Forbidden Vows: An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Forbidden Vows: An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 13

by Liz K. Lorde

  My eyes rake quickly across the room, noting Ana by a window, her eyes downcast. Yuri stands towering over her slight form.

  “You think you can just ignore me?” Yuri shouts, his voice carrying easily across the room. He laughs, a rough, grating sound. “I guess you’ve forgotten since you left, the consequences of disobeying me.”

  Ana’s eyes shoot quickly upward, looking harshly onto Yuri’s face.

  “Forget?” She asks, her voice a matching growl. “How could I forget what you did to me?” She takes a step towards him, her muscles visibly tensed in challenge. “You tormented me, tortured me. You’re a fucking monster!”

  For a very brief moment, surprise flashes in Yuri’s eyes, his menacing expression moving quickly from shock to utter outrage.

  “You insolent bitch!” he shouts as he recovers.

  His arm snakes quickly downward, grabbing roughly at Ana’s gorgeous face.

  I can’t watch any longer. My blood boils furiously inside of me, my vision blurring in the depths of my fury.

  “Did your little vacation make you think that you could talk like that?” He screams. “Let me remind you how things work around here!”

  His free hand balls into a fist, pulling quickly backward, as I rush headlong into the room. Seeing me, Ana’s eyes, fearless and stubborn, transform into a look of relief washing readily over her face.

  I pull my gun from my waistband, as if by magic, and I am on Yuri, as his arm flies quickly and powerfully arching towards Ana’s face.

  I want to shoot him in the head. With every ounce of strength, fury and heartache, I want to see the life drain out of his eyes. But I’m forced to admit that killing Yuri outright will draw too much attention and suspicion to Ana and myself, and that’s the last thing I need.

  Instead, I channel all of my rage into a single, powerful blow; my gun meeting his head with a sickening crack.

  His arm twitches to a stop mere inches from Ana’s face, his body slackening instantly. The hand on Ana’s face loosens, dropping idly to his side. With a heavy thud, he hits the floor between us.

  Silence fills the room, and then, Ana’s heavy breathing can be heard.

  She stares across at me as if she’s seen a ghost, and I start to wonder if she ever got my message.

  Her arms wrap quickly around me, her lips trailing manically up the side of my face.

  “Cas!” she shouts, pulling me tightly against her, “You’re here!”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Of course I’m here Ana, where else would I go?”

  She clings frantically to me. “I thought you were dead.”

  “Since when has that ever stopped me?”

  She pulls back, looking at me bemusedly for a moment before her eyes trail slowly down to Yuri’s unconscious form.

  “Shit, Cas, we have to go.”

  She reaches for my hand, already trying to pull me towards the door.

  “Wait, wait. We can’t go yet.”

  “What do you mean?” She asks frantically, her voice raising an octave.

  “Don’t worry,” I answer, rubbing my thumb thoughtlessly across her hand. “I have a plan.”

  For a second, she looks like she might argue, but her eyes quickly clear.

  She nods slowly. “Okay, what’s the plan?”

  “Well, to begin with, we need to hide this fucking idiot, so that no one knows I’ve been here.”

  She looks assessingly around the room.

  “Okay, we’ll stash him somewhere, make it look like he got drunk and passed out.”

  “Will anyone buy that?” I ask skeptically.

  Her laugh has very little to do with humor.

  “You don’t know Yuri,” she answers.

  Now, it’s my turn to nod along. “Okay, that might work.”

  “Then what?” she asks.

  I run through the plan in my mind, trying to decide how best to adjust things to our new situation.

  It’s hard to focus now that Ana’s is in front of me; my eyes pull repeatedly toward her.

  “Cas?” she asks, looking mildly panicked.

  I can’t help myself, it’s been so long.

  I reach out quickly, pulling her against me in a rush. My lips crash roughly into hers, drinking in her taste.

  She kisses me back just as fiercely, her fingers running quickly up into my hair.

  “Let’s worry about that in a minute,” I whisper against her mouth.

  She says nothing at first, only reaches down to twine her fingers through my own.

  “Sounds like a plan,” she answers, pulling me gently towards the bed.

  Chapter 30


  Cas’ fingers grip tightly onto my own as I lead him slowly towards the bed. My heart flutters in my chest, heat radiating through my body even at the slightest touch.

  After weeks of thinking him dead, the man I love is at my side again, his eyes focused intently on me.

  It seems like so much has happened since I saw him last, so much pain and suffering. I wonder at how he managed to survive again. I wonder where we go from here.

  Questions flit briefly through my mind as we near the bed, each one quickly seeming insignificant in the face of my need.

  I glance towards Yuri’s slumped form, feeling a wild thrill course through me at his presence here. Even unaware as he is, what we’re doing feels like the ultimate insult. I revel in the thought.

  I turn when I reach the mattress, Cas’ lips crashing into mine as I face him.

  His hands run roughly over my body, his fingers thoroughly exploring every inch.

  I reach out to him in turn, clinging tightly as I try to convey with my touch what words seem incapable of.

  I’m never letting him go.

  The idea of being apart from him again, even for the barest moment, makes my heart ache terribly.

  His hands run slowly down the length of me, stopping as they reach the back of my thighs. I whimper against his lips as they tighten, his fingers pressing firmly into me as he lifts me from the ground.

  My legs wrap instinctively around his waist, my arms twining behind his head.

  Molten heat seems to build in my core, burning and expanding as he kneels onto the bed, lowering me tantalizingly slowly to my back.

  “Cas,” I moan as my head hits the pillow, his name tasting remarkably in my mouth.

  He leans down to kiss me, his lips roving gently against my mouth as his tongue slides against my own.

  I run my fingers through his hair, raking them roughly across his scalp as I unlock my ankles from his back.

  He pulls slowly back from me, breaking our kiss to lower his lips to my neck.

  Slowly, torturously, he begins to run them across me, making his way towards my collar bone.

  Chills wash over my skin at his touch, my mind swirling in delight.

  “God, I missed you,” he groans, the heat of his breath washing over my chest.

  “I missed you,” I choke out, still struggling to find words capable of encompassing my emotions.

  His lips resume their course, kissing frantically across me. He stops as he reaches the neckline of my dress, scowling at it slightly as if its presence offends him.

  He brings himself to his knees before me, his hands reaching out to grasp at the delicate fabric. With a small grunt, he pulls, splitting the bodice in a single tug.

  The sound of tearing reaches my ears, impossibly loud in the enclosed space.

  I stare up at him, utterly transfixed as I watch him pull the remaining fabric. It splits easily, his eyes finding mine as he sunders it completely.

  He looks intently down at me, his green eyes seeming to burn from within.

  Slowly, he releases the remains of my dress. It pools limply around me, cool air rushing in to fill the space it once occupied.

  His hands reach quickly for the hem of his own shirt, his eyes still locked fiercely to my own.

  My skin flushes hotly as I watch him pull the uniform up over his
head, his tanned muscles gleaming brilliantly in the low lighting.

  My fingers twitch unconsciously, my body desperate to touch him.

  I sit up quickly, my fingers grasping desperately to his hips as I pull him back atop me.

  His mouth reclaims mine immediately, his kiss even more frantic now. I moan against his lips, my body grinding uncontrollably up towards him.

  “Ana,” he moans, his voice gravely with passion, “oh, cuore mio.”

  He reaches down with one hand, his fingers quickly grasping the thin lace of my underwear. With a single tug, he tears it, the fabric easily giving way.

  I mimic the gesture, reaching between us, my hands searching desperately for his pants.

  I find his belt quickly, clumsily unbuckling it before undoing the clasps that stubbornly separate us.

  He helps me tug them free, kicking them roughly to the floor. My body aches, my every nerve craving for his touch.

  His cock springs blessedly free, throbbing enticingly between us.

  “Cas,” I moan, “I need you.”

  He groans in response, one hand pushing at my leg as he positions himself before me.

  Every inch of my body yearns for him fiercely.

  I cry out as he finally finds me, sliding slowly into my dripping pussy. I feel myself tighten around him, my hips thrusting automatically back against him.

  I need him—all of him.

  My mind locks, unmoving to the desire. The world seems to fade out in comparison to my overwhelming need.

  He thrusts deeply into me, filling me inch by inch.

  My fingers twine back through his hair, tugging roughly as waves of electricity begin to shoot through my body.

  My mouth is open, moan after moan slipping freely between my teeth. All thought seems to shrivel in my mind, my concern and fear dissolving.

  In this moment, I couldn’t care less if we’re caught. I have no concern for our circumstances, or the man still lying unconscious on the floor before us.

  My thoughts and needs begin and end with the man inside of me. My every desire now is being fulfilled entirely by him.

  His lips find mine, effectively silencing me as his tongue roves deeply into my mouth.

  His cock thrusts frantically inside of me, my hips answering his movements exactly.

  “Ana,” he moans again, pulling briefly back.

  I stare into his fathomless green eyes, feeling love and happiness crash through me in waves.

  “Cas,” I cry, feeling my body begin to tense around him.

  Wave after wave of ecstasy seems to shoot through me, my skin tingling, my muscles tightening reflexively.

  I feel my orgasm building, delicious heat flaring through my body.

  I grind furiously against him, feeling him immediately match my pace. My body quivers, my pussy tightening as I am rocketed away in ecstasy.

  I come hard, ineffable pleasure ripping through me as my body begins to spasm.

  I feel Cas’ muscles bunch under my fingers, his cum filling me even as my orgasm continues to rack my body.

  My fingers dig into him, my nails pressing firmly into his flesh.

  I cry out, his name tumbling from my lips repeatedly.

  Even as our movements begin to slow, I’m awash in euphoria, every inch of my body tingling in delight.

  My own heavy breathing reaches my ears in the next moment, the only sound as Cas slowly pulls himself from me.

  He collapses onto the bed beside me, immediately reaching out to pull me against him.

  I sidle close to his body, needing his touch now as much as ever. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to leave his side again. I cling to him, breathing him in as his hand finds my back, slowly circling my flaring skin.

  We lie silently for a long moment, savoring in the intensity of our reunion.

  I wish we never had to move, never had to face the obstacles that stand so obtrusively before us.

  As always though, moments end.

  I feel Cas stir at my side, his eyes drawing heavily to Yuri’s slumped form.

  “We have to deal with him,” he says, effectively breaking the spell.

  I groan, my fear and uncertainty flaring immediately back to life at his words.

  “What are we going to do, Cas?” I ask, following his gaze. “He’s a monster. He won’t ever stop. He’s already decided that I’m his.”

  “You are mine,” he growls, “not his…ever. I swear to you, Ana, I’ll never let him have you.”

  His eyes find mine, his promise radiating through them.

  I feel myself calm under his stare, my frantic mind believing him without question.

  Cas will always come for me; he will never let Yuri win.

  “Let’s just leave,” I say, sitting up quickly. “Right now, Cas. Let’s just leave. We can sneak out. We don’t have to face them ever again.”

  He groans, sitting up slowly beside me.

  “You have to trust me, Ana,” he says, laying a hand gently on my arm. “I have a plan. If we leave now, they’ll just follow. You know that. We have to end this, once and for all.”

  I nod slowly in response, knowing the truth of his words, no matter how much I wish otherwise.


  He smiles thinly, concern shining in his eyes.

  “I won’t let him have you,” he repeats.

  I feel my own lips tug into a smile.

  “I know.”


  He reaches down, twining his fingers through mine encouragingly.

  “There’s something else,” I say, my hand thoughtlessly traveling to my stomach, “something I need to tell you.”


  I gaze down at my abdomen, quickly looking back to him.

  Understanding immediately shows in his eyes, hope flaring in them as his smile widens.

  “You are?”

  I can only nod, tears welling up in my eyes.

  “Oh, Ana.”

  He reaches for me, pulling me back against him. His lips press to my forehead, his body seeming to thrum with joy.

  “I’m going to get us out of here,” he says, his words ringing with utter finality, “all of us. And I promise you, Ana, we’re never coming back.”

  Chapter 31


  Despite standing over Yuri’s unconscious body, Ana is beautiful. Her blonde hair is messy and wild now, her lipstick a little smudged.

  I know I need to concentrate on the task ahead. But it’s hard. It’s so good to have her body so close to me.

  Her fingers are tracing mine. I wonder if I’ll ever stop aching for her again.

  I force myself to focus.

  We are disagreeing. I hate it when we disagree.

  She tucks a strand of that beautiful hair behind her ear, a frown of concentration sitting below her flushed cheeks. Her blue eyes are fierce as she stares down at her would-be husband.

  Her never-to-be husband, I remind myself forcefully.

  “I just want this to end, Cas bear. I want to leave with you and the baby and never come back.”

  I love that my baby is this fierce. But…I know we need to wait.

  She squeezes my hand. Her hand is so small.

  I look at her tiny wrist, and then down at her belly. I have two beautiful people to look after now. I can’t fuck this up.

  She looks up at me with an uncharacteristic force. “I want you to kill him now.”

  I love her brutality in this moment. It’s beautiful. And if I’m being honest with myself, it’s hot.

  I would do anything that she asked. And I will kill Yuri.

  Oh, fuck yes, I will kill Yuri.

  But not yet. I’m hatching a plan. I touch her cheek.

  “I have other plans. We need to wait.”

  “I don’t want to wait, Cas! I’m sick of waiting!”

  “Ana baby, I’m so sick of waiting, too.”

  I run my hands along her back, and I swear she purrs. She is so goddamn close to
me right now. But I pull myself together.

  “Baby, one more night. Give me one more night, and we can fix this properly.”

  Her little frown spreads. “I trust you, Cas. But I’m so sca—”

  I silence her with a kiss. “I’m not going to lose you again, cuore mio. I need to cover all our exits. This is too important to do badly.”

  I cup her chin with my hands.

  “I love you. I’ll see you in the morning. We leave this mess forever tomorrow night.”

  Her eyes are brimming with tears. One spills over and begins to run down her cheek.

  Again, I silence the sadness with a kiss. Again, my heart is breaking too. But this has to work.

  I kneel and kiss her belly goodbye as well, imagining that I can almost hear a heartbeat as I place my ear against the soft curve.

  “This is just goodbye for now,” I whisper to them both.

  She pulls me up again, and we kiss with a kiss that says everything that can’t be said after three years.

  The kiss is desperate.

  I feel her teeth on my lip. The warmth of her mouth. The quiet determination in the way she presses her body against mine.

  She is so small in my arms, but so strong.

  It is almost impossible to pull away, yet we manage it.

  I drag Yuri down the hall by his shoulders. Despite his heft, he’s light as a feather to me. Noticing the ugly little frown lines that mark his forehead, I am satisfied to see a nasty bump forming there.

  Looking down at this man who has taken everything from me so many times, I can feel an angry animal awakening.

  I hate this mansion. I hate this man. I hate the trashy art in these corridors—at least they are blessedly empty.

  I’m almost at his room when a maid appears out of nowhere. My instinct is to freeze, but I have long ago mastered my instincts.

  The maid looks tired and worn out…far too tired for her age. She can’t be older than twenty-five, but she looks exhausted enough for fifty. Her face is anxious and harassed as she approaches me, and while my heart is pounding, my face remains expressionless.

  “Is that…?” she says, walking towards me. “It is! It’s Yuri! Why is Yuri passed out?”

  Even her voice is tired.


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