Kidnapped Debutante in Bondage Hell

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Kidnapped Debutante in Bondage Hell Page 8

by Kristine Lichtlider

  Tiffany entered a kind of torpor, mind drifting away until she was dreaming of being on a plane of spikes. One of the spikes was thrust in her ass, and another in her pussy, while she choked on a third. People she'd been cruel to in her life all pointed and laughed, enjoying her suffering. If there was an end to such a life, she wished for nothing else.

  She returned to the real world when her suitcase was dropped heavily on the ground, bruising her shoulder. The sound of a zipper being undone heralded her limited release, as someone yanked the hood from her head. Her hair was sweat-locked over her eyes, so she still couldn't see anything until someone moved it away.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” said a voice she'd come to hate. It was Barry, who she'd come to regard as her 'main' captor, even though the Gray haired man was in charge. She seldom saw the boss, but his presence was often felt in the way his minions acted in his absence.

  Sullenly, Tiffany stared around herself. She was in what looked—and smelled—like a horse stable. Roberta was released from her own suitcase, and Tiffany noticed two others nearby.

  The girls were arranged on their knees while their fellow captives were released. One was the plump, sweet black girl she'd seen upon her arrival at the mansion. The other was an Asian woman, but not Ichi. This girl could barely stand because of the massive mammary glands that bowed her back.

  “Nice work, huh?” Barry asked, jerking Tiffany's head around to see the disfigured girl. “Those aren't silicone, baby, they're breast tissue that the girl has grown. All it takes is a little gene therapy and bam you have huge knockers. It's uncomfortable for her, and they're always leaking milk, but man what a magnificent view, right?”

  Tiffany wanted to weep for the girl. She was pretty, with a widow's peak and glossy black hair, and a slightly upturned nose. The girl locked eyes with her and for a moment they shared a common suffering, a sisterhood of misery.

  Barry unstrapped her legs from the cruel bindings. When the plugs came out the relief was so profound she fainted. A cold bucket of water splashed on her face brought her back to the land of the living.

  Tiffany sputtered, wondering how long she would be bereft of some sort of gag. They slipped leather sleeves over her arms, which had the most bizarre thing on the end she'd ever seen. Her hands were trapped within something that looked a lot like a horse's hoof. Her legs were sheathed in similar bindings, forcing her to stand on her tip toes, like being in high heels without a heel.

  It was hard to balance, and soon she lost the use of her arms for such when they cruelly tied them to her nipples. A chain attached her hoofed hands together in front of her, and then ran up to her painful nipple clamps. She had to hold her hands up near her breasts or pull on the dreadful clamps and make them tighten.

  She groaned in alarm as they bent her over and shoved a huge dildo up her ass. At least they used lube this time, but the dildo was extra-large and ended in what seemed to be a horse's tail.

  Roberta and the other two women were set up in similar get ups. Bit shaped gags were thrust into their mouths and buckled tightly. A feathery headdress of sorts was placed on each girl's head.

  Tiffany stomped her booted feet in frustration. She knew they were trying to make her look like a horse, and it infuriated her. To make matters worse, they hooked her up to a cart, which the Gray Haired man climbed into. He took up a nasty whip with sharpened pegs embedded in its leathery coils and grinned.

  “Open the gates, boys,” he said. As the barn door swung open, Tiffany was shocked to see a busy street scene. There were people dressed in wild fashions, and she gasped behind her gag when she saw a man being led by a leash on his penis.

  Realization dawned on her. The bastards had brought her to the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco! They were going to be paraded about in their humiliating state, and everyone would just think it was part of the show!

  She bit down on the bit so hard she thought her teeth would break, and she hardly cared. This was the worst, just the worst thing that had happened since she'd been kidnapped. A hard crack startled her, and the Asian. woman cried out in pain.

  “Go, ponies!” the Gray Haired man shouted. “Get those fucking knees up! Cameras one and two, stay focused on their big bouncing titties. Camera three, make sure you catch these nice red stripes I'm leaving on their fucking pony hides.”

  The whip lashed her shoulders, and Tiffany screamed.

  “Get those fucking knees UP!” Gray Hair shouted. “Prance like the pony that you are, Ms. Winters!”

  Tiffany sobbed, but did as she was bade. What else could she do? She and the other ponies pulled the cart out into the street. Gray Hair jerked hard on the reins and her head was pulled painfully to the side.

  “Turn, turn, turn!” Gray hair snapped. “Keep those knees up! Oh, you dumb ass ponies, take that and that and THAT!”

  Blood ran freely down Tiffany's back, and she knew if she could turn her head enough—which she couldn't—she would see similar stains on Roberta's back. For the first time, Tiffany felt bad about her early escape attempt. If she hadn't got away from Barry in New York, then Roberta wouldn't be in this mess.

  They marched down the road, in full view of the crowd. So many disgusting perverts stared at her pussy, her exposed nipples, and her whip marks. A few of them seemed concerned, but they merely stared as the ponies pranced past.

  “Faster, ponies!” Gray Hair said. “I said FASTER.”

  The whip cracked against Tiffany's spine again. She pulled futilely against the chains on her nipples. With the hoofs on, she couldn't use her fingers, couldn't free herself from their biting sting.

  They turned a corner and marched around the block. The plug in her ass was agonizing, and with each hard clop of her booted feet it seemed to nestle itself even deeper in her hole. Gray Hair kept shouting, kept punishing her for even the slightest decrease in her knee's altitude each time she took a step.

  Gray Hair pulled back hard on the reins, and the girls felt their heads yanked backwards. Gray Hair dismounted the cart and walked around to stand before Tiffany.

  “Now,” he said “you're going to get gang raped in broad daylight, and no one will save you. They'll just stand around wishing they had the guts to jerk off in public. What do you think of that?”

  Tiffany sobbed, and pulled on her bindings, but only succeeded in causing herself more pain.

  Barry and one of the camera men unbuckled Tiffany from the harness and freed her arms. Tiffany made a break for it, but her desperation was mistaken for a great performance by the crowd and they applauded.

  So this is how it's going to be, she thought. Taken by horrible men in front of a bunch of perverts who think it's all just a show.

  Her hands were released from the chains binding them to her nipples, but she wasn't surprised that they left the clips on. Barry pulled her arms out in front of her and tied them, then bent her over a wooden bench. Gray Hair himself bound her legs widely apart.

  Quickly, they pulled the gag out of her mouth.

  “HELP ME!” Tiffany screamed. “THIS IS NOT A MOVIE I'VE BEEN—”

  Her cries were cut off by a huge spider gag thrust between her teeth. She wept bitter tears as the crowd again applauded. One of the cameramen was handing out business cards, making sure to tell everyone he gave them to how much attention the production company gave to details and great performances.

  Gray Hair busted her ass, shoving his cock deep inside while Barry crawled under her spread eagled body. His cock thrust inside her pussy, and rubbed heads against the Gray Haired man's through the thin membrane of flesh separating them. The third cameraman, a sweaty fat fellow with a cock he'd clearly never trimmed the hair of, forced himself into her mouth.

  Her gagging cries echoed off the buildings surrounding them, while people took photos with their cell phones. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to pretend she was somewhere else, but the repeated brutal thrusts of her captors made that impossible.

  The cameraman unleashed jizz down h
er throat, and it bubbled and dripped out of her open mouth when he yanked himself back out. Gray Hair walked around and thrust his dick into her forced open mouth, not bothering to wash it first.

  “Like the taste of your own shit, Ms. Winters?” he asked through clenched teeth as he thrust himself deeper and deeper into her mouth. “You are nothing, and have no rights. All you exist for is for men to fuck and fondle and torture. When I finally get tired of you, I'm going to give you to Sid. He'll probably chop your arms and legs off, and rip out your tongue. Then he'll just pick up your torso and fuck you whenever, and throw you back on the ground when he's done. If you're lucky he'll feed you and clean you up, but usually he forgets. There's nothing you can do to avoid this fate. Nothing.”

  Tiffany screamed. For god's sake, why didn't someone notice what was happening and save her? Couldn't they tell she was suffering for real?

  Her rape went on and on, with all three men switching positions and the holes they violated. Tiffany was a sobbing, cum covered mess when they strapped her back into the harness and lined Roberta up for her turn. The nun had such a despairing look on her face that Tiffany had to cry.

  Please God, Tiffany prayed silently. I don't care what happens to me anymore, but do SOMETHING to save her! Maybe I was a horrible person, but she doesn't deserve this!

  Something clicked in Tiffany's mind. Sometimes you couldn't wait for a miracle.

  Sometimes you had to be the miracle. There would never be a better chance for her to escape than at this moment. She stared down at her nipple clamps and made a decision.

  Oh well, she thought. I hear they're doing wonders with cosmetic surgery these days…

  She ripped her nipple clamps off in a bloody jerk and all hell broke loose.

  Chapter 9

  Tiffany glanced about furtively. No one had noticed her escape yet except one of the camera men. He ran toward her, camera falling on the ground, as she grabbed both sides of her head with the clumsy hooves and yanked on her bit gag for all she was worth.

  The camera man put a hand on her shoulder, his face sadistic and leering. Tiffany used the heavy horse shoe on the end of her mitten to bash him in the nose and he crumpled to the ground like foil.

  She yanked the bit gag free at last and turned toward one of the men on the street. He was a hefty fellow, with a Star Wars shirt on his torso and his dick in his hand. Cursing, she searched for another. Her eyes fell on a tattooed biker who seemed bored with the whole affair.

  “Please!” she said. “Help me! This isn't s a show, it's a rape!”

  “Ha ha,” said the cameraman, getting to his feet and trying to stem the flow of blood from his smashed nose. “Great performance, Tiffany. She really gets into this shit.”

  “Looks like she does,” said the Biker, pulling down his shades. He was handsome in spite of his unkempt appearance. “You're bleeding there, brother.”

  “Just a blood capsule, sir,” said the Camera man. He turned toward Gray Hair and Barry, but they were so busy screwing Roberta that they didn't notice what had transpired. “Just a blood capsule.”

  “Yeah, right,” said the biker. He turned to Tiffany. “Listen up, miss, and listen good. Are you telling the truth? Because I'm about to do something that'll get me thrown in jail if you're not, and I have warrants.”

  “Oh god, mister,” Tiffany said, pleading “I'm telling the truth, I swear I am!”

  She fumbled with the gloves but couldn't get them off. The camera man managed to grab her around the waist and clamp a hand over her mouth and she squealed.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” snapped the camera man “and forget what you saw, or I'll call the police!”

  “Let her go, asshole,” said the biker, moving toward them. Tiffany used the distraction to attack on two fronts. She bit down hard on the camera man's hand and stomped his foot with the heavy horse shoe on her right boot. He screamed and released her, falling to the ground holding his broken foot.

  The biker helped Tiffany out of the harness and threw his leather jacket over her bare shoulders.

  “Thank you,” she gushed “thank you so much!”

  “Don't mention it,” he said. “Name's Joe, by the way. You're a pretty girl. Wish we'd met under different circumstances.”

  “Boss,” said the cameraman, trying to get Gray Hair's attention. “BOSS!”

  Tiffany kicked him in the face with her hoof. Most of his teeth exploded onto the pavement, and the cameraman went still. She advanced on Gray Hair's back. He was fucking Roberta's asshole, so intent on raping her that he didn't notice Tiffany sneaking up. She raised her hoofed hands over her head and brought them down over the back of his neck.

  Gray Hair stiffened and fell over, his cock sliding out of Roberta and flopping in an almost humorous manner. He stared up at Tiffany, eyes wide.

  “What did you do?” he asked, limbs twitching. “I can't—I can't move! You broke my neck! I'm paralyzed!”

  “Serves you fucking right,” Tiffany said, spitting in his face. At this point Barry had pulled his cock out of Roberta's mouth and was coming for her, but Joe intercepted and sent him sprawling with a fist to the jaw.

  Tiffany stomped on Gray Hair's crotch, relishing his scream of agony. The crowd thought it was all in fun and cheered. She sneered down at him and stomped on his balls again, and again.

  “How does it feel?” she snapped.


  “To have your body violated—”


  “While a bunch of fucking maniacs—”


  “Stands there and watches?”


  Gray Hair whimpered, biting through his lower lip and trying to plead. Judging by the red stain in his crotch, there would be no more rape in his future. Assuming he ever regained the ability to move.

  Tiffany kicked him in the face and would have stomped him to death if Joe hadn't pried her away. The biker released her from the hoof gloves, and the two of them freed Roberta and the other captives. The third camera man fled the scene, disappearing into the crowd.

  “You need to see a doctor,” said Joe, wincing at the blood coming from Tiffany's torn and bleeding nipples.

  “I've been in worse pain,” she said, managing to smile. “Believe me! Let's call the cops and get these two assholes where they belong—in a cell!”

  “I don't get along with the police,” said Joe, looking nervous.

  “Don't worry,” Tiffany said with a grin. “My uncle is the police commandant for the greater San Francisco area. You won't be arrested, I promise.”

  “Thanks,” said Joe, wiping sweat off his brow with a move of his beefy bare arm. “I, uh...I never got your name.”

  “Tiffany,” she said. “Tiffany Portia Winters. You've met me at a very interesting time in my life, Joe.”


  Tiffany peeled back the bandage on her right nipple, wincing at the swelling around her stitches. It had been a week, but they were barely healed. Her poor treatment and lack of nutrition was holding her natural healing process back, but the doctors assured her it would improve soon.

  She quickly replaced the bandage and adjusted her gown as the door to her hospital room swung open. Tiffany had been expecting her parents, but instead Joe and Roberta came into the room. Roberta was wearing her nun's habit again, and Joe had actually combed his unkempt hair.

  She decided she loved them both.

  “How are you?” asked Roberta, sitting on the bed and taking Tiffany's hand in both of her own.

  “I'm fine,” Tiffany said, smiling. “Hurting but fine. I mean, I've had some nightmares but that's to be expected, right?”

  Roberta didn't answer, but squeezed her hand warmly. Joe cleared his throat.

  “Thought you'd like to know,” he said, scratching the back of his grizzly head “that the Palace has been shut down and most of your captors have been arrested. Turns out there was an Interpol agent working on the inside for months, some Russian
special operative or some such. She gathered enough evidence to put those creeps behind bars for good.”

  “They don't deserve to go to prison,” said Tiffany harshly. “They deserve to suffer more than that.”

  “Well,” Joe said, grinning a gap toothed grin. “As it turns out, I've got some friends on the inside of the prison system, and well... they aren't going to have too pleasant of a go of things. Think being traded for cigarettes by three hundred pound hairy men.”

  “Good,” Tiffany said, while Roberta looked upset. “Hey, honey, I'm sorry. I guess you aren't down with that, huh?”

  “God is said to forgive all sins,” Roberta said. Then her face took on a wicked cast. “But fuck those assholes. I hope they get buttfucked to death!”

  Tiffany and Joe laughed. Roberta shrugged and stroked Tiffany's long blonde hair. She recalled the nights of bound passion they'd enjoyed together.

  Maybe she could have a girlfriend AND a boyfriend…

  The End

  Author’s Note

  Kristine was born the youngest child in a large family in St. Louis, Mo. Left to her own devices by an absent father and a sickly mother, she delved deep into the darkest parts of her own psyche. It is from this dark wellspring that her stories flow. She likes heavy metal music, Caesar salads, and sex sex sex!!!

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