Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2)

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Red Moon (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 2) Page 19

by RK Close

  “I thought you came to kill me for what I discovered about Deirdre. Did you?” I eye him warily.

  His face looks grim and hard, but beneath the rough exterior, I think I see the pain of a father.

  “That’s not the way it works in a pack. Justice is upheld, even if my daughter is involved.” His words are cold and final, but his eyes tell me a different story. He loves his daughter, and this is killing him.

  “Why are you here, Colin?”

  “To thank you for giving our family the chance to hear about this before you informed the Luna Pack.” His eyes never waver. “And to let you know that Deirdre has run off, but we’ll find her. Cian is already searching.”

  “How did she know?” I ask.

  “Cian called her before me. He claims that he only wanted to talk to her, but it’s possible he wanted to give her a head start. I’ll deal with Cian later. First, we need to find Deirdre before the Luna Pack does,” he says, turning to walk away.

  “What does pack law say if she’s involved?” I ask his retreating back.

  “That would depend,” he says, still walking away.

  “On what?”

  “On too many factors to discuss with you, Ms. Chase.” Without looking back, he turns a corner and disappears.


  Walking into a local bakery, I spot Sean seated at a table looking stressed and worried. I can’t say I blame him. I feel the same as I walk over to him and plop down in the opposite chair.

  I try to give him a sympathetic look before a waitress takes my order for a coffee.

  “I’m beyond sorry, Sean.”

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t bring this on our family. I still don’t know what Deirdre’s involvement could have been, but we’ll get to the bottom of it,” Sean says, looking like he’s just aged ten years.

  He toys with his coffee cup but doesn’t take a drink.

  “Your father paid me a visit this morning.” Sean looks surprised. “Seems he wanted to thank me for waiting to inform the Luna Pack, and to let me know about Deirdre running off.”

  He looks thoughtful for a moment. “You must impress him. That’s not something I would have expected him to do.” Sean does finally take a sip of his coffee. From the grimace on his face, it must be cold.

  “What will happen to Deirdre if she was involved with Madison’s disappearance? What exactly is ‘pack law’ for something like this?”

  “If Madison is dead, the Luna Pack will carry out the sentencing and punishment,” he says grimly.

  My memory of the encounter with the Luna Pack flashes in my mind, and I’m instantly afraid for his sister.

  “You can’t be serious. The Luna Pack is vicious. They might hurt Deirdre.”

  “If Madison is dead, they’ll do more than that, Sam. Think, eye for an eye.” Sean looks miserable.

  “She will go to trial and have a lawyer, but they can’t kill her!” I exclaim, my voice rising.

  Sean looks around warily before reaching across the table and taking my hand.

  “We can’t stop this, Sam. My family, our pack, is searching for her everywhere. We don’t want her being mistreated before the Gathering, but that’s all we can do. We must respect pack law or chaos will ensue. And you don’t want to live in a world with lawless werewolves.”

  Unfortunately, I’m unable to get Sean to elaborate any further. I leave the bakery feeling exhausted and drained.

  I check in with Jacob, who confirms our plan to visit the witch-friendly bar to meet his contact. I run every errand I can think of trying to give the O’Donnell family time to locate Deirdre. All the while, Adam’s missing presence is like a huge hole in my very being—as if an essential part of myself is gone.


  Finally, I get the call from Sean. They found Deirdre. Relief washes over me. One small detail to stop worrying about. Surely Sean exaggerated, and his family and even his pack will protect her. That thought came to a screeching halt with his next words.

  “Sam, the Gathering will be tomorrow night. We’d like you to be there. Deirdre has asked to see you before. Will you come to my father’s house tomorrow, and then to the Gathering after?” Sean asks over the phone.

  I don’t know what to say. I’m the reason Deirdre is implicated in Madison’s disappearance. My voice is shaky when I answer. “Why does she want to see me? What did she say?”

  “She won’t tell us what happened until she sees you. I’d ask you to come sooner, but my father wants her to confess to him first. So far, she’s not speaking to any of us.”

  “Is she okay?”

  “She cries a great deal. I’ve sat with her, held her while she sobs, but she won’t speak about it. Not even to me.”

  His words hurt my heart and I feel for him. “Of course I’ll come. Will your father be welcoming?” I ask.

  “As welcoming as he can be.”

  “I’ll be there at ten tomorrow night. Goodbye, Sean.”

  “Thank you, Sam.”

  Now to call Genevieve and inform the Luna Pack of my discovery. Wish there was a way to skip this call altogether, but this was the job I was hired to do, and I still have my ethics to uphold, even if the rules I’ve always played by keep changing on me.


  Genevieve Taylor expressed no emotion that I could detect when I told her what I’d discovered. She asks why it took so long for me to find this information and if I’d been hiding it for the Mojave Pack. I assure her that I hadn’t, but I’m not sure if she believes me. She ends the call rather abruptly, which doesn’t surprise me either.

  I don’t understand why Deirdre won’t speak to anyone but me. We barely know each other. My biggest question: what happened to Madison Taylor? It seems that Deirdre may hold the key to finding her.

  Now I have even more time on my hands to find Adam, but no ability to do anything about it. It makes me want to scream in frustration.

  I make my way back to the condo as if moving through water. Every movement seems cumbersome and laborious. Why do I feel this way? I drop my things in a pile by the front door before dragging myself to the sofa.

  I lie down, thinking I’ll just rest my eyes for a minute.


  Jacob is gently shaking me awake. There’s little light in the dark living room, so I know it’s night already.

  Oh, crap!

  I jump up like I’ve been shocked. “Did I miss the meeting?” I ask frantically.

  Jacob looks concerned.

  “No, we have time. I couldn’t reach you on your cell phone, so I came to check on you.” He studies me, and I wonder what he sees that has him looking like that.

  “I must have fallen asleep. I’m sorry. What time is it?” I ask, disoriented.

  “It’s ten past nine.”

  “What?” I demand.

  “How long have you been sleeping, Sam?” Jacob asks.

  “Most of the afternoon, I guess.” This is not like me. All my energy is slipping away when I need to be bringing my A-game.

  “Just give me a minute, and I’ll be ready to go,” I say, walking into my room to freshen up.

  Jacob nods at me.

  After I splash water on my face and change into jeans, a loose sweater and ankle boots, I still don’t feel ready for a club, but this should do. Lip gloss is my only effort at glam tonight. I can’t be bothered. We need to find Adam, time is running out.


  Jacob drives a Porsche. Why didn’t I know this? I may not have known what he drove, but my imagination would have placed him in a topless Jeep with a surfboard attached, rather than the sports car.

  We pull up in front of Wicked Ways, a night club I’ve never been to. I’ve never even heard of it, but it seems to be popular from the line of party-goers waiting to get in. Waiting in lines and parking tickets are high on my “hate” list.

  “How’s Dayna?” I inquire as the valet takes Jacob’s keys.

  The irony of my question does not escape me. I just asked Jacob
—the vampire—how my best friend is doing.

  When did that happen?

  “She’s rather over spending time with her mother,” Jacob says, chuckling.

  “I bet she is,” I say, smiling. Dayna and her mom love each other, but their relationship is anything but harmonious.

  The thought of Dayna going crazy being cooped up in an apartment with her mom for days is painfully funny. Dayna likes to be on the move always. Sitting in one place for too long will make her edgy and volatile. Mix in the mother-daughter element, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Can’t wait to hear all about it.

  I’m surprised when Jacob leads us to the front of the line. He hands a card to the bouncer who looks at it then steps back to allow us inside. Jacob grabs my hand and pulls me along.

  Wicked Ways is dark inside with flashing neon colors and plenty of black lights to give objects an otherworldly glow. This place is packed for a Wednesday night. It must be Lady’s Night or something. Judging by the dress code, which is predominantly black and sexy, I wore the wrong colors. Plus, the black lights make my sweater stands out like a neon sign in a sea of black.

  Could I be any more conspicuous?

  Jacob leads me through the club, past the dance floors and three different bars, to a spiral staircase in the rear of the building. At the top of the stairs is a metal landing that overlooks the club with private rooms that give a great view of the activities below. Two of the rooms have people in them drinking and laughing.

  This must be their VIP lounge. Some rooms have maroon velvet curtains pulled shut. I begin to wonder what’s behind them when Jacob moves one of the curtains aside and motions for me to enter. A weird sensation passes through me as I cross the threshold and enter the dimly lit area. Inside, there is an overstuffed sectional sofa, round drink table, and an abundance of plush pillows. I spare a glance at Jacob to see if he noticed anything, but his focus is on the only occupant in the room.

  Sitting in the middle of the sofa is an exotic-looking young woman wearing goth club attire. The woman’s long, dark hair reminds me of flowing black ink. Her top is tight and cut low to show off her ample breasts that threaten to spill out of the push-up bra. I try to avert my eyes from her cleavage, but it’s like a flashing neon sign screaming “look at me”!

  “Cassandra,” Jacob acknowledges her.

  The young woman motions for us to take a seat. Cassandra eyes Jacob from top to bottom, like a hungry animal. Her lustful gaze makes me feel jealous for Dayna’s sake. After a moment, she turns her attention to me. Instantly I feel uncomfortable under her scrutiny.

  “You’ve fairy about you. Who are your kin?” Cassandra asks in a velvety southern drawl. The little witch studies me intently.

  Suddenly, I don’t want to answer her questions. She makes me uneasy. Warning bells are ringing in my head, but I can’t say why.

  Jacob must sense my unease. “Cassandra, we’ve come for information regarding a witch named Giselle—not Sam’s heritage. What can you tell me about her?”

  She continues to watch me but picks up a bright blue cocktail in a martini glass before leaning back against the cushions.

  “Cass. You may call me Cass, vampire. I know why you’re here. If you want information from me, you must first give me something.” She turns her gaze to Jacob.

  “Giselle is a threat to us both. Your coven could be destroyed if she so desired,” Jacob says coolly. In doing so, he moves closer to her, resting his hand behind her. His movement appears seductive, but it’s a hidden threat that even I understand.

  Cassandra doesn’t seem fazed and continues to sip her drink while watching Jacob over her glass. Time appears to move slowly, while I watch their silent battle of wills.

  “What is it you would request, Cassandra?” Jacob asks.

  “Only to read her palm.”

  Both Jacob and Cassandra look at me.

  Sounds harmless to me, but for some reason, I don’t trust this witch.

  “I don’t care,” I say, thrusting my hand in her direction.

  She starts to grab it anxiously, but Jacob latches onto her wrist before she can touch me. Cassandra looks startled but then glares at Jacob defiantly.

  “No trickery, witch, or you’ll die here tonight,” Jacob says with deadly calm.

  Cassandra yanks her wrist free and returns her gaze to me. I extend my hand again, but not as readily. She grasps my wrist, and I feel a jolt of something like electricity runs up my arm, causing me to gasp. Cassandra smiles wickedly at me before bending over my palm to inspect it. She slides her fingertips over the lines on my hand and then closes her eyes for a long moment.

  I look at Jacob nervously, and he gives me a reassuring nod.

  After a few moments more, Cassandra opens her eyes looking surprised and curious.

  “What?” I ask.

  Ignoring my question, she looks at Jacob before saying, “The one you seek joined my coven, a couple of weeks ago. She claimed she was from Seattle and had to move for work. She goes by the name Lucinda, but I know she lies. I have gifts that others do not. I could sense her difference but wasn’t sure what it was at first. She feels like you.” Cassandra nods at Jacob. “She’s a Vrykolakas, isn’t she?” Casandra asks, releasing my hand and leaning back against the cushions again.

  “A what?” I ask.

  “Vrykolakas. It is the Greek word for vampire,” Jacob says, looking at Cassandra.

  “I’ve stayed clear of her for this reason. I suspect she knows that I’m aware, but she’s made no threat or moves against me, and I’ve not said anything to my coven. I’m hoping she moves on soon and leaves us be.”

  “That’s a calculated risk. Are you prepared to jeopardize your entire coven on hope?” Jacob asks.

  Cassandra stares at him a moment. “I believe she has a purpose here and we are not part of it.”

  “Where can I find her?” Jacob asks.

  “This is her address, or at least the one she provided.” Cassandra hands Jacob a piece of paper. He takes it from her, looks at it, and then holds the paper over the candle on the table until it burns to ash.

  Jacob stands to leave, and I follow his lead. Before exiting the room, I turn to Cassandra and ask, “What did you discover from reading my hand?”

  She smiles and says, “You come from a powerful fairy lineage.”

  “What does that even mean?” I ask.

  “I’m not totally sure, but your nature is awakening in you. Don’t you feel it?” She waves a dismissive hand at me before I can answer. Feeling my welcome is worn out, I follow Jacob through the curtain.

  What a freak show.

  My first encounter with a witch, leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  Pausing to look across the sea of people on the dance floor below, a face catches my eye. Giselle, the woman from my dream, is watching me from below.


  Wicked Ways

  Giselle watches me a moment longer then turns and quickly disappears into the sea of bodies. I look to my right and know that Jacob spotted her as well. He gives me a questioning look, but then barks a command at me before disappearing.

  “Stay here.”

  “Where would I go?” I mumble to myself.

  My mind is on what Cassandra said to me. My concern is that it ties in with what Gabe had said about me having some fairy in my bloodline. Per his uncle’s research, that’s the only way I could have survived his and Adam’s blood in my system at the same time. Apparently, vampire and angel blood are not compatible. But when tempered with fairy blood, you get to live.

  Not knowing my family history is a real problem. My parents said there wasn’t much of a family. They made it sound so ordinary that they were both the only child, claiming both sets of grandparents had passed before I was old enough to remember them.

  Now that my family tree is in question, I realize my parents had very few family photos. Why that never struck me as odd, I don’t know. Now, I find it extremely suspicious. Could my parents have know
n about fairies? What do fairies even look like? I’m visualizing large bugs flying around a garden. I don’t even like bugs.

  When Gabe first mentioned the idea, I laughed at him. But now, knowing what I know, I’m suspicious of everything, even my parents and my childhood. That’s a terrible feeling.

  My mind can’t handle where my thoughts are going, so I turn to go back into the room and ask Cassandra more questions while I wait for Jacob. I pull back the curtain, but the room is empty.


  It’s only a couple of minutes before Jacob appears at my side, causing me to jump embarrassingly.

  “Would you not sneak up on me like that? Can’t you at least stop a short distance away so I can see you coming? It’s unnerving,” I snap.

  “My apologies,” Jacob says, looking frustrated. “I lost her. She knows we’re on her trail.”

  “Why did you look at me funny when we spotted Giselle?” We begin making our way down the spiral staircase.

  “How did you recognize her?”

  “I saw her in a dream I had last night,” I say casually.

  Jacob stops, and I run into his broad back, which feels like I hit a wall with my face. My nose is throbbing from our collision, and I gently touch it to check for damage.

  Jacob turns and looks at me. “Why didn’t you mention the dream to me?”

  “I don’t know. We’ve been busy, and I didn’t think about it. Why?” I ask.

  Jacob looks perturbed with me. “Samantha, your dreams have meaning and knowledge. They’re not random. What exactly happened in this dream? Give me every detail,” Jacob commands.

  He used my full name. I must be in trouble.

  “I saw you, Adam, and several other vampires surrounding a house near some woods. You set the house on fire and killed the two witches that ran out. I saw Giselle watching from the woods as the house burned. She mourned over her sisters after everyone had left. That’s pretty much all that happened.” I don’t know if I should tell him about the kiss from Adam. It seems too personal and unrelated.


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