been two weeks, or that Rosie had seemed a little distant. He and the boys had agreed to wait, but he was tired of waiting for life to live itself. He no longer wanted to wait around.

  Stepping forward, he dropped the teddy bear on the floor and cupped her face, tilting her head back.

  “I love you, Rosie. I want you to be my wife, the mother of my children. I don’t want to wait around anymore. This is why I’ve been quiet. I’ve not wanted to scare you, but I’d love for you to live here. To get rid of your place.”

  “What about my shop?” she asked.

  “You can keep it. I don’t want you to change anything. Just live with me. Love me, love us.”

  The smile on her face gave him hope. He released her, picking up the teddy bear, and removing the ring from the back. Pops had bought the ring a few months ago. The moment he saw it, he’d known it was destined to go on Rosie’s finger.

  “Marry me, Rosie. Bind yourself to us.”

  Billy, Marshall, Ethan, and Gavin went down on one knee, surrounding her.

  “You marry one of us, you marry us all,” Marshall said.

  Pops’s heart was pounding, waiting for her answer.

  “Yes, of course yes. I’d love to marry you.”

  Before he got a chance to pull the ring out of the box, she was on him, wrapping her arms around him, and pressing kisses all over his face. “You silly man. I thought you’d realized that I was nothing special.”

  “I think this woman needs a spank,”
Gavin said. “Nothing special? You’re perfect, and you’re all ours.”

  Pops got to his feet, holding the ring, and kissing her back with a passion that he’d been holding back. It hadn’t been his intention to do so, but he’d done it all the same.

  Pops released her, and grabbed her hand, sliding the ring onto her finger.

  “I’m going to belong to you.”


  He burst out laughing as she grabbed his shirt and pulled it off his body.

  “Now, to make up to me for being so damn distant, make love to me. All of you, at the same time.”

  They had been taking turns, making love, and fucking her.

  She sank to her knees, opening his jeans, and tugging them down.

  None of them needed to be told twice, and within a matter of seconds, they were all naked, apart from Rosie.

  The moment she removed Pops’s boxer briefs she wrapped her fingers around his length, and was running her hand up and down. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, and before he could give her any instruction on what to do, she had her mouth over him, licking the head. He groaned as her teeth scored down the sides of his dick, taking him all the way to the back of her throat, pulling away just before she gagged on the length.

  Marshall moved in close, and she reached out, taking his cock, and working the tip. Standing together, she held them both, loving their cocks at the same time. She flicked her tongue on each of them, licking up their pre-cum. He groaned, holding onto her hair, and wrapping it around his wrist.

  His cock was so hard. Billy, Ethan, and Gavin, worked together behind her, to remove her clothes and have her completely naked. They used scissors to cut away the fabric of anything that wouldn’t tear, no one stopping her from licking and sucking their cocks.

  “She looks so beautiful with her mouth full of cock.”

  “I know. She feels fucking good as well.”

  Pops pumped into her mouth, loving the sight of their ring on her finger, their claim stopping anyone else from ever having anything to do with her. Rosie finally belonged to all of them, and for that he was thankful. More thankful than he’d ever been in his life.

  Billy ran his hand down her back, sliding between her thighs. From the angle Pops was in, he saw everything, and relished the sounds of her pleasure, especially when the vibration of her moans ran up his length from her sucking him.

  When he didn’t think he could handle any more, he pulled away, letting go of her hair, and letting Ethan take his place. Moving to the floor on his back, he went between her legs, cupped her hips, and pulled her down onto his face. He wanted to taste that pretty little cunt, and he wanted to swim in her cream.

  Plunging two fingers inside her pussy, he flicked his tongue across her clit. Slowly, she started to ride his face as she sucked off the other two. From his position he didn’t know what she was doing, only that she was enjoying everything.

  Gavin moved in behind her, and Pops watched as he covered her anus with clear lube, slicking her up to get ready to share them all.

  His cock was so damn hard, and he worked the length at the same time as sucking her clit. He used his fingers covered in her cream to get himself nice and wet.

  “Oh fuck, you need to stop, or I’m going to come,” Ethan said.

  She didn’t stop, and seconds later he heard Ethan come. The grunt filled the air, echoing off the walls.

  “Let’s take this to the bed,” Marshall said.

  They moved from the floor, and Marshall sat on the bed. Pops wore a condom and held his cock straight up.

  He was going to claim her ass while Marshall was inside her.

  Moving in behind her, Pops helped her straddle Marshall’s cock.

  “He wants you so much. See how hard you’ve made him,” he said, whispering against her ear.

  “I want him, too.”

  “Then take him.” Pops held her hips as she slowly, inch by inch took Marshall inside her. She looked so damn hot doing it.

  When she had taken all of Marshall’s cock, Pops knelt back, watching as she rode Marshall, taking more and more of his cock.

  “Feels so good.”

  Gavin handed Pops the tube of lubrication. “We all know you’re the best person to start this.”

  They had been preparing her ass for a few weeks now, but no one had taken her. Pops had been holding off in case they hurt her, not wanting to cause her pain. He’d used all the dildos going up in size, and there was nothing left to do but to use his dick.

  Nodding, he tore into the condom, which Gavin had also passed him. Rolling the latex down his length, Pops smeared his cock with the lube getting himself nice and slick.

  Marshall slowed down his thrusts as he moved back in behind her. “Are you ready for me, babe?” he asked.

  “I’m ready for it all. Please, Pops, don’t keep me waiting any longer. I don’t think I could stand it.”

  He placed the lube on the bed and cupped her tits, offering them up to Marshall. “Have a taste. Does she taste as perfect as I imagine?”

  “Yes, she tastes better, so much fucking better.” Marshall flicked his tongue against her nipples.

  Billy moved in beside her, working his hand between her thighs, and teasing her clit. Marshall grunted. Ethan came in at her other side, and started to suck her nipples. Finally Gavin moved up, and presented her with his dick, which she opened to take.

  With her completely distracted, Pops let go of her tits, allowing Ethan to take over.

  Opening the lube, he spread a generous amount on his fingers, and placed them at her anus. Stroking over the puckered hole, he smeared the lube all over, and slid a finger inside her, sinking to his knuckle. Once she started to thrust on his finger, and felt stretched enough, he pulled out and aligned the tip of his cock against her ass.

  Slowly, he pushed the tip against that tight ring of muscles, and Marshall reached around her, grabbing her ass cheeks, and spreading them wide open for Pops.

  Inch by inch, he worked his cock inside her, going deeper until she had every single inch of him within her.

  “Fuck. I thought she was tight before.”

  Pops kissed her neck. “You okay, princess?”

  “Yes.” She released Gavin’s cock long enough to speak.

  Nodding at Marshall, Pops waited for the other man to pull out. He stayed perfectly still within her, holding. When Marshall started to thrust back inside, he worked his cock out of her. They built up a steady pace, where they took turns fucking inside her, stretching her.

  Ethan teased her clit until she came all over Marshall’s cock, her ass also tightening around him.

  Pops knew he wasn’t going to last. She wrapped one arm behind her, around his neck, as he rode her ass hard.

  “I love you, Rosie, fucking love you,” he said, grinding into her ass one final time, and filing the condom with his cum. He moved out of her, and lay on the bed close to her as Gavin moved from her mouth, taking her ass himself. Marshall came, and they changed places. Gavin sat on the bed still in her ass, and now Billy moved inside her pussy.

  “Perfect, baby, you’re fucking perfect,” Marshall said. “Never doubt that we want you. We all want you.”

  Pops stroked her body, as did Marshall and Ethan, as Gavin and Billy found their release. Finally, Ethan moved between her thighs, and licking her cunt into another orgasm. Afterward, in the afterglow of sex, Rosie lay in the middle as they all surrounded her.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “That I’m the luckiest woman in the world.”

  “Why do you think that?” he asked.

  “Not only do I love five men, but five men also love me. Tell me how that can’t be lucky?” she asked, smiling. She cupped his cheek. “I really do love you. I love all of you.”

  “Forever,” Pops said.

  “The only way I’m leaving is if the angels take me,” Marshall said. “This is what I’ve been wanting all my life. You, us, a family. This is what I consider to be t
he best life of all.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” Gavin said. “Some folks in town won’t like it.”

  “Everyone can fuck off,” Ethan said. “No one will say shit to any of us, and if they try, we’ll show them we mean business.”

  She giggled. “You’ll protect me?”


  “The moment you walked into the bar, Rosie, you became ours,” Pops said. He pressed a kiss to her lips. “There’s no way we’re letting you go.”

  “We’ll have you barefoot and pregnant in no time,” Billy said, making it sound more like a promise.

  She sighed. “I can’t wait.”


  Rosie stood outside in the garden holding a warm cup of cocoa as she watched her six children bobbing for apples. She loved Halloween, and the house looked like something out of a horror movie. She had fake spiders suspended above the front yard, and pumpkins running up the driveway. They had several trick-or-treaters, and she wanted them to not be afraid to come to their home. Over the past ten years she and her men had worked to make sure the locals didn’t hurt their children seeing as they liked to live the way they did.

  It had taken a long time, but finally, they were able to feel part of it all, and that was what she loved. Being part of town, and loving it.

  “What are you thinking?” Marshall asked, coming up behind her. Ethan, Gavin, and Billy had their six children, three sets of twins, along with all of their friends having fun.

  “I’m so happy. I love it, and I love you guys so much.”

  “Of course you do. We’re awesome.” Pops walked out of the house, carrying a tray of her orange cupcakes. She’d spent all morning decorating them spookily.

  “How many of those have you eaten?” she asked.

  “Four, and this will be my fifth.” Pops smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You should be taking it easy.”

  She was pregnant again. Even though they had six kids, she’d only been pregnant three times. This was her fourth, and so far, it looked like she was having a single child, which was a relief. She didn’t know if she could handle another set of twins.

  “I am. I’m drinking my cocoa, and did I tell you, my husbands are keeping me sane?”


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