by Nina Bruhns
As they approached the waiting couple, she drew a fortifying breath. She tried desperately to keep the anguished longing from her eyes, but feared her efforts were useless.
He looked so handsome standing there, all broad-shouldered and raven-haired, delightfully disheveled from what must have been a whirlwind journey. Even leaning on a cane to support his injured leg, he oozed masculine power and virility. No wonder she had fallen so hard for the man. After a week of nothing but dreams and fantasies, the real thing was enough to make her knees buckle.
She wondered what he wanted. He'd dressed formally, in a navy suit and white shirt. She blinked. Or was it an undershirt? She glanced up, only to be greeted by his devilish grin.
He knew exactly what he was doing to her, the rogue.
For the first time in a week, hope stole into her heart.
Her mother fluttered over, obviously in a rare tizzy. "Kit, look who's come to see you. It's Chief Beaulieux all the way from Louisiana!"
Before Kit could react, her dad stepped forward, insinuating himself between her and Beau. "What can we do for you, son?" he asked quietly, but his tone brooked no nonsense.
She wanted to put her arms around her father and hug him till he turned blue, facing down a man twice his size for her. Why hadn't she ever noticed before how protective he was of his little girl? Just the way Beau would be…
But in this case, she had the sudden feeling it was unnecessary. "Daddy, it's—"
"Your daughter's a wanted woman, Mr. Colfax," Beau interrupted. "I know I'm out of my jurisdiction here, but…"
Her pulse stalled. His words couldn't possibly mean what she wanted them to mean … could they?
He reached behind his back and brought out his handcuffs, oh, so casually letting them dangle from a finger. Her gaze snapped to his. Only the wicked twinkle in his eyes gave him away. "I was hoping she'd cooperate."
"What's the charge, Chief?" she managed to say past the huge lump in her throat. Did she dare hope?
He gave her a tender smile. "Resisting an officer of the law."
For a second, all that could be heard was the clacking of the corn stalks in the breeze, the birds calling as they wheeled overhead, and the pounding of her blood as it rushed through her veins. Then her dad coughed and her mom let out a giggle.
"How do you plead, Miz Colfax?"
Kit's heart soared. "Guilty." Foolishly, stupidly guilty. "But I swear it'll never happen again, if you'll just give me another chance…"
The warm breeze ruffled his hair, and suddenly she knew everything would be all right.
"Come on up to the house, dear," her mom said, grabbing her dad's hand and pulling. "This calls for a celebration."
As they hurried off, Beau turned to her and took her hands in his. "I believe I'm the one who needs another chance, kitten. I'm so sorry I didn't give you the time you needed. And I want you to know I had every intention of arresting Remi when I left that morning. I had no idea—" he shook his head "—believe me, chère. I never wanted you to go. I wanted to stop you from leaving me."
Her heart melted at the sincerity in his eyes. "I do believe you."
He handed her a long, flat box. She opened it and gasped at the contents. "The sapphire necklace! Oh, Beau—"
"Now don't get too attached. We may have to hock it." She darted him a puzzled look and he took a deep breath. "I, uh—" A shadow of fear passed through his eyes.
Her pulse skipped a beat. "What? What is it, Beau?"
His Adam's apple bobbed. "I've been thinking of going back to school. Get a degree. Maybe in agriculture, or business, or—hell, maybe even law." He took another breath. "The point is, you'd probably have to get a job, at least for a while, move to some big city where they have a university that'll accept an old man like me … maybe even support me for a while…"
"But…" Kit shook herself out of her shock. "What about Terrebeau? You can't just leave!"
"Sure I can." He kissed her hand. "I've spent so many years convincing my family they couldn't make it without me, I nearly had myself convinced. They'll do fine. I can hire an overseer and—"
"And the police department. What'll—"
"Doug can handle it. He'll be a fine chief."
"But where would we live?"
He cradled her cheek in his hand and gazed at her lovingly. "Anywhere you say, chère. Just tell me and I'll be there. I need you in my life and I'm willing to go anywhere you want to be."
Suddenly, she was having a hard time focusing. Her vision swam, blurring his handsome face into a prism of gentle smiles. "You'd do this for me? Oh, Beau." She hugged him close and held on for dear life. "I love you so much. And there's nowhere else on earth I'd rather live than Terrebeau."
He kissed her. Long and hard, and brimming with promise for a future filled with love and excitement. "I love you, too, 'tite chatte. More than you'll ever know." He ran his fingers along her cheek. "There's just one more thing I have to ask."
She looked up, her heart tripping madly.
"Are you ever going to make an honest man of me?"
Happiness flooded through her. She flung her arms around his neck and kissed him, laughing through tears of joy. "Yes! Oh, Beau, yes, yes, yes!"
"Thank goodness. I was afraid I might have to use these handcuffs." He spun her around, joining in her laughter and kissing her back. "Reach into my pocket, baby, and see what you find."
Wiping her tears, she smiled excitedly, scandalized at the thought of doing such a thing in her parents' driveway. Not that it stopped her for a second. She dipped deep into his pant pocket, feeling around. "Hmm. Let's see. Give me a hint."
"Darlin'…" he croaked as she hit pay dirt.
"You recovered the family jewels?"
"Keep that up and I doubt if they'll ever recover. Try the coat pocket."
He'd turned an endearing shade of scarlet, waving to her parents, who'd appeared on the porch with a tray of drinks.
"Spoilsport," she whispered, but dug dutifully into his jacket pocket instead. Her fingers closed around a ring. Gasping, she pulled it out and stared at it in awe.
It was simply gorgeous—a huge diamond, surrounded by sapphires that perfectly matched the necklace in her other hand.
"Oh, Beau! It's beautiful!"
"I figured we could start our own set of family jewels. Begin a new legend about Kit Colfax and Simon Beaulieux." He slipped it on her finger.
It was the happiest moment of her life. She looked up at the man she would so gladly come to call husband and father of her children. "I'll want fire extinguishers in every room."
"Does this mean you'll come quietly?"
"With you?" She reached up and nipped his earlobe. "I don't think so."
He gave her a bone-melting shot of his wicked smile and murmured low and sweet, "Maybe I'll have to use the handcuffs, after all."
She kissed his beloved mouth, her soul basking in love as warm as the bright country sunshine. "You'll have to catch me first," she whispered.
Arm in arm, they strolled to join her parents on the porch swing. "Darlin', you can count on it."
* * * * *