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Rouge Page 26

by Isabella Modra

  She tried not to look at him. “It’s... um...”

  Eli’s fork clattered down on his plate. “Hunter, look at me.” She obeyed. His eyes were warm and bright, like the ocean on a scorching summer day. “Whatever it is, it won’t change a thing. You and I have been through far too much together to give up on what we have. I will love you forever, no matter what other secrets you’re hiding.”

  The tears escaped. “I killed someone.”

  The warmth in Eli’s eyes vanished immediately. “You... what?”

  “When I first discovered my powers, I didn’t know how to control them.” She watched the steam dance in ribbons from her coffee to distract her from the pain of repeating the story that was still a little raw. She hadn’t even told Miss Smart, let alone Eli. But she gritted her teeth and pushed it out. “I was angry at Joshua for not telling me when I was a young girl, and confused at what I am and scared of what would happen to me. This... fire inside of me was fresh, like an out of control demon that had just been released from a long imprisonment. It wanted to be fed.

  “I ran away from home, hating myself, scared and alone. I came across two men in an alleyway not far from my apartment and they tried to rape me.” Eli drew a sharp breath. She could feel his eyes on her. “I lost control of the fire and killed one of them by throwing him into a wall. I warned them, but they didn’t listen. The fire had exploded inside of me before I could get a grasp on it, and it took over. After seeing the body, I couldn’t bear to live with myself. I found a cheap hotel and locked myself away for a few days until I had come to grips with taking that man’s life, and until I’d figured out what I could do with my powers and how to control it.”

  “So you didn’t have laryngitis then?”

  She wiped a runaway tear from her cheek. “No. I came home and Joshua told me I couldn’t see anyone until I had trained with him. I went behind his back and came to school to prove to myself that I was stronger and better than the demon-fire inside me. And it worked, until...”

  “Until that night we made out on my bed.”

  Hunter released a shaky sigh. “It came up so quickly, I didn’t have time to catch it. It wasn’t because I was angry either. I think I was so distracted by the kiss that I didn’t realize the fire was raging inside of me.”

  She expected another quip about his make-out skills, but Eli was completely serious. “You could have killed me too.”

  Hunter forced herself to look him directly in the eye, even if it pained her. “I would never put you in that position Eli. That’s why I avoided you at school. It’s why I was always too careful. I trained so much with Joshua, learnt things about myself and my powers that I often couldn’t handle. That’s why I was so tired all the time, and why I’ll probably fail my SATs. But I knew I would be ready for last night, because the fire is so much a part of me and knows how much I love you, that it turned the flame of destruction into a flame of passion.”

  “I felt it,” he nodded. When Hunter looked at him with a frown on her face, Eli’s cheeks flooded with color. “I mean, I wouldn’t know any different but... last night while we were... there was this moment when I felt this flood of warmth just blast against me. It wasn’t painful, but it was pretty damn shocking. I knew it was you, but I was too consumed with bliss that I didn’t want it to end.”

  She found herself smiling. “I remember that. It was amazing.”

  “More than amazing.” He grinned and shoveled more breakfast into his mouth. “So... how exactly did you get your powers anyway?”

  Hunter exhaled – thankful that the worst was over – and then began her story. The more she spoke about it, the more she felt as if a tight knot inside of her was finally being undone. She hadn’t realized how much her secrets had burdened her. Eli listened intently, his eyes going wide and bright. He was enthralled.

  “Does it hurt, when you do the fire thing with your hands?”

  She shook her head. “I’m immune to it.”

  “No but does it hurt when it comes out of your skin?” He made gestures with his fingers, a queasy look on his face.

  “Not really,” she chuckled. “If I concentrate on one area and summon it from within me, then it appears. I never used to be able to control it, it was just this constant boiling eruption of fire within me that always wanted to come out.”

  “Wow. And… what about Joshua? Why is he so psychotic?”

  “He’s under the delusional impression that whatever he does, he does it to protect me. A part of me thinks he’s harmless. He always has been, I mean he’s just a geologist. But after my mother’s letter and the video and all the strange stuff he’s been doing… I just can’t explain it. It’s not love, it’s madness.”

  “Should we call Dr. Phil?”

  Hunter hit him jokingly. “Funny.”

  “Okay, another question.”


  “Why do you smoke, really?”

  Hunter laughed, putting down her mug and snuggling against him. “I started a while ago, way before I found out about my abilities. It calmed me down, made me feel relaxed. I guess it’s like your puffer in a way.”

  “Yeah, besides the fact that smoke sort of takes away the oxygen,” he pointed out.

  “It doesn’t affect me,” she smiled. “And I’m trying to figure out if I have immortal lungs, or if it has to do with the whole smoke thing. Either way, I’m not complaining. It soothes me.”

  Eli shook his head unbelievingly. “Well… whatever cocas your cola.”

  Hunter burst out laughing and he looked at her perplexedly. “You have a weird sense of humor,” he pointed out.

  “And you have some weird phrases.”

  He ruffled her hair so the red curls were even more askew, and she pushed him away playfully.

  “Okay, here’s another question,” he continued, looking at the ceiling with a furrowed brow. “What are people gonna call you?”

  Hunter stopped chuckling immediately. “What?”

  “You know, what will be your superhero name?”

  She tried very hard not to burst out laughing again, because Eli’s expression was dead serious.

  “I’m not actually going to go around the streets in a cape and a mask and rescue people.” She shoved a piece of toast in her mouth. “That stuff is for the movies.”

  “Come on Hunter! Haven’t you realized that people are already talking about you? You were on the news as the red-headed teenager who saved a girl from burning alive. You’re going to need something to protect your identity, or people are going to know who you are. In fact, they probably already do know who you are.”

  Hunter looked at Eli acutely, starting to regret laughing at his question. After all, Joshua had told her to keep her secret to herself and never use her powers. Miss Smart’s death was the result of her recklessness.

  “You’re right,” she sighed. “People can’t know what I can do. But seriously, Eli, what am I supposed to do? Wear a suit under my clothes like I’m Peter Parker or something?”

  “You don’t have to go to that much trouble. Your hair is already a giveaway. Just make sure no one sees you when you’re… doing your thing-” she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, “-and they’ll just say it’s the… Red Ranger.”

  “The Red Ranger?” She threw her plate back on the tray. “Are you kidding me? No way, you have to think of something better than that.”

  “Okay okay… Fire Girl.”

  Hunter laughed so hard she started choking on her breakfast.

  “What? It’s classic!”

  “Eli,” she moaned, her throat burning. “I’m not a cave woman.”

  He snickered and rubbed her back as she caught her breath again. Suddenly he froze. “Wait! I’ve got it.”

  “This better be good.”

  “How about… Rouge.”

  “Rouge? It sounds like a lipstick.”

  “Come on, it’s sexy, it’s feminist… and it matches your hair and fiery personality.”

  He has a point, the fire stated.

  Hunter lifted the tray carefully off the bed, placed it on the floor and swung one leg over Eli, letting her hair fall down over his face as if it were a curtain closing around them. Eli’s hands rested on her hips and as their lips met in a kiss that sparked fresh memories of last night, Hunter ignored the storm she knew was brewing outside. For that moment, all her troubles blew away. All she wanted was to lay beside Eli, to watch his smile, to see the sparkle in his eyes. Maybe tomorrow, she thought as she closed her eyes. Tomorrow I’ll deal with it all. Right now, could I forget who I am and be with him?

  Eli was gazing at her through his glasses. She liked the way he looked at her: it had always been with the same admiration and kindness, even from the day they met.

  She stroked his cheek with her thumbs and said, “Rouge it is.”

  “I love you Hunter,” he said.

  She snuggled in beside Eli as he wrapped an arm around her. Though Hunter knew it would not last forever, she was happy to be with him, and to be happy herself.

  “So what will we tell your parents when they get back?” Hunter asked, secretly praying they would never return so she could remain alone with Eli for what's left of her time on earth.

  Eli lifted the dishwasher door and pushed it so it locked and hummed to life. “I’m thinking we don’t say anything and hope they don’t notice you’re living here now. With me. In my bedroom. Oh crap,” he said miserably.

  Hunter soaked up the melted cocktail ice they’d left on the table in their rush to get upstairs. Eli had just finished putting dishes from breakfast away. She stood and wrapped her arms around his stomach. He turned and tucked her head under his chin.

  “It’ll be okay. Let’s just see how it all plays out.”

  “Easy for you to say,” he grumbled. “You can stand up to my dad.”

  “So can you. He’s not a monster Eli, he’s your dad.”

  “I’m too weak.” His whole body slumped. “I’ve grown up feeling small. I couldn’t vouch for myself even if I wanted to. My dad never really loved me, he never cared what I got up to at school. Never taught me to fight for my own dignity.”

  “Is that why you didn’t tell me the truth about Benny’s girlfriend?”

  Eli’s eyes flashed with resentment and he let out a long breath of air.

  “Benny said he would ruin my life if I told anyone. Jack told you the truth, right?” When she nodded, Eli breathed a bitter laugh. “He’s always been braver than me. I’m not strong or courageous, not like him and not like you.”

  She took his face between her hands. “Hey, listen. I never had a mother to teach me life lessons or a father to tell me to be strong. Joshua was always there for me, yes, but he’s psychotic. Everything he ever told me was a lie. The reason I am who I am is because of the battles I’ve faced in life. If you don’t have courage, then how is it that you have the nerve to run campaigns to save whales and other animals like Murphy with such dedication?”

  Eli blinked in surprise. “You’re right. I never thought of it that way.” He looked down at her and frowned. “How’d you get to be so smart?”

  She giggled against his chest. “I have this genius boyfriend. He’s starting to rub off on me.”

  “Well, don’t get too cozy. This week’s gonna be hell. You know Dead Week started today.”

  “Yeah I know. Are you sure it’s okay for me to stay here? I won’t bother your studies or anything.”

  Eli picked up the cloth on the floor and rinsed it in the sink. “Don’t worry about it Hunter. I don’t expect you to go back to Joshua after what he almost did in the hospital.”

  Unwilling to let go of him, Hunter wrapped her arms around his stomach again. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said. “And at least we’ve got Prom to look forward to Friday.”

  “Oh shit,” she hissed, pulling away from him. After everything that happened, she’d completely forgotten. “I don’t have a dress.”

  “We’ll find one. We’ve got all week, and its New York. Really, ask Melissa and she’ll be happy to take you shopping.”

  Hunter raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t that be like her worst nightmare, going shopping with me?”

  Eli didn’t answer. “So what did you want to do today, hmm?”

  “Well… unfortunately, I have to work tonight.”

  “Won’t people recognize you?”

  Hunter hadn’t really considered what work would be like now that her secret was seeping through the cracks. She needed the money now that she refused to rely on Joshua any longer, but was Eli right? Would she be stared at? Would Kin and Alex and the others ask her questions?

  Despite the risks, Hunter felt she needed it. Her work had always been a form of escape from school and life with Joshua. She didn’t want to lose that.

  “I’ll be fine,” she replied. “I’ll just pretend I don’t know what they’re talking about.”

  “Or you could just ask for bigger tips.”

  Hunter laughed.

  thirty- five

  “Can I have the… noodles with spicy chicken and… a side of prawn crackers please?”

  The man with the double chin passed Hunter his menu and she jotted down the order quickly.

  “Will that be all for your guys?”

  The family of four nodded, and when Hunter smiled at them, she realized they were all gazing at her. Frowning, she picked up the last menu.

  “Great, I’ll have your drinks brought out to you.”

  Hunter turned away, but knew that they were still watching her closely. In fact, as Hunter stared around the low-roofed restaurant, she noticed that almost all of the occupied tables were staring. Hunter tucked a stray curl behind her ear and put her pen in her apron, hurrying back to the kitchen.

  Alex was helping Josiah – the Sunday chef – plate up. As Hunter stuck her order on the rotator, she noticed that both of them were watching her too.

  Already sick of it, Hunter slapped her notepad down on the steel counter and glared.

  “What? Why the hell are you looking at me like that?”

  Josiah barely spoke any English, so he simply looked away and went over to the frying vegetables. Alex dropped her gaze as well, but not before Hunter had seen the look in her eyes.

  “You think it’s me, don’t you?”

  Alex put two plates on the counter and hit the bell. “Order up.”

  “Come on Alex!” She waved at her friend, ignoring the hot plates.

  Alex sighed. “You do look a lot like her Hunter.”

  “Why, because I have red hair? It’s New York, for Christ’s sake. You said to me yourself that there are loads of weird characters out there.”

  “Yeah, but not everyone can walk through fire.”

  “Exactly,” Hunter shoved a plate between her thumb and pinkie and rested the other on her wrist. “It’s not me.”

  She whirled, almost slopping a side of noodles onto the carpet, and grabbed a jug of water from the shelf. For the next fifteen minutes, Hunter went about her usual waiting duties; filling up jugs, clearing plates and placing orders. But instead of finding an escape in her work, Hunter felt trapped. Just like at Raoul’s, the heat built up inside her and soon she began to feel suffocated. She tripped on a chair leg as it jutted out on her way to the kitchen, and the tray of crackers she’d been holding went soaring through the air where it hit the counter and crashed to the floor.

  I can’t take this, she heaved. Alex caught her eye and before Kin could start yelling at her, she nodded and Hunter went running to the bathroom.

  Sweat poured down her face and neck as she burst through the door and yanked the tap on. Someone was in the second cubicle, so she hurriedly splashed her face to cool herself down and took deep breaths. This is too much. Eli was right, I can’t be around people when all they do is stare at me. How could I ever have thought this would be easy?

  I should have listened to Joshua.

  Hunter couldn’t
believe what she was thinking. Suddenly, she missed him. She missed training – as God-awful as it was – or even hanging out with him in the lab and talking about her parents. It felt like a stab in the chest every time she thought of just how much Joshua cared for her, and what he went through to protect her, but he was turning into someone she just couldn’t be around. After what she’d seen on the tape, she could honestly say she was afraid of him.

  The sound of a flush drew her out of her thoughts and she looked in the mirror and saw a woman come out of the cubicle. She nodded at Hunter and casually began washing her hands, but the wonder in her eyes was undeniable. There were words on her lips that were simply dying to come out.

  Hunter sighed. “I’m not her.”

  The woman froze, shot a nervous smile at her, and hurried out of the bathroom with her hands still wet.

  “Hunter you really shouldn’t be wearing that,” said Eli, his face stony.

  Hunter glanced down at Eli’s flannelette shirt that she’d slipped on. It had become her after-sex shirt.

  “What do you mean?” she picked up the hem and stretched it out. “It covers everything.”

  Eli sighed, shaking his head, smirking in that sexy way she loved so much. “That’s the problem,” he murmured, snaking a hand around her waist and placing the other delicately on her thigh. “You need to take it off.”

  Hunter chuckled. “What if your Dad comes home early?”

  “Who cares?!” he shouted. Drunk with happiness and the endorphins of their recent heated activity, Eli stepped up to the window and threw it open.

  “Eli, what are you-”

  “I just want everyone to know!” he yelled down at the street. Hunter ran up to him and yanked on his arm, pleading him to stop, slapping him across the back. “I just had SEX! With my GIRLFRIEND! That’s right!” Eli ducked back under the frame and lifted Hunter up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Hunter shrieked. What has gotten into him? “And I want to do it again,” he whispered into her chest.

  “Slow down there tiger-” Eli threw her down on the bed and jumped on top of her. “Eli!”


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